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Bioware: Comment on the issue of premades farming pugs


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All we can do is to help the devs see this problem.


Playing a mmo where a mmo is about grouping isn't a problem.


The problem that exist is you not understanding that fact.


Another words the problem don't exist, only in your head and other anti-premade people there is a problem.

Edited by Makavelithug
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So basically you're saying if I want Objective based PvP I have to either que solo without my friends, or get 7 of my friends for tanked even though most aren't even geared for ranked let alone good enough to do it if they were geared?


And then the option you give for us to group together is 4v4 arena which isn't objective based and is even more focused on you're gear, how you play your class, and the group set up even more than WZs are?


No Thanks.


And those that are saying 3 good players can win a match for the team - I say they can to a point. But no matter how good those 3 players are, they can't always make up for the idiots that decides to not do very simple things. Those three players can't be everywhere at once at all times.


I do mostly only que pre-made because that way at most I'll play with 4 idiots rather than 7. If pugs knew how to play smart and their class solo que wouldn't be as bad as then the only difference would be a pre-made would use voice chat and a pug wouldn't. But then it would be people arguring about voice chat and how it's unfair yada yada yada. Oh wait, people already do that.




LOL@ "focused on you're gear"


focused on you are gear.

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Playing a mmo where a mmo is about grouping isn't a problem.


The problem that exist is you not understanding that fact.


Another words the problem don't exist, only in your head and other anti-premade people there is a problem.


Or grow some balls and dare to face other premades in Ranked WZ?

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When I click on solo-Queue, I expect to be pitted with other people that select Solo-Queue. Not with Group-Queue. I sure do hope they split them apart. However, this would create some issues for the group-queue, as they still need people from solo-queue to fill their ranks. So I guess, the logical way to do this is to prevent group-queue from joining a warzone unless the opposing team has at least one group-queue'd, however, this also means that you might have a full premade against a 2 man premade. To solve this, they can add a restriction where you can't group-queue unless you have 4 people in your group.
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When I click on solo-Queue, I expect to be pitted with other people that select Solo-Queue. Not with Group-Queue. I sure do hope they split them apart. However, this would create some issues for the group-queue, as they still need people from solo-queue to fill their ranks. So I guess, the logical way to do this is to prevent group-queue from joining a warzone unless the opposing team has at least one group-queue'd, however, this also means that you might have a full premade against a 2 man premade. To solve this, they can add a restriction where you can't group-queue unless you have 4 people in your group.


That's why it should be left alone. Furthermore you don't join a solo queue, you choose to join the unranked queue solo. There is a distinction there. There is no solo unranked queue and never has been.

Edited by PloGreen
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When I click on solo-Queue, I expect to be pitted with other people that select Solo-Queue. Not with Group-Queue. I sure do hope they split them apart. However, this would create some issues for the group-queue, as they still need people from solo-queue to fill their ranks. So I guess, the logical way to do this is to prevent group-queue from joining a warzone unless the opposing team has at least one group-queue'd, however, this also means that you might have a full premade against a 2 man premade. To solve this, they can add a restriction where you can't group-queue unless you have 4 people in your group.


That logic is applied in ranked and people don't play it much because of it. Though now it plays so few people that if you queue solo together you get in probably together as well. I've seen many 2 or 3 group "premades" in solo ranked. They should add 2 or 3 people queue to ranked somehow. The more possibility for pop up the better. You get chance to play, chance to learn. PvP is never about equal enemies, but about overcoming any enemy that is there. WHoever it is.

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