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New Ilum area - Gree event


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I know I am not going to be popular for this, but as much as I like killing other people in world PVP can we at least allow people to run their orbs in.


I am fine with killing people once or twice but when guilds camp the middle due to the fact you cannot damage guild members (unless dueling) gets a bit ridiculous after awhile.


Yesterday, I got 2 of my fellow guildies together with Zu just to keep another guild busy for an hour to allow people to run their quests. I mean it was fun killing them 4 v 8 but eventually it just got tiresome.


While I know there are achievements to be had for the gree event specifically killing of pubs and imps just know that I won't be attacking anyone holding an orb at least not in the first week of the event, okay maybe the odd pub might get culled :)

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Zu, as in Zuhara? He's being one of the biggest problems. Earlier today he and some of the other players were creating a group for the sole purpose of hunting down pubs; their justification was that the pubs did it first. Obviously they're just trolls themselves or have an incredible oversight of their hypocrisy.


I also want to mention sgtpvtwaffles for being racist, and it was amusing to watch you get knocked back twice after unsuccessfully trying to stop me from turning in my orbs.




If people are just roaming around in the PVP area, it's cool to attack them, in fact they'll probably hit you first. If they're doing dailies, don't interfere.


I don't care about any attempts to justify this pettiness. "Oh, it's a PvP area" - don't care. Just because you're in a slightly different environment does not mean screwing with people is OK.




I also want to commend the many people I have seen acting honorably and helping each other out across the faction lines. Your work has been appreciated by myself at least, and I look forward to working with such individuals in the future :)

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If you don't want to get attacked by players in a player vs player area, skip those dailies. Bioware didn't make those ones for you, they made them to give people a reason to do open world PVP, which was something that was heavily requested.
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If you don't want to get attacked by players in a player vs player area, skip those dailies. Bioware didn't make those ones for you, they made them to give people a reason to do open world PVP, which was something that was heavily requested.


Quoted for freakin emphasis. ^^^


I hoped by now people would come to expect this from the Gree event. XD


Some people enjoy the mass chaos of killing everything red while others just want to be jerks. Some people like to play Star Wars and kill the other faction while others want to spread love and peace across the galaxy. Some people just wanna grind rep and do quests, others already have max rep and want to give you a hard time. Sometimes you'll stand in a neat little line. Sometimes you'll die. A person that was a jerk to you one day might save your butt the next.


Expect it all. Half the fun is not knowing.

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If you don't want to get attacked by players in a player vs player area, skip those dailies. Bioware didn't make those ones for you, they made them to give people a reason to do open world PVP, which was something that was heavily requested.


You do know that area is always open world PvP? Even when the event is gone?



Also, being PvP doesn't mean being a jerk, IE camping around the pylon in the center to ambush people with orbs, killing people who are fighting the droids solo, hitting groups that are worn down from a boss fight, etc...

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You do know that area is always open world PvP? Even when the event is gone?


Right, but there's NOT always a reason to be there. Having reasons to be there means more people are in the area which means more variety in what you'll see happening. I don't understand why this is difficult to understand or even remotely surprising any more.


I wasted like 2 hours in there with 2 other people the other day. Sometimes we ganked others and sometimes we were the ones being ganked. Sometimes we fought just the pubs and other times we decided that was boring and got into fights with fellow Imps. (Sagoda killed the **** outta me at one point, qq.) Other times we just spammed flashbangs and sleep darts.

EDIT: In fact I think my favorite was the "King of the Rock" knockback adventures, lol.


Don't get all butthurt when you die. Same faction or not, get a group together and fight back. This is freakin Star WARS.

Edited by SimplyKupo
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Lol, open the achievements tab. There are achievements for killing players with orbs. So if course I'm going to attack anyone I see capping or carrying orbs. Yes I was flamed for it when on my powertech, and a group of pubs and imps slaughterered me in 2 flat seconds. I didn't rage and whine, I came back a few hours later with an AWSOME operative healer and 2 sins, and we kicked *** for a little bit, even winning against a 8 man pub group. ((then they came back with buddies in stealth, and we kinda lost, lol.))

It was great fun, and I look forward to seeing you al there tonite. Warning, I will kill you if you have orbs, I need that achievement lol. Hunt well!!

