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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Backfill - remove it or give us the option to do so


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Because I have joined SO many games where its beyond hopeless to get a win or even decent amount of coms. People quit games for a reason - the bads. So please give us the option to select backfill or not because it's not for me and I am sick of joining losing matches
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Word! The new backfill rules didnt change much because most of the quitting takes place early on. There's no way that a backfiller is going to turn a 0-3 Huttball game with 11 minutes left on the clock, if they scored that many times that fast you're screwed, or an instant three cap. I guess the exception would be if four people drops at once and get replaced by a really good premade, which more or less never happens.
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Word! The new backfill rules didnt change much because most of the quitting takes place early on. There's no way that a backfiller is going to turn a 0-3 Huttball game with 11 minutes left on the clock, if they scored that many times that fast you're screwed, or an instant three cap. I guess the exception would be if four people drops at once and get replaced by a really good premade, which more or less never happens.


I have been in matches just like the huttball you refer to, and come back and won. Been in NC's where the score is 100% to 2% and come back to win 0% to 2%. Play it out, see what happens, you may be pleasantly surprised. Im fine with the backfilling.

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You know what I would love to see? You get coms and daily done based on PERSONAL PERFORMANCE. So if you are a moron tunneling that tank and doing **** then you get ****... God I would love that.


As for backfilling... Its not going to happen... They need to fill those WZ's somehow to... Personally I would love the option... No point in joining said WZ (most of the times).. So just let the stomping premade win and be done with it.

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The only solution I guess is to guarantee a set amount of Coms because essentially that is what putting folk off. Quick losses result in low yields, I managed 47 coms from one match and couldnt believe it because the amount of time I had left to do anything it just wasn't possible.


ive also joined FINISHED games - so either way Backfill just is not working.

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The only solution I guess is to guarantee a set amount of Coms because essentially that is what putting folk off. Quick losses result in low yields, I managed 47 coms from one match and couldnt believe it because the amount of time I had left to do anything it just wasn't possible.


ive also joined FINISHED games - so either way Backfill just is not working.


Backfill is necessary for DCs, real life problems, etc. The issue is people leaving warzones, but you then have to sort out why they are leaving. People primarily leave because they believe they have no chance to win (see a good player/premade on the other team, lose a node/give up a point early, see a bad player/premade on their team). Find a way to make the matches more even at the start and people will feel more like they have a fighting chance.

Edited by Jadescythe
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I refuse to backfill.


Solo queue has become completely tedious and a total waste of time, because backfill is about 80% of the match placement now.


Some nights i spend almost an hour just loading in and leaving matches Im backfilled into.


PUG players are clearly the scum of the earth, and their money must be less valuable than people who play with guildmates etc. I cant see any other reason why PUG players would be treated so poorly and basically be the games cannon fodder.


if you dont believe its true, break up your premade for a night and solo queue. You may never want to play again after an hour or so of backfilling.

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Because I have joined SO many games where its beyond hopeless to get a win or even decent amount of coms. People quit games for a reason - the bads. So please give us the option to select backfill or not because it's not for me and I am sick of joining losing matches


Two things:

1.) The players who group up and are generally the highest caliber of players do not quit warzones because it reflects poorly upon themselves and their guild. It's the sub-par to horrible players that tend to leave the most.


2.) If you are in a warzone and a person disconnects, would you want to go the entire rest of the match down a person because backfill doesn't exist or everyone rejects the backfill pop? These changes wouldn't be all positive

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Two things:

1.) The players who group up and are generally the highest caliber of players do not quit warzones because it reflects poorly upon themselves and their guild. It's the sub-par to horrible players that tend to leave the most.


2.) If you are in a warzone and a person disconnects, would you want to go the entire rest of the match down a person because backfill doesn't exist or everyone rejects the backfill pop? These changes wouldn't be all positive


I've seen entire pre mades quit a warzone before so it makes no difference. And if you actually read what I posted, its about giving players the choice. You might like to back fill, but I don't. So you can select yes and I will select no. Simple as that.

