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Need dev answer about arena comps


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so ive heard the devs are planning on limited class comps to one ac per 4 man group. need confirmation because it might be the dumbest thing ever. i can understand not wanting 4 smashers or 4 election nets, but what about people who want heal sorcs and dps sorcs on the same team? or want a carnage mara and a smash mara? or a tank jugg and veng jugg? i get the idea, but making it so only 1 spec per ac is allowed, or limiting it to 2 acs per 4man instead of 1.... also you might want to have said this earlier


source - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6605374#post6605374

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that is a terrible, terrible, terrible idea



Terrible is an understatement.


Do you want arenas to be a stealth war? Do you want it be 2 tanks and 2 healers? This is not ojbective PVE play like you all do in rateds or regs. This is REAL PVP. Do you want 4 dps ops or 4 dep sins just ****** each team because they opened up first? Knowing they only allow 1 advance class of each type will balance arenas and not make this a stealth war. You must of never played wow arena and I do not want it to be like it at all. Knowing this means bioware actually seems to understand part of their own game.

Edited by MrFrezzer
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Do you want arenas to be a stealth war? Do you want 4 dps ops or 4 dep sins just ****** each team because they opened up first? Knowing they only allow 1 advance class of each type will balance arenas and not make this a stealth war. You must of never played wow arena and I do not want it to be like it at all.


Yes, but, then you get stuck in the situation where an AC is pigeon toed into one spec. You're a DPS Operative? Spec Medicine or get out. DPS Merc? You'd be more useful in Bodyguard. Are you a Juggernaut? You're best off as Immortal.


It forces ACs into one role. It's not good.. at all.

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Yes, but, then you get stuck in the situation where an AC is pigeon toed into one spec. You're a DPS Operative? Spec Medicine or get out. DPS Merc? You'd be more useful in Bodyguard. Are you a Juggernaut? You're best off as Immortal.


It forces ACs into one role. It's not good.. at all.


Do you really think having 4 of the same class or 2 of the same class would change this? People will still play what ever spec is the best for there class exp smash, op heals. Some classes have better trees that they are good at and that's just how it will always be. You can't tell me almost all jugs/maurder play rage now. All powertechs used to be pyros and the list goes on. And yes you will be put into your role JUST LIKE RATEDS ARE CURRENTLY since this is not a PVE operation or flash point. How do you expect them to balance arenas if every one is stealth or every one is smash? Also you are making all these assumptions based on CURRENT CLASS BALANCING. Nor you or I have any idea what class changes will happen. You people must be new to mmo team death match arenas.

Edited by MrFrezzer
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Do you really think having 4 of the same class or 2 of the same class would change this? People will still play what ever spec is the best for there class exp smash, op heals. Some classes have better trees that they are good at and that's just how it will always be. And yes you will be put into your role JUST LIKE RATEDS ARE CURRENTLY. How do you expect them to balance arenas if every one is stealth or every one is smash? Also you are making all these assumptions based on CURRENT CLASS BALANCING. Nor you or I have any idea what class changes will happen. You people must be new to mmo team death match arenas.


all they have to do is change the limit from 4 to 2. problem solved no stealth war no electro net war no smash war. everyones happy

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all they have to do is change the limit from 4 to 2. problem solved no stealth war no electro net war no smash war. everyones happy


2 electro nets would ruin arena since you can lock down people instantly and then just have 2 smashers kill them while they can't use any cool downs since they were double electro netted. That's just one example and I could go on for a while. Lots of issues would come up with balancing and we would only see just a few comps not tons of different ones. They want this to be diverse pvp not just smash monkeys and op healers running to nodes and respecting tanks. Oh btw field respects are being taken out of all warzones and arenas. Are more of you going to cry because you can't change your spec before each fight. This seems like all learn to play issues more than anything.

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all they have to do is change the limit from 4 to 2. problem solved no stealth war no electro net war no smash war. everyones happy


O bc with your idea u can not run 2 sins and 2 ops....



Or 2 maras and 2 jugs = 4 smashes

Think b4 u post

1 ac per team is a great idea for balance and diversity

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O bc with your idea u can not run 2 sins and 2 ops....



Or 2 maras and 2 jugs = 4 smashes

Think b4 u post

1 ac per team is a great idea for balance and diversity


i assume you mean 2 dps ops and 2 dps sins, which would be easier to counter than you think. anyone who runs 4 smashes is trolling and doesnt mean to win. no healer and no tank=lol.


1 ac might be decent for balance but NOT for diversity. all juggs will be tank all maras will be smash all sorcs will be heals all mercs will be heals all ops will be heals all sins will be i dont even know...get the gist? with 2 limit dps sorcs, veng juggs, dps mercs, etc, will get to play more

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its pretty easy to counter a team of 4 of the same thing...


What's the counter when 2 well-timed assassins open up out of stealth on your healer, while simultaneously 2 other well-timed assassins open up on the tank guarding the healer? How do you prevent the tank (and likely the healer) from being melted in seconds?

