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Should Red Sphere be a guaranteed drop?


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I don't mind it being a rare drop at all. I think they should add more rare drops though out the game. Should add some for every playstyle. On a side note, I did the HM once so far with my guild and it dropped. I didn't get it but it did drop. I like rare things. It gives the game some uniqueness and it offers incentive to keep doing certain activities, even when you no longer need to. There should not be rare items in raids only IMO. Everyone deserves a shot at rare items, even if its just different color reskins or different item types altogether.
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Yes. Everyone has a chance for the drop. IF it drops.


No. This is 100% false. You can do Xeno 20 times and never see the mount drop. You can do Xeno 100 times and never see the mount drop. There is no guarantee if you "do the event you will get the drop".


You're allowed to do it once a week in hard mode. At the minimum it would take 8 weeks for the entire team to get the mount. That's 4 events. If the event comes every 3 months, that's an entire year before 2 people in your group will get their mount.


The odds of doing it 20 times and never see the mount drop? The odds of doing it 100 times? Make an alt. Repeat it. You will see the mount drop, will you get it? Lead the group, set to master looter, and wait it out.


Hell, this sounds like an idea to encourage people to keep playing and making alts, just to get that one drop.

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The odds of doing it 20 times and never see the mount drop? The odds of doing it 100 times? Make an alt. Repeat it. You will see the mount drop, will you get it? Lead the group, set to master looter, and wait it out.

Do you really not know how odds work? With something that drops randomly, you cannot say "you will see the mount drop". Yes, your odds will go up if you make alts and keep running them through (which takes time), but multiple attempts at probability does NOT equal certainty.

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For what is worth, did Xeno HM six times on six different characters and saw it dropping four times, though I wasn't lucky enough and the ride went for someone else each time.


Have a friend of mine, on a different server, who did it on 10 different characters and hasn't dropped a single time, according to what he told me. I don't pay that much attention to that kind of stuff but I can understand that some people, being the collectors they are, going crazy about it, especially if it turns out to be a one-time thing for a while, like the Bowcasters.


Maybe the thing to do is ask the devs to make it an event that can be run 2 times a month per character. That way, you still will always have the chance instead of rolling alts?

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Do you really not know how odds work? With something that drops randomly, you cannot say "you will see the mount drop". Yes, your odds will go up if you make alts and keep running them through (which takes time), but multiple attempts at probability does NOT equal certainty.


Multiple attempts at probability means you will see it. What you it doesn't mean is it will be in a number of times that you find appealing.


For some it could take 1 run through with 1 character to see the drop. For others it could take 1000 runs throughs with character 500. That still equates to being able to see it drop at some point. And aren't the players on the forums always complaining about not having any reason to run the content? Well now you do!


Though, I go back to previous post that says, maybe make it a "run twice a month" type of deal.

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I think it's nice to have a few items in game that not everyone has. This way, once in a while you'll see someone on the Red Sphere and think... "dang, that's cool!" rather than, "Oh look, another Red Sphere."


Have to agree with the above. There's hardly anything in this game that's rare and so I hope BW won't mess with the few rare items we do have.

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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No. Everyone has the chance for the drop. Do the event and you will get the drop, how many times you do the event to get the drop will vary player to player.


Why make it 100%? So you can cycle through it with a team? :p


Ah come on Sith.. you know people don't farm Xeno like that. That would never happen... :D


Would be nice to see it a vendor sold for like 75 Helix maybe.

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No, of course not. SWTOR needs far more rare and exclusive items and it doesn't nearly have enough. I've only seen one red sphere, it wasn't mine, and I'm perfectly fine with keeping it rare and exclusive. Couldn't SWTOR use more rare and unique items vs the watering down and CM of everything already?
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Given that it's just a speeder, who cares how hard it is to get? On the the other hand, given that it's just a speeder, who cares if they also put in the CM?


Either way, it's just a virtual "car." In a computer game. So either way, who cares?


I don't actually care if something is rare, because I want something rare. That doesn't mean, I as a player, don't hate the idea of there being items one has to work for in game.


Truthfully, no item is 100% unique, as there's multiple people with the item.


And as they expand the various options, we'll likely see more and more variance in looks. Also a good thing!


While I'm okay with the idea of the item being extremely hard to get, I do like the thought of it being a twice a month chance with every character (if one wishes to try with every character) over, two chances and done, with every character.


Keeps it plenty rare, but still gives players plenty of chances to obtain.

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I don't actually care if something is rare, because I want something rare. That doesn't mean, I as a player, don't hate the idea of there being items one has to work for in game.

I don't worry about who has what or how they got it. If they have something I will never get because I don't do hard mode raids, that's fine with me. If they put it in the CM, I'm fine with that, too.

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Bioware will probably let people buy the vehicle with CC if the people whine and moan enough to bring it back.


I don't agree. If you actually look at what BW's been doing this year, if anything, they'd probably make a gold version available in the CM. They don't tend to put things in the CM that are exact copies of what you can get in game, there is generally at least a colour difference.

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I don't agree. If you actually look at what BW's been doing this year, if anything, they'd probably make a gold version available in the CM. They don't tend to put things in the CM that are exact copies of what you can get in game, there is generally at least a colour difference.


Well, if they do, I hope they make purple. I'd go for that lol. Can't be arsed to do HM Xeno. I'm not sociable and play solo. :o

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who cares? it will probably be ninjaed anyways by some master looter nonsense or assigned to a guildmate of the loot master.


I dont even bother trying to do PUG for this event. unless you just want comms and can ignore the drops youll just come away feeling robbed.


I have less faith in humanity each time I run a PUG for these.

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  • 4 months later...
I don't feel it should be a guaranteed drop. I personally feel its not fair to the people who took the time on alts and many attempts to get it or they payed buttloads out of pocket to the winner to trade it to them in, since u can trade it while everyone is still in ops. Just like the people at the start of this game's launch took the time to get the Baron's that are no longer available. But alot of people still want to ***** about themselves not having it. Well too bad. And sorry to all you out there who love the red sphere vehicle, but if it wasn't popular then people wouldn't want it, and if it wasn't as rare as it is, it wouldn't be a highly coveted item. If everyone is able to get it, then it just becomes a dime a dozen vehicle. Kind of like getting a tauntaun. Everyone has one. Edited by robertragnos
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