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My PvP Experience, then and now


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I have been playing this game for less than 3 months so far, have 5 characters, 3 at 55. At some point in pre-2.0 I decided to try pvp warzones and it honestly was not fun. The experience was pretty much, run around, get killed, run around, do one thing, get killed, run around get killed. Needless to say I got bored quick and just quit pvp. I knew that I could stick it out for 2 weeks and become farm bait, but I had better things to do like building alts, learning better ways to tank, doing ops, and of course spend some time walking in the park or go have fun with friends. After asking around in general chat, I found out that this was a common situation when it comes to the pvp in this game. Oh well, not a big deal, I actually play this game for the story, so not PvPing was not a big deal to me.


Recently someone told me about the bolster in the new patch and said that even in pve gear I could get 1900+ expertise for having BM gear. So I decided to try it again. I obviously did not get 1900 expertise in BM gear and a 28 hilt lightsaber, it was around 1300-1400. But the difference was huge. I was actually able to contribute to the warzone. I healed a lot, was able to survive attacks from even 2 dps (using self heals, CCs and of course running away and hiding behind rocks/mountains ;) ). It was actually more fun. I had the highest healing numbers in that warzone and was even voted mvp by some (well 2 people :rolleyes:). So I decided to do another one. The next one was too easy, I never died once-even though I was attacked by 2 or more dps at once-and was the first to get the "unbeatable" title (or whatever it is). The next one, we were crushed but I still had fun and was able to contribute a lot. And the last one that night, we just barely won, so everything everyone did mattered a lot.


Then when I come here I see a lot of people whining about the bolster and just don't understand what they are complaining about. The bolster did what it was supposed to, get more people to participate in PvP. The more people participate, the more money it will generate, the more money it generates, the better they will make it. Isn't that what we all want? Is crushing opponents in 3 hits really that important to people that they want to alienate new players and kill the PvP in the game? I mean I enjoy crushing Black Talon SM (to walk people through) sometimes, but I don't want to do it more than once a week, if even that.


I looked and saw some common arguments, but none honestly hold water.


common argument 1

"I am not against the bolster, but how it was implemented, partisan gear is weaker than BM gear and too many bugs, and no one knows the system"


Umm, I have been testing out the bolster with many different gears and I can assure you, that neither BM gear, nor arkanian gear is even close to as good as partisan gear. The only one that comes close is hazmat gear and that is because it gives a lot of endurance (at least in my experience). BH gear and campaign gear does not give as much expertise as partisan and will usually lower your stats overall. After abusing it as much as I can I ended up with 1900 expertise, and around 2300 main stat, 2300 endurance-that was with 2 partisan implants and 1 partisan earpiece, without them my expertise was around 1830 with BH implants and BM earpiece. I have tested out a few different combos, but partisan gear will always give me better expertise and overall stats (except maybe relic). As for bugs, well, there are a lot of bugs in this game. Bugs are something you have to deal with in either PvP or PVE. I cannot count how many times I ran into invisible walls or got stuck and /stuck didn't do anything for me-had to duel teammate and be pushed out.


common argument 2

"it ruins gear progression"


ummm, I thought the only progression in PvP should be your skill. You play, learn your class more and then crush you opponent with your skill, not some advantage you earned by being here a little longer. I am not a fan of seniority based systems, I like meritocracies. If you have the skill you will succeed, if not you will be left behind. I don't want a crutch, I want the full experience, it will force me to think quicker, come up with better strategies and learn from my experiences. In PVE you need some kind of progression as you play against a predictable computer. In PvP, playing against other more skilled players IS the progression, as you have to adapt to new play styles everyday. I don't understand why people want a gear advantage so much if they claim they have skill. I have played against real PVPers in warzones and was crushed by them, not because they have better gear, but because they are just that good. I learned from those experiences and moved on, that is the progression I feel PvP is for.


common argument 3

"why don't I get a bolster in PVE"


Well, when the bioware sees that a lot of people are giving up on PVE because of a gear barrier and all just doing PvP maybe they will give you a bolster. As it stands, the gear barrier for PVE is very low. You can DPS in partisan gear in 55hm fps and if you are as skilled as you think you are, you can heal as well. The gear barrier for PvP was very high. Someone in recruit gear simply could not do anything against someone better geared and was just used as farm bait.


