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[Class Questions] Let's Start Fresh: 3 Questions to Devs RE: Powertechs


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Another funny thing I`m wondering since launch is why is our interrupt a melee ability? Assasins are and so have more melee abilities then 10m abilities yet retain a 10m interrupt while we! who appear to be a 10m range class and have access to both some 30 m abilities (rapid shot/Death from above/explosive dart and even missile blast and unload which i never use) and few melee abilities(which we do not have defensive abilities to stay in melee too long unless ur Adv prototype which dmg is all fluff)retain a 4m interrupt with no gap closer either! Grapple is not a valid gap closer as it`s restrained to does my target have resolve? which is not the case of force spd/leap and roll

Melee (4m)abilities:Rocket punch, Quell, Flame sweep; Retractable blade (only if specced adv proto)

Medium range (10m) abilities:Flame burst, Flamethrower, Sholder cannon while Immolate,Thermal detonator, Incendiary missile only if specced

Long range (30m)abilities:Rapid shots, Explosive dart, Unload , Missile blast , Death from above ,Rail shot.

Utility: 30m taunts, pull, stealth scan

10m single target stun

4m melee aoe stun

Edited by iDraxter
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I posted this in the Class Rep main page:


Eric -


A concern I have is with the Vanguard rep, mfourcustom. Since the announcement of him being the VG representative, he has not appeared on the boards. Last I looked, his last post was July 11th. I know the VG's are before the Powertech's in questions, and I would hate to see a wasted opportunity. If no word comes from mfourcustom in the next few days, would you guys be willing to switch the question dates for VGs and Powertechs (i.e. have the PTs take the earlier date so that the VG community can group up)?



And I got this response:



Yep! I will monitor things like that closely. If it seems anyone has "dropped off" as the Rep we will get someone else in place ASAP.





So FeralPug, just a heads up that our dates might switch with the VG's if their rep isn't around...I'd love to see our mirror class community get rounded up, but their rep is MIA right now. Hopefully he returns soon!

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Hey guys,


Just a quick update on what's going on. I received this PM from Eric Musco. In an effort to be totally transparent to the community, I'm going to relay any direct developer PMs that I get to you guys verbatim:


Hey ,


Congrats on being elected Class Rep. I wanted to send you a PM and explain how things will work from here. What I recommend you do to start is to make a new thread in your respective AC forum to start gathering ideas on what your top 3 will be. I would note that you don't just have to use the forums for research! Keep in mind that one must be PvE related and one must be PvP, you may do what you wish with the third.


As you compile your top 3 keep in mind that the goal is provide commentary and specifically questions to the development team which you wish have them address. Try to phrase things in the way of questions that we can answer.


Bad example: You guys are aware that we suck in PvP right?


Good example: We feel that in general our class lacks some utility and cc in comparison to other classes in Warzones. As an example (your reasoning), do you guys feel we are in a good place here? Do you also feel this is an issue?


Please refer to this schedule to see when you will actually need to have your top 3 prepared by. It is possible that your chance may be a bit far off (up to 2 months away), so keep that in mind as you prepare. I also very, very highly recommend that whether you are submitting your top 3 sooner, or later, that you work hand in hand with your mirror counterpart!


If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.




Based on the schedule BW has supplied, it's looking like the mirror classes will get to ask separate questions! This is incredibly good news as we can work with the Vanguards to pose 6 distinct questions to the developers about our class.


The bad news is that the Vanguard rep is MIA and their date is coming up. I would recommend we hit the Vanguard forum hard and request a new rep be picked ASAP. I would love to work with the new rep via the <Hex> TS server so we can generate 6 great questions.


Also, I'm getting PMs requesting meetings over voice comm. I'm more than happy to do this. Maybe there's a night this week where all of the Vanguards and PTs can have a voice comm meet'n'greet and get some work done on our questions.


Keep the questions coming. I'm reading this thread multiple times a day (even if I'm not posting). Great questions!!

