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top arena dps classes


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That's the problem though! They can be mobile, but as SOON as they are mobile they will get killed! What do you not get about that man? Any of the teams that will become top tier in arena's will spot that, and kill it.


The problem with slingers is that they have no real escape mechanism when they are mobile, because in 8v8's it would be overpowered if it existed in that state.

In smaller scale, if you can't escape under your own heat (remember, your healers/tanks may be stunned/mezzed), then you are boned. And if you think the CD's/roll that slinger has are good enough, think again. Roll is voidable with a smart stun or root ahead of time. Which a good team will do. It does not matter how good you are at your slinger, it is in its current state not going to be a good dpser for high level arena's, its very simple.


Good Snipers know how and when to move. If you have never played one why are you even arguing? We have TONS of escape mechanisms.

Edited by DimeStax
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Good Snipers know how and when to move. If you have never played one why are you even arguing? We have TONS of escape mechanisms.


Its obvious you just think I'm attacking your class, and you want to defend it. Fine. You go play arena's, and you do your incredibly helpful part in losing. Just know that what I have said is very true, the class is weak in this aspect. Once you are out of cover and covered in melee, you are going to die, irregardless of how much better you think you are than every other sniper in the world. Who die in the same exact way.


I meanwhile will be helping BW with balance hopefully in anyway I can, because I personally want every DPS to have a spot in arena's come 2.4 in different comp setups. I don't want just any comp to be effective, but I want there to be certain strategies involved with each individual comp rather than a cookie cutter 123 win comp.

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Its obvious you just think I'm attacking your class, and you want to defend it. Fine. You go play arena's, and you do your incredibly helpful part in losing. Just know that what I have said is very true, the class is weak in this aspect. Once you are out of cover and covered in melee, you are going to die, irregardless of how much better you think you are than every other sniper in the world. Who die in the same exact way.


I meanwhile will be helping BW with balance hopefully in anyway I can, because I personally want every DPS to have a spot in arena's come 2.4 in different comp setups. I don't want just any comp to be effective, but I want there to be certain strategies involved with each individual comp rather than a cookie cutter 123 win comp.


Well I appreciate the crusade to buff Snipers, but I think we'll be fine exactly where we are. Maybe you should poll some of the best Snipers on our server and ask them how they feel about 4v4s before you go on this crusade though?

Edited by DimeStax
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Did you know that all except 1 of Sharpshooters biggest burst attacks are 2 seconds or less? Trickshot and Quickdraw, the two abilities most responsible for our heavy burst, are instant cast, Aimed Shot if procced right is 2 second cast, and Series of Shots our second strongest attack is a channeled ability that begins doing damage immediately but finishes in less than 2.5 seconds. As a Sharpshooter I can cast 50% of my abilities while moving, and they're a part of my burst rotation. Not sure how you think I need to be sitting still to do damage.


My only conclusion is you haven't paid enough attention to the good Sharpshooters you've played against to realize how mobile they actually are.


Landing one full Speed Shot alone is not burst. That Op healer just LoS you and your burst is broken because your WIld Shot can't follow up on him. And if you run after him, you will be vulnerable.


Better yet, go try and see for yourself how much of a dent you can put into an Op healer. Go to one of the Tatooine towns with the moisturizer tower and duel a good Op/Scroundrel healer there. All he needs to do is "pillar hump" and you won't even get him below 90%. You will find that he will CC the hell out of you as you get closer.


Gunslinger is one of my 4 55s, and I PvPed with her more than other characters. But it is pointless to talk about individual player skills here. Just mark this post, and come back and tell me "in your face!" when your arena team gets to the top, if your team doesn't replace you by then.

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Landing one full Speed Shot alone is not burst. That Op healer just LoS you and your burst is broken because your WIld Shot can't follow up on him. And if you run after him, you will be vulnerable.


