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Please make PvE actually PvE-only


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The fact is, the entire issue could be resolved peacefully if you were required to manually flag yourself before you could fire on another flagged player.


This would not apply to areas that auto flag you upon entrance like warzones or like PVP areas in the Gree Event but still, no fuss, no muss.



This pretty much is the answer. They already have a system in place that bars you from interacting with other players given certain conditions are met in the game. For example while someone is in a cut scene with an NPC you can not hit them with any kind of buff or heal. That same system could be used between flagged and non flagged players and the conditions s being met when you either purposely flag yourself or enter an area that automatically flags you. This would stop the OP's situation from happening and would also alleviate any instances where a non flagged player is standing back healing a flagged player who is fighting another flagged player. That simple solution would cover both sides of that argument. The only exception to that that I could see being made would be trading between someone who is flagged and 1 who is not but that would be an out of combat thing anyways.

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Players on PvE servers should *never* be flagged for PvP simply because they group with someone who is flagged or heal another player without checking first to see if that person is flagged for PvP. Yet both of these issues can and do happen in this game.


Having event content placed in a PvP zone is another serious flaw for those of us who do not ever care to PvP. Just because _you_ enjoy PvP does not mean that every player does.

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Actually on that score there is nothing to understand and that point is quite irrelevant..


It doesn't matter how many people want to do both.. What matters is that some people that love PVP are tricking other folks and forcing them to PVP when they don't want to.. Forcing someone to do something against their will is wrong.. Not to mention in some cases, against the law.. See Rape.. Only mentioned because some people want to debate whether or not it is wrong.. Forcing someone to PVP or into a PVP situation is wrong.. There is no argument..


What PVP players need to realize that on a PVE server, they have no rights to force PVP on anyone and they should have their accounts permanently banned if they do.. I for one will not tolerate it and will report anyone that does.. On a PVP server it is a little different in that at least there is the understanding that they are on a PVP server.. It is still wrong to grief others and prevent someone from playing the game.. Being killed over an over is not playing the game..


What the OP mentions is underhanded and not his fault.. The person that ran in is at fault and him and his friends should be banned from the game.. I have had similar things happen to me.. PVP'ers have attempted to find many different ways to find a way around the PVP toggle.. People shouldn't have to do special things or jump through hoops to prevent a PVP from acting like a loser.. The losers should be the one to pay the price..


Bioware really should take notice here and not mix PVE with PVP...


As for who like to both PVP and PVE?? Who cares and why should anyone else?? Everyone should have the same respect for their fellow players and not attempt to trick the system into forcing someone to PVP.. We PVE'ers don't try to trick you into PVE.. I have yet to see a single thread about a person taken into a Flash point or Op against there will.. Perhaps PVP'ers should show other players the same respect they are shown.. :rolleyes:


Hey wait a minute here! We will not have any rational arguments on the internet here. Please go back to the drawing board and edit your list to follow the strict irrational guidelines that have been clearly outlined beforehand........


Seriously though you would think people would understand that rather simple and rational logic but for some reason that kind of critical thought escapes them.

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I just can't understand the problem. Let me break this one to you guys.

Assuming you're in a PVP server, if you don't know what it stands for I translate it's player versus player, and it means that other player can and will engage you in combat, easy as that. If you don't want to PVP go to a PVE server, wich I supose that has some kind of pvp but not at this scale.

If you're plaiyng a online in a pvp server chances are you get killed.

Sincerly in this particular game the pvp is pretty low, because i should be able to kill that person that stole my node, or that took advantage of my fighting so he/she could bennefit without effort.

I wonder if you were plaiyng some open world shooter with quests, if you would cry to the developers that people killed you.

Don't want to pvp go to a pve server, that's why they are there for, if you don't use it, deal with the consequences.

And stop whinning

PS didn't see he was in a pve server faiiiiiil. Sorry, you are totally right

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I'm tired of PvP-flagged people intentionally jumping in front of the quest objectives I am trying to use, accidentally attacking and getting flagged, and then having a bunch of PvP people kill me.


I'm on a PvE-server.


I don't want to PvP.


I have no intention of PvPing.


This kind of stupid thing is what is driving me away.


Sorry what I said earlier I'm a bit sleepy yet, and I didn't see you are in a pve server, then you have my total support

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Learn to control your targeting + Don't AoE when d-bags are in range = Thrive.


You can also just change instances too.

