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Bolster.. why are some so threatened by it?


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No idea.


And how many times have we pointed out to Eric that they were misinformed/not aware as to what was going on in-game? ****..... I had to post about Lolster NOT being strong enough on the PTS...:rolleyes:


Let's talk about vanilla:


Notice I am at 16%/14%/9% and I am missing the relics...:rolleyes:



WH was 24%/20%/13%

EWH was slightly above that..


So again where is the other 75%? :confused:



Recruit: ~14-15k

WH: 19k



LOL wut?

Recruit: ~1100




Sorry most of it was class balance and L2P issues.



Besides all those "complex" maths (which BW has stated 100%, don't mean 100% all the time:confused::confused:), there is a such thing called process of elimination...

1. PvP Focused players had no issue gearing mains or alts.

2. PvP/PvE players understood the time in recruit gear was limited, was only for your first toon, and was only if they didn't touch PvP until endgame.

3. Who benefits from 300K credits, and bolster being present?



I don't need BW to "tell" me anything... It's obvious who they cater to. If you don't believe this just look at the patch notes since launch.

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You are gimping yourself in the crafted purple implants and earpieces. Even partisan is a notable improvement over the crafted stuff for the past 2 weeks now.


Nope... My EXP is 1988....


And I have better stat allocation.

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Interesting, for my sage and BH who just replaced crafted it was an improvement. It wasn't the case a few weeks ago though.

Not in a WZ...


I'm logged in right now...


A little taste:

Conq Ear Force Sweep: 3626.117

Crafted Purple Ear: 3626.978


Not to be a dick to you Drae, but shall I go on?


They invalidated gear progression in PvP for people that felt they didn't need to follow the game's design...

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Not bothered, when I get home I'll double check. I haven't replaced my guardian or mara's crafted yet but my sage and merc healer both got overall upgrades but lost some power. Smash being auto crit power means more though of course.
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Not in a WZ...


I'm logged in right now...


A little taste:

Conq Ear Force Sweep: 3626.117

Crafted Purple Ear: 3626.978


Not to be a dick to you Drae, but shall I go on?


They invalidated gear progression in PvP for people that felt they didn't need to follow the game's design...


So you're ************ about the bolster because the crafted purple ear piece is.... 1% better than the conq ear piece? K. Eventually they'll fix that but it's not gamebreaking. Fixing the lolroll insta-gib engineer snipers is much more important than that.


ah, I can admit when I've been corrected. If others care to find the Dev post you like, I'll leave it to them.


It does brings a tear of joy to my eye when someone actually fulfills their burden of proof (at least some what) though.


I will do my best to always do that then :)

Edited by Darkshadz
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So you're ************ about the bolster because the crafted purple ear piece is.... 1% better than the conq ear piece? K. Eventually they'll fix that but it's not gamebreaking. Fixing the lolroll insta-gib engineer snipers is much more important than that.


The fact that a crafted purple is better is indicative that the system is not working as intended.


They wanted a system that did not invalidate the gear dropped from HM Flash Points and put a player at a level that they could compete. However, the system invalidates the Partisan gear and in some cases, the Conqueror as well.


55 Bolster


Here is the response from Rob Hinkle as to why it was introduced.


The problems that I have with Bolster isn't so much that they added it, but that:


1: It was introduced in an extremely broken form even after a number of serious bugs were identified on the PTS and those bugs were not fixed before it went live.


2: It invalidates, for the most part, PvP gear progression. If a 53 crafted purple is better, even if it's only by 1%, than the top tier PvP gear then that PvP gear is invalidated.


3: It is a system that it not really understandable by fresh 55s in WZs. Because, lets face it, even though it does bolster gear, it does not bolster all gear correctly and a new 55 is not going to know all of the ins and outs of the system. They will jump in with what they have and get melted mistakenly thinking that Bolster suddenly made their gear competitive.