Better yet, go try and see for yourself how much of a dent you can put into an Op healer. Go to one of the Tatooine towns with the moisturizer tower and duel a good Op/Scroundrel healer there. All he needs to do is "pillar hump" and you won't even get him below 90%. You will find that he will CC the hell out of you as you get closer.


Gunslinger is one of my 4 55s, and I PvPed with her more than other characters. But it is pointless to talk about individual player skills here. Just mark this post, and come back and tell me "in your face!" when your arena team gets to the top, if your team doesn't replace you by then.


Agree to disagree, but ok.

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I'm curious to know why deception sins or 0/31/15 sins are not being thrown into possible compositions.


in a 5vs5 scenario i would add them, in a 4vs4 you simply lack the opprtunity for an assa/shade as a dps.

you´ll have to have:

heal -> prolly scouperator

tank -> here assa/shade have the highest chance to be used in this slot as they provide the highest dmg potential of all 3 tanks, but all 3 tank specs are quite close together.

DPS - > heal debuff is mandatory so either a sniper or maro/sent, if they are equal footed depends on the map layouts

2. dps - must be an offheal option as merc/comm and sorc/sage lack an effective split spec my guess would be a second souperator with dot/heal splitspec cull+insta heal is a really a nice mixture.

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I'm curious to know why deception sins or 0/31/15 sins are not being thrown into possible compositions.


Because what would they bring? A tank whose destiny is in the hand of RNG and not skill?

Or the lowest DPS in game? Ah, yes there's stealth, which in a small area is going to be so effective :rolleyes: and there's a couple of tricks and an opener that are AWESOME when used against regular WZ terribles but quite ineffective in competitive matches? Just look at how many deception sins are in top RWZ premades, you'll see less (because stealth becomes less of an asset) in arenas.

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Because what would they bring? A tank whose destiny is in the hand of RNG and not skill?

Or the lowest DPS in game? Ah, yes there's stealth, which in a small area is going to be so effective :rolleyes: and there's a couple of tricks and an opener that are AWESOME when used against regular WZ terribles but quite ineffective in competitive matches? Just look at how many deception sins are in top RWZ premades, you'll see less (because stealth becomes less of an asset) in arenas.


I never mentioned anything about bringing a Tank shadow/sin.


I mentioned the 0/31/15 spec for shadow/sin. Based off what you're saying, I'm going to assume you've never played a shadows/sin yourself.


So you're basing your assertion that shadows/sins will not do well in arenas because they are not played in Rateds. 0/31/15 spec puts up all meaningful damage, unlike a lot of the classes that lead the charts in warzones. None of it is fluff. In an 8v8 scenario you're going to see shadow/sins put up the same numbers while other classes' damage is going to drop.


Not to forget:


Low Slash - 15 second CD, 4 second Mez. Unfathomabily good; good in an 8v8 and even better in 4v4.

Whirlwind - 8 second Mez. I use this ability upwards of 6-8 times a game in warzones.

AoE knockback




All abilities that are not used to their best capacity by 95% of players. You see bad shadows/sins and make blatantly wrong generalizations about their class's potential.

Edited by Polymerize
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I never mentioned anything about bringing a Tank shadow/sin.


I mentioned the 0/31/15 spec for shadow/sin. Based off what you're saying, I'm going to assume you've never played a shadows/sin yourself.


Reading my signature is overkill. I play an inf shadow just 99% of the time.



So you're basing your assertion that shadows/sins will not do well in arenas because they are not played in Rateds.


Arenas will be smaller and thus stealth will be easier to defeat, even by random chance.

Classes will be even more min maxed than 8 men, while shadows / sins are not bad, they are not within the 4 top dogs needed to form the "unbeatable" setup.



0/31/15 spec puts up all meaningful damage, unlike a lot of the classes that lead the charts in warzones. None of it is fluff. In an 8v8 scenario you're going to see shadow/sins put up the same numbers while other classes' damage is going to drop.


I found out that the "same numbers" applies expecially if you pick your fights around. But that makes it hard to be a good team player, you'll be more needed at a big fight than ganking hopeless roamers around the middle of nowhere.