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I want to add that I've been having great fun in the PvP area on IIum today. I'm happy to see it so alive on our little RP server. Some people really need to stop being so sensitive over being killed though... lol Edited by Radzkie
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I just go to dance.


Me too! Seriously everything I do in PvP, Gree event or WZs, is basically this this. :rolleyes:


I may hit for crap, and take forever to kill, but I am an artist, moved by the music and I cannot be stopped!


Unless or course you kill N'abi, then I am toast... :jawa_frown:

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There are like 2 PvP dailies and kazillion PvE dailies, but you want PvPers to stop PvPing so you can do those as well?


Greedy and Selfish.


N'abi's rubber! You are glue! :mad:


You go any further and I will break out the yo' mama jokes! Before you even know what happened I will have burned this whole thread to the ground with my dancing skill and rapier wit.

Edited by CKHelseth
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I know it is a PVP zone and those people who don't think I know how to PVP, I will see you in the WZs.


My point was that there are quite a few players/guilds out there whose sole purpose in life are to be jerks to people and while I can handle myself I don't particular find it sporting to go 8v1 or take on a player who is vastly undergeared.


It gets boring real fast in this game when there is no challenge so while I accept you are having fun with your kills (against inferior opposition), please bear in mind who you are fighting most of the time (it is usually new players or players not as experienced as you) and cut the trash talking once you kill them.


And to those who say there are achievements for kills against pubs/imps/orb carriers yes there are but if you want to drag your name/guild down for the sake of some epeen then go ahead. Get the achievements from fights against groups of equal size, or 1v1s


I will continue to do my dailies where I want and if people want to gank me, give it your best try. I can be hard to kill. Will I kill people in the zone, of course, but I will not pick off lone stragglers when I have a guild behind me.

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To reiterate what someone else has possibly said:


Welcome to the PvP zone. The quests are designed for you to battle over the damn objective in the middle. Did you really think the devs put those missions in place because they want you to form a nice and neat line to the pylon?


Hell no, they wanted people to be duking it out in a desperate attempt to claim the pylon in a FFA slug fest. Same with the mobs, why do you think they are significantly easier? It's not because you can't form ops groups, it's because the devs intended for you to try and fight the mobs and kill other players trying to hinder you at the same time.


Welcome to the PvP zone, where griefing is apart of the fun. If you decide to possibly tone down the complaints and learn that the fun of the zone is from stopping others from completing an objective, then you might not consider it to be so ego wounding. I don't see many people blaming the mobs in PvE content for wiping them, it's just easier for players to do it to other players because you know someone is controlling the toon on the other side of things.


For those of you who don't know what I do, there are two types of players I will attack, whether I have 3 people supporting me or I'm charging in 3v1:


1) Republic players. Faction allegiance, and I promise you all that go into the PvP zone that if you try to take orbs and cap the pylon, I will stop you as long as I have hit points. Don't like it, get out of the Player Vs Player zone or get a group together to stop me.


2)People that seriously whine about people ganking them. It's one thing to get annoyed/throw out a "f you" In Gen chat every now and again, and another to try and convince people that they are in the wrong for attacking you. Courtesy and being left alone is a favor in the PvP zone, not something you should expect. I come in for fun, and if people are farming me, I will attempt to find a group to bring them down in the spirit of competition and if I can't, then I will find something else to do. If you go into those zones and expect to complete your dailies quickly, then try to convince the populace that they are terrible players for ganking you, it will personally cause me annoyance and I guarantee you that I will make sure you have something to whine about. Have a problem? Do something about it, and move on if you can't.


The problem comes in expectations. And to those of you reading this that go into the PvP zone without expecting to do the very thing the zone was designed for, then I bid you farewell. Because between us, it's either you going to the medcenter or both of us going there. Don't like it, don't go into the damn PvP zone.



Edited by ZooMzy
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it looks like I may lose the battle on this, so c'est la vie.


Looks like I will have to win the war, dusts off N'bi's bowcaster, and I will see you in the Gree zone. Personally I don't find any fun in killing the same people over again but as the masses (or at least the vocal minority) have spoken and will continue to act like sheep I will follow the flock.


If I see red in the zone it will now be attacked, pub, imp, orb carrier, crystal, etc.....


My new motto will be "If it moves shoot it, if it doesn't move shoot it anyway"

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it looks like I may lose the battle on this, so c'est la vie.


