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The laughable comparison of PvE to PvP gearing up


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Mate, your entire argument is out the window because you added a zero to the end of your figure. I don't know what math.com is meant to mean besides some 5 year old fad of adding .com to the end of a word in response to an argument you cannot win.

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Mate, your entire argument is out the window because you added a zero to the end of your figure. I don't know what math.com is meant to mean besides some 5 year old fad of adding .com to the end of a word in response to an argument you cannot win.

naw he's counting each RWZ comm as 3 WZ comms, the math works

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You PvE scrubs do realise that your whole existence, your whole reason for being in this game is to get gear from your OPs. News flash here PvErs, PvPers dont give a **** about gear its only collected to level the playing field. PvPers care about one thing, perfecting their class(es) and kicking your butt so hard you cant sit for a week.


So should PvE gear be harder to get? Yup damn right.

Will PvErs ever be as good as a PvPer? No chance in hell.

Does anyone give a **** about your PvE gearing complaints? Laughable at best.

How good is your troll? Marginal at best ****.

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naw he's counting each RWZ comm as 3 WZ comms, the math works


I pre-converted them so no, still absolutely wrong. Look its not a big deal, but it really is around 90k tops for full conq and not 850k as quoted. And as an above poster pointed out I didn't factor in mods etc because that is a variable and will differ from spec to spec.

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Still wondering if they are even worth the time. I might just stay at cap for awhile.


Take two players with the exact same skill.


Min-maxed partisan will beat stock conqueror. Conqueror (and partisan) come with a lot of junk you don't need to play your role.

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Take two players with the exact same skill.


Min-maxed partisan will beat stock conqueror. Conqueror (and partisan) come with a lot of junk you don't need to play your role.


What will I do if I replace my Jugg's alacrity enhancements? My GCD won't be .00001 second faster! :D

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Take two players with the exact same skill.


Min-maxed partisan will beat stock conqueror. Conqueror (and partisan) come with a lot of junk you don't need to play your role.


Meh... Its still not a concern enough to warrant min/max Conq, at that steep of a cost. I didn't do all the math, but the only thing I took from my Conq pieces was the armoring and placed BiS Partisan pieces where the Conq was lol.

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I read a lot around here about the comparison of PvP to PvE gear.. and how the the so-called hardcore PvPers seem to think the grind is the same... i got news for you, the PvE grind is NOTHING like PvP.


First off, in PvE you have no guarantee that your gear is even going to drop. I can tell you how many times in these games over the years ive had to run some darn raid 87 times to finally get the one frikkin piece i wanted to drop. This is not the case in PvP.


Second, lets assume it does drop..., in virtually all cases you end up having to roll against other people to try to actually win the piece. For those with lousy RNG like myself, this usually means that that 87th raid i run where it drops is only the beginning of my frustration.


Third, the ever popular master looter bogart. Yes, i have had many a piece lost to the chasms of human greed and douchebaggery


And finally... weekly lockouts. Yes friends, that right, i can only make that runs once a week. So that 87 run quote is about a year and a half, lol.


For PvP, i can EASILY fully gear out a toon in complete top end non rated gear in a week, at most.. assuming i don't get wife aggro and actually have time to play. For those of you elitist that haven't seen sun or outside in far too long, Google wife or girlfriend, you'll understand, maybe. Obviously Rated gear would take longer, but its still more of an issue of time invested versus return, and the return for that time in PvP is significantly faster than it is in PvE, unless you happen to get very very lucky.


I PvP, a lot... lately more than i PvE so i am very familiar with both sides of the coin, and the bottom line is that the comparison is beyond silly, and completely idiotic.


This by the way is why you are seeing so many people doing top end PvE content in PvP based gear, it is drastically easier to get in far less time.


so can we please dispense with the bull of trying to compare the two or somehow implying that the PvPers are getting short changed...



Everyone else


yah, you can still get a full pve set in less than a week.

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I pre-converted them so no, still absolutely wrong. Look its not a big deal, but it really is around 90k tops for full conq and not 850k as quoted. And as an above poster pointed out I didn't factor in mods etc because that is a variable and will differ from spec to spec.


I see what you are talking about I apologize I multiplied by 30 not 3 so it is 101,525 WZ Comms much more manageable so @ 147/10min it only takes 70 hours of winning and maxing your comms. That seems very doable in q day yes?

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Full Stock Conq:

9500 for Partisan Shells


96,300 Normal Warzone Coms


Min Maxing, so you don't suck more than min maxed partisan:

8 Mods, 4 Enhancements (average case scenario for classes): 12* ((1750*3)+775))= 72,300




It takes about a week of hard work to get full min max partisan, without dumping coms at Conqueror Ear, Implants, and relics.