If you go in the big fight, however, you tend to suffer poor team performance more than others, expecially if there are no or bad healers. When I end in a poor team I tend to score 3rd-5th, when I am in a good team, despite all make lots of medals I tend to get 1st or 2nd, this shows a direct correlation and positive feedback between shadow performance and his team.



Not to forget:


Low Slash - 15 second CD, 4 second Mez. Unfathomabily good; good in an 8v8 and even better in 4v4.

Whirlwind - 8 second Mez. I use this ability upwards of 6-8 times a game in warzones.

AoE knockback




All abilities that are not used to their best capacity by 95% of players. You see bad shadows/sins and make blatantly wrong generalizations about their class's potential.


I have probably only met those 95%, because I have to do gross mistakes to die to any of the above skills. I DO happen to do those mistakes and die but it's because I played bad, not because those skills are so good.

Playing with a close to top server 4 men premade (in regular WZ) VS a 3-5th top guild 4 men premade none of those skills have any impact on the outcome. Nobody of them is going to die to a 4s mez because they are not going to find themselves down to 30% health. Even sap has its counters, AoE KB is situational and gives some nice resolve. Taunt is very good, I use it on CD refresh, it's possibly one of the few very good things we bring to the table.

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Reading my signature is overkill. I play an inf shadow just 99% of the time.





Arenas will be smaller and thus stealth will be easier to defeat, even by random chance.

Classes will be even more min maxed than 8 men, while shadows / sins are not bad, they are not within the 4 top dogs needed to form the "unbeatable" setup.





I found out that the "same numbers" applies expecially if you pick your fights around. But that makes it hard to be a good team player, you'll be more needed at a big fight than ganking hopeless roamers around the middle of nowhere.

If you go in the big fight, however, you tend to suffer poor team performance more than others, expecially if there are no or bad healers. When I end in a poor team I tend to score 3rd-5th, when I am in a good team, despite all make lots of medals I tend to get 1st or 2nd, this shows a direct correlation and positive feedback between shadow performance and his team.





I have probably only met those 95%, because I have to do gross mistakes to die to any of the above skills. I DO happen to do those mistakes and die but it's because I played bad, not because those skills are so good.

Playing with a close to top server 4 men premade (in regular WZ) VS a 3-5th top guild 4 men premade none of those skills have any impact on the outcome. Nobody of them is going to die to a 4s mez because they are not going to find themselves down to 30% health. Even sap has its counters, AoE KB is situational and gives some nice resolve. Taunt is very good, I use it on CD refresh, it's possibly one of the few very good things we bring to the table.












Anddddd hell no.


I'm not going to refute all of this unintelligible nonsense on my iPhone. If I get bored later I might respond to your 'points' that are just oh-so-misinformed.



Edit - I just reread everything you wrote and it all makes absolutely no sense. Don't expect me to dally up a response, wasted too much time on these forums in the past, responding to jibberish such as this. LOL. :rolleyes:

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marauder will be one of the top no matter what but shouldn't really ask which one will be the best cause that can change depending on comp and opposition.

What I believe a strong team comp will be with no class changes will be

Vanguard tank - stealth scan(root) - 2 hard stuns(single/aoe) - decent CD - change/pull(root)

Sage heals - Strong burst heals - bubbles - LOLbubble - friendly pull - ranged Single mez/hard stun- knock back

Sentinal Combat - Long root times - Aoe mez - single target stun - nice burst windows on short cd's - great Def cd's and speed/inspiration buff

last spot was hard to decide but wanted to do a ranged cause 2 melee easy to kite and keep damage off when needed

Sniper - knock backs - strong burst with decent sustain - decet escape - great defensive cd's - still cast with people on them unlike merc/sage - ranged Aoe mez/hard stun


now I went with the ranged dps cause how long then can keep someone in the open and allow a good rotation from the sniper onto that person while the sentinel is also opening up. hard to cc the sniper cause no one can jump to them and you have to have either a ranged cc on them or have someone near them at all times. sage is the most vulnerable in this comp but leave the dps free to do as they wish will make there team go into defensive mode which will reduce there damage on the healer. but with all the knockbacks and aoe mezzes it would be hard to kill them anyways. no I agree there might be better comps and ways to easily to shut them down but this is just my first thought process on them. and I could go on about what this comp can achieve versus other class type but we really won't know the extent of the possibilities till the release, if the arena's are like wow's any ways.