If you are a healer, you also need to make sure that no-one in your group or operation is PVP flagged either -- otherwise, the moment you heal THEM, you're flagged too. So you have a choice, do your job and get flagged (and possibly ganked), or watch the group/operation wipe because you don't want to get flagged.


That doesn't constitute thriving, to me. (Nor does changing instance when the boss you want to fight is actually in the current instance).


On PVE servers, it should require actively turning on the PVP flag in order to engage in PVP -- and death should remove the flag. To avoid unflagged healers continuing to heal people engaged in PVP, buffs/heals from unflagged people should not land on flagged friendlies, just as damage from unflagged people should not land on flagged enemies.

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Players on PvE servers should *never* be flagged for PvP simply because they group with someone who is flagged or heal another player without checking first to see if that person is flagged for PvP. Yet both of these issues can and do happen in this game.


I know, right? Bioware should totally take a part of the game out that thousands of players are actively enjoying because it's just too freaking hard to take the half a second to check and make sure that the person you're healing is not flagged. What kind of stupid system expects players to have a tiny bit of situational awareness around them? Much better to remove a part of the game that other people find really freaking fun than to inconvenience PVE heroes even the tiniest bit.


Having event content placed in a PvP zone is another serious flaw for those of us who do not ever care to PvP. Just because _you_ enjoy PvP does not mean that every player does.


I agree. The pvp players are so freaking spoiled with content, aren't they? The poor pve heroes have only what, like five or six new flashpoints, three new operations, a ton of new daily areas, an entire new planet with two faction stories, and the vast majority of this particular event's quests aimed squarely at them. Those pvpers should be happy with the one new warzone they got last year and the two pvp quests they got in this event. They're such jerkwads for enjoying the occasional spontaneous pvp that breaks out occasionally in the gree event. What greedy, entitled, whiny bastards.

Edited by Prisoner
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. Forcing someone to do something against their will is wrong..
What you mean from your statement is forcing you to do something against your will is wrong, because seem very content with forcing other innocent players to bend to your will according to your statement.


So we kick all PvP players and player that do both off all PvE server because a very few participate in unscrupulous behavior? Whats next we kick all PvE players off the server because a few a ninjas? Completely logical to me.


Also love the legal statement, what actual damages do you incur if a some jerk flags you? There isn't even any repair cost for pvp.So what actual damages do you have that you would not be laughed out of a court of law?


It is annoying at most. My suggest is if someone flags you, tear them up, most good PvP players are not doing this, these are mainly kids that just want attention they are not getting at home. First time my sawbones was attack, I stood their crying over my milk and died, since then I have gotten over it and if I actually fight back, they can't kill her and she usually kills them, long boring fights, but they die.

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I think the claim that most PVE players like to dabble in PVP is dubious at best. And that is from MY experience.


I don't know...that claim describes my playing preference exactly. MY experience says that anecdotally of course, same as yours :)



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I don't see why we couldn't have a warning toggle. This is how I would suggest it should work.


For those that do not wish to PVP, they would toggle on a warning that would pop up when you attack a flagged PVP or opposite faction person. This popup would stop your current action and state something in a box, like this...


This action will result in you being flagged for PVP. Do you wish to continue?


This would give a pause, say a 5 second pause where your current action would be frozen with the toggle on at the first attack attempt. If you would choose NO, the action is cancelled.


Think of it as very similar to the mechanic used to warn you when you enter a PVP zone or opposite faction area with the countdown.


This can of course be toggled on or off.


This would stop accidental attacks dead in their tracks.

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This would stop accidental attacks dead in their tracks.


As long as this super elaborate warning system could be toggled off so players don't have to deal with it at all if they don't want to, I wouldn't have a problem with it. Otherwise a system like this would kill any kind of spontaneous open world pvp.


Still I don't think this is really all that necessary when all players really need is a tiny bit of situational awareness.

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I don't see why we couldn't have a warning toggle. This is how I would suggest it should work.


For those that do not wish to PVP, they would toggle on a warning that would pop up when you attack a flagged PVP or opposite faction person. This popup would stop your current action and state something in a box, like this...


This action will result in you being flagged for PVP. Do you wish to continue?


This would give a pause, say a 5 second pause where your current action would be frozen with the toggle on at the first attack attempt. If you would choose NO, the action is cancelled.


Think of it as very similar to the mechanic used to warn you when you enter a PVP zone or opposite faction area with the countdown.


