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Ranked (Guild v Guild & Kickball)


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First I would like to thank Wahylee for taking what I said and actually understanding it. As for the post of proof for the comments made I'm referring to the FB post " if you have Do you even force lift bro as a guild tag take a marker and write ****** on your forehead." which was deleted soon after.


And why am i catching so much heat for trying to apologize? Why are you all so mad? Cuz i took a pug into Rateds vs a kickball team and won? because you lost to an under geared team, who was learning focus fire? Or maybe your mad we had a pug team and didn't ask your permission to que?

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First I would like to thank Wahylee for taking what I said and actually understanding it. As for the post of proof for the comments made I'm referring to the FB post " if you have Do you even force lift bro as a guild tag take a marker and write ****** on your forehead." which was deleted soon after.


And why am i catching so much heat for trying to apologize? Why are you all so mad? Cuz i took a pug into Rateds vs a kickball team and won? because you lost to an under geared team, who was learning focus fire? Or maybe your mad we had a pug team and didn't ask your permission to que?


Your getting heat because while apologizing about your crashing ranked kickball against a pugs groups that are not a true ranked team. Those kickball teams were doing the same thing you were doing. Then having your group go on about how awesome they are and bragging. You go and brag about carrying unicorns in regs like you are God at pvp. That's why the heat if you want to apologize do so with honor and not throwing out insults to others while doing so.


Insulting members of the pvp community while trying to start your guild off just start's you off on the wrong foot and pisses people off.

Edited by Neoforcer
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Insulting members of the pvp community while trying to start your guild off just start's you off on the wrong foot and pisses people off.


and who has two thumbs and doesn't need help getting pissed off?


<== THIS GUY! :rak_03:

Edited by foxmob
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i dont know that I myself will be able to make it to friday night gvg, or that i will be able to participate in anymore ranked gameplay for a few months, but i will talk to my team and see what works for them, in the event that i can no longer play, its been great keep it up guys just a few weeks ago there was 0 teams doing ranked now theres at least 6 consistently queuing up with more on the way


It's unfortunate to hear you may not be around. I really enjoyed playing against you this past Sunday. I was looking forward to more games. You've helped to kickstart our PVP community again and it's very much appreciated!

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Ok, First of all.... Id like to take the opportunity to apologise for any flaming that took place from any members of <Do you even force lift bro> I don't agree with it and I will deal with it.


Now that that's out of the way....

I will not apologise for "crashing rateds". It wasn't a crash, we had pugs too and just wanted to que up. The first time we did so with no healers and we lost a game.... (we pugged some random PvE healers with 24k hp each).

2nd game we got some decent healers and steamrolled.

Awesome how we don't get blamed for crashing rateds until we win...


Also... Even If I did assemble our main team and que all 8 vs some kickball... Unless anyone wants to pay for my sub, DO NOT start to even think you can tell me how and when to play.


Now... I understand Soulfly has taken a lot of heat from certain crybabies for trying to apologise on our guilds behalf. If anyone actually took the time to READ what he said, you would probably calm the hell down.

As for the cattle prod and bear metaphor... Not sure where that came from but sure...


To sum up...

- We will be queing for rated warzones every chance we get.... If we get put vs a kickball team. Then its just gonna happen. Don't cry about it. (and I will come down hard on any of my members bad mouthing).

- When an apology is given, Learn to read it before flaming the guy who said it.

- We will be here on a competitive level in rateds, As soon as the last of our team assembles from our previous server, you can count on a decent battle ahead.

- We will support and help the Pvp community on this server. But this works two ways. If we cant que for rateds to test some members without being flamed for kickball crashing.... isn't gonna go down well.

- I will not punish one of my members from protecting him/herself agenised trolls, cry-babies or kids with huge ego's.


To finish on a high note.... id like to say we're glad to be here, most people seem really nice. and GL HF in the rateds to come.