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If we don't know what the arena will look like the convo is pretty much pointless. There are classes completely out of the question and some classes that work better in a 4v4 than in ranked. If your comp doesn't have someone that can off heal time will be against your team. So everyone that thinks mercs and sorcs will suck in arenas you are surely mistaken. Hybrid tanks and a dps that can off heal are a given so far. The size of the arena will decide whether it is too large for an AOE heavy dps to be effective against a well spaced team. So it may be too early to say 2 smasher for deeps when the arena can favor 2 mm snipers.
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I'm not going to refute all of this unintelligible nonsense on my iPhone. If I get bored later I might respond to your 'points' that are just oh-so-misinformed.



Edit - I just reread everything you wrote and it all makes absolutely no sense.


Get better at reading then.

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ap powertechs? Best dps class? With ion?!




10/10 troll post. That was good.


for tanking fool.


edit: my team will be running heal sorc mara mara and ap pyro in ion with oil slick. 1 smash mara and the other switching depending

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I never mentioned anything about bringing a Tank shadow/sin.


I mentioned the 0/31/15 spec for shadow/sin. Based off what you're saying, I'm going to assume you've never played a shadows/sin yourself.


So you're basing your assertion that shadows/sins will not do well in arenas because they are not played in Rateds. 0/31/15 spec puts up all meaningful damage, unlike a lot of the classes that lead the charts in warzones. None of it is fluff. In an 8v8 scenario you're going to see shadow/sins put up the same numbers while other classes' damage is going to drop.


Not to forget:


Low Slash - 15 second CD, 4 second Mez. Unfathomabily good; good in an 8v8 and even better in 4v4.

Whirlwind - 8 second Mez. I use this ability upwards of 6-8 times a game in warzones.

AoE knockback




All abilities that are not used to their best capacity by 95% of players. You see bad shadows/sins and make blatantly wrong generalizations about their class's potential.


I thought it would be incredibly obvious. Its very easy to counter, and very squish. Its easy to kill, with only 1-2 significant dps spike contributions. Will some very very skilled players such as shinirika/wakalord make it work? yes. Will players like you? No.


Watch your videos back, and ask yourself if you are a player that has supremely perfect positioning, in nearly every fight as well as perfect CD/control usage because that is what will be required to fight against a top tier team that doesn't use stealth DPS.

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Many people punched a hole in their monitor or throwed their keyboard out of the window very first time they tried arena as a Hunter in WoW. With your delusion about sniper/gunslinger class and arena you better watch out cause you may also lose your keyboard or monitor when you enter arena as this class for first time.


Now I assume that arena will have at least 2 pillars then my top dps arena class is:


Top tier:


#1 king of arena dps: Jedi Sentinel/Marauder. Hands down. Anyone who knows how arena enviroment work see that this classes have the best potential. Fast attacks, mobility, high bursty damage. I even dropped my shadow/assasin to level up sentinel for arena.


Middle tier:


Shadow/assasin, good class for arena but will not outdamage sentinel/marauder.


Not viable for arena tier:


Sniper/gunslinger. Now I know those classes are cool in PvE and kinda fun in Warzones but main damage attacks that have cast time are useles when there are pillars (like in arena).

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Many people punched a hole in their monitor or throwed their keyboard out of the window very first time they tried arena as a Hunter in WoW. With your delusion about sniper/gunslinger class and arena you better watch out cause you may also lose your keyboard or monitor when you enter arena as this class for first time.


