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I Want To Like TOR, But It Just Feels Old


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Other than the lack of clothing/gear textures I think the game is really enjoyable. I really wish the gear looked as good as LOTRO. Now that is damn good looking textures on the gear. These textures look crude by comparison. Even though I am a lifetime subscriber to LOTRO I am still playing TOR an isane amount of time and haven't played LOTRO in many months. I hope TOR ages well.
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The op acts like everything he listed was in World of Warcraft when it launched. Sorry to say that 95% of what you say should of been in this game for launch wasn't in World of Warcrafts launch either until many years later down the road. Your complaints are not bad, I'm not knocking you for them but in time we will see much more of the stuff you mentioned added most likely.


WoW didn't have all the stuff it had at launch.


Expect SWTOR not to have it all at launch until down the road.



Problem solved.

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I'm sure I've wasted my time typing all of this. Most of you are too blind to understand how badly you're hurting a good game by telling Bioware they don't have to make it great.

Its sad, really.



Bioware themselves know that this game is barely average and the only saving grace is being Star Wars. They rushed it through the window because EA wouldn't allow them to delay it any longer.


Experienced developers know that stuff, they're not waiting for us to tell them. It's just that they can't do much about it and now it's too late for them to fix it up.

Edited by grcpan
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Bioware themselves know that this game is barely average and the only saving grace is being Star Wars. They rushed it through the window because EA wouldn't allow them to delay it any longer.


Experienced developers know that stuff, they're not waiting for us to tell them. It's just that they can't do much about it and now it's too late for them to fix it up.


I wouldn't agree with barely avrage, I think its a good game. I really enjoy the advancements in storytelling and some of the nifty "little" features that made me grin the first time I played.


However, you're right. Anyone whose payed attention to the dev cycle since 2008 knows what happened. EA threw the hammer down, and an unfinished product came to market.

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For a great developer like Bioware, yes it is average. And it's their second worst game after Dragon Age 2.


If a no-name company developed and released SW:TOR I would perhaps find it good. Still not great, but good, it was somewhat enjoyable anyways. But when LucasArts, Bioware and more than 135 million dollars are involved, I cannot give this game anything more than 'average' 5/10.

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you are forgettin this is the launch, this is the foundation for the game so they can build off it in the future. please stop saying it missing this or missing that when its released yesterday! and wow has been out for 7years!!!!


I think the point is why does this maturity cycle have to be there in such a significant way? We're used to progress and forward progression and in that department SWTOR doesn't deliver out of the box. Maybe that's a wrong assumption but I've had the same nagging voice in the back of my head, "This is pretty good, but it's missing the mark for being a 2011 game."


Does that mean I need to leave? Go back to WOW? Come on. If these things didn't get said then MMOs that develop over time wouldn't get better. So there's value in them.


The OP is the first one to mention about character customization because you end up staring at your own character so much (that I've seen). I agree. I wish I could tweak it. Maybe someday they'll build it in, but not unless people are talking about wanting it!

Edited by robault
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This game has been out for two days.


WoW has been out for seven years and twenty-eight days, and has seen 3 expansions.


Of course it's more polished.



Nw. I'm releasing a black and white prototype phone tomorrow, but I'll keep updating it over the next 5 years to catch up to current gen.



Stop sticking up for a game that's broken, otherwise it will never get patched/fixed.



Blizzard must be laughing their heads off right now, couldn't say I blame them.

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you cannot compare SWTOR to WoW. WoW is a 7 year old game thats been polished quite abit compared to launch like graphics. SWTOR is still completely new. Have some patience (no im not saying SWTOR will need years to become quite alot stronger)
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Personally, I don't mind there being no dungeon finder equivilent. At least that way people have to put effort into finding a group, which makes them 500% less likely to pull off some anonomous toss-monkey-ism.


Also, berating a game that has been relesed for 2 days because it doesn't have "obviousy vital features" (sarcasm inferred) that have only recently been added to the leading MMO is a bit, well, its just stupid full stop.

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It feels old in the way that a car feels old. It has a steering wheel, wheels, brakes, and all the other parts that every car had before it. But there are a million different types of cars. I like mine. And I like this game.


On a plus note you are going to get a lot of responses to this. Mostly people calling you a troll. You could have at least brought cookies...






omg this.



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Other than the memory leak, which btw is notlimited to Taris, I completely disagree.

Well maybe companion pathing is screwed up too. Most of your complaints are

asking for tools to make it easier for you to play. I say adapt we all have same controls

leveling the playing feild. Once macros and add ons hit, people in the know will have the advantage of easy mode while people who just play the game and don't lurk in forums getting the knowledge of whats what with add ons will be at a disadvantage.


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The op acts like everything he listed was in World of Warcraft when it launched. Sorry to say that 95% of what you say should of been in this game for launch wasn't in World of Warcrafts launch either until many years later down the road. Your complaints are not bad, I'm not knocking you for them but in time we will see much more of the stuff you mentioned added most likely.


WoW didn't have all the stuff it had at launch.


Expect SWTOR not to have it all at launch until down the road.



Problem solved.


Sad to see people thinking so swallow...

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you cannot compare SWTOR to WoW. WoW is a 7 year old game thats been polished quite abit compared to launch like graphics. SWTOR is still completely new. Have some patience (no im not saying SWTOR will need years to become quite alot stronger)


SWTOR is a brand new game out of the box that had time to "Copy" and implement all these nifty little features before it went live.


So why didnt they do it.



Wow had 7 years to INVENT those features.



SWTOR only had to IMPLEMENT.



Is it so hard to put it in your skull the difference ?

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This. Apologies the like "the game just launched" doesnt excuse the fact that the game came out of the box with many things missing.


I could not agree with this more. The game just launching is not a good enough excuse in todays market. The fact is other mmos have advanced to add certain features or certain tools that swtor doesn't have. Why should we have to wait for swtor to catch up? It came out after those things were already created. I figure they'll be alot of features added in but the point is, some of them are old news and should be in now and bioware failed on that aspect.

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