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This thread is golden. Even though our classes are in a sad state, it's great to see the community is still one of the best, if not THE best. I love my class (Vanguard for me), and I really hope we will get some answers from the devs, that isn't just a oneliner a la "Working as intended" - And the risk of that happening is smaller with the thoughtful work being put into finding out which questions is needed and how to phrase them.


Hell, even with a "working as intended" answer I'd finally get closure in what they want for the class and how the future is looking and can then choose how to react (Unsub, Reroll or Suck it up etc.)

Even though I really hope this isn't what they think of our class.


I actually wouldn't mind if the PT got switched with VG in terms of when the questions comes up.

Edited by Luxidenstore
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Hey Jerc! You were my inspiration to roll a PT back on Ebon Hawk, after you would single-handedly stomp our team/our enemies with ease. I've always valued your help when giving pointers.


Regardless, I feel as though the PT struggles. I enjoy a challenge, but it feels like it's the ONLY class I can't exceed at.



Wow. Thanks for that compliment, Luckey. I do really appreciate that!


PT is in a really tough place right now, though there are some of us who are sticking with it, and running it in rateds. I know three on POT5: myself as AP, Sef as Shield and Pyromanen as Pyro. All three of us have huge complaints, and I think they could be summed up as:


1. AP's top tier talent should hit harder, Prototype Cylinder for HEGC is a very weak talent, FT is dodgy.

2. Shield lacks the utility, control and strong cooldowns of a Juggy.

3. Pyro relies too much on DoTs, has a weak 31 point talent and lacks strong defensive CD.


In all three cases, a better ranked composition would be to take a Juggy over a Shield PT, and maras over AP and Pyro for melee. Everytime I run as AP in ranked, I can't help but feel that I'm gimping my team. No top ranked teams are running PTs in any role as far as I know. If you guys can find an example of a tier 1 ranked team successfully running one, I'd love to hear about it.


Actually, I know that Sef just hit 55 with his Juggy tanked and prefers it significantly over PT for rateds. He's on <Hex>'s rated team, and if any of you know him he's an extremely talented player. His word is gold to me.


Most of the PTs I know have completely abandoned the class. I wonder if BW's metrics reflect this??


To be completely honest, I've finally geared my Arsenal merc and the difference in terms of burst is just night and day. It actually feels similar to the old 30m TD Pyro to me. After spending lots of time in specs like smash and arsenal, PT dps feels impotent at best. So you're not alone in feeling like this class needs some tuning.


We need to point the devs in the right direction with our questions. Let's use the next couple of weeks to really lock down our questions.

Edited by FeralPug
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I read through the first pages of posts, and I want it to be clear that I firmly believe PvE wise that Powertech's actually are balanced and are able to reach high standards of DPS in FULL Advanced Prototype.


Drop It Like It's Hoth's World First video of killing Nightmare Styrak from an AP's perspective


Now, that being said, right tree does need a bit of tweaking to bring it in line with AP in terms of PvE. As mentioned earlier, Pyro has a very lackluster of 6th, 7th, and 8th tier talents. The only talent worth its merit in those 3 rows is Burnout. The only reason Pyro was even remotely good pre-2.0 was because of the stance damage. They took that away, and didn't really replace that lost damage with anything. We need to come up with a way to replace what was lost, and Pyro's would be back to pre-2.0 standards.

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I would definitely ask:

Why do you think Powertechs are so underrepresented in ranked PVP, both in tank and dps roles?


I would also consider asking:

Given that marauders have both more burst and great defensive cooldowns (camo, undying rage etc.) Why would I want to take a Powertech over a marauder in any situtaion, both PVP and PVE?

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I would definitely ask:

Why do you think Powertechs are so underrepresented in ranked PVP, both in tank and dps roles?


I would also consider asking:

Given that marauders have both more burst and great defensive cooldowns (camo, undying rage etc.) Why would I want to take a Powertech over a marauder in any situtaion, both PVP and PVE?




I would ask following:


As dos, what is our role? if we are meele dps, what is our advantage, reason to take us over some other meele class? if you consider us ranged (which is silly idea but I've heard that argument), what is our advantage to other ranged class? If you think we are best of both - can you point out how is that?