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I have been in matches just like the huttball you refer to, and come back and won. Been in NC's where the score is 100% to 2% and come back to win 0% to 2%. Play it out, see what happens, you may be pleasantly surprised. Im fine with the backfilling.
Kind of depends on what you are playing. A shadow might be able to turn a game, foremost Huttball, if the problem up until that point has been that no one has cared about the objective. A dps sorc or merc on the other hand, not so much of a game changer.


And NC is a bad example because it's the one warzone where games often go back and forth. It's significally harder to "fix" 0-4 in HB, taking all doors in VS in under 3 mins or a 560-300 in CW.

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I don't mind being the filler. It's different. It's a challenge. Sometimes it can turn into an exciting game.


Other day i came into a huttball game that was 2-0 at 9:00 against organized opponents. Our team was kinda all defending. Me on mara, a merc healer, and a tanky assassin got our team out of hopeless defend mode and put some points on the board.


We still lost, but we lost 5-4 instead of 6-0. In the end both sides said gg and fun was had by all.


So backfilling isnt broken. But players should have a choice. Some people hate being filler. I enjoy it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just back-filled into a 3 cap in Nova Coast. All I got was 2 medals, 1 for back-filling and 1 for getting 64k heals in 20 seconds of actual play time before the game was over. Personaly back-filling after waiting around for a que to pop for 10 minutes then getting less then 1-2 minutes of play time needs to stop. I have more losses back-filling then I've ever had wins. I personally would click the no back-fill if there was a option.
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I have been in matches just like the huttball you refer to, and come back and won. Been in NC's where the score is 100% to 2% and come back to win 0% to 2%. Play it out, see what happens, you may be pleasantly surprised. Im fine with the backfilling.


please stop. no offense. I don't doubt that you have. and that's cool if you want to have that opportunity. but that's VERY rare. in any case, the OP is asking for the option to accept or decline back fill roles. so it wouldn't stop you from getting in one if you wanna try that.

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I've seen entire pre mades quit a warzone before so it makes no difference. And if you actually read what I posted, its about giving players the choice. You might like to back fill, but I don't. So you can select yes and I will select no. Simple as that.

vasyel doesn't solo q. it's not his problem.

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I have a friend who back-filled into a winning warzone that was 10 seconds from completion, he still talks about it.


Seriously the majority of backfills will be onto a team that is losing owing to the tendency of PvPers to rage quit a losing team and stick with a winning team. So the odds are stacked in favor of you getting a losing match if you back fill.


Personally I would correct this by making the deserter penalty more severe to discourage people quitting because they are not on a team that is going to give them an easy win.

Edited by LadyKohastFel
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People aren't ragequitting already-lost matches on my server ... people are quitting at the first sign of adversity. I have backfilled into matches that were nowhere near a lost cause several times (and no, this isn't some backhanded way of saying I'm awesome, game just wasn't that far gone).


If you let people opt out of backfill, then it potentially takes longer to fill spots and teams are left at a disadvantage longer. Opting out isn't the solution. The solution needs to address the problem of why people are leaving in the first place -- such as adding more incentive to stick out a losing match (which imo is better done through positive rewards for staying, rather than harsh punishments for leaving).

Edited by Sarielle
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People aren't ragequitting already-lost matches on my server ... people are quitting at the first sign of adversity. I have backfilled into matches that were nowhere near a lost cause several times (and no, this isn't some backhanded way of saying I'm awesome, game just wasn't that far gone).


If you let people opt out of backfill, then it potentially takes longer to fill spots and teams are left at a disadvantage longer. Opting out isn't the solution. The solution needs to address the problem of why people are leaving in the first place -- such as adding more incentive to stick out a losing match (which imo is better done through positive rewards for staying, rather than harsh punishments for leaving).


Rare moments. We need an option. Its about time Bioware gave players a choice instead of forcing their stupidity on us. We already cant select warzones and now we havent a say in back filling. I am yet to join a winning match and the only way you will join a winning match is if some one discounts 95% of the time. Its RARE,.


Q times are now longer thanks to back filling and just take note how many times you get the SAME map in a row, or the same rotation. All thanks to back fill. Its made the game even worse.

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This morning is classic Biofail Backfill.