This can of course be toggled on or off.


This would stop accidental attacks dead in their tracks.


While I don't think that would be completely practical it would be preferable to the current system that can either be exploited by those who really wish to disturb others play and/or so easily be accidentally triggered by the unexpecting. Something like what I had suggested though would allay the fears of exploitation on both sides and is a system that is in place in the game already that would just need modified to apply to PvP auto-flagging and the flagging system.

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As long as this super elaborate warning system could be toggled off so players don't have to deal with it at all if they don't want to, I wouldn't have a problem with it. Otherwise a system like this would kill any kind of spontaneous open world pvp.


Still I don't think this is really all that necessary when all players really need is a tiny bit of situational awareness.


Its more than a "tiny bit of situational awareness". You effectively have to completely alter your play style to avoid someone who can't be ****ed to go play PvP commando with other people who want to actually PvP because they get their jollies off going after the under leveled or under geared to stroke their fragile egos because apparently facing someone who's geared up and wants to actually PvP is too much of a challenge for their skills, or lack there of. Sorry but no. That person didn't roll in a PvP server, they aren't in a PvP area, and because of that they shouldn't have to change what they are doing to avoid being greifed.

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What matters is that some people that love PVP are tricking other folks and forcing them to PVP when they don't want to


"Tricking" a player.. and "forcing" a player are two different things entirely.


Nobody can force you to PvP on a PvE server.


They can however through clever use of mechanics and with the help of carelessness on the part of the other player....trick a player into making a mistake that flips the flag. Is it a d-bag tactic? yep.. very much so. Is it completely avoidable? yep.. very much so.


But hey.. by all means... protect players from making mistakes in MMO at all costs, right? So, while we are at it, make it so players ALWAYS fire the exact correct interdiction skills against a mob to thwart it's attacks too. Because.. some mobs have special cast or attack abilities that can really hurt if you don't interrupt them. Better yet.. let's go all the way.. let's make it is impossible for a player to ever make a mistake or a judgment error while playing the game that could cost them an unexpected repair bill...because you know.. repair bills are poopy to the virtual wallet. :rolleyes:


Yes.. let's dumb down and hardwire MMOs even further then they already are....because we simply must protect those that cannot or will not take situational precautions to protect themselves.

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"Tricking" a player.. and "forcing" a player are two different things entirely.


Nobody can force you to PvP on a PvE server.


They can however through clever use of mechanics and with the help of carelessness on the part of the other player....trick a player into making a mistake that flips the flag. Is it a d-bag tactic? yep.. very much so. Is it completely avoidable? yep.. very much so.


But hey.. by all means... protect players from making mistakes in MMO at all costs, right? So, while we are at it, make it so players ALWAYS fire the exact correct interdiction skills against a mob to thwart it's attacks too. Because.. some mobs have special cast or attack abilities that can really hurt if you don't interrupt them. Better yet.. let's go all the way.. let's make it is impossible for a player to ever make a mistake or a judgment error while playing the game that could cost them an unexpected repair bill...because you know.. repair bills are poopy to the wallet. :rolleyes:


It's actually pretty easy to fix and should be fixed. The fix is that you should not be able to damage another player unless both you and they are already flagged for PvP.


But by all means, keep defending the as-is state of the game and arguing vehemently against any suggested improvement. It's the worst type of consumer ever, but if that's your goal, more power to yah.

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Its more than a "tiny bit of situational awareness". You effectively have to completely alter your play style to avoid someone who can't be ****ed to go play PvP commando with other people who want to actually PvP because they get their jollies off going after the under leveled or under geared to stroke their fragile egos because apparently facing someone who's geared up and wants to actually PvP is too much of a challenge for their skills, or lack there of. Sorry but no. That person didn't roll in a PvP server, they aren't in a PvP area, and because of that they shouldn't have to change what they are doing to avoid being greifed.


Actually, it is just a tiny bit of situational awareness. It is really not that difficult to check before healing another player and make sure that they're not flagged. It's equally as easy to hold off on using an AOE attack if you're uncertain that there might be a flagged steather about. That's assuming that griefing (i.e. tricking unflagged players into getting flagged) is as rampant as people claim, which I'm deeply skeptical of.


Seriously, people. This **** is not hard.

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But by all means, keep defending the as-is state of the game and arguing vehemently against any suggested improvement. It's the worst type of consumer ever, but if that's your goal, more power to yah.


