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Ranked (Guild v Guild & Kickball)


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so to get things a little back on topic (sorry i got off topic with the screenshot and saying ill never participate in any kickball ghost is in) but imps had kickball last night, it was all well and fun, until some f*ggy guild called <do you even force lift bro> decided to bring a full 8 man team to crash kickball. not only that, but then i had ppl telling me that they were receiving whispers from members of this guild about how bad they were and how there was no competition left on this server..grow a pair of balls and queue up against other guilds instead of crashing kickball nights to farm ratings.
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Is this some guild you guys have never heard of? Seems strange they show up out of the blue, only been here a few weeks but don't recognize that name.


never heard of them. never seen them before. if i did see them they werent anything spectacular enough to remember anyway.

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Well first off we didn't crash a damn thing!!! We have been in rated q the last 2 nights. Second it was not an 8 man guild run we had 5 guildies and 3 pugs! I have addressed the **** talker and that will be handeled tonight as my goal was alys to help PvP on this server not hurt it check any of the posts that I've made. Also would have no problem playing any other guild on the server. But the guild is a new name but we were running as final boss over The last month or so andyou should know that name as I have carried many unicorns in wzs since getting here. Now I do not condone the **** talking make to anyone by a gold mate, I also will not tolerate it from *** hat calling us a ***** guild. Put your money where mouth is and play us tonight then! If you are a member of the fb server page I've already done my apologys for the **** talk inciida did and now I'm kinda tired of the crying a out it our goal wass not to ruin anyone's time but to play a rated match we were a god damn pug half our people didn't have PvP gear.
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As a part of the kickball team last night i can vouche for the guild that "tried" to ruin it for the rest of us. I too have never seen these players before. New transfers? I dunno, but we keep kickball civil and fun. If you cant play by kickball rules than man up and fight the real fight on Guild nights:cool:
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Well first off we didn't crash a damn thing!!! We have been in rated q the last 2 nights. Second it was not an 8 man guild run we had 5 guildies and 3 pugs! I have addressed the **** talker and that will be handeled tonight as my goal was alys to help PvP on this server not hurt it check any of the posts that I've made. Also would have no problem playing any other guild on the server. But the guild is a new name but we were running as final boss over The last month or so andyou should know that name as I have carried many unicorns in wzs since getting here. Now I do not condone the **** talking make to anyone by a gold mate, I also will not tolerate it from *** hat calling us a ***** guild. Put your money where mouth is and play us tonight then! If you are a member of the fb server page I've already done my apologys for the **** talk inciida did and now I'm kinda tired of the crying a out it our goal wass not to ruin anyone's time but to play a rated match we were a gosh darn pug half our people didn't have PvP gear.


If you want to help the community, that's all well and good. Join in on one of the kickball nights instead of forming a group outside of it. You may not have the intention of crushing pugs but the perception will be there if you que with half or more of the group being from the same guild.


If you're looking to run GvG, Sunday's have been successful the last few weeks. Give me an in-game point of contact for your team and the nights and times you intend to que and I will add your guild to the first page of this thread.


Just FYI, Wednesdays and Saturdays have been kickball nights for the past few weeks so I'd recommend not queing as a guild on those nights unless you want to alienate more people...

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Well first off we didn't crash a damn thing!!! We have been in rated q the last 2 nights. Second it was not an 8 man guild run we had 5 guildies and 3 pugs! I have addressed the **** talker and that will be handeled tonight as my goal was alys to help PvP on this server not hurt it check any of the posts that I've made. Also would have no problem playing any other guild on the server. But the guild is a new name but we were running as final boss over The last month or so andyou should know that name as I have carried many unicorns in wzs since getting here. Now I do not condone the **** talking make to anyone by a gold mate, I also will not tolerate it from *** hat calling us a ***** guild. Put your money where mouth is and play us tonight then! If you are a member of the fb server page I've already done my apologys for the **** talk inciida did and now I'm kinda tired of the crying a out it our goal wass not to ruin anyone's time but to play a rated match we were a god damn pug half our people didn't have PvP gear.
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Sure make Hyakin your point of contact for the guild we will be willing to Que every night except wed and sat, and will try and join in on the rated kickball games. It just kinda sucks my entire guild has gotten a ****** rap for 1 rated game and 1 immature person! As I have spent the last 2 and a half days in the DK space port teaching some of the people who have answered my invites to lean PvP about los and when to pop cooldowns, callouts and strats.
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Well first off we didn't crash a damn thing!!! We have been in rated q the last 2 nights. Second it was not an 8 man guild run we had 5 guildies and 3 pugs! I have addressed the **** talker and that will be handeled tonight as my goal was alys to help PvP on this server not hurt it check any of the posts that I've made. Also would have no problem playing any other guild on the server. But the guild is a new name but we were running as final boss over The last month or so andyou should know that name as I have carried many unicorns in wzs since getting here. Now I do not condone the **** talking make to anyone by a gold mate, I also will not tolerate it from *** hat calling us a ***** guild. Put your money where mouth is and play us tonight then! If you are a member of the fb server page I've already done my apologys for the **** talk inciida did and now I'm kinda tired of the crying a out it our goal wass not to ruin anyone's time but to play a rated match we were a gosh darn pug half our people didn't have PvP gear.