Tank - both pve and pvp - what is point in taking us before lets say jugg/guardian tank, what do we bring into game? At what are we best?

Edited by TheRampage
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I read through the first pages of posts, and I want it to be clear that I firmly believe PvE wise that Powertech's actually are balanced and are able to reach high standards of DPS in FULL Advanced Prototype.


Drop It Like It's Hoth's World First video of killing Nightmare Styrak from an AP's perspective


Now, that being said, right tree does need a bit of tweaking to bring it in line with AP in terms of PvE. As mentioned earlier, Pyro has a very lackluster of 6th, 7th, and 8th tier talents. The only talent worth its merit in those 3 rows is Burnout. The only reason Pyro was even remotely good pre-2.0 was because of the stance damage. They took that away, and didn't really replace that lost damage with anything. We need to come up with a way to replace what was lost, and Pyro's would be back to pre-2.0 standards.


Doesn't AP parse like 200 points behind snipers and marauders?


That's not "balanced" for PVE either.

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Doesn't AP parse like 200 points behind snipers and marauders?


That's not "balanced" for PVE either.


I'm not saying bring them to par with snipers/maras at all. I'm purely saying that they are capable of carrying their weight, doing their job, and not having to be carried.

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Comparing marauders to pyro, why do marauders:


Have better burst than pyro

Have better sustained than pyro

Hit more enemies than pyro (smash)

Have way better defensive CDs than pyro (undying rage, camo, CLOAK OF PAIN)

Have more team-based utility than pyro (bloodthirst, predation)


Is pyro intended to be a joke class?

Edited by ParagonAX
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I'm not saying bring them to par with snipers/maras at all. I'm purely saying that they are capable of carrying their weight, doing their job, and not having to be carried.


So being 200 - 300 dps behind snipers and maras is balanced to you?

I also must be doing something wrong, cause when I even try to do a dummy parse on full AP verses the normal-ish pyro I get about the same numbers, and the only time I see a difference is with Hybrid (2/22/22). I honestly had to switch to hybrid so I didn't feel like I was holding us back on NiM, because if you are doing 8 man, being 200 to 300 dps lower than the rest of your group means you are being carried. The enrage timers are just too tight to find that level of dps acceptable.


That being said, DILIH has very amazing players. If you have absolute amazing skill you can pull the numbers out for PT to make it so you are "pulling your weight", but if you pick any other class, you could apply half the effort and achieve the same results... how is that "balanced". That is just a case of skill being better than gear. Suggesting that because 1 PT in the world can play the class at a level that does not completely suck, does not a balanced class make.


Finally that fight, and the Kephass fight are one of two fights in which our class has a minor advantage. So it helps our numbers out a bit. But are you really going to take the time to gear out a PT for just one fight when you could gear out a sniper which works perfect for all fights? Nevermind that for that fight on NiM our lack of stuns and knockbacks makes us even less useful in the utility category. (having the one 4 second stun does NOT count... cause pretty much everyone has one of those...)


I mean I consider myself in the top 10% of our class, but that is not stopping me from finally breaking down and rolling a merc so I can switch classes if they decide to never fix us. Because for as good as I can be at PT, I will be that much better at a Merc.

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I'll go ahead and voice my opinions once more:


I think that FeralPug talking to the top ranked teams in the game to get their team composition to find out how represented VG/PTs are now (with roles specified) is a BRILLIANT IDEA. Please do it FeralPug, it will give our PVP question a big boost if we can support it with numbers!


This was a question I put up on the VG forums:


"When examining the DPS leaderboards via TorParse for HM/NiM operations, the highest DPSing PT/VG is always a Hybrid spec, which opts out of top tier talents from Tactics/AP and Assault/Pyro. Do your metrics support this finding as well? If so, was this hybrid intended to outperform full tree builds? If not, what can be done to make a player invest 36 points into Tactics/AP or Assault/Pyro?"


If you just write "xxx move is terrible. Please increase the damage or reduce the CD", you will just get a simple answer of "No".


I really do think our third question should be Tank based. Most of the complaints (i.e. lack of burst, TD being weak, set bonus issues) all stem from the DPS trees.


