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What do PvPers want?


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I see a lot of QQ threads from PvPers about update 2.4 but I don't understand what they wanted.


What PvP expectations are being let down?


In PvP you do one thing, kill other players. Sometimes it's open world, sometimes you do it to capture and hold territory/node, sometimes you capture a flag and run in back, sometimes it is just a deathmatch. Deathmatch is the one thing missing, and now it has been added.


That is the extent of PvP. If you are bored with doing that with lightsabers. Why not move on?


New PvE means new story, new locations, new enimies, new mechanics. That is the nature of PvE. New PvP means re-skinning one of the objectives listed above. That is the nature of PvP


Hurry up with ranked, new gear, blah blah blah. Bolster and bugs! Whatever. Those are just qol and reward systems. The game will never change in any significant way for PvP.


This is your game-play. Those are your three objective types. That, along with open world, is it.


What did you expect?

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I see a lot of QQ threads from PvPers about update 2.4 but I don't understand what they wanted.


What PvP expectations are being let down?


In PvP you do one thing, kill other players. Sometimes it's open world, sometimes you do it to capture and hold territory/node, sometimes you capture a flag and run in back, sometimes it is just a deathmatch. Deathmatch is the one thing missing, and now it has been added.


That is the extent of PvP. If you are bored with doing that with lightsabers. Why not move on?


New PvE means new story, new locations, new enimies, new mechanics. That is the nature of PvE. New PvP means re-skinning one of the objectives listed above. That is the nature of PvP


Hurry up with ranked, new gear, blah blah blah. Bolster and bugs! Whatever. Those are just qol and reward systems. The game will never change in any significant way for PvP.


This is your game-play. Those are your three objective types. That, along with open world, is it.


What did you expect?


Have a read.


Also I can do this too:


New PvP means new story, new locations, new enimies, new mechanics. That is the nature of PvP.

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I see a lot of QQ threads from PvPers about update 2.4 but I don't understand what they wanted.


What PvP expectations are being let down?


In PvP you do one thing, kill other players. Sometimes it's open world, sometimes you do it to capture and hold territory/node, sometimes you capture a flag and run in back, sometimes it is just a deathmatch. Deathmatch is the one thing missing, and now it has been added.


That is the extent of PvP. If you are bored with doing that with lightsabers. Why not move on?


New PvE means new story, new locations, new enimies, new mechanics. That is the nature of PvE. New PvP means re-skinning one of the objectives listed above. That is the nature of PvP


Hurry up with ranked, new gear, blah blah blah. Bolster and bugs! Whatever. Those are just qol and reward systems. The game will never change in any significant way for PvP.


This is your game-play. Those are your three objective types. That, along with open world, is it.


What did you expect?



it's so hilarious how so many kids on here cry and wine like bioware is suppose to give people exactly how they want and what they want done!! Flipping ridiculous.

Bioware gave us what we have and that is how it's gonna be. Yeah!

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We expected what was said a big PvP update coming in 2.4.

We received two new ops, one planet and 4v4 arenas so a PvP update with more PvE content than anything.


So to you, adding the one type of PvP match that was missing=/=big.


What would have equaled big? Did you expect them to re-invent the wheel and give you something brand new, never before seen in a game?


For PvE you need new locations and new enemies. What "new" thing did you expect for PvP?


I'm not saying you should be satisfied, I'm not saying you shouldn't. That is a different conversation.


I'm saying I honestly have no idea what you could have been expecting in terms of new gameplay. I'm also saying I don't think you even know. Everyone always wants "new." I don't think PvPers realize the nature of their preferred method of play is inherently restricted to just a few things and a re-skinning is all they will ever get.

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So to you, adding the one type of PvP match that was missing=/=big.


What would have equaled big? Did you expect them to re-invent the wheel and give you something brand new, never before seen in a game?


For PvE you need new locations and new enemies. What "new" thing did you expect for PvP?


I'm not saying you should be satisfied, I'm not saying you shouldn't. That is a different conversation.


I'm saying I honestly have no idea what you could have been expecting in terms of new gameplay. I'm also saying I don't think you even know. Everyone always wants "new." I don't think PvPers realize the nature of their preferred method of play is inherently restricted to just a few things and a re-skinning is all they will ever get.


I'm not sure why you even bother to speak, tbh.


Pvpers love new maps, new objectives. See cod/halo.


If you had storymode ev and kp for a little less than a year without any significant updates, you would understand.

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So to you, adding the one type of PvP match that was missing=/=big.


What would have equaled big? Did you expect them to re-invent the wheel and give you something brand new, never before seen in a game?


For PvE you need new locations and new enemies. What "new" thing did you expect for PvP?


I'm not saying you should be satisfied, I'm not saying you shouldn't. That is a different conversation.


I'm saying I honestly have no idea what you could have been expecting in terms of new gameplay. I'm also saying I don't think you even know. Everyone always wants "new." I don't think PvPers realize the nature of their preferred method of play is inherently restricted to just a few things and a re-skinning is all they will ever get.


for a start its war. republic vs sith empire. this should, to some level, be player driven. as of now, its just senseless ganking/warzones. so open world pvp (not gonna happen, thanks to crap enigne) or some larger scale warfields (16vs16 32vs32) with effect on the world could be a good point to start.


other than that: new maps / x-realm queues are things wanted from pvp folks.

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I'm not sure why you even bother to speak, tbh.


Pvpers love new maps, new objectives. See cod/halo.


