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This game attracts the absolute worst PvPers


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SWTOR attracts the worst of the worst in PvP.


I can't even count how many times where over half my team has done 20k dmg and has little to no obj score.


I can't count how many times people are randomly fighting others in huttball while the BC just runs right past all of them and scores.



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SWTOR attracts the worst of the worst in PvP.


I can't even count how many times where over half my team has done 20k dmg and has little to no obj score.


I can't count how many times people are randomly fighting others in huttball while the BC just runs right past all of them and scores.




It went F2P what type of players did you expect to come here?

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It went F2P what type of players did you expect to come here?


Children. But MMO's are so simplified that anyone could be good. It just seems like no one gives a crap about winning, they just want to tunnel vision others and contribute nothing to the team. While I'm constantly having to carry half the team.


At least I chose the right class for carrying. Shadow.

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Children. But MMO's are so simplified that anyone could be good. It just seems like no one gives a crap about winning, they just want to tunnel vision others and contribute nothing to the team. While I'm constantly having to carry half the team.


At least I chose the right class for carrying. Shadow.


My 9 year old plays better than most I see in these WZ and I know some of them are not kids.

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Finally got a game where the other team was nice enough to let us score. It was simple really. I grabbed the ball, one of my teammates was waiting on the throw. We scored 6 times.

This game requires little skill. Just depends if the other teams wants to try or not.



Edited by strallart
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I'm by no means great, but I'm decent. Don't know how being reasonably competent is difficult.


LM@O. I feel the same. The worst is the morons who go to the third node when we are perfectly fine with 2, and one is under serious pressure. 95% we lose because of them. The other 5% they cap it and their e-peen grows 2 feet and they're like "What now ******?" makin you look stupid and makes everyone else think it's ok from now on.

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LM@O. I feel the same. The worst is the morons who go to the third node when we are perfectly fine with 2, and one is under serious pressure. 95% we lose because of them. The other 5% they cap it and their e-peen grows 2 feet and they're like "What now ******?" makin you look stupid and makes everyone else think it's ok from now on.


We had west and east, but people just kept leaving and fighting on the grass, or ran to south to get murdered.

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LM@O. I feel the same. The worst is the morons who go to the third node when we are perfectly fine with 2, and one is under serious pressure. 95% we lose because of them. The other 5% they cap it and their e-peen grows 2 feet and they're like "What now ******?" makin you look stupid and makes everyone else think it's ok from now on.


Had a NC like this just tonight. I have no idea how we won. They had 2. We took south back. We were doing ok holding it, then we run out of defenders somehow and they are capping. I see 2 went east ("their" node). They manage to take it. We take south back while the enemy retakes east. Then they head west, and we see that whoever was west just left it empty. They take west before we can get there. We manage to go take west back, and actually win. I was reminded of a thread I saw on here a while ago, where you don't want to win when it's going to reinforce bad play.


Luckily I had a HB a couple games later where everyone was playing HB. Was a tough game (1 to 0 win), where there was communication, people were civil ('cause you know how tough games can turn into blame-fests), game play was awesome (and heart breaking - hate those leap-intercepts :) ). Restored my faith that there's at least a chance of a good game now and then.

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That's called tactics. You take pressure off nodes by attacking the least defended one. Why do you think stealth classes are so good 1v1, 2v2 and sometimes even 1v2? It's one of their roles, otherwise they suck in large group fights because their only defense is locking single targets down. If your team is having difficulty defending a node your best option is to send a guy or two to take an easier node. Edited by Gren-Aluren
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Uh, that's called tactics. You take pressure off nodes by attacking the least defended one. Why do you think stealth classes are so good 1v1, 2v2 and sometimes even 1v2? It's their role otherwise they suck in large group fights because their only defense is locking single targets down.


Their job in big groups is to pick off the healer. With high burst he has to spend his resources on himself and not his teammates. And if you only have 1 or 2 stealth classes in a WZ, they should be guarding.

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Sure if on an organized team with someone who pulls the Tank and the Healer apart so you can burst the healer down without worrying about dying from AoE. Scrapper for example cannot sustain in a group battle. Defending a node is just one role they are good at. You shouldn't need 6 or 7 people at south anyway.
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I think the MVP system in its current state rewards players for being bad. I have been in many war zones where players will avoid Defense at all cost. They wont even cap a node out of fear that they will then have to stay there and D it up. We have all been in these types of WZ so I wont go into it. You get Zero votes when your on D and it has become a thankless task. Pvpers will either look for the guy with top damage or top healing to vote for. They need to give better rewards to player that are willing to play tactically and objectively. I get pissed when every one heads to the action and kills with blinders on. You can't win with out some Defense!
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