While Juggernauts received a significant (and much-deserved) boost to their tanking capabilities, Powertech's mostly remained the same (for better or worse). Whereas in pre-2.0 we were the most passive of the tanking classes with the smoothest DR curve, Juggernauts can now match our DR curve (via Crushing Blow damage reduction buff) and still maintain a multitude of various cooldowns to increase their survivability beyond what a Powertech tank is capable of. How do you, as the combat team, view the role of the Powertech tank in post-2.0? Since we can no longer claim to be the best passive tank, what exactly (i.e. which scenarios) do we really outshine Juggernaut or Assassin tanks (PVP and PVE included)?

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1. We do the obvious thing and formulate a question for each tree: Shield, AP and Pyro. The one thing to be aware of is that the devs aren't actually asking for "feedback". They're asking for questions. I think if we spin our wheels and simply make suggestions for each spec, we'll be disappointed in the outcome. For example, I'm concerned that if our "question" for the AP tree is "Flame Thrower is dodgy and unusable in endgame PVP. What are you doing to fix it?", they will respond by saying, "No, it's not. Working as intended. Thanks for the question."


You are king for a day. What are your three questions for the devs? Remember, these aren't suggestions! These are questions. What do you want to know from the developers about the Powertech class?


First, we all appreciate all the work you're doing and will do as class rep.


One point though: Bioware does not seem to have limited the scope of this whole thing as much as your concerns suggest. They clearly are asking for "feedback" and "issues" to be raised straight up:


The goal of the program is to allow a chance for each Representative to start a dialog about what is considered their classes top 3 issues with developers. I know sometimes Classes can feel ignored and this will allow a very direct dialog.


Will this guarantee changes are made to classes? Absolutely not, and I do not want to have that expectation in place. I can guarantee you though that our Combat team is very excited about this program to help get feedback directly from the players about each class. They will certainly use these top 3s to help inform future Class balance decisions.




That plainly says they want to hear "feedback" and "issues," and that what we say may "inform future Class balance decisions." They asked for it. Let's give it to them.


Asking weird abstract questions like "What is a DPS Powertech's role in ranked PvP?"; "Are we a melee or ranged class?"; and "Why should anyone choose to play PT vs. Mara?" is just going to result in a big letdown and nothing gained for anyone.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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We could always take a different approach to the questions.


The Powertech and mirror have more specific issues than three questions can do us justice, therefore I pose just one. Will your combat team please read over our "[Class Questions] Let's Start Fresh: 3 Questions to Devs RE: Powertechs" forums post an seriously contemplate the information provided in the first post?


In which case we update the first post to reflect everything we want addressed. If they say no we can all give up and switch classes or unsub or whatever because at least we'll know they don't care instead of speculation


Or maybe this question. Why?


Did someone really test out scatter bombs and say "Hmm, these things can crit for 4k, potentially I could do 20k with one attack that costs nothing, finish the CD and do it again, all while corrosive dart, plasma probe and orbital are going on. Yeah that seems balanced, ok time cut CGC in half because it's way too strong."

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First, we all appreciate all the work you're doing and will do as class rep.


One point though: Bioware does not seem to have limited the scope of this whole thing as much as your concerns suggest. They clearly are asking for "feedback" and "issues" to be raised straight up:






That plainly says they want to hear "feedback" and "issues," and that what we say may "inform future Class balance decisions." They asked for it. Let's give it to them.


Asking weird abstract questions like "What is a DPS Powertech's role in ranked PvP?"; "Are we a melee or ranged class?"; and "Why should anyone choose to play PT vs. Mara?" is just going to result in a big letdown and nothing gained for anyone.


This is exactly it. Asking what our role is will only get us some stupid fluff answer. "We think your PVP role is that of a node guard, or cannon fodder for our favorite class, the marauder!"


We want to know why ranked teams don't invite DPS PT 's.

We want to know why picking bottom tier skills in other trees is better than taking the top 2-3 levels of AP and Pyro.

We want to know what the HELL they were thinking when they changed the armor penetration on rail shot, or the burst damage on TD for the pyro spec.