1) I have never taken the position of arguing against ANY (as in ALL... which is what you implied) suggested improvements to the game. So your accusation is both inaccurate and hyperbole. So please stay on topic.. and if you want to disagree with me on this particular topic.. go for it. However, the ad hominem "worst type of consumer ever" statement was unneeded, and unwarranted.


2) you are ignoring the larger point I have been expressing. I do not feel, and never will feel, that we must have game developers hardwire protections into the game for every possible contingency where a player could through their own fault.. come to virtual harm. NOBODY can force you into PvP in this game. You can make a personal mistake that allows someone to trick you into setting your flag. So... don't make mistakes. And.. when you do make a mistake, learn from it and move on. This is not a game for preschoolers, so we really do not need preschool level safeguards IMO.

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Actually, it is just a tiny bit of situational awareness. It is really not that difficult to check before healing another player and make sure that they're not flagged. It's equally as easy to hold off on using an AOE attack if you're uncertain that there might be a flagged steather about. That's assuming that griefing (i.e. tricking unflagged players into getting flagged) is as rampant as people claim, which I'm deeply skeptical of.


Seriously, people. This **** is not hard.



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"Tricking" a player.. and "forcing" a player are two different things entirely.


Nobody can force you to PvP on a PvE server.


They can however through clever use of mechanics and with the help of carelessness on the part of the other player....trick a player into making a mistake that flips the flag. Is it a d-bag tactic? yep.. very much so. Is it completely avoidable? yep.. very much so.


But hey.. by all means... protect players from making mistakes in MMO at all costs, right? So, while we are at it, make it so players ALWAYS fire the exact correct interdiction skills against a mob to thwart it's attacks too. Because.. some mobs have special cast or attack abilities that can really hurt if you don't interrupt them. Better yet.. let's go all the way.. let's make it is impossible for a player to ever make a mistake or a judgment error while playing the game that could cost them an unexpected repair bill...because you know.. repair bills are poopy to the virtual wallet. :rolleyes:


Yes.. let's dumb down and hardwire MMOs even further then they already are....because we simply must protect those that cannot or will not take situational precautions to protect themselves.


Your Point of View is Valid on PvP, RP-PvP, and even perhaps on RP-PvE servers. PvP on those servers is a large part of the Content and understandable so. Star Wars as a Story itself lends approval to PvP in this MMO.


But not on normal PvE servers by any stretch of the imagination. Player's choose to play on a PvE Server to stay away from PvP style gameplay, for a variety of reasons. All valid, just like PvP on PvP Servers.


You say that PvE Players should keep in mind the game mechanics to keep from accidentally falling victim to PvP tricksters.... PvE Players don't think about all the game mechanics they have to avoid to keep from accidentally triggering PvP because they are not PvPers to begin with! We don't think about SWTOR the way you do. We don't play SWTOR the way you do.


But you think about the game mechanics all the time... don't you? What you are asking is for is the equivalent of Law Abiding citizens fully comprehending the mind of a Criminal. Not the same but similar. You impress me as being an intelligent individual. You know that is improbable.


Your argument only strengthens our perceptions that PvP Players will do anything to scam and trick PvE Players into PvP. If you want to PvP with others of like mind, then GOOD, PvP has a place in SWTOR, but since when is it acceptable to trick and exploit everyone else into PvP that don't want to?? The more you argue in this thread the more I cannot trust you or other PvPers. It's not about my character dying, it's about YOU winning.


My decision to avoid all WZ's, Ilum, and Hoth stands. I will avoid any and all content were my PvP Flag might get tripped. I will not finish the quests for SWTOR, but better that than take a chance at being your Prey. As much as I avoid PvP conflict with this decision it is YOU that ultimately wins. Enjoy.

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...That's assuming that griefing (i.e. tricking unflagged players into getting flagged) is as rampant as people claim, which I'm deeply skeptical of.


Seriously, people. This **** is not hard.


It isn't very rampant in my experience, it just shouldn't be possible is all. PVP on a PVE server should only ever be an optional thing and you shouldn't even be able to fire on PVP person unless you've manually turned on your flag or had it turned on by entering an auto-flag area.


Let's be honest, if "tricking" someone into becoming flagged is actually a grief and against rules, then it should have already been fixed so as not to happen, that way CS isn't bombarded with needless reports and players can rest easily and threads like this one can be put to bed.