Looks like I will have to win the war, dusts off N'bi's bowcaster, and I will see you in the Gree zone. Personally I don't find any fun in killing the same people over again but as the masses (or at least the vocal minority) have spoken and will continue to act like sheep I will follow the flock.


If I see red in the zone it will now be attacked, pub, imp, orb carrier, crystal, etc.....


My new motto will be "If it moves shoot it, if it doesn't move shoot it anyway"


By all means! I personally won't attack you Nabi since we're good friends and etc, but if you feel like shooting me, go for it! I don't mind people attacking me, the zone is designed for fighting it out with EVERYONE. Faction vs faction zones no longer exist, and even if I personally try to attack only members of the Republic, I am all for slugging it out with anyone if someone wants to initiate the combat.


The sooner you people realize that the zone is designed for you to fight without taking things so personally, along with the notion that you should expect people to stop you from just driving in and competing the objective without any competition, then you won't get so mad. And if the scale isn't balanced based on groups attacking for both sides, then leave and go do something else. You won't find me outside of the PvP zone ganking, as the reason why I don't like PvP servers is because everywhere is designed like that and I also couldn't stand the idea of playing on planets every day knowing someone is going to possibly jump in and make things almost impossible.


But when you're in that zone with our flag turned on, you should EXPECT to be attacked. It's ok to hope, but EXPECTING people to leave you alone in a zone designed for players to fight is just ridiculous and in all honesty, nullifies any sort of argument you can possibly post.


So enjoy the zone! If not, then try not to take it too personally when I smash your face in :D

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I kill a lot of people in the PvP zone and I also get ganked too, but what I do get ganked I laugh shrug and go back in. Being butthurt over getting killed in a PvP area is like getting butthurt because Styrax wiped your raid group. The Devs made it a FFA area for a reason. Edited by Pride_Lion
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Why do people keep permeating the fact that they think I am annoyed at being killed in the Gree area or that I don't know what the area is about. My point was ganking people 8v1 is not fun to me, if it is to you by all means do so.


But, as I didn't get my point across no matter how succinctly I explained my position, as stated in the post a couple of posts up I will shoot anything that moves :) (not really I generally only shoot people who shoot me first, or those PVP friends I have, just to mess with them)

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I don't have a problem with PvPing in the zone. My problem is with target choice.


If they have fewer people than you, don't attack.


If they're in the middle of an existing battle, with the exception of it being a PvP battle, don't attack.


Solo orb carriers fall under the first category. Don't even try and loophole.


That's all I want to see, ok pumpkins?

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I don't have a problem with PvPing in the zone. My problem is with target choice.


If they have fewer people than you, don't attack.


If they're in the middle of an existing battle, with the exception of it being a PvP battle, don't attack.


Solo orb carriers fall under the first category. Don't even try and loophole.


That's all I want to see, ok pumpkins?


First off, who says anything about the populace having to satisfying your own agenda? Last time I checked, the zone does not prevent you from attacking with more players, it lets you attack people in the middle of mob fighting, and solo orb carriers can be killed quite easily. So your so called "rules" are not even close to what the devs have put in place, and to be honest, I personally don't like your wording so I plan to do the exact opposite.


Welcome to the PvP zone, where no one else has to follow your own sense of honor. Personally, since I view this little post as an attempt to force other players to play the game YOU specifically want played, I would love to gank you 7v1, while you're carrying an orb, in the middle of a mob you pulled.


Try QQing to the devs about this, and see how much they care. Sheesh, people need to learn that you can't dictate how another player plays, and it's not always fair in the PvP zone :/

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First off, who says anything about the populace having to satisfying your own agenda? Last time I checked, the zone does not prevent you from attacking with more players, it lets you attack people in the middle of mob fighting, and solo orb carriers can be killed quite easily. So your so called "rules" are not even close to what the devs have put in place, and to be honest, I personally don't like your wording so I plan to do the exact opposite.


Welcome to the PvP zone, where no one else has to follow your own sense of honor. Personally, since I view this little post as an attempt to force other players to play the game YOU specifically want played, I would love to gank you 7v1, while you're carrying an orb, in the middle of a mob you pulled.


Try QQing to the devs about this, and see how much they care. Sheesh, people need to learn that you can't dictate how another player plays, and it's not always fair in the PvP zone :/



That's because as far as pvp is concerned fair fights are for suckers.

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