- Rincepz DYEFLB GM

Edited by Corsin
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Ok, First of all.... Id like to take the opportunity to apologise for any flaming that took place from any members of <Do you even force lift bro> I don't agree with it and I will deal with it.


Now that that's out of the way....

I will not apologise for "crashing rateds". It wasn't a crash, we had pugs too and just wanted to que up. The first time we did so with no healers and we lost a game.... (we pugged some random PvE healers with 24k hp each).

2nd game we got some decent healers and steamrolled.

Awesome how we don't get blamed for crashing rateds until we win...

Also... Even If I did assemble our main team and que all 8 vs some kickball... Unless anyone wants to pay for my sub, DO NOT start to even think you can tell me how and when to play.

Now... I understand Soulfly has taken a lot of heat from certain crybabies for trying to apologise on our guilds behalf. If anyone actually took the time to READ what he said, you would probably calm the hell down.

As for the cattle prod and bear metaphor... Not sure where that came from but sure...


To sum up...

- We will be queing for rated warzones every chance we get.... If we get put vs a kickball team. Then its just gonna happen. Don't cry about it. (and I will come down hard on any of my members bad mouthing).

- When an apology is given, Learn to read it before flaming the guy who said it.

- We will be here on a competitive level in rateds, As soon as the last of our team assembles from our previous server, you can count on a decent battle ahead.

- We will support and help the Pvp community on this server. But this works two ways. If we cant que for rateds to test some members without being flamed for kickball crashing.... isn't gonna go down well.

- I will not punish one of my members from protecting him/herself agenised trolls, cry-babies or kids with huge ego's.


To finish on a high note.... id like to say we're glad to be here, most people seem really nice. and GL HF in the rateds to come.


- Rincepz DYEFLB GM


all i read was. Uncensored all over again. i could disect everything youve said in there and talk about how youre not helping the pvp community at all, but hey who am i. im cool now with soulfly, did some matches with him i think we can say pretty easily that Unicorns can hold their own (not me im pretty bad no matter what class im on, but the other unicorns can) but like i said. tldr version :Uncensored.

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It's unfortunate to hear you may not be around. I really enjoyed playing against you this past Sunday. I was looking forward to more games. You've helped to kickstart our PVP community again and it's very much appreciated!


yea man i had a lot of fun, if i cant continue to play (ill know by friday evening) ill be sure to write some sappy good bye letter on the forums and be THAT guy that says good bye but nobody will really miss at all ;)

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Ok, First of all.... Id like to take the opportunity to apologise for any flaming that took place from any members of <Do you even force lift bro> I don't agree with it and I will deal with it.


Now that that's out of the way....

I will not apologise for "crashing rateds". It wasn't a crash, we had pugs too and just wanted to que up. The first time we did so with no healers and we lost a game.... (we pugged some random PvE healers with 24k hp each).

2nd game we got some decent healers and steamrolled.

Awesome how we don't get blamed for crashing rateds until we win...


Also... Even If I did assemble our main team and que all 8 vs some kickball... Unless anyone wants to pay for my sub, DO NOT start to even think you can tell me how and when to play.


Now... I understand Soulfly has taken a lot of heat from certain crybabies for trying to apologise on our guilds behalf. If anyone actually took the time to READ what he said, you would probably calm the hell down.

As for the cattle prod and bear metaphor... Not sure where that came from but sure...


To sum up...

- We will be queing for rated warzones every chance we get.... If we get put vs a kickball team. Then its just gonna happen. Don't cry about it. (and I will come down hard on any of my members bad mouthing).

- When an apology is given, Learn to read it before flaming the guy who said it.

- We will be here on a competitive level in rateds, As soon as the last of our team assembles from our previous server, you can count on a decent battle ahead.

- We will support and help the Pvp community on this server. But this works two ways. If we cant que for rateds to test some members without being flamed for kickball crashing.... isn't gonna go down well.

- I will not punish one of my members from protecting him/herself agenised trolls, cry-babies or kids with huge ego's.