If you had storymode ev and kp for a little less than a year without any significant updates, you would understand.


I agree about cod. That is where I pvp. It is up on another monitor while I'm getting things together for raids. When I get bored with it, there will be a new game on that monitor because I understand there will never be anything truly new about it.


And you got an entirely new class of objective, deathmatch. We don't know how many maps this will be yet (I don't think they have said anyway), just that it will be more than one. What more than an entirely new type of match could you want for one update?


They have also added new maps for the objective based types of PvP. And provided reasons for people to gather where open world will happen, the gree event, for example.


You will never have a new type of gameplay, so what do you want?

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From what I recall there was a poll.



If they consider this to be the gree event, I'm not quite sure they understood.


That's just open world. The poll was only about what type of "skin" this particular setting would have. Who is your enemy and should there be NPCs helping the underdog. Nothing new to see here.


What big new thing were PVPers expecting? And why wasn't a new category of objective with at least 2 maps to start enough?

Edited by jmdatcs
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I'll tell you what we want.


All WE want is a couple of new Warzones maps and some Arenas so we have moar fun!


Awesome! You just got that announced for 2.4. Why the QQ (not saying your QQing, just asking in general)?

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Awesome! You just got that announced for 2.4. Why the QQ (not saying your QQing, just asking in general)?


i stated other things wanted from pvpers, but obviously you only read what you want.


to shorten things: we want what was promised from BW since release and over the time. that is: ILUM revamp, x-realms, rated bgs (not pre-season crap) and ofc more maps.


throwing in 2 4on4 maps in THE BIG pvp update after over a year of nothing for pvpers is just crap.

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i stated other things wanted from pvpers, but obviously you only read what you want.


to shorten things: we want what was promised from BW since release and over the time. that is: ILUM revamp, x-realms, rated bgs (not pre-season crap) and ofc more maps.


throwing in 2 4on4 maps in THE BIG pvp update after over a year of nothing for pvpers is just crap.


Illum revamp = gree. Not saying it was good, not saying it was bad either. But it happened.


Rated is a reward system, not a change to, or an addition to, the way the game is played.


X-realm is just a way to do the same thing with a larger pool of people. Also nothing new.


You've been given more maps. And now you're getting at least 2 more, including a new type of objective.


What, other than qol and reward changes, do you want? Why are people QQing? If an entirely new type of objective with at least 2 maps isn't big, what is?

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Illum revamp = gree. Not saying it was good, not saying it was bad either. But it happened.



so sith and republic fighting over ressources on ilum in big scale open pvp (thats how BW advertised it) turns into an event where everyone can kill everyone for nothing. thats your ilum revamp ? you must be a fanboy. besides beeing in the same zone (because its cheaper than making a new one just for an event and bw is nr 1 in recycling content) those two things have nothing in common.


to your other points. it doesnt matter if its new or not. it was promised by bw, it is wanted from the players and bw is NOT delivering it. that fact alone made it valid to QQ about the patch.

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To not be treated like second class subs like we have been since f2p. Many people only play SWTOR for the pvp, and we are being starved of content by BW while the PVE crowd seems to be feasting it up every patch. I'm not asking SWTOR change it's focus to PVP only, but ffs they didn't even give us the courtesy reach around of new valor ranks for an expansion... that takes all of a single lunch break to code in.


PVP is a big part of swtor, despite what alot of the PVE warriors believe, and it deserves content in an equal fashion as PVE. The big PVP patch has only arena's, which only a minority of the pvp community will touch (see WoW as an example), no new wz's, and no new source of world pvp. I luv swtor, and won't bash it, but their pvp team has shown virutally NO passion for the product since launch. They should just turn on COD or some other PVP game for afew days, and come back with a fresh understanding to create new maps.


Not every map has to be perfect (look at the last 2 we got), but we NEED more content. If COD can release 20 new maps every year, why can't SWTOR release 2-5 every year? Instead, all we got is bolster this expansion. No new valor, no new wz's, no world pvp. Where is the freakin love BW?


This patch, dubbed by them as the miracle pvp patch all summer, should have had 2-3 new warzones, the arena's, new valor ranks, new gear, bug fixes, bolster fixes, world pvp on the new planet, the start to s1, and new pvp rewards. Instead, we got arena's (which i will luv) but quite frankly, only a tiny minority of the pvp crowd who strive to be the best (like myself) will touch it. We need alot more with the 2.4 PVP patch than to see PVE get the majority of the attention.



ps - i realize this is a troll post, and i shouldn't feed the trolls, but i just hope that someone from BW can read these comments and take to heart that the PVP crowd really loves the pvp in swtor, but that we gotta see luv back from BW.

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so sith and republic fighting over ressources on ilum in big scale open pvp (thats how BW advertised it) turns into an event where everyone can kill everyone for nothing. thats your ilum revamp ? you must be a fanboy.


No fanboism here. I have several problems with the game, although I do enjoy it despite these problems. Mostly the engine (which is why you'll never get your 32v32 etc). I thing they should do what square enix did, end this and do a swtor2 with a new engine. Many other things too, but I don't want to derail the thread. The thread is about asking PvPers what they want other than new skins on the same old stuff and why the new skins scheduled for 2.4 aren't enough.


Back to the topic:


Gree, good or bad (and you'll notice I didn't offer an opinion, that was for a reason), is a reason for people to gather for open world PvP. That is all you will ever get for open world due to it's nature.


For objective based, all you will ever get is new skins.


You just got at least 2 skins in a new category. What else do you think you'll get?

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