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I Want To Like TOR, But It Just Feels Old


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I think you made some valid points in all that text, And i have to agree it can get annoying sometimes. Nevertheless i feel that the good parts of the game always outshine the bad and that what keeps me playing :)


Thats true.


The game does have solid foundations.



Its only unexcusable why they released an unpolished game out of the box when they ought to do 10x better than that.

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Oh and guys if you would want for swtor to only launch when it has all the features that wow has including the vast amount of content, then swtor would never release because guess what?


Coding is something that takes time and wow simply had more of it.


If you absolutely need all those little shiny features come back in a few months instead of playing the game now.

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Oh and guys if you would want for swtor to only launch when it has all the features that wow has including the vast amount of content, then swtor would never release because guess what?


Coding is something that takes time and wow simply had more of it.


If you absolutely need all those little shiny features come back in a few months instead of playing the game now.


I call that BS.



A game thats invested millions in its production could afford another team implementing MODERN gameplay features.

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- LFG is one of the MANY reasons WoW is dieing. LFG totally removed the need for a world, have you noticed how everyone just stands in the main cities and never goes outside? It destroyed the world!


hahaha oh wow, yeah dude WoW is totally dying, with all of its 10 million subscribers and what not. lol you're so delusional.

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Umm this is Bioware's first shot at an MMO and they should know better? Are you insane? Or do you bleed Blizzard? There is not a standard that all MMO's must follow. If you want the standards that Wow has go for it. All of the **** you listed was why I quit that terrible game. Bioware will add features they think are neccessary in the future, just like Vanilla wow did. Edited by superkidd
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Not even gonna include the quote - too long of a rant. But, k.........so your expecting TOR to have at launch all the stuff it took wow 8 years to develop...


i'm pretty sure building mmo's is hard - and its pretty impressive they got the basics more or less down by launch


so, give it a couple months - maybe? just sayin

Edited by flyforajedguy
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I call that BS.



A game thats invested millions in its production could afford another team implementing MODERN gameplay features.


And what, pray tell, are those? If all that it is are things YOU want (please do not say everybody, be honest and say just yourself, because that is the only one you know who does), then it can wait for the first patch.

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Umm this is bioware's first shot at an MMO and they should no better? Are you insane? Or do you bleed Blizzard? Their is not a standard that all MMo's must follow. If you want the standards that Wow has go for it. All of the **** you listed was why I quit that terrible game. Bioware will add features they think are neccessary in the future, just like Vanilla wow did.


Bioware will eventually release all the features that made WoW a great game.



The question is not IF but WHY they didnt do it at launch and delivered a shiny big box with substantial content inside.

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Bioware will eventually release all the features that made WoW a great game.



The question is not IF but WHY they didnt do it at launch and delivered a shiny big box with substantial content inside.


Certain things were purposely left out ala Cross Realm LFG for instances and flashpoints. They will also add features that Wow has and doesn't have. But the people expecting all of the bells and whistles that WoW has right out of the box are extremely illogical.

Edited by superkidd
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While I agree it is old feeling... I look more toward the future than the current.


I know you make the argument that some of us are easily amused and chalk it up to being launch... but that's what it is... launch.


Most of the things you list are not in fact features that are old, but a lack of new features. Most of which are also features that are not crucial to having a playable game (while it cannot be denied that they leave something to be desired currently). However, on launch, you should not at all expect a full set of features.


WoW lacked Battlegrounds, a lot of PvE content, mounts until level 40, no LFG, no arena, horrible pet AI, a UI that could not be modified and left a lot to be desired, meh character creation, no talents let alone dual spec, no macros, no mouseover casting, no variety to quests, no dialogue options really to be found, no transmogification or appearance tab, no barber shop and most of of the other things you listed let alone being buggy as hell (if you claim it wasn't buggy, you weren't there).


It isn't a matter of how up to date the features are, it is a matter of time. There is no time pre-launch to create such features when you are focusing on the very basics. It is not like they said "Hey, we don't want to add these features" but rather "Hey, we should probably fix the borked up combat system that we have a month before launch rather than add these petty systems". People assume that because WoW has them, they are suddenly crucial to gameplay or launch requirements when in fact they are things that can easily be added on later and should to get the game launched and in players hands after 5+ years in development. That is a hella long time for a $100 million dollar investment to see no results or guarantee of profit in most industries, let alone the game industry. Most of these features are not things that you launch with and these posts are really not relevant.


What will be interesting is how Bioware will go about putting those features in game and bringing things up to par. Until then, sit back and play the game or go take a break for a couple months... I'm sure you'll be back once they put the nice features in.

Edited by Thaonnor
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And what, pray tell, are those? If all that it is are things YOU want (please do not say everybody, be honest and say just yourself, because that is the only one you know who does), then it can wait for the first patch.


Thats the thing mate.



They aknowledge half of the stuff that people are demanding, that they are working on it.



So how am I and the others claim things out of my ar$e?



The thing you fail to understand is that genre has matured alot since the days of MUD games and ULTIMA (ultimatelly).


SWTOR (like other precedessors) used and copies previous features to expand the genre and provide better gameplay to an ever demanding crowd.

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While I agree it is old feeling... I look more toward the future than the current.


I know you make the argument that some of us are easily amused and chalk it up to being launch... but that's what it is... launch.


Most of the things you list are not in fact features that are old, but a lack of new features. Most of which are also features that are not crucial to having a playable game (while it cannot be denied that they leave something to be desired currently). However, on launch, you should not at all expect a full set of features.