6 games in a row I was backfilled - different maps and every single one of them was close to the end with a losing team. One of them even had the 'defeated' screen appear just as I joined! What a waste of an xp boost.

Edited by DarthMaulUK
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.... and I am sick of joining losing matches


absolutley ridiculous...


Finish a loosing match first..then complain about joining loosing matches.

A thread ahead you´re the "Big-Mr-Pro-i-quit-on-first-loosing-sign" - Scker and now this...


...worthless to say more...you´ll quit anyways.

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This morning is classic Biofail Backfill.


6 games in a row I was backfilled - different maps and every single one of them was close to the end with a losing team. One of them even had the 'defeated' screen appear just as I joined! What a waste of an xp boost.


Gratz mate. I'm feeling happy for you. You got some very easy warzone comms and xp :)


On a more serious note:

Its note bioware fault that there has to be backfill. Its the communities fault. Yes ... thoughy to grasp ... its your own fault.

The current worldwide trend is that people are very egocentric. Most are only thinking about themselves first. If you don't like your partner in marriage, just divorce her. Please note that is is mearly an example, I know there are many many good reasons to divorce. No offence intended. People don't have a teamspirit anymore. Who is most important around? Me me me me.


Basicly this is why Bioware has a backfill. Current human nature is to choose for themselves first. At the 1st sign of trouble people are quitting warzones, leaving the team with 7 against 8 (even sometimes 5 vs 8). This leaves the team in a dire situation even more. Which leads to more problems.


How can you solve this? Just stay in the current match, dont quit.

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Gratz mate. I'm feeling happy for you. You got some very easy warzone comms and xp :)


On a more serious note:

Its note bioware fault that there has to be backfill. Its the communities fault. Yes ... thoughy to grasp ... its your own fault.

The current worldwide trend is that people are very egocentric. Most are only thinking about themselves first. If you don't like your partner in marriage, just divorce her. Please note that is is mearly an example, I know there are many many good reasons to divorce. No offence intended. People don't have a teamspirit anymore. Who is most important around? Me me me me.


Basicly this is why Bioware has a backfill. Current human nature is to choose for themselves first. At the 1st sign of trouble people are quitting warzones, leaving the team with 7 against 8 (even sometimes 5 vs 8). This leaves the team in a dire situation even more. Which leads to more problems.


How can you solve this? Just stay in the current match, dont quit.

It is Biowares fault. If they didnt introduce Backfill, I wouldnt be in this mess, Q times wouldnt be longer, we all wouldnt be stuck in the same map rotations.


FYI, theres more than enough threads about warzone quitters. People quit warzones because of muppets.

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No, Bioware need to leave backfill as it is.


Otherwise the warzone would be decided by which side has the laziest chickens who quit out first, leaving their team shorthanded.


Give people an "option" not to backfill, then guess what? 95% takes that option - because given the choice they'd prefer not to be put into the (probable, but not certain) less than 50/50 chance of a win . PvP is thereby totally broken, good idea that.


What needs to happen is people need to quit whining when a random group selection they voluntarily joined doesn't guaranteee them a win. Maybe your teammates aren't great or the opponents are. So what? Sometimes you don't get to be carried to easy comms and the opposition provide a challenge. Hey, you know what that's called? PvP.


And if you get backfilled into an unsalvageable situation, then it tends to be over quickly - you can give it a try and then collect your rewards and go again. You still get xp and comms for a loss. It happens and it' not typically very satisfying, but it happens much less often than a full game.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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No. As already said, it will kill pvp that lost a player. Due to crash, dc, or spawn bug (didn't see it since 2.1 tho) - where you spawn from death and can't move.


No one was ever backfilled into winning match that some one dc'd? Is it just me lucky btard?

not to mention, when you backfill a almsot lost game you get 65 comms, cash and +1 on daily about 2-3 minutes instead of 12.

if you have 'bad row' of backfills, leave a game for 20 minutes and port back in. odds are, you won't get backfilled again ;)

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What they should do is introduce a hidden reputation system. if you leave you're more likely to be backfilled. If you rarely leave you have the option to opt out of backfilling. That will reward people who stay every match the option to get a new game and punish the leavers in a fair way.
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