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Awkward stuff.


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Technically a republic patriot doesn't require that you follow the light side of the force. Plenty of what Garza has done has been both patriotic and dark side.


Still, I don't understand why that is a DS decision....it is giving medicine to the troops so they can protect the civilians and curb the separatist movement...which is good in the long run. I don't see anything evil about it. It just may "seem" dark from the perspective of you could have saved a few civilians, who would continue to suffer injuries without the military to protect them. I think it should be rated on the LS/DS scale on how the action truly is, not as a whole "black and white" morality deal that puts it as a "dark" action because it counterbalances the "light" action. I think that it should be a neutral action. A true dark side action may be keeping the medicine for yourself, or selling it on the black market. Both of the 2 options for the quest revolve around your character sacrificing their personal benefit for others, regardless of which option they take, which I believe is not dark, only "less light" by comparison. I feel a lot of the LS/DS choices are subject to interpretation and shouldn't be presented as a black and white choice. /end rant

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Still, I don't understand why that is a DS decision....it is giving medicine to the troops so they can protect the civilians and curb the separatist movement...which is good in the long run. I don't see anything evil about it. It just may "seem" dark from the perspective of you could have saved a few civilians, who would continue to suffer injuries without the military to protect them. I think it should be rated on the LS/DS scale on how the action truly is, not as a whole "black and white" morality deal that puts it as a "dark" action because it counterbalances the "light" action. I think that it should be a neutral action. A true dark side action may be keeping the medicine for yourself, or selling it on the black market. Both of the 2 options for the quest revolve around your character sacrificing their personal benefit for others, regardless of which option they take, which I believe is not dark, only "less light" by comparison. I feel a lot of the LS/DS choices are subject to interpretation and shouldn't be presented as a black and white choice. /end rant


Definitely agree. I had issues with the quest on Coruscant where you have the option of turning in damaging evidence on a politician in league with the Empire being a Dark Side choice vs letting the election for him (being popular because people didn't know about that stuff) run its course. At least that's how I recall that quest going, been a year and more since I did it.

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Pretty much all LS/DS choices in this game.


I know I hated and still hate the end of Chapter 3 for my Trooper. I had only done a DS choice 2 times ever on him before that point (and those times also didn't make sense LS-wise) and it pained me and pissed me off as well to see how the Chancellor is a complete moron and that the DS choice would save tens of thousands of lives, if not countless worlds.


I swear, the Republic has the dumbest officials in it..

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Definitely agree. I had issues with the quest on Coruscant where you have the option of turning in damaging evidence on a politician in league with the Empire being a Dark Side choice vs letting the election for him (being popular because people didn't know about that stuff) run its course. At least that's how I recall that quest going, been a year and more since I did it.


That one bothered me too, along with turning in the deserters on Taris. Republic side is littered with these "not really dark" choices.

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I have an issue with my trooper who I have created as a Republic patriot.


The quest on Ord Mantell, where you retrieve the medicine. The quest giver explicitly states that Republic troops are dying with the lack of medicine and helping them would go a long way to helping the war. So I give him the medicine for DS points.... I know the other option was to give it to some civilians who stole it, but giving it to the Republic soldier should not be a DS decision.


I think the idea here is you have to choose between letting innocents who can't protect themselves (children) and soldiers who put them selves in harms way knowing full the risk.

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That one bothered me too, along with turning in the deserters on Taris. Republic side is littered with these "not really dark" choices.


The Taris deserters one makes perfect sense. Dark side =/= evil in that case, and dark side =/= evil in many other cases (like keeping the Rakghoul virus research). It just means you aren't being compassionate - they're not evil or anything, and were forced to stay on Taris well past when they should have been rotated off planet, if I'm remembering their dialogue correctly. Not every 'dark' decision has to be one where you're cackling maniacally and doing something terrible. The bigger problem, I think, is that the only options are "let them desert" or "force them back and then have one more line of dialogue with the officer at the next outpost".


That was what frustrated me - I'd prefer to send them back to their base but perhaps put in a word to help their situation out - but it's not surprising they had to limit your options in some cases...there are certainly multiple points in the various stories where you see the same thing happens.

Edited by Lesaberisa
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I think the idea here is you have to choose between letting innocents who can't protect themselves (children) and soldiers who put them selves in harms way knowing full the risk.


Right, but it is not truly a dark decision, only dark by comparison. There are many more choices that could be made in that situation that would be evil. I wish they had a wider range of options for that quest and changed the "help the troops" option to neutral at least, while adding a dark decision, such as selling it on the black market.

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Lord Scourge

with you to free Revan.



Playing your Sith Warrior and running around with Vette and bumping into a Smuggler who's running around with Risha and having them kill each other.



Having Aric Jorgan explain to your female Cathar Trooper how Cathar 'life-mating' works.



M1-4X... in general. He like... doesn't run with you he runs along side you and stares at you really awkwardly...seriously any Troopers out there knows what I mean.

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Right, but it is not truly a dark decision, only dark by comparison. There are many more choices that could be made in that situation that would be evil. I wish they had a wider range of options for that quest and changed the "help the troops" option to neutral at least, while adding a dark decision, such as selling it on the black market.


Since we're showing so much love to the carefully designed and thought out Trooper story:


Get two quest to be completed in the same location on Ord Mantell, one to confirm a crazy lady actually saw her dead son, and another to find some news holodiscs. Complete the son quest and learn that the seperatists are evil (as in kidnapping children and turning them into stem junkie murder balls of hate), but if you try to take the holodiscs from the defector camera man to prevent them from being edited into sep propoganda, you are making the Dark Side choice (note you don't actually kill the guy).

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Right, but it is not truly a dark decision, only dark by comparison. There are many more choices that could be made in that situation that would be evil. I wish they had a wider range of options for that quest and changed the "help the troops" option to neutral at least, while adding a dark decision, such as selling it on the black market.


I think the other thing you are overlooking here is that the forces on Ord Mantel are very corrupt. You see at least 3 examples of this not including this camp. So the indication here is that the troops are hording the medicine that the refugees desperately need, whereas the medicine would otherwise just sit in a storehouse until needed. And if that is the case, then I would say it's darkside. If the troops on Mantel weren't corrupt (though it's clear the majority are) and troops need the medicine now (don't remember if it specifies this) then I agree it should not have a penalty.

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Watching any random cutscene...


Them: "Oh great Jedi/Sith... We have starships, battledroids, plasma cannons, walking battle tanks, and zillions of heavily armed soldiers but would you please save us from those unarmed Space Orcs that are congregating outside of our heavily fortified military base?"

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When Overseer Tremel goes on about how he wants your character to beat Vemrin, because Vemrin is of impure blood and that is a terrible horrible thing for the Empire . . . and your character is an alien of the "alien scum" variety.


Oh, and that moment when your Imperial Operative whips out a blaster pistol during cut scenes, yet cannot actual equip one. :confused:

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I think the other thing you are overlooking here is that the forces on Ord Mantel are very corrupt. You see at least 3 examples of this not including this camp. So the indication here is that the troops are hording the medicine that the refugees desperately need, whereas the medicine would otherwise just sit in a storehouse until needed. And if that is the case, then I would say it's darkside. If the troops on Mantel weren't corrupt (though it's clear the majority are) and troops need the medicine now (don't remember if it specifies this) then I agree it should not have a penalty.


Not so. It was Republic troopers dying, not Mantellian troops. And besides, when you bring the medicine back to the Sgt. he tells you that one of the soldiers is going into shock and dying. And the kid...has a tummy ache?

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