To finish on a high note.... id like to say we're glad to be here, most people seem really nice. and GL HF in the rateds to come.


- Rincepz DYEFLB GM


What server are you guys from? I have a toon on Pot5 and never heard of ya. Bastion?

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Also... Even If I did assemble our main team and que all 8 vs some kickball... Unless anyone wants to pay for my sub, DO NOT start to even think you can tell me how and when to play.


you must realize that the exact same rationale justifies shaming/complaining, right? I mean...make whatever reputation for yourself that you want and all that. but do you even see how you telling ppl not to rage is invalidated by your own justification to queue whenever and however you like? you don't pay my sub. if I think you're acting like a douche, I have every right to say something too...bro.


have a nice day. :D

Edited by foxmob
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do what? all I said was there's a dirth of talent on this server, and the ppl roflstomping you are average 4m's that look like super stars because there's so much meh here. I don't really care. my new thing is to leave like I'm a jenna'cidic sagorer. no calls. not passing balls. filling resolve before a fire pit. w/e. idc. I'm not going to play with 6 derps against anybody of any competence.


e.g., I'm soloing most ppl...and an insane number of healers...IN AP SPEC. dude. AP. lol and I'm like...good. maybe. just above average. not even scratching great.


but it's a casual pvp scene. if you want more, give BW your monies. otherwise...meh. it's a wonderful word. it means no worries...for all your passing days....


Come on Foxmob I thought we had a thing, and then I see you butcher my name.

:) There is no shame in bailing on 7derps who don't want to win.


The Bastion

Rellik - Jenna'syyde - Crackroxx

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Now that that's out of the way....

I will not apologise for "crashing rateds". It wasn't a crash, we had pugs too and just wanted to que up. The first time we did so with no healers and we lost a game.... (we pugged some random PvE healers with 24k hp each).

2nd game we got some decent healers and steamrolled.

Awesome how we don't get blamed for crashing rateds until we win...


Was your guild aware of kickball matches? If the answer is "no", then you apologize for not knowing and stop queueing (if you cared about the community). No one would fault you for this. If the answer was "yes" (judging by the fact you queued up several times after encountering kickball groups, I'm leaning towards this answer), then you "crashed". You can argue till you're blue in the face, but you did.


Drop the whole "we had PUGs" excuse. It has been used ad nauseum in the past. I'm all for ppl learning how to play coordinated PVP, so I try to reel back my elitism when I play kickball, but if you think that having 2 PUGs somehow brings you down to the average kickball team then I have some land to sell ya.


Also... Even If I did assemble our main team and que all 8 vs some kickball... Unless anyone wants to pay for my sub, DO NOT start to even think you can tell me how and when to play.


You're right, no one can tell you how to play your toon. That also means you can't tell the community how to perceive you. You act like pompous *******, the community will treat you in kind.


Now... I understand Soulfly has taken a lot of heat from certain crybabies for trying to apologise on our guilds behalf.


You're are doing a stand up job dousing the fire with gasoline.


If anyone actually took the time to READ what he said, you would probably calm the hell down.


Here are some gems....


Lol panties in a bunch much?...So save you **** you stck up *****! I will not have anyone from my guild apologize at all...


I have every right to say I carried some one and talk **** back while you and US have called us all **** and everything else.


The last month or so andyou should know that name as I have carried many unicorns in wzs since getting here.


Now I do not condone the **** talking make to anyone by a gold mate, I also will not tolerate it from *** hat calling us a ***** guild.


Put your money where mouth is and play us tonight then!


I am at work atm but will be home at 4 pm server time and would love to carry you! Ny brother and I played a unicorn pre maid and face rolled you guys then were matched with you guys the next game and we rolled the other team.


I've done nothing but apologize for "crashing" kickball night and the comments made by a guildmate.




- We will be queing for rated warzones every chance we get.... If we get put vs a kickball team. Then its just gonna happen. Don't cry about it.


If you can't control yourself for 2 nights a week (remember, you can participate in kickball as well), your reputation will suffer.