common argument 4

"why not just get rid of expertise and give me underworld gear"


Because then no one will do PVE. People will just PvP to get their gear and not do any of the PVE. You might hate PVE, but PVE is the lifeblood of this game. It keeps people busy for months and thereby generates money for the company. Is this the best strategy? I don't know, Im not into marketing, but it is currently the strategy bioware is using and they will probably not give up on it. That is the real reason why expertise was made to begin with, to keep people in PVE and to stop them from taking the PvP shortcut. In short, sorry but you will have to spend weeks doing ops to get that one shiny underworld piece like the rest of us.


common argument 5

"The bolster is not working, I can easily crush any PVEer"


The bolster was never meant to let PVEers crush PVPers. The bolster was meant to give them a fighting chance when they first came in, and would thereby make them comeback. The purpose was to get more people into PVP and thereby generate more revenue. So far with the queue times being less than 1 minute after 1am it seems to be working. A truly skilled PVPer should have no problem with the bolster and should be able to crush new PVEers with only skill, not an unfair advantage they got just for being there longer. If you can't then guess what, you are not a true PVPer, your skill is not as good as you think it is, wake up from your fantasy and learn your role and tactics better.


common argument 6

"I had to put up with recruit gear, why doesn't everyone else have to"


Well, bioware tried that strategy, it didn't work in the most important aspect: getting more people to PVP. If something doesn't work, you don't continue doing it, you try something new. Will the bolster work? Well so far it has gotten a lot of people to PVP, but it might turn out it will not work. If it doesn't then bioware will probably try something new.


common argument 7

"I hate the new system, I am leaving and never coming back"


Bye bye, you will not be missed.



Sorry for the long post, just wanted write my thoughts :)

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Any time anything happens people will whine about it.


You quit pvp because you got stompified by people.


Those people had their gear and do little other than pvp.


Bolster is a threat to their dominance :-)


I think bolster is good, and i only pvp. Bolster doesnt make a noob 55 comparable to even partisan gear. But it makes it so they can at least maybe win a match if the other team has a few noobs too.


Usually when my group recognizes we are against a team of noobs we start acting like rambos or leroying it just for fun. That way they can gank us 3v1 and get some kills. Or maybe they cap a node and we get a good fight (on civil war or novarre coast).


Not all pvpers have an issue with bolster. If i wanted to obliterate noobs i would go open world pvp.

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The bolster system is needed but it was very very poorly implemented, and mostly because they tried to do too much.


The first mistake they made was to implement a system that couldn't handle out of date armor. All the war hero, elite war hero, battlemaster, centurian and recruit gear does not get bolstered at all. Your worse off for wearing it.


The second mistake is that green, blue and purple modded gear from various different levels are not bolstered to the exact same base. If I spend a bunch of planetary comms on purple makeb mods, it is actually inferior to level 35 - 45 blue's bought with the same planetary comms from vendors.


The third mistake is that it tries to "guess" your gear and bolster you to a similar crit chance, surge chance, etc,etc with a diminishing returns system. I'm sorry but even with ****** blue modified gear, if I stack crit or surge then it should bolster me to the 55 equivalent of said gear. That way I can min max however I want and not be punished for doing so.


If the truly wanted to implement a properly working system all they had to do is this ===


Step 1) get rid of all UNMODDABLE gear in the game. This gear is bloat, nobody wears it. It clutters up the game engine and greatly increases the opportunity of the bolster system failing. They can easily change the reward system in this game to provide just comms and orange shells to ensure that people are gearing properly.

Implants, earpieces and relics should all be moddable.


Step 2) Set a bolstered PvP level.. aka item level 27


step 3) Upon entering a PvP warzone or changing your gear within a warzone, have the game scan each slot in your gear. Every single mod, armoring, enhancement, implant, earpiece, relic, hilt, barrel is bolstered to item level 27. It does not matter if its level 20 green gear or level 30 purples. It will be bolstered to item level 27.


aka deft mod 20B is bolstered to deft mod 27B

aka deft mod 30B is bolstered to deft mod 27B


step 4) Ensure all PvP gear is better than item level 27


step 5) Ensure that ALL players are given max expertise while within the warzone. PvP gear will retain its expertise bonus for the sake of world PvP. It isn't needed at all for warzones tho.