Edited by Akuryu
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What's the counter when 2 well-timed assassins open up out of stealth on your healer, while simultaneously 2 other well-timed assassins open up on the tank guarding the healer? How do you prevent the tank (and likely the healer) from being melted in seconds?


Well then they clearly need to buff Healing.

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What's the counter when 2 well-timed assassins open up out of stealth on your healer, while simultaneously 2 other well-timed assassins open up on the tank guarding the healer? How do you prevent the tank (and likely the healer) from being melted in seconds?


the other 2 dps aoe cc and the tank/healers recover. the better question is, what do the 4 assassins do after theyve opened? no healer no tank no big burst for another minute...bye bye

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What's the counter when 2 well-timed assassins open up out of stealth on your healer, while simultaneously 2 other well-timed assassins open up on the tank guarding the healer? How do you prevent the tank (and likely the healer) from being melted in seconds?


learn to peel? with 2 assassin they are going to have a lack of purging and cleanse so stun locking them wont be to hard.

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i assume you mean 2 dps ops and 2 dps sins, which would be easier to counter than you think. anyone who runs 4 smashes is trolling and doesnt mean to win. no healer and no tank=lol.


1 ac might be decent for balance but NOT for diversity. all juggs will be tank all maras will be smash all sorcs will be heals all mercs will be heals all ops will be heals all sins will be i dont even know...get the gist? with 2 limit dps sorcs, veng juggs, dps mercs, etc, will get to play more


U assume wrong

With this set up u have heals tank and dps covered in any combination u like

3 dps 1 heal

2 dps 2 heal

2 dps 1 tank 1 heal

4 dps

2 tank 2 heal troll team

2 tanks 1 dps 1 heal


Pretty stupid that a 2 AC compesition can do this.

Also clearly from reading your post u don't know what works a the high end of ranked Pvp.


Commando and sage heals really? Teams are running triple OP heals for a reason. It's simple stacking ops works better then Sages or commandos.


3 OP healers means 3 double stacks of slow release on each target so targets still take significant healing even though the healers are getting locked out. They also get other insta heals like kolto cloud.


The other healing classes can not compete with this when they have to hard cast while being lept on and chain interrupted


Allowing of stacking classes in arenas will quickly see teams of only 2 ACs. If u don't have one of those classes then don't expect an invite on any serious team.

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U assume wrong

With this set up u have heals tank and dps covered in any combination u like

3 dps 1 heal

2 dps 2 heal

2 dps 1 tank 1 heal

4 dps

2 tank 2 heal troll team

2 tanks 1 dps 1 heal


Pretty stupid that a 2 AC compesition can do this.

Also clearly from reading your post u don't know what works a the high end of ranked Pvp.


Commando and sage heals really? Teams are running triple OP heals for a reason. It's simple stacking ops works better then Sages or commandos.


3 OP healers means 3 double stacks of slow release on each target so targets still take significant healing even though the healers are getting locked out. They also get other insta heals like kolto cloud.


The other healing classes can not compete with this when they have to hard cast while being lept on and chain interrupted


Allowing of stacking classes in arenas will quickly see teams of only 2 ACs. If u don't have one of those classes then don't expect an invite on any serious team.


ok, the first part of your post...i just dont understand what point youre trying to make. why is it bad that 2 acs can make a 4 man team? 1 sin tank 1 sin dps 1 op dps and 1 op heals should be allowed...why not? why is that so stupid? what difference does it make whether an assassin is the tank or a jugg is the tank? youre arguing that the limit will create more diversity, but in reality it will lessen it as teams like the above^ wont be allowed, when in reality they are just as regular as jugg tank mara sniper sorc heals...


and lol, i actually know a lot more about ranked pvp and what works and what doesnt than you think. first of all, anyone who runs 3 ops is a total pve pus.sy and should learn to not be a defensive turtle. i will give you this, that 2 ops and a sorc dps are the best healing combo atm because of the rolling hots and the bubble. but in arena, if teams want to run 4 scondrel comps, **** let them do it, ive heard hat after 6 min 30s healers can only heal themselves, so that is pretty much an auto loss for 2+ healing comps.


also, i dont think YOU know what is going to work and what isnt going to work in arenas. merc heals are going to be amazing because they are so tanky, while sorc heals are also pretty hard to kill while still having a higher healing output than mercs. all 3 healers will be very good for arena.


finally, your last sentence is sooo wrong. almost all the classes will have not just a viable, but a GOOD spec for arena. BUT, like i said, if only 1 ac is allowed, it will actually force all those classes with more than one viable spec to spec into their best role or reroll in cases of teams that already have some players that want to play together. for example, why bring a veng jugg over a tank jug or a heal op over a dps op? youre arguing that the limit will make things more cookie cutter, but in reality it will only ensure that classes only play 1 spec

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I don't see a problem with this. I've been saying for years COD and BF3 should limit the amount of snipers per squad and or team. Causes huge issues.


Having multiple of the same here does the same. IDK just my opinion.

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