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But by all means, keep defending the as-is state of the game and arguing vehemently against any suggested improvement. It's the worst type of consumer ever, but if that's your goal, more power to yah.
Just as silly that people continue to argue for methods to solve the problem that would open up a whole new set of exploits. The problem isn't PVP players, the problem is players that feel the need to exploit a mechanic for personal amusement and attention. However many of the arguments in this thread deal with punishing all pvp players or opening up a even more exploits for unscrupulous players to use.


What needs to be done is all AoE/Splash damage will not hit a flagged player and thus not flag you. Period end of story. As to making a magic switch, only way that would be of any use is much like the cooldown to get unflagged, you could only toggle it on and off in a safe zone and it would have a few min cooldown. Otherwise you would open up the world to a new set of problems. I also believe it still should have nothing to do with zone, if you go into a zone and can't read the count down, then you deserve to be free game.


My main is a healer, you heal someone in a instances you are not flagged, so problem is already solved. You heal someone in the open world that is flagged then you made the choice to help that player and deserve to be flagged. They choice to be flagged you choice to team up with them, so you choice to be flagged.


I have done the gree even on 6 different toons now, had full rep since between the first and second event, run this on two healers and 4 dps...first event I was flagged a lot since I was doing the pvp quest and the heroic in the pvp area where it could be soloed easily on a healer. I have been killed twice by pvp and I have killed 2 players that tried to kill me. Had a few other fights but after about 10 mins they gave up and ran away, sawbones FTT (for the tie). After I got my rep, I have ignored the pvp quest and only flagged now when players group with get flagged. Most of the time on the heroic even flagged republic and imperial players are helping each other kill the droids, not fighting each other however you will always have a few players that have fun by ruining others fun, just don't see the reason to punish everyone.


As dps I find it very easy to not get flagged. As a healer it is very easy not to get flagged, but I still get flagged because I refuse to watch players grouped with me die just because they made a careless mistake. If I did that I wouldn't heal people standing in AoEs either.

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Just as silly that people continue to argue for methods to solve the problem that would open up a whole new set of exploits. The problem isn't PVP players, the problem is players that feel the need to exploit a mechanic for personal amusement and attention. However many of the arguments in this thread deal with punishing all pvp players or opening up a even more exploits for unscrupulous players to use.


What needs to be done is all AoE/Splash damage will not hit a flagged player and thus not flag you. Period end of story. As to making a magic switch, only way that would be of any use is much like the cooldown to get unflagged, you could only toggle it on and off in a safe zone and it would have a few min cooldown. Otherwise you would open up the world to a who new set of problems. I also believe it still should have nothing to do with zone, if you go into a zone and can't read the count down, then you deserve to be free game.


My main is a healer, you heal someone in a instances you are not flagged, so problem is already solved. You heal someone in the open world that is flagged then you made the choice to help that player and deserve to be flagged. They choice to be flagged you choice to team up with them, so you choice to be flagged.


I have done the gree even on 6 different toons now, had full rep since between the first and second event, run this on two healers and 4 dps...first event I was flagged a lot since I was doing the pvp quest and the heroic in the pvp area where it could be soloed easily on a healer. I have been killed twice by pvp and I have killed 2 players that tried to kill me. Had a few other fights but after about 10 mins they gave up and ran away, sawbones FTT (for the tie). After I got my rep, I have ignored the pvp quest and only flagged now when players group with get flagged. Most of the time on the heroic even flagged republic and imperial players are helping each other kill the droids, not fighting each other however you will always have a few players that have fun by ruining others fun, just don't see the reason to punish everyone.


As dps I find it very easy to not get flagged. As a healer it is very easy not to get flagged, but I still get flagged because I refuse to watch players grouped with me die just because they made a careless mistake. If I did that I wouldn't heal people standing in AoEs either.


I offered up a solution that would avoid the very exploits you fear would be abused if they stopped people from being able to be auto flagged that way, but people have conveniently ignored so they can continue to argue in favor of inexcusable behavior. But in case you honestly missed it I will say it again. A system is already in place that would work. Currently in game if you approach someone who is in a Convo with a NPC you can not buff or heal them out interact with them until the condition is met that they are no longer in a conversation. If they modified that system to include not being able to heal/buff/attack someone who is flagged if you are not also flagged then it would stop all of this. Because then the ONLY way to flag and or interact with said players would be if that person physically turned on the flag them self or they enter an auto flagging area such as Outlaws Den for example.


