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Should Red Sphere be a guaranteed drop?


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Just finished a 16m HM Xeno and no Red Sphere dropped. With the Gree event only being around two weeks, should this be a guaranteed drop instead of a "rare" drop? For people that want this, they basically get two shots at it before the event goes away. Then, IF it drops, they have either a 1/8 or a 1/16 chance of actually winning it.
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Just finished a 16m HM Xeno and no Red Sphere dropped. With the Gree event only being around two weeks, should this be a guaranteed drop instead of a "rare" drop? For people that want this, they basically get two shots at it before the event goes away. Then, IF it drops, they have either a 1/8 or a 1/16 chance of actually winning it.


Bioware will probably let people buy the vehicle with CC if the people whine and moan enough to bring it back.


If you have lots of alts, then you have more chance, but it sucks its only a "chance" to drop.


And if the group is on master looter....well anyone can just ninja the vehicle

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I think it's nice to have a few items in game that not everyone has. This way, once in a while you'll see someone on the Red Sphere and think... "dang, that's cool!" rather than, "Oh look, another Red Sphere."


Prepare to be branded a "special snowflake" ;)


I didn't want the bowcaster to be brought back because of what you just said there....they laughed at me for trying to be unique. I'm glad we share the same view.

Edited by Ayelinna
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I think it's nice to have a few items in game that not everyone has. This way, once in a while you'll see someone on the Red Sphere and think... "dang, that's cool!" rather than, "Oh look, another Red Sphere."


I have to agree with this. With the CM there has been very little truly unique items in the game. Making something "harder" to get and rarer is not a bad thing at all.

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Prepare to be branded a "special snowflake" ;)


I can take it. Besides, I'm very unlikely to obtain one of these. I tend not to run Xeno.


As I've stated many times, there should always be a few things that not everyone has. Other than that, I am absolutely thrilled to give everyone as many options as possible for stuffs.

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I don't think I'd mind so much if the Gree area was permanent. As it is right now you've only got four chances (not counting alts), then on top of that it has to drop, then you have to beat out 7 and 15 other people for it. if it's not bind on pickup it may show up on the GTN, but it will be ridiculously expensive, of course. My hope is that maybe they'll put it on the vendor after the event. That way if you get it as a drop you don't have to spend helixes, but you can still get it. I'd been hoping for a red sphere, I'm a little bummed that it could potentially be one of the rarest speeders in the game. I'm not at all against having some rare stuff like that, but why'd it have to be the thing that I want? :jawa_frown::D
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oh here we go again....


To be fair, you've done your best to make it so....you've got yourself to thank for being infamous on these forums.


On topic: I think it's good that there are things in game that not everybody can have right away. Too much instant gratification makes for lazy and whiny people. It's bad enough as it is.

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I think the issue is that extremely rare drops too often get locked behind difficult encounters that require a group to accomplish that additionally have weekly lockouts.


I wouldn't mind it if the daily missions got a few items that had an incredibly low drop rate. While I have no issue with the Red Sphere as it is I don't see a reason why other "endgame" aspects of the game do not see any reward of this type. Going further it would be nice if more of the Ops and FP bosses (SM too) had something rare to drop. I still put my Midnight Rakling out every now and then :p


Given how much grinding is necessary on "old" content in MMO endgame play it would be nice if every couple of weeks something rare and fun would drop, even if the drop rate was low and my chances were 1 in 8.

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Yes please! Make the GREE Event longer so we can chase that rare drop weekly!


I'd rather see MANY BOSS fights like TC and XENO that drop respective 69/72 gear than grind OPS. Makes it easier to pull teams together for PUG's. (Yes... get a guild and run OPS.. I know...) Preemptive "I'm in multiple Guilds already and running all the OPS as well NiM included" so take that troll response and throw it away. :)

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Just finished a 16m HM Xeno and no Red Sphere dropped. With the Gree event only being around two weeks, should this be a guaranteed drop instead of a "rare" drop? For people that want this, they basically get two shots at it before the event goes away. Then, IF it drops, they have either a 1/8 or a 1/16 chance of actually winning it.


No. Everyone has the chance for the drop. Do the event and you will get the drop, how many times you do the event to get the drop will vary player to player.


Why make it 100%? So you can cycle through it with a team? :p

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No. Everyone has the chance for the drop. Do the event and you will get the drop, how many times you do the event to get the drop will vary player to player.


Why make it 100%? So you can cycle through it with a team? :p


" Do the event and you will get the drop " as explained, the drop isn't even guaranteed to show up as loot.


" how many times you do the event to get the drop will vary player to player. " Wrong. you only get an astonishing 2 rounds at xeno HM ( cuz I think it should be reminded that red sphere is a HM drop only.


Make it 100% since only one in 8 guys, or one in 16, gets the mount. spread the fun around a bit. :)

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Prepare to be branded a "special snowflake" ;)


I didn't want the bowcaster to be brought back because of what you just said there....they laughed at me for trying to be unique. I'm glad we share the same view.


Well, to be fair, you're not unique. You're not the only one out there with the bow caster.


Making an item hard to get (random drop in a random event) is different than one time only, get it now or miss out on it forever.

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" Do the event and you will get the drop " as explained, the drop isn't even guaranteed to show up as loot.


" how many times you do the event to get the drop will vary player to player. " Wrong. you only get an astonishing 2 rounds at xeno HM ( cuz I think it should be reminded that red sphere is a HM drop only.


Make it 100% since only one in 8 guys, or one in 16, gets the mount. spread the fun around a bit. :)


[Edit] Whoa! Sorry, playing game and posting. That still leaves you the option to still get it with other characters.


Also, it doesn't make anyone unique. As others will still have the item.

Edited by SithKoriandr
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No. Everyone has the chance for the drop.

Yes. Everyone has a chance for the drop. IF it drops.

Do the event and you will get the drop, how many times you do the event to get the drop will vary player to player.

No. This is 100% false. You can do Xeno 20 times and never see the mount drop. You can do Xeno 100 times and never see the mount drop. There is no guarantee if you "do the event you will get the drop".

Why make it 100%? So you can cycle through it with a team? :p

You're allowed to do it once a week in hard mode. At the minimum it would take 8 weeks for the entire team to get the mount. That's 4 events. If the event comes every 3 months, that's an entire year before 2 people in your group will get their mount.

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For what is worth, did Xeno HM six times on six different characters and saw it dropping four times, though I wasn't lucky enough and the ride went for someone else each time.


Have a friend of mine, on a different server, who did it on 10 different characters and hasn't dropped a single time, according to what he told me. I don't pay that much attention to that kind of stuff but I can understand that some people, being the collectors they are, going crazy about it, especially if it turns out to be a one-time thing for a while, like the Bowcasters.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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