168,600 coms is about 1190 Warzones at 140 wz coms at average 15 minutes a piece. About 297 Hours.


Reality based:

32 Hours of Play a week at 4 Warzones an hour.

Average 100 coms a warzone.

Equivalent of 500wz coms a day from dailies.

Equivalent of 1200wz coms a week from weekly.


Thats 17,500 a week. 9.63 weeks, lets say you go out and remember the touch of the opposite sex on and off without ending up in jail, and up that to 10 weeks. Thats two and a half months.


I can buy PvE ilvl 72 grade stuff on the GTN for about 1.5-2m each. Lets say 2m each.


Between crafting and dailies, I can lazily get about 500k an hour. No Ops or anything that requires more than a pulse to complete. Pulse is actually optional if you have a fully geared HK and a bunch of presence from legacy.


At 9 armorings/hilts, 9 Mods, and 7 enhancements, thats 50m.


So 100 hours. Lets say I spend about 4 hours a day, 7 days a week grinding, crafting, and yadda yadda at a rate of 500k an hour. 3.58 Weeks. Let's say I have some slow days and up it to 4 weeks.


So in less than half of the time, you have ilvl 72 grade end game PvE gear. Feel free to double the time at 250k an hour. ~75% the time. At 8 less hours a week.



Edited by Maelael
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I see what you are talking about I apologize I multiplied by 30 not 3 so it is 101,525 WZ Comms much more manageable so @ 147/10min it only takes 70 hours of winning and maxing your comms. That seems very doable in q day yes?


Never said it would take a day. My estimate was 2-3 weeks for conq, much much less for basic partisan.

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Plus 50,000 more ranked comms to get the mods and enhancements you actually need.


well yeah, but then partisan costs a bit more as well if you want to optimize that.


and honestly im not working too hard for conq, especially now that we are getting more gear in 2 months. i compete quite well w/ optimized partisan gear.

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untrue.. i have raided many times in PvP gear

Until the top levels or until you are lucky enough to get some of that top level raid gear, even discounting expertise the stats are simply better. and can be obtained far faster.


Not to mention the one thing i neglected to mention in the original post... PvE has progression, PvP does not. Sorry guys but adding gear is not progression. Odds are the same people you queue against day 1, will be the ones you are queuing against day 365, and no players is the equivalent of a raid boss, well expect those guardians/juggs in full top gear that used to hold of 4 other players trying to cap a node, lol.


Bolster has a definite purpose... to make sure that those new players dont get one shotted. Your top PvP gear still has a statistical advantage, if you truly know your class you should win unless you get caught with your pants down or everything on cool-down.. so what difference does it make to give them an illusion of competitiveness?


this is exactly why pvp gear needs to be removed from the game.

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this is exactly why pvp gear needs to be removed from the game.


It already has been for all practical purposes. It only has value in open world and there is tons of OW events in this game...:rolleyes:


If PVE gear was invalidated in this manner, there would be a mutiny.

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untrue.. i have raided many times in PvP gear

Until the top levels or until you are lucky enough to get some of that top level raid gear, even discounting expertise the stats are simply better. and can be obtained far faster.


Not to mention the one thing i neglected to mention in the original post... PvE has progression, PvP does not. Sorry guys but adding gear is not progression. Odds are the same people you queue against day 1, will be the ones you are queuing against day 365, and no players is the equivalent of a raid boss, well expect those guardians/juggs in full top gear that used to hold of 4 other players trying to cap a node, lol.


Bolster has a definite purpose... to make sure that those new players dont get one shotted. Your top PvP gear still has a statistical advantage, if you truly know your class you should win unless you get caught with your pants down or everything on cool-down.. so what difference does it make to give them an illusion of competitiveness?


Wow I can not believe I missed this post initially. And I know I'm fanning the flames by addressing it but wow!


Yes you CAN raid in PvP gear but in a PUG raid you will be booted the moment the leader notices you have an expertise stat.


No progression in PvP, again you are so right because PvErs couldn't compete with PvPers in Battlemaster gear so something had to be "fixed" so they could play too. Eventually we got this pet Bolster system so progression is not needed I can just raid and wear that gear into PvP.


And again OMG you are right Bolster has its place...sub 55 so stats are matched for fair play when you're 30 matched against a 54.


And no player can match a raid Boss?? Then how are you able to bring one down cause one would think you are a player not a boss!

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