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Ranked (Guild v Guild & Kickball)


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Vengeful Malice is working on a guild team. We won't be good or geared, but showing up is half the battle, right?


Added <Vengeful Malice>. Once you have your que time figured out, just let me know!


Holiday guild(s) will start building their team now that most of the members have geared up for raids in PvE. We should have a team together for ranked play from either side.


Added <Dark / Light Holiday>. Please let me know which toons to use for POC's on each side and your anticipated que times (when you know them).


Tried to form up for ranked but we had trouble getting 8, and its hard to convince ppl to join when it doesn't seem like anyone else is running ranked.


That's unfortunate. As the schedule sits now, I think you guys are the only ones planning on queing Tuesdays. We're going to try and que on Friday so if you still plan on it, you should have at least one group to play against.

Edited by JAYFB
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Added <Dark / Light Holiday>. Please let me know which toons to use for POC's on each side and your anticipated que times (when you know them).


Darkside: Magnaus / Drekk / Lightside: Reegina / Chian'a


Our training nights are tentatively scheduled for Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday nights (9:00 PM to 11:00 PM). It is my intention to make at least two these nights our times to queue for ranked.

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You can add <Eternal Hostility> to the list of Ranked PvP teams.


We have recently just re-subbed, as a guild, and are extremely far behind on the gear curve. But look for us to be ready for ranked and kickball within the next couple of weeks.


Guild: <Eternal Hostility>

POC: Hoodrathector, Aristides

Que times: TBD

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A certain republic guild can't get ppl together for G v G ranked, but they can get 5 ppl together for reg stomping at 1 in the afternoon on a weekday?


who dat? just ran into a buncha PD's myself. them? I thought murexa was RG for some reason....

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You can add <Eternal Hostility> to the list of Ranked PvP teams.


We have recently just re-subbed, as a guild, and are extremely far behind on the gear curve. But look for us to be ready for ranked and kickball within the next couple of weeks.


Ok, gotcha. Welcome back guys.

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Are most guilds looking to queue for ranked on Sundays? I ask to help me set our dates for scheduling ourselves. Currently, we are looking at Mondays and Fridays for training not to conflict with our progression raiding. With turning one of those days, probably Friday, into one of our days for scheduling. However, if most guilds are going to queue on Sundays, we will include that into our schedule too. Thanks. Edited by Ghost_Spectre
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Are most guilds looking to queue for ranked on Sundays? I ask to help me set our dates for scheduling ourselves. Currently, we are looking at Mondays and Fridays for training not to conflict without progression raiding. With turning one of those days, probably Friday, into one of our days for scheduling. However, if most guilds are going to queue on Sundays, we will include that into our schedule too. Thanks.


Most guilds queue Sundays, i think there is a team or 2 that has said they will try and queue on Fridays, but Sunday is the main night.

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<Tranquility> / <Prime Defense> and their <Starsider> stepchild are planning on q'ing for ranked tonight at 9:00 p.m. EST. Bring your teams and join us! If you can only scrounge up a pug no worries as this is going to be our first night actually playing together.
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not like its really a big deal, just something i noticed, the kickball team i was on went up against hikarighosts team 3 or 4 times last night, and after each game (win or loss) i and a few others on our team would /say gg yet nobody on the other team said anything.

on another note, i wanna bring up the suggestion of possibly seperating pub and imp kickball nights. from what ive seen a "kickball" pub team wins 9/10 of their matches against imp teams. my thought process is because it seems there is normally only one pub team queuing, and its a stacked team. compared to the 2-4 imp teams that are watered down to try and BALANCE the teams to make it fair. the pub teams i have seen are not balanced at all compared to the imp teams. if theres 2 or more imp teams and 1 pub team...thats not kickball guys. thats called pug ranked. kickball is built around swapping players and balancing teams as much as we can..just some food for thought.

also. shout out to nemesis for bringing a full guild team against a kickball team...

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had some gg's last night. could only stay for about 6 games but i can honestly say it was the biggest turnout i think i have ever seen for kickball. had 2 pub teams and 3 imp teams with plenty of people that we could replace when they had to leave (at least on imp side anyway). Look forward to another great turnout next kickball night :D
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Cinerous - We had two teams pub side from about 8:30 - 11:30 that played each other a few times before running into imp teams. I personally said "gg" in every game (and if I missed a "gg", it wasn't intentional, I was pretty tired by the end of the night so my apologies). The last three weeks that I've done kickball on Saturday, we've had at least two pub teams and last week we didn't even run into the imp teams, it was pub v pub for a solid three hours.


I promise that there is no team stacking going on. Ask anyone that participated pub side, I don't play the "Honorof" game. We had subs in and out all night and the other pub team had a 40 - 0 (or something like that) Civil War against one of the imp teams. I called it quits around 11:30 and the two pub teams consolidated to one since so many people dropped. I'm not sure how many more games they played but I know they got one pop before I logged so I can't speak for anything after that.


If people aren't having fun, I'll stop doing it. The last thing I want is animosity during a "fun" event for all.

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Just wanted to say thx again to Krogan and The Einherjar for setting up another fun night of kickball. As far as balancing the teams go i think he does as good a job as can be expected and is always looking to make adjustments whenever necessary. I was only in 2 matches against imp teams last night before I logged and they were both extremely close. A 16-0 novare and a 30-0 civil war. Hope to see everyone again next Saturday. GG's all
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