- When an apology is given, Learn to read it before flaming the guy who said it.


I haven't seen a legitimate apology from anyone yet TBH. It is like when a parent tells their kid to say they're sorry and the response is given in a snotty voice, "I'M SORRY!"


- We will support and help the Pvp community on this server. But this works two ways. If we cant que for rateds to test some members without being flamed for kickball crashing.... isn't gonna go down well.


Feel free to test members on GvG nights or even kickball as part of the kickball teams, but idle threats are unbecoming of a GM.

Edited by Ravashakk
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Come on Foxmob I thought we had a thing, and then I see you butcher my name.

:) There is no shame in bailing on 7derps who don't want to win.


The Bastion

Rellik - Jenna'syyde - Crackroxx


you have no idea how horrid pugging has become on this server. it doesn't matter which faction you're on. time of day could matter a little but...wow. it's like...don't EVER solo pug. just an unending loop of back failure and poor objectives decisions.

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Random GM of random guild,


Let me tell you the ending to the story you're trying to write to save everyone time.


Guild q's "whenever possible" against kickball teams, killing kickball. Maximum of 1-2 teams q outside of kickball, leaving you sitting in the ranked a for 3 hours with no pops. In a few weeks time, only you are in the ranked q, with no one to play, **** talking goes on max and you take your frustration out on pugs in regs. Some of your guild leave the game or decide to transfer.


This is what happend with Uncensored when we killed the ranked scene here many months ago by destroying kickball. It was a selfish decision that hurt everyone in the end. Judging by the droolers you have posting on the forums wearing your tag, you are not as good as we were, but the point still stands.


Separate nights for guilded ranked teams and kickball teams or g t f o. You can talk about "helping" the community, but if you don't do this simple thing, the kickball ranked scene will die; followed by what's left of the subsequent guild ranked scene.


Kickball is an integral part of developing players both in regards to skill and giving a platform for new teams to form and play on the guild rank nights. Respect it or you are harming the server tremendously.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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Random GM of random guild,


Let me tell you the ending to the story you're trying to write to save everyone time.


Guild q's "whenever possible" against kickball teams, killing kickball. Maximum of 1-2 teams q outside of kickball, leaving you sitting in the ranked a for 3 hours with no pops. In a few weeks time, only you are in the ranked q, with no one to play, **** talking goes on max and you take your frustration out on pugs in regs. Some of your guild leave the game or decide to transfer.


This is what happend with Uncensored when we killed the ranked scene here many months ago by destroying kickball. It was a selfish decision that hurt everyone in the end. Judging by the droolers you have posting on the forums wearing your tag, you are not as good as we were, but the point still stands.


Separate nights for guilded ranked teams and kickball teams or g t f o. You can talk about "helping" the community, but if you don't do this simple thing, the kickball ranked scene will die; followed by what's left of the subsequent guild ranked scene.


Kickball is an integral part of developing players both in regards to skill and giving a platform for new teams to form and play on the guild rank nights. Respect it or you are harming the server tremendously.

Very well said.
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Not to be another guild on everyone's **** list but we will probably be queuing on random days when we get people together. We can try to let people know when we get a group but we all have real life stuff to deal with and would still like to queue together when we get a chance. Hopefully enough guilds are coming back around for this to not be an issue....
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I suppose having arena queues in the future would also fix this and make it a non issue because we would do that instead.

THANK YOU. you guys arent being over bearing ******es about it, you guys come in, say hey we're gonna do our best to let you know when we're queuing so we dont have issues with crashing kickball. that is much appreciated. thank you guys for not being ***** about it :D

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Did anyone even mention why a PVP oriented guild transferred to a PVE server, after an obvious trend of pvp guilds transferred to PROT5?


Just seems like some guild came here to try to farm teams, because they couldn't make it on PROT5 or didn't want to try...


Like honestly, there isn't a semblance of decent PVP on this server ATM, PROT5 has 5+ teams queuing ranked per night.

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