Step 6) Ensure that low level characters receive a slight armor / base damage boost to help with their lack of abilities. This boost is reduced to zero by the time they hit 54. The lower the level, the greater the boost.



Edited by JackNader
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The first mistake they made was to implement a system that couldn't handle out of date armor. All the war hero, elite war hero, battlemaster, centurian and recruit gear does not get bolstered at all. Your worse off for wearing it.


Fair argument in principle. But are a lot of people affected by this? Most PVPers are wearing at least partisan now no? And if not these blue armor pieces are very easy to get. If it affects a lot of people then yes bioware should definitely take the time to fix it, if not then maybe it would be better to use that time to fix bugs that actually bother people-I honestly don't know how many people this one affects, but you are right in principle.


The second mistake is that green, blue and purple modded gear from various different levels are not bolstered to the exact same base. If I spend a bunch of planetary comms on purple makeb mods, it is actually inferior to level 35 - 45 blue's bought with the same planetary comms from vendors.


I tested this out and it doesn't seem like you end up on top in the end, especially with the expertise cap. I will test this out again. Any piece of armor you recommend testing it out on? Should I just compare it to makeb gear or should I compare it with hazmat/campaign gear?


Step 1) get rid of all UNMODDABLE gear in the game. This gear is bloat, nobody wears it. It clutters up the game engine and greatly increases the opportunity of the bolster system failing. They can easily change the reward system in this game to provide just comms and orange shells to ensure that people are gearing properly.

Implants, earpieces and relics should all be moddable.


I think a lot of people wish that, bolster or not. If nothing else, so I don't have to buy new mk kits for higher level implants, relics and earpieces.


step 5) Ensure that ALL players are given max expertise while within the warzone. PvP gear will retain its expertise bonus for the sake of world PvP. It isn't needed at all for warzones tho.




Step 6) Ensure that low level characters receive a slight armor / base damage boost to help with their lack of abilities. This boost is reduced to zero by the time they hit 54. The lower the level, the greater the boost.


Most of the complaints are about bolster in 55 warzones not the lower ones.

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Can i go on your next OPs run? I don't have any PvE gear, I don't know the maps or the boss mechanics and I don't want to take any time to learn or aquire what I need/need to know.


Seriously that is exactly what it boils down too.


You got your bolster, removed a enjoyable part of the game for some of us (some of us actually liked the gear grind), just quit posting this rehashed crap that makes the entitlement generation feel better about themselves.

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Any time anything happens people will whine about it.


You quit pvp because you got stompified by people.


Those people had their gear and do little other than pvp.


Yup. I don't mind getting beat by people who have more skill than me, it is still fun and I actually learn some new techniques. But when I get beat because someone has a grueling advantage over me before I can even try to do anything, it's boring. Not complaining or trying to make a statement or saying "I will show them, I will leave and never come back" or anything like that, just did not have fun-the purpose of any game-and decided to go do something else. When I started PVE, if I had to waste my time getting crushed for 2 weeks on Korriban/Hutta before I can even start to fight back a little I would probably quit that out of boredom as well. Once again, not trying to prove anything, just bored and don't want to play :D


Usually when my group recognizes we are against a team of noobs we start acting like rambos or leroying it just for fun. That way they can gank us 3v1 and get some kills. Or maybe they cap a node and we get a good fight (on civil war or novarre coast).


Probably because you're a real PVPer. You don't need any special advantage, you can destroy them easily with just your skill, and at the same time they (me included) will be able to check out some of the tactics you guys use, learn and adjust to become better-either by mimicking some of the things you do or by coming up with counter tactics.

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Enjoyed the read; it pretty much expressed my thoughts verbatim.


Bioware should give PvP'ers more incentives in the form of legacy armor, mounts, different color crystals, etc to be purchased through PvP'ing. This would be nice, even though I would not buy any of them since I have 8 toons to gear up.



