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Any guilds still making a stand after x-fers?


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As we're all well aware, a large portion of pvp'ers xferred including most if not all of the pvp guilds. That being said, are there any guilds still making a stand?


I'm considering taking a break from being unguilded. If anyone has a decent guild group they run regs with, me send me a message on Liryc, my shadow or Liraa, scoundrel healer.


On imp side, since most of Beer 30 x-ferred, Liryyc my sorc healer has been left orphaned and could use a new home.



P.S. With regard to all this talk about getting rateds going on this server, how about instead we just get enough people competent to run regulars again. ....Yes I'm talking to you, sage healer with 1500 exp and +defense stats on your gear...

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PD is still holding on. We did lose a couple people with the return of Starsiders but PD still has a handful queing. So, if you can call that a stand I suppose it is. I took a gunslinger to pot5 and don't see any difference in regs. That being said, if I were to have the time needed to compete in ranked at a high level I would probably be on pot5. I guess with my limited time, and that being split between pvp and pve I am fine being a regular wz "big shot" if you will.
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PD is still holding on. We did lose a couple people with the return of Starsiders but PD still has a handful queing. So, if you can call that a stand I suppose it is. I took a gunslinger to pot5 and don't see any difference in regs. That being said, if I were to have the time needed to compete in ranked at a high level I would probably be on pot5. I guess with my limited time, and that being split between pvp and pve I am fine being a regular wz "big shot" if you will.


<RegStars> is now recruiting. All superqueues, all the time. **** ranked. Ain't nobody got time fuh dat.

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As we're all well aware, a large portion of pvp'ers xferred including most if not all of the pvp guilds. That being said, are there any guilds still making a stand?


I'm considering taking a break from being unguilded. If anyone has a decent guild group they run regs with, me send me a message on Liryc, my shadow or Liraa, scoundrel healer.


On imp side, since most of Beer 30 x-ferred, Liryyc my sorc healer has been left orphaned and could use a new home.



P.S. With regard to all this talk about getting rateds going on this server, how about instead we just get enough people competent to run regulars again. ....Yes I'm talking to you, sage healer with 1500 exp and +defense stats on your gear...


You're more than welcome to run with me (Xider, guardian tank) if you want a pocket guard on pub side :)

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BiS amirite?


Yup! "pve 69 and 72 mods are better than pvp ones." I even tried to explain that when he mix and matched that sh*t in one item it ruins his exp bolster.


screenshot on the facepalm thread, pls

Saw him yesterday and took a screeny - can't tell from the one i nabbed that he had shadow tank implants ....


I actually saw an even more horrid anchor yesterday.... sentinel who did 6,900 damage and about the same in healing. And no, he wasn't defending...he played "offense" the whole game, if you can call it that.

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Well if you look at the thread with all the guilds that have been running ranked, I would be willing to bet quite a bit that every single one of them runs Regs, umm, regularly...


Who runs regs whistle not me this is not the sith'ari your looking for shadow

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I think most of the big PvE progression guilds are still here, I didn't know anyone besides LD50 left.


Yea, we are still here if you consider us a "progression" guild at this stage. We lost quite a few members for one reason or another. LoL, real life, the return of Starsiders, the return of Goon Squad rep side and Bloodli.....er transfers have dropped us from 420 to 350 characters in guild. I would guess that was around 20-25 active people. I think FFXIV will cost another couple. Regardless we are still here, queing up for regs and running our HM Ops with a couple NiM kills sprinkled in.


tldr - wtb raiders who show up after getting gear for NiM. :(

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wrong server. lol PvP on PvE server and people complain when theres no PvP lolololololol


The reg pvp on pot5 makes me lol. For a pvp server, its not any different than here on JC. Plenty of horrible players all over the place on both servers.

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The reg pvp on pot5 makes me lol. For a pvp server, its not any different than here on JC. Plenty of horrible players all over the place on both servers.


po5 could be worse. I hear there's a lot of jerking around in regs there by the big rated bois, and most of the reg trolls moved on from JC (farming and such).

Edited by foxmob
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