Now I assume that arena will have at least 2 pillars then my top dps arena class is:


Top tier:


#1 king of arena dps: Jedi Sentinel/Marauder. Hands down. Anyone who knows how arena enviroment work see that this classes have the best potential. Fast attacks, mobility, high bursty damage. I even dropped my shadow/assasin to level up sentinel for arena.


Middle tier:


Shadow/assasin, good class for arena but will not outdamage sentinel/marauder.


Not viable for arena tier:


Sniper/gunslinger. Now I know those classes are cool in PvE and kinda fun in Warzones but main damage attacks that have cast time are useles when there are pillars (like in arena).


A Gunslinger/Sniper is nothing like a hunter.


You're saying LoS will be the downfall of Gunslingers and that Sentinels/Marauders will be the best classes to play. Please tell me how a Marauder will LoS me while also dealing damage effectively simultaneously? If a Marauder wants to deal damage, he has to leave his little hiding spot.


Gunslingers can just as effectively use LoS to their advantage by making the marauder chase them behind the pole effectively LoSing the Marauder from their healer.


Since a Gunslinger is ranged and a Marauder is melee, the Marauder is forced to fight the Gunslinger on the Gunslingers terms wherever the Gunslinger is positioned, not vice versa.

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A Gunslinger/Sniper is nothing like a hunter.


You're saying LoS will be the downfall of Gunslingers and that Sentinels/Marauders will be the best classes to play. Please tell me how a Marauder will LoS me while also dealing damage effectively simultaneously? If a Marauder wants to deal damage, he has to leave his little hiding spot.


Gunslingers can just as effectively use LoS to their advantage by making the marauder chase them behind the pole effectively LoSing the Marauder from their healer.


Since a Gunslinger is ranged and a Marauder is melee, the Marauder is forced to fight the Gunslinger on the Gunslingers terms wherever the Gunslinger is positioned, not vice versa.


You just showed how little you know about arena's. An effective mara will LoS break your cast. It doesn't mean they'll be hiding, they will be using smart positioning/camo's/leaps/pred to break your major damage casts, and to reposition. You seem to view that because you have the hard counter class against maras in a WZ you will be effective in arena's. That is entirely not true. You did not participate at a high level in rateds now for ages. You think you are better than some of the best snipers in the world. Most of them don't even know who you are. Face it, you are crying that you are better than every other sniper in the game, and that is simply not true. Vullesh is more than likely one of the absolute best overall players in the world when it comes to DPS, and even he doesn't view Snipers as being good in arenas as is. To put into perspective how good he is at marksman, the only match we played against MvP last night, he outdamaged Teacher who was lethality, as MM. Stop trying to defend the class, because all you'll be doing is giving BW a reason to let the class stay as is when arena's come out. Don't gimp it because of your stubborn assertion that you are the best. You are not.

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You just showed how little you know about arena's. An effective mara will LoS break your cast. It doesn't mean they'll be hiding, they will be using smart positioning/camo's/leaps/pred to break your major damage casts, and to reposition. You seem to view that because you have the hard counter class against maras in a WZ you will be effective in arena's. That is entirely not true. You did not participate at a high level in rateds now for ages. You think you are better than some of the best snipers in the world. Most of them don't even know who you are. Face it, you are crying that you are better than every other sniper in the game, and that is simply not true. Vullesh is more than likely one of the absolute best overall players in the world when it comes to DPS, and even he doesn't view Snipers as being good in arenas as is. To put into perspective how good he is at marksman, the only match we played against MvP last night, he outdamaged Teacher who was lethality, as MM. Stop trying to defend the class, because all you'll be doing is giving BW a reason to let the class stay as is when arena's come out. Don't gimp it because of your stubborn assertion that you are the best. You are not.


I agree with you on the fact that I'm not going to continue to argue with someone who does not even play the class. Good luck in arenas.

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