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Then when I come here I see a lot of people whining about the bolster and just don't understand what they are complaining about.


Well, that's easy : They want this situation back to be there, without even admitting that it exists, at all :


I have been playing this game for less than 3 months so far, have 5 characters, 3 at 55. At some point in pre-2.0 I decided to try pvp warzones and it honestly was not fun. The experience was pretty much, run around, get killed, run around, do one thing, get killed, run around get killed.


The whiners just want the (this) old situation back, that's my interpretation of thw whining.

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Can i go on your next OPs run? I don't have any PvE gear, I don't know the maps or the boss mechanics and I don't want to take any time to learn or aquire what I need/need to know.


Seriously that is exactly what it boils down too.


Sure I dont' mind. I play with very undergeared people all the time and I always make sure to explain each battle before we start it for the benefit of those who have not done it. And then I let them ask any questions-I even encourage it. We can start with EV NiM and atterwards SnV sm. Sound good? (I know you were being sarcastic, but if you want the offer is available).



You got your bolster, removed a enjoyable part of the game for some of us (some of us actually liked the gear grind), just quit posting this rehashed crap that makes the entitlement generation feel better about themselves.


I never really asked for the bolster, so it's not mine really. In fact, in the pre-2.0 my suggestion for fixing PvP was to make the tier 1 PvP gear available through other means besides warzone comms, like upper level PVE comms, or have the ability to trade in PVE comms for PvP comms or something like that (only tier 1 which today is partisan).

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The fact you did not invest in PVP early on in the game should not give you a front of the line pass to PVP!

I cant just walk into a flashpoint and use a front of the line pass to complete without someone making a fuss about my gear.


If I want to do the PVE content i need the gear!


Why should any player walk into a WZ and get the front of the line pass.

I know that some PVE players would like to try WZ's and maybe get into the PVP fun,

If BIOWARE is going to give you a front of the line pass then only give it to you as a temp basis!

Give it to you until you complete the daily Quest and then remove the Bolster from you!


Some PVP players will grind out PVE gear to get Bolster and then tip the scales again!

I might just do that to piss people off in WZ's


As far as open world PVP?


You rolled on a PVP server deal with it!

Edited by Darknightosb
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Boring reply from someone who doesn't understand how to read (or is too lazy to).


Lazy probably had a factor in it, but the irrelevance played the bigger part....Good comeback though considering I would have to write and understand what I am writing(reading) to post. Keep trying though, I check the forums at work when I am on down time. I will be back to check your next "witty" comment.

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Lazy probably had a factor in it, but the irrelevance played the bigger part....Good comeback though considering I would have to write and understand what I am writing(reading) to post. Keep trying though, I check the forums at work when I am on down time. I will be back to check your next "witty" comment.


This is about the 3rd ignorant post I've seen from you today, and the day is still young!


Go away.

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The fact you did not invest in PVP early on in the game should not give you a front of the line pass to PVP!

I cant just walk into a flashpoint and use a front of the line pass to complete without someone making a fuss about my gear.


If I want to do the PVE content i need the gear!


Why should any player walk into a WZ and get the front of the line pass.

I know that some PVE players would like to try WZ's and maybe get into the PVP fun,

If BIOWARE is going to give you a front of the line pass then only give it to you as a temp basis!

Give it to you until you complete the daily Quest and then remove the Bolster from you!


Some PVP players will grind out PVE gear to get Bolster and then tip the scales again!

I might just do that to piss people off in WZ's


As far as open world PVP?


You rolled on a PVP server deal with it!


Yeah, the one thing I got out of that is "wah wah wah, I'm a big baby who can't beat anyone unless I have a huge advantage over them".


And you can go into PVE content with PVP gear. You can do 55hm fps with partisan gear if you are skilled enough. And you ARE investing time into doing harder fps by doing nothing more than going through the story-you are accumulating planet comms which you can use to buy makeb mods. If you didn't do that, you can get them from sm fps-where you will not be stomped on your first step into the fp.


And I'm not on a PVP server, Im on a PVE server, but I heard that there is no bolster on open world PVP except illum.

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Yeah, the one thing I got out of that is "wah wah wah, I'm a big baby who can't beat anyone unless I have a huge advantage over them".