lol bro ive never heard of you in game. idk how youve "carried" me or any of my other guildies. never seen your guild in regs. i cant put up my team tonight as i have other obligations, but we queue up on Sundays and would be glad to "put our money where our mouth is" because if you ask any of the other guilds on this server we are quite capable of holding our own. im online now if you wanna group up and show me how you "carry unicorns" all the time?

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Hyakin is my alt soulfly is my main but has a funny char in the name. I am at work atm but will be home at 4 pm server time and would love to carry you! Ny brother and I played a unicorn pre maid and face rolled you guys then were matched with you guys the next game and we rolled the other team. I will not ask any other guild how you are as the first thing I did when I got to this server was ask who the best PvP guild was and you guys piped up. U have obligations tonight that's cool Sunday will do just fine.
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Sure make Hyakin your point of contact for the guild we will be willing to Que every night except wed and sat, and will try and join in on the rated kickball games. It just kinda sucks my entire guild has gotten a ****** rap for 1 rated game and 1 immature person! As I have spent the last 2 and a half days in the DK space port teaching some of the people who have answered my invites to lean PvP about los and when to pop cooldowns, callouts and strats.


Ok, I have added <do you even force lift bro> to the main page. Are there specific nights that you always intend to que? I get that you are willing to try any night (as most are) but if you have a set time, that would be helpful for the other guilds to coordinate their own que times.

Edited by JAYFB
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Hyakin is my alt soulfly is my main but has a funny char in the name. I am at work atm but will be home at 4 pm server time and would love to carry you! Ny brother and I played a unicorn pre maid and face rolled you guys then were matched with you guys the next game and we rolled the other team. I will not ask any other guild how you are as the first thing I did when I got to this server was ask who the best PvP guild was and you guys piped up. U have obligations tonight that's cool Sunday will do just fine.


lol ladies and gentlemen. here we have a perfect example of an arrogant pvper. and ppl told me i was cocky. he promises to carry me. ill post screenshots later after we group up and do some matches. i think i remember you. youre that assassin from pot5? funny you say you want to build the friendlly pvp community yet here you are being the person that every pvper hates..idk about everyone else but he reminds me a lot of how LD used to act. i dont ever remember being facerolled. only match i remember losing in the past 4 days was a hypergate where my team had 5 ppl vs 8 until the last round, and another hypergate where the other team had 3 healers compared to our team's one 24k sorc healer. anyway ill try and be on around 4 server time. looking forward to getting my scrub *** carried.

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Hyakin is my alt soulfly is my main but has a funny char in the name. I am at work atm but will be home at 4 pm server time and would love to carry you! Ny brother and I played a unicorn pre maid and face rolled you guys then were matched with you guys the next game and we rolled the other team. I will not ask any other guild how you are as the first thing I did when I got to this server was ask who the best PvP guild was and you guys piped up. U have obligations tonight that's cool Sunday will do just fine.


This can only be healthy for the community :)

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Well first off we didn't crash a damn thing!!! We have been in rated q the last 2 nights. Second it was not an 8 man guild run we had 5 guildies and 3 pugs! I have addressed the **** talker and that will be handeled tonight as my goal was alys to help PvP on this server not hurt it check any of the posts that I've made. Also would have no problem playing any other guild on the server. But the guild is a new name but we were running as final boss over The last month or so andyou should know that name as I have carried many unicorns in wzs since getting here. Now I do not condone the **** talking make to anyone by a gold mate, I also will not tolerate it from *** hat calling us a ***** guild. Put your money where mouth is and play us tonight then! If you are a member of the fb server page I've already done my apologys for the **** talk inciida did and now I'm kinda tired of the crying a out it our goal wass not to ruin anyone's time but to play a rated match we were a gosh darn pug half our people didn't have PvP gear.


First off, **** you. You join BSSW after seeing how I wanted to help the server, stay in the guild for a day and then leave without saying a word and then AFTER I asked you, you gave me a ******** excuse. Second, you had all those players in Teamspeak, I know because I had a guildie in your group and he told me about the night. You had one of the best sorc healers on this server in your team, and you had communication. Most of these Kickball teams are balanced out to try to help players learn and give them a fair shot at doing fair ranked games. This has been this way for a month and a half, and if you're a forum lurker then you should know what days they do kickball matches. So don't sit here and try to play off that you didn't know a damn thing when you certainly did. You want to run a guild? Control your members and their **** talking because this server does not welcome self righteous ******es who think they're hot **** because they beat PUGS with a premade.


