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Cartel advanced class switch


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I chose assassin over sorc and I wish I hadn't. It's not really my play style, but I didn't figure that out until I played PVP at level 41.


How about a cartel purchase to switch advanced class?


I'd pay all kinds of paper money for that.

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Its certainly not in the suggestion box, is it?


Anyway, some could say reroll but for me I work fulltime and juggle the gf too. So with the few hours a week I get to play I'd like to switch advanced class. It could be costly too because I have the money, I just don't have the time.

Edited by TheCKiceman
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I've been arguing your particular case and other players in a similar position on the aforementioned thread for a while now.

It has been considered by the developers and is a possibility for the future, no time frame indicated.

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Its certainly not in the suggestion box, is it?


Anyway, some could say reroll but for me I work fulltime and juggle the gf too. So with the few hours a week I get to play I'd like to switch advanced class. It could be costly too because I have the money, I just don't have the time.

This thread could also fit in the Cartel Market suggestions forum.

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Its certainly not in the suggestion box, is it?


Anyway, some could say reroll but for me I work fulltime and juggle the gf too. So with the few hours a week I get to play I'd like to switch advanced class. It could be costly too because I have the money, I just don't have the time.


But you didn't check the suggestion box before posting or you would have found at least 6 without trying.

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Its certainly not in the suggestion box, is it?


Anyway, some could say reroll but for me I work fulltime and juggle the gf too. So with the few hours a week I get to play I'd like to switch advanced class. It could be costly too because I have the money, I just don't have the time.


No. You already know that you can re-roll. Limited time to play does warrant a class change. There is no requirement to have that new class in a day. You can take as long as you like to re roll. Those PVP arenas will still be there.


You were advised 4 times, at least, that your choice was permanent, and you had to click two (I believe) confirmation boxes to acknowledge that you were certain that this was the choice you wanted to make and that you knew it was PERMANENT. Now, because you've tried to PVP with your assassin, you want to undo a decision you KNEW was permanent? I'm guessing that assassin is not as OP in PVP as you thought it would be, or maybe it just got nerfed?


I work 50+ hours a week, bowl three nights a week, juggle a wife and 2 kids and if I'm lucky I get 3-4 hours a week to play. Do I have to prioritize and choose what I'm going to work on "this week"? Yes, but I do not expect to have everything, or even anything, handed to me, or "sold" to me.

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