And you can go into PVE content with PVP gear. You can do 55hm fps with partisan gear if you are skilled enough. And you ARE investing time into doing harder fps by doing nothing more than going through the story-you are accumulating planet comms which you can use to buy makeb mods. If you didn't do that, you can get them from sm fps-where you will not be stomped on your first step into the fp.


And I'm not on a PVP server, Im on a PVE server, but I heard that there is no bolster on open world PVP except illum.

I play PVP WZ's because I like PVP and did not cry when I was pre 50 playing against people that would break down PVP wep's to pull items to enhance the gear they had.

I paid my dues grinding up the gear and choose to not participate in PVE FP's

Crying would be me saying hey BIOWARE can I enjoy PVE content and boost my PVP gear so I can do it.

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I play PVP WZ's because I like PVP and did not cry when I was pre 50 playing against people that would break down PVP wep's to pull items to enhance the gear they had.

I paid my dues grinding up the gear and choose to not participate in PVE FP's

Crying would be me saying hey BIOWARE can I enjoy PVE content and boost my PVP gear so I can do it.


Good for you. I did not like the PVP pre-2.0 and chose not to participate just as you choose not to participate in PVE.


But should you ever want to, just know that the gear barrier for you is none. You can do 55hm fps and 55 sm ops in your partisan/conqueror gear if you are skilled enough. The gear barrier prior to the bolster was ridiculously high for a PVEer who wanted to PVP. See the difference?

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This is about the 3rd ignorant post I've seen from you today, and the day is still young!


Go away.


I could go for a fourth...yet you read them which humors me more. I tend to end up reading all of your trash as you are a forum junkie that is always on here but tend to not bother commenting on all of your ignorant posts as I do not have that amount of time in my day. Keep being awesome.

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Good for you. I did not like the PVP pre-2.0 and chose not to participate just as you choose not to participate in PVE.


But should you ever want to, just know that the gear barrier for you is none. You can do 55hm fps and 55 sm ops in your partisan/conqueror gear if you are skilled enough. The gear barrier prior to the bolster was ridiculously high for a PVEer who wanted to PVP. See the difference?

I have played lots of PVE as well as PVP on many games. I just know that the gear grind is important one way or another when you want to participate in any meaningful event. I would love to see more PVE players try out PVP! That will only be a good thing for the rest of us who play PVP. I have several alts and do dabble in PVE content. I was able to grind out 3 toons to 50 with just storyline and PVP, and no other PVE quests or FP done.I think that if more PVE players would try out PVP they would enjoy it but I understand when a hard core PVE player try's PVP it become tough going against hard core PVP players and they never go back to PVP

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Can i go on your next OPs run? I don't have any PvE gear, I don't know the maps or the boss mechanics and I don't want to take any time to learn or aquire what I need/need to know.


Seriously that is exactly what it boils down too.


You got your bolster, removed a enjoyable part of the game for some of us (some of us actually liked the gear grind), just quit posting this rehashed crap that makes the entitlement generation feel better about themselves.


we carry people all the time in GF Ops runs all the time due to lack of skill and lack of gear. And people to do group finder without any gear or knowledge of the boss mechanics. Yes GF has a vote kick feature but that's more because 3 hours with someone who doesn't know what they're doing in an Ops leads to endless wipes with no end in sight. In a warzone win or lose you come out with comms, daily completion and is roughly 15mins of pain. As for gear grind, partisan/conquerer is perfectly fine for GF ops. It's only HM/NiM you need to have gear checks but that's when you're putting the group together, same when you do ranked.


So if people can do GF Ops just fine in pvp gear, why can't people have a helping hand to close the gap a little when they go into a regular warzone with pve gear? Pre-2.0 at times for people in recruit gear the disparity gap was almost like taking a fresh 50 and throwing them into EC NiM as they'd be running into people geared for ranked wzs. You wouldn't take someone with no pvp gear and do ranked, just as ops groups wouldn't take someone in pvp gear and do EC NiM (even with bolster you still wouldn't do that, only time is pretty much when groups do kickball).