Que up on Sunday nights or go back to Pot5. You'll be back on this server with your tail between your legs within the week.


And finally, don't come here and act like you want to save this server and help this servers PvP community when you A.) crash a huttball game, and B.) come on here and talk about carrying guilds through games. That doesn't scream I want to help the community, that screams that I'm a douchebag who wants to use that as an excuse to get laid off from the bad decisions that I've made. I wont tolerate your guild trying to recruit MY members, and I also wont tolerate your guild coming into random matches and **** talking the entire team and putting them down. Get off this server if you have an attitude like that, and until a formal apology is sent out on the forums and to every single person your guild **** talked last night, I wont respect you, and frankly I want nothing to do with your guild until that happens.

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Lol panties in a bunch much? I joined you guild and listened to you guys super q great job helping the community. 2 when my brother and I were given someone to run with it was a Mara with no kind of gear what so ever and 22k Ho with a fortitude stimm on. So save you **** you stck up *****! I will not have anyone from my guild apologize at all I have done it on both forums and fb page as The face of the guild that is my responsibility. As if the disciplinary actions that will be taken to the one talking ****. I have every right to say I carried some one and talk **** back while you and US have called us all **** and everything else. Where is your apology? I came to this server to play with family members who do not PvP and in the process thought I would help the PvP community. What your really mad about is a pug beat your kick ball team with no gear and a bad comp. I will definitely look toward to playing you on Sunday. And btw your respect means nothing to me as I see what your all about!
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Lol panties in a bunch much? I joined you guild and listened to you guys super q great job helping the community. 2 when my brother and I were given someone to run with it was a Mara with no kind of gear what so ever and 22k Ho with a fortitude stimm on. So save you **** you stck up *****! I will not have anyone from my guild apologize at all I have done it on both forums and fb page as The face of the guild that is my responsibility. As if the disciplinary actions that will be taken to the one talking ****. I have every right to say I carried some one and talk **** back while you and US have called us all **** and everything else. Where is your apology? I came to this server to play with family members who do not PvP and in the process thought I would help the PvP community. What your really mad about is a pug beat your kick ball team with no gear and a bad comp. I will definitely look toward to playing you on Sunday. And btw your respect means nothing to me as I see what your all about!


Saying you want to help the server community and then saying that you carry people through games while telling other people that they're bad does not go well in the same sentence. You came into my guild, and barely said a word and didn't even bother getting to know my guild at all. You are the guild leader, it IS your responsibility to get the people who caused the drama to apologize to the people that they wronged. I'm not mad that a pug beat kickball, I wasn't even online to be in the kickball match unfortunately. The thing that I'm upset about is your guilds lack of sportsmanship. Battlestation is trying to get themselves ready for ranked, so while we might try to get a superque going for practice, we still have losses to pugs because of bad communication. I never called your guild ****, I said that your guild is full of ******e players that don't know how to respect people on this server. The first time I ever saw your guild in a warzone, they spent the entire time trying to say they carried the team, saying that the pugs in their warzone were bad, and they were talking themselves up like they were hot **** and while we were winning, it was not because of them. Also, your grammar hurts my brain, please spell check before posting.

Edited by Damsyl
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I'm doing this from a phone and can only see half the screen sorry for the grammer. But I have never talked **** about carrying any in an actual wz I have said this on the forum after being attacked all morning about 1 game. I have apologized for what the person in guild said I cannot control what people type and now that its been brought to my attention I will address it. I don't really know but 2 people in this guild as it was started 2 days ago. And the answer I gave you was not ******** someone whispered me and offered me 200k to help them form a guild I didn't know the name and need the creds, as it turns out it was the gm from my first server and saw my name and wanted to join up. My brother and malakith are the only 2 people I know in the guild and am trying to get to know them better but will address that's not the rep I want as a player or guild. All of the **** talk happened via whispers not in gem chat so until this morning I knew nothing of it and I frown on such actions. I do intened on helping the server and have done that with duels on DK just to help people lean the basics of their class. But I will defend myself whenever my guild or I am attacker. When we asked last night about the kickball we were told they had 16 people but a guild was to be quing as well, our intent was not to crash the kickball but play the other guild with our PUG even the members with our tag had pony been in guild for maybe an hour so we were a PUG. Again I apologize to the people that were offened by the **** talk of 1 individual and am still willing to help with any gear strat or SPEC questions anyone may have. But did not appreciate US comments on forums or fb page.
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I think he's a holdover from beer 30? there are good unicorns and bad unicorns. I'm sure you carried some bads and were carried by the good. you will be crushed if their good players queue up against you. crashing their kb was a bad move. Edited by foxmob
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