We want to know why AP is 200 DPS behind the other DPS classes on a parse.

We want to know why the only defensive CD was stripped from pyro, and why they think the class is balanced with no defensive or mitigation cooldowns at their disposal.

We want to know why the cooldowns are so long, and the damage so pathetic for the AP rail shot and immolate.


I could go on, but I'm tired of editing out comments about Bioware's incompetence.

Edited by Brunner_Venda
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I'll go ahead and voice my opinions once more:


I think that FeralPug talking to the top ranked teams in the game to get their team composition to find out how represented VG/PTs are now (with roles specified) is a BRILLIANT IDEA. Please do it FeralPug, it will give our PVP question a big boost if we can support it with numbers!


This was a question I put up on the VG forums:


"When examining the DPS leaderboards via TorParse for HM/NiM operations, the highest DPSing PT/VG is always a Hybrid spec, which opts out of top tier talents from Tactics/AP and Assault/Pyro. Do your metrics support this finding as well? If so, was this hybrid intended to outperform full tree builds? If not, what can be done to make a player invest 36 points into Tactics/AP or Assault/Pyro?"


If you just write "xxx move is terrible. Please increase the damage or reduce the CD", you will just get a simple answer of "No".


I really do think our third question should be Tank based. Most of the complaints (i.e. lack of burst, TD being weak, set bonus issues) all stem from the DPS trees.


While Juggernauts received a significant (and much-deserved) boost to their tanking capabilities, Powertech's mostly remained the same (for better or worse). Whereas in pre-2.0 we were the most passive of the tanking classes with the smoothest DR curve, Juggernauts can now match our DR curve (via Crushing Blow damage reduction buff) and still maintain a multitude of various cooldowns to increase their survivability beyond what a Powertech tank is capable of. How do you, as the combat team, view the role of the Powertech tank in post-2.0? Since we can no longer claim to be the best passive tank, what exactly (i.e. which scenarios) do we really outshine Juggernaut or Assassin tanks (PVP and PVE included)?


I like the wording on both of these questions for a PvE perspective. I also like the idea of 1 PvE DPS, 1 PvP DPS and 1 tanking question(which would hopefully address PvP and PvE.

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Comparing marauders to pyro, why do marauders:


Have better burst than pyro

Have better sustained than pyro

Hit more enemies than pyro (smash)

Have way better defensive CDs than pyro (undying rage, camo, CLOAK OF PAIN)

Have more team-based utility than pyro (bloodthirst, predation)


Is pyro intended to be a joke class?

The burst and sustained dps I understand... mara's are a pure dps class along with snipers I feel those 2 classes should be 1/2 in dps... I just never understood all the DcD's they have

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I like the wording on both of these questions for a PvE perspective. I also like the idea of 1 PvE DPS, 1 PvP DPS and 1 tanking question(which would hopefully address PvP and PvE.


Thank you :p


I think my tanking question could be worded differently, but I really like the DPS/Hybrid question. It does a few things: 1) it asks for information on their own metrics in comparison to what we see happening, 2) it inquires if this hybrid was intended to out-pace the full tree DPS builds and 3) it asks the combat team how they plan to address this imbalance by making it worthwhile to put 36 points into one DPS tree (which would undoubtedly mean buffing TD and possibly Immolate).

Edited by ScytheEleven
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Thank you :p


I think my tanking question could be worded differently, but I really like the DPS/Hybrid question. It does a few things: 1) it asks for information on their own metrics in comparison to what we see happening, 2) it inquires if this hybrid was intended to out-pace the full tree DPS builds and 3) it asks the combat team how they plan to address this imbalance by making it worthwhile to put 36 points into one DPS tree (which would undoubtedly mean buffing TD and possibly Immolate).


IMO what AP needs is a buff to high energy cylinder, which would remove the incentive to go 22 points into AP and then use combust cylinder and talents that affect it. Full AP is not really far behind hybrid in PvE dps, and the defensives make it worth it for me on some fights, though I enjoy it less. Pyro needs some more meat in the top of the tree. TD hasn't been worth speccing into for PvE DPS in over a year.