And before you try and claim anything about what I play, I pretty much do both equally in terms of gearing (full conquerer jugg/mix conq partisan sniper/mix conq partisan merc)

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I have played lots of PVE as well as PVP on many games. I just know that the gear grind is important one way or another when you want to participate in any meaningful event. I would love to see more PVE players try out PVP! That will only be a good thing for the rest of us who play PVP. I have several alts and do dabble in PVE content. I was able to grind out 3 toons to 50 with just storyline and PVP, and no other PVE quests or FP done.I think that if more PVE players would try out PVP they would enjoy it but I understand when a hard core PVE player try's PVP it become tough going against hard core PVP players and they never go back to PVP



No one minds a gear grind, in fact I am grinding partisan and conqueror gear right now. It's the boring, run get killed, run get killed part many people have no interest in.


Think back to when you first start (it was probably on korriban), what if you walked out and that one slug monster was able to kill you in 3 hits and no matter how many times you hit it, it would not die. Now what if you had to go through that for 2 weeks before you could even defend yourself just a little? Would you put up with running out getting killed by the slug monster for 2 weeks? Some people might, but most probably would not and the company would go bankrupt after a month. Well that is what was happening in PVP. It was literally impossible for new players to do anything against those who had the gear. People got bored quickly and chose not to PVP. Customer base was down so bioware chose to do something about it. Was it the best solution? no really, is it working? Well with the queue time being 1 minute after 1 am I think it is.

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we carry people all the time in GF Ops runs all the time due to lack of skill and lack of gear. And people to do group finder without any gear or knowledge of the boss mechanics. Yes GF has a vote kick feature but that's more because 3 hours with someone who doesn't know what they're doing in an Ops leads to endless wipes with no end in sight. In a warzone win or lose you come out with comms, daily completion and is roughly 15mins of pain. As for gear grind, partisan/conquerer is perfectly fine for GF ops. It's only HM/NiM you need to have gear checks but that's when you're putting the group together, same when you do ranked.


So if people can do GF Ops just fine in pvp gear, why can't people have a helping hand to close the gap a little when they go into a regular warzone with pve gear? Pre-2.0 at times for people in recruit gear the disparity gap was almost like taking a fresh 50 and throwing them into EC NiM as they'd be running into people geared for ranked wzs. You wouldn't take someone with no pvp gear and do ranked, just as ops groups wouldn't take someone in pvp gear and do EC NiM (even with bolster you still wouldn't do that, only time is pretty much when groups do kickball).


And before you try and claim anything about what I play, I pretty much do both equally in terms of gearing (full conquerer jugg/mix conq partisan sniper/mix conq partisan merc)


The point is, If you took a week to play PvP, understand what you are supposed to do and actually aquire and WEAR PvP gear we wouldn't need bolster. Just like what is expected of most people who run OPs.


I honestly could not care less if you carry people on your runs. But I'm almost certain that if that person came in greens expecting to be carried so they could get enough of X comms to get Y piece of gear you wouldn't carry them and when they went to the forumns to complain that they couldn't get into any OPS you would tell them to run dailies or whatever to be geared enough to go.

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No one minds a gear grind, in fact I am grinding partisan and conqueror gear right now. It's the boring, run get killed, run get killed part many people have no interest in.


Think back to when you first start (it was probably on korriban), what if you walked out and that one slug monster was able to kill you in 3 hits and no matter how many times you hit it, it would not die. Now what if you had to go through that for 2 weeks before you could even defend yourself just a little? Would you put up with running out getting killed by the slug monster for 2 weeks? Some people might, but most probably would not and the company would go bankrupt after a month. Well that is what was happening in PVP. It was literally impossible for new players to do anything against those who had the gear. People got bored quickly and chose not to PVP. Customer base was down so bioware chose to do something about it. Was it the best solution? no really, is it working? Well with the queue time being 1 minute after 1 am I think it is.


But it wasn't like that unless you did not wear any PvP gear or were ignorant enough to try and take someone on before you were ready. The only time I ever got destroyed was when I was too stupid to realize that expertise actually mattered thinking my uber PvE gear was good enough. I guarantee you that was 90% of the issue, people just not understanding how it worked and not wanting to gain any of the knowledge neccessary to compete.

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