The only exception to that could be trading between flagged and non flagged characters. This would all be preferable to the way the system currently works where people have to change everything they are doing while PvEing because some ignorant ***** decides to grief them.

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But you think about the game mechanics all the time... don't you? What you are asking is for is the equivalent of Law Abiding citizens fully comprehending the mind of a Criminal. Not the same but similar. You impress me as being an intelligent individual. You know that is improbable.


Yeah, actually, I do think about the game mechanics all the time. At some point they become second nature and so they are thought about unconsciously, rather then consciously.


I play PvE servers by choice, because I want the choice as to when I PvP and when I don't. And since there is open world PvP mechanics in this game...yes... those mechanics are relevant on a PvE server... because PvE servers in this game are HYBRID servers. When I enter a game zone that is known as having both factions present.. that means the developer did that for a reason.. to encourage open world ad hoc PvP. And with that intention comes awareness, and attention to mechanics. Personally, I feel that you should by definition be more alert and cautious when in a mixed faction location. Maybe it's my many years of playing MMOs where PvP and PvE content coexist in the open world (not just in sanitized WZs).


Personally, I don't see d-bags trying to run PvP tricks much in this game. I've seen a few.. and they were easy to avoid. Better even.... they were easy to call some help for and send them packing off the zone. So this is not some huge problem where hundreds of people are doing it every day on every server. It's most often a few d-bags, doing it on the same server, every day, in the same places. Not hard to avoid at all.


The larger practical issue is really players of your own faction who are flagged, and you heal them and trigger your own flag as a result. If that's an issue, don't heal them, no matter what. Personally, if they need help with healing in a PvE encounter.. I will heal them. I've done this at times, knowing it will trigger my flag, but the person needed assistance and I knew my flag would reset in 5 minutes anyway.. and I have never been attacked while waiting for that flag to reset.


In all cases, I am in control of my PvP flag with the mechanics as they are today. And I am fine with that. I get that some people are not and want more safeguards.. but I simply disagree and I provide context and example as to why.


Your argument only strengthens our perceptions that PvP Players will do anything to scam and trick PvE Players into PvP. If you want to PvP with others of like mind, then GOOD, PvP has a place in SWTOR, but since when is it acceptable to trick and exploit everyone else into PvP that don't want to?? The more you argue in this thread the more I cannot trust you or other PvPers. It's not about my character dying, it's about YOU winning.


Nonsense. Stopy playing victim IMO. You have complete control over your flag, as long as you follow the known mechanics in the game today. If you disregard or ignore those mechanics.. that's on you.


And I have stated time and time again in this topic... PvP tricksters are d-bags, and I do no condone what they do or how they do it. I just also acknowledge that they cannot force me to flag for PvP as long as I don't make a mistake at the same time they are trying to play tricks. Nothing more, nothing less.


I am a PvE player who will do some PvP with guild mates or sometimes spontaneously to help a faction member (like when there are d-bags trying to trick players into PvP). These tricksters are perfect PvP targets in random open world encounters IMO, because they are usually not good at PvP anyway.. and even when they have friends lurking near by to play.... I can bring more friends on short notice to give them a spanking then they can. ;)

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Probably because most PvE players (note I did not say "all", but most) reserve the right to PvP when they choose to. This is the essence of the modern PvE server. And with that flexibility comes a little bit if responsibility on the part of the player. Don't flag if you don't want to PvP and don't do something foolish that would trigger the auto-flag either. It's a small responsibility and one of self-interest as well.. so one would think players would apply it rather then ask Bioware to remove choice completely.


In any event.. if someone wants to suggest a "off-switch" on their characters for PvP.. fine.. suggestion forum is up above.


I'm going to disagree here. The golden rule, since way back in UO some 15 years ago, is that you never, ever force PVE players to PVP as part of their game play. In short, you keep it separate, by choice, in all instances. Seperate servers and war zone environments have been the standard since then. The Gree event broke that rule. Not sure what they were thinking, but it is the worst idea in the history of bad ideas.


This is not a situation were we defend the developers unconditionally by placing the blame on player "control" or anything else. People pay to play the PVE environment. The reason they do is to avoid being harassed by PvP players, which amounts not to "fun", or "challenge", but an interruption of their PVE play.

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