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Where pyro/assault in pvp are concerned I basically see 2 issues. 1. The dot take too long and are cleanseable and 2. The class is too damn soft (to a point imo where a bunch of abilities need to be reworked to add damage resists as well as adding another defensive cooldown).


If the dots took less time and/or weren't so easily rid of relying on stacked damage for burst would make far more sense. And staying alive longer to actually see the effect through would obviously be helpful.

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First, we all appreciate all the work you're doing and will do as class rep.


One point though: Bioware does not seem to have limited the scope of this whole thing as much as your concerns suggest. They clearly are asking for "feedback" and "issues" to be raised straight up:






That plainly says they want to hear "feedback" and "issues," and that what we say may "inform future Class balance decisions." They asked for it. Let's give it to them.


Asking weird abstract questions like "What is a DPS Powertech's role in ranked PvP?"; "Are we a melee or ranged class?"; and "Why should anyone choose to play PT vs. Mara?" is just going to result in a big letdown and nothing gained for anyone.


You are right and wrong. Right about if we ask an abstract question "What is a DPS Powertech's role in ranked PvP?" Are we a melee or ranged class?" is not the right way to ask it. But if it is phrased as "Pyro (or AP) PT is mostly melee tree that lacks the defensive capabilities to fight in melee range and the damage output to have an impact. Currently most ranked teams do not bring pyro PTs in their composition any more. Where does the tree excel compared to other melee classes that have superior defensive capabilities and damage output?"


We will get one of two answers: 1) "Currently PT is under represented and our analysis and metrics indicate that the class is not performing on optimal level. We plan to make some adjustments in version 2.4 to improve class efficiency." or 2) "class is fine and working as intended." In that case I know that I do not need to waste my time coming to PT forums trying to post constructive arguments, with evidence, of how and why the class is under performing and stick to my smash monkey in PvP and sniper in PvE.


Half measured weak question do nothing. I highly doubt devs looking for feed back. If they do they are dumb. All they need to do is read the threads in the the first three pages of the class forum (or any class for that matter) with 30+ posts, and that will tell them will be more than enough to give them all the feedback they need. These three questions are not about we giving devs feedback. Its about devs giving us feedback of where they see the class fits and if it is performing as intended or not.

Edited by Ottoattack
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I think people have covered the questions I just want to add why do some players innately feel that they shouldn't be as good as Marauders. This is more of a question for the player base instead of the Devs. But in the minds of many players it's like classes like Powertech/Vanguard are for when you are slumming it. Is the Powertech to be regarded as an alt that you play sometimes when you aren't feeling like using your Marauder? It shouldn't be that way.


I know not everyone feels like this, but I get this feeling that many people do. That there are certain classes that are meant to be mains and certain classes that are just to waste time and see their class story.


At this point in time it is a legitimate question to ask "why not just play a Marauder or a Sniper?" especially in PvP, but the question is feasible even in PvE just to a lesser extent.

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If you're going to focus my argument down by comparing classes all day especially with the 2 basically god dps classes because that is the only skill trees they possess, we won't get anywhere.


Yes, I am acknowledging that our dps shouldn't be as high as a mara or sniper purely because we have a tank tree.


HOWEVER, I am not saying it shouldn't be close when played by a great player (by close I mean within 100-200dps, and I came up with those numbers based on Styrak ghosts where PT's are more helpful than marauders), and I'm CERTAINLY not saying that "they have enough utility to make up for the lack of dps."


You said Electro-Dart doesn't count? On NiM Styrak it definitely counts. I'd even count Carbonize. Hell the tanking side has the Oil Slick which is a fantastic last resort button each time the adds close in for the slow.


You say DPS checks in Nightmare, I'd argue to say the NiM content is all Mechanic and Awareness checks more than anything. Good PT's can go to NiM and clear NiM.


Stop comparing and twisting my words regarding different classes. Instead start thinking about ways we can adjust the Powertech. If it's by increasing the dmg output well then sweet. If it's by adding some more kinds of utility to the class, sure that'd be awesome.

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