WoW lacked Battlegrounds, a lot of PvE content, mounts until level 40, no LFG, no arena, horrible pet AI, a UI that could not be modified and left a lot to be desired, meh character creation, no talents let alone dual spec, no macros, no mouseover casting, no variety to quests, no dialogue options really to be found, no transmogification or appearance tab, no barber shop and most of of the other things you listed let alone being buggy as hell (if you claim it wasn't buggy, you weren't there).


It isn't a matter of how up to date the features are, it is a matter of time. There is no time pre-launch to create such features when you are focusing on the very basics. It is not like they said "Hey, we don't want to add these features" but rather "Hey, we should probably fix the borked up combat system that we have a month before launch rather than add these petty systems". People assume that because WoW has them, they are suddenly crucial to gameplay or launch requirements when in fact they are things that can easily be added on later and should to get the game launched and in players hands after 5+ years in development. Most of these features are not things that you launch with and these posts are really not relevant.


What will be interesting is how Bioware will go about putting those features in game and bringing things up to par. Until then, sit back and play the game or go take a break for a couple months... I'm sure you'll be back once they put the nice features in.


Thank you so much for a logical reply with proper sentence structure.....:)

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While I will admit that swtor has some issues your post did not mention a single real problem with the game. All your post did was ***** about things that WoW has, and this gamer does not. Also try to remember people, that many people like the graphic, and the UI, and many of the other things you think make a terrible game. If you don't enjoy the game that is too bad, but please stop voicing you OPINION as fact!




The game came out yesterday for gods sake; you think your idol WoW, or any other mmo for that fact were this good on release... WoW release I could not even install for a week until a fix came out. Also if the que bothers you then move to a another server.

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And what, pray tell, are those? If all that it is are things YOU want (please do not say everybody, be honest and say just yourself, because that is the only one you know who does), then it can wait for the first patch.


Actually, you're wrong. Most of the features being spoken of have been lauded by the entire gaming community and the industry as a whole.


Take off your blinders. Nobody...well, maybe a few people...are saying its a bad game. There's just a bit of sadness that we've been waiting for 4 years and they've dropped an unfinished product in our lap.


Its like if you go buy a car that doesn't have a CD player or anti-lock brakes. Anybody would blink in surprise and wonder what the deal is. Nobody would go "Oh it's okay because it took the industry X amount of years to invent those advancements". Thats not productive thinking, it borders on irrational.


Will all of this be fixed? Probably. And probably in a relatively short timespan. The problem is, they shouldn't need fixing. I have a sinking feeling a large portion of the MMO community is going to take one look at this, shake their heads and go back to their modern MMO experience.


I'm sure many of you are thinking, "good, they can go back to WoW/Rift/Eve/Whatever and leave us alone".


You don't want that. Bioware doesn't want that. Because if that happens, this game will fail. Right now it just has to play catch-up, which is a not an enviable position, but its one that the publisher can recover from.


Blame EA for this. If you've been paying attention to the dev cycle and know the typical Bioware work ethic, you know damned well that this game was at least a year off from launch, but EA dropped the hammer and forced them to put it to market early. Why? Because digital distribution has unfortunately made publishers lazy, and they rely too heavily on post-launch patches to bring a game "up to speed". EA is one of the very worst offenders . It's sad, really.


I have no doubt that Bioware has plans to implement these features and fix the bugs. None at all. And I personally will be playing and enjoying what IS in the game until then. But many will not.


I sincerely hope its not too late.

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The game is great already like it is. I love it already.

I can see by myself that there is something missing and something needs ti improve.

Nonetheless i enjoy it as it is. Give Bioware some time to register the flaws and to add some improvements. They already stated some more features will be implemented.

I can fully understand why and even if i'ld like to have those features implemented already, for the sake of the game i'm glad to wait not complaining.

It took them a lot of time to release this game and understandable they wanted to give us a game as most polished as possible. Not everything was polished? Well, market reasons made its release a few weeks early. What if they released it with all the improvements you are asking for? Improvements that for other games took years to get worked around? WoW, after 7 years is still struggling with features that devs say they are looking into it; and you expect that Bioware devs will implement more features that are still being worked on? Firstly they worked on the basics, to give us a game that is strong, no crashes nor disconnections at all for me yet, where WoW, Warhammer, AOC, Rift and a couple more mmorpg gave me almost constantly (not talking about glitches and bugs, even aften 7 years!!!!).

You ask and want to much from a game just released. Come back in a couple of months, maybe 3 and if nothing has changed yet, then you can start to complain with a bit of right, now just be quiet please.

And i got to add a last thing: this is STAR WARS: THE OLD REPUBLIC and not WoW nor a clone of it. Had they given us a product with all the features WoW got, then you would be here complaining tha SWTOR is a clone of WoW and that they copied everything from that game; i don't know why but that's my guess...

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Blame EA for this. If you've been paying attention to the dev cycle and know the typical Bioware work ethic, you know damned well that this game was at least a year off from launch, but EA dropped the hammer and forced them to put it to market early. Why? Because digital distribution has unfortunately made publishers lazy, and they rely too heavily on post-launch patches to bring a game "up to speed". EA is one of the very worst offenders . It's sad, really.


Really? You honestly think that this game, as polished as it is currently still needed a year of work? UI needs improvement for sure, but the majority of the OPs issues are trivial, petty, pathetic, or just plain not issues.

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What especially bugs me is that 2011 WoW system to find groups (and raids) is more modern than TOR one. Period


Throw rocks as me as much as you want, I find this is a better system, if only because it's way more convenient and efficient.


And it's not something Bioware ''did not had time to implement'' : they deliberately not implemented it.

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