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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I love being in premades


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2 guilds from Shadowlands love to roflstomp pugs, they transfered to Pot5, get roflstomp by other premades, they came back to Shadowlands to roflstomp pugs again.


please tell more. the people want to know guild names



The Bastion

Rellik - Jenna'syyde - Crackroxx

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to be fair to the op, he's on a server that has relatively few premades and just in general, few high caliber players, so when they play, they grp, and when they grp...you hope they will just get it over with and not farm. Edited by foxmob
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obviously you have missed out on the real excitement of just being a team in a battle to the very very end which is what wz's are really all about, that and its unpredictability. Just sweeping to victory each time is very boring and its very boring to lose this way too.........I do too much of both, but dont' we all.
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The only way that PvP in this game is in any way fun is when the game is close.

When it goes down to the wire. One side takes a lead, the other brings it back.

When nodes change hands throughout the game.....


I've been on both sides of the premades - stomping and being stomped.

Both of this situations are boring.

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The only way that PvP in this game is in any way fun is when the game is close.

When it goes down to the wire. One side takes a lead, the other brings it back.

When nodes change hands throughout the game.....


I've been on both sides of the premades - stomping and being stomped.

Both of this situations are boring.


only 'shifting' games I've seen are when people in majority are bad on both teams (excluding huttball, games 6:5 ending after 5-8 minutes,cause people pass, jump, pass,pull,grab ball right after score,pass,pass,pass are epic) , ignoring objectivs to let that 'shift' change. like lowbie pvp...

16 man pug games can be rotflstomp too.

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The only way that PvP in this game is in any way fun is when the game is close.

When it goes down to the wire. One side takes a lead, the other brings it back.

When nodes change hands throughout the game.....


I will agree with this statement one hundred percent. The best matchs I have ever had have turned around at two percent for a victory in nova coast or managing to take both pylons from the enemy and winning in ancient hypergate. Some people that enjoy going into a match and totally decimating your enemy because you can thats find and dandy, but in the end it will hurt player vs. player as people will stop joining matchs. I refuse to particpate in slaughtering my enemy and will always choose standing at the node not healing people outside my thirty meter range at that point.

Edited by Zohkar
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I will agree with this statement one hundred percent. The best matchs I have ever had have turned around at two percent for a victory in nova coast or managing to take both pylons from the enemy and winning in ancient hypergate. Some people that enjoy going into a match and totally decimating your enemy because you can thats find and dandy, but in the end it will hurt player vs. player as people will stop joining matchs. I refuse to particpate in slaughtering my enemy and will always choose standing at the node not healing people outside my thirty meter range at that point.


taking both pylons is pretty much slaughter enemy, unless you were losing in points and had to have 2 nodes to win.


letting other team score some points 'to be fair to them' is hurting pvp overall, since bads who deserve to lose badly (like I had 6man whole match team winning 300:0 alderaan vs 8 people - should we let them score some points so they won't cry?)will think they are good instead of thinking 'damn, they kicked us hard, we need to improve our skill'.

you let them score some points, (maybe even lose by accident), and they will think 'we didn't do so bad, maybe next time we will get more lucky - using STR implants and willpower gear isn't so bad on my powertech afterall'

Edited by Atramar
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letting other team score some points 'to be fair to them' is hurting pvp overall, since bads who deserve to lose badly (like I had 6man whole match team winning 300:0 alderaan vs 8 people - should we let them score some points so they won't cry?)will think they are good instead of thinking 'damn, they kicked us hard, we need to improve our skill'.


I was not saying let them score to seem carebear, but more or less once you have the match wrapped up score the final point. There is no need to drag the match out and cause the losing side to feel even worse by farming there side because they are already yelling at each other for mistakes made. I lost my way into Conquer gear, and can honestly tell you as solo que player how frustrating it is to see your getting farmed and then the opponents start bad mouthing you on top of that.


And again to me the best matchs are the close ones, not a blow out lop sided event. As a sorcerer healer I know what it feels like to be melted down in a few seconds and wait for the door to let me out to run back in and try to change the course of battle. Once the battle changes trying to keep people from losing what ground we won becomes the next battle because people always seem to get tunnel focus on killing instead of that node they are suppose to guard.

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