The Recruit system was far simpler for a new player to understand. Even though, apparently, it was not simple enough because people sold their gear before PvPing

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I will speak for the silent. Pre 2.0 at end game PvP, my recruit gear was grossly inadequate. War Hero geared people steam rolled me. I didn't whine. I didn't suck it up and grind for 'a week, 2 tops.' I quit. That's it. I silently quit trying. If that is the mark of a system that is working as intended, then it was poorly designed. Granted that I'm not great, but not terrible. With the game as it is now, I win more fights than I lose, so there was more to the issue than "learn to play."


Bolster drops queue times for warzones, and that is good for everybody, right?

Edited by MasterGladius
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The fact that a crafted purple is better is indicative that the system is not working as intended.


They wanted a system that did not invalidate the gear dropped from HM Flash Points and put a player at a level that they could compete. However, the system invalidates the Partisan gear and in some cases, the Conqueror as well.


55 Bolster


Here is the response from Rob Hinkle as to why it was introduced.


The problems that I have with Bolster isn't so much that they added it, but that:


1: It was introduced in an extremely broken form even after a number of serious bugs were identified on the PTS and those bugs were not fixed before it went live.


2: It invalidates, for the most part, PvP gear progression. If a 53 crafted purple is better, even if it's only by 1%, than the top tier PvP gear then that PvP gear is invalidated.


3: It is a system that it not really understandable by fresh 55s in WZs. Because, lets face it, even though it does bolster gear, it does not bolster all gear correctly and a new 55 is not going to know all of the ins and outs of the system. They will jump in with what they have and get melted mistakenly thinking that Bolster suddenly made their gear competitive.


The Recruit system was far simpler for a new player to understand. Even though, apparently, it was not simple enough because people sold their gear before PvPing


1 - Most of these bugs have been fixed.


2- You still want to min/max your partisan and your conqueror gear. Eventually that 1% gear advantage will be fixed.


3 - Of course it was more simple for newcomers before 2.0. They only had one thing to understand: death. Now that newcomers have a better chance at surviving, they have to learn how to play their classes properly. Not easy at all.... not easy.

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I will speak for the silent. Pre 2.0 at end game PvP, my recruit gear was grossly inadequate. War Hero geared people steam rolled me. I didn't whine. I didn't suck it up and grind for 'a week, 2 tops.' I quit. That's it. I silently quit trying. If that is the mark of a system that is working as intended, then it was poorly designed. Granted that I'm not great, but not terrible. With the game as it is now, I win more fights than I lose, so there was more to the issue than "learn to play."


Bolster drops queue times for warzones, and that is good for everybody, right?


I had several 50s I did not bother with because I understand where you were coming from, but the problem did not reside with the theory of recruit gear, but with the implementation just like we have now. It's the implementation.


Recruit gear could have been better stat-wise, but it also could have been better if they made it modifiable shells to where you would be willing to augment. I know they didn't want to give out any better gear for free as it was already messing with PvE gear progression, but they could have made it earnable. Maybe by some PvP quests, available to be started at level 40 or whenever for that matter. Or even if they waited until 50, they could have gave PvE quests they felt would be equivalent time to get equal PvE gear.


For most of us with toons we cared about PvPing with at 50; the "quest" was there naturally without having to click on a mission terminal, and we grinded our gear (lol?) before hitting 50 and were fine. Problem was for those that did not know any better and all they had to do was put some sort of dummy proof quest line in, even if to just let people know they would want to be prepared for 50 PvP before they even hit 50.

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I've been very consistent in explaining that I am actually pissed off because bolster, a feature that caters to PvE'rs, came at the expense of real needed pvp improvements.


I've also asked several times for someone to point out a meaningful PvP feature in Patch 2.0. Obviously, as there are none, you revert to your straw man argument about the gear gap. Something that is really unimportant to me.


But please do keep pretending you're keeping up with the conversation.


Hey Kamujin, you can KMA.

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I will do my best to always do that then :)


:D woot.


Though now that others have linked the Dev post about why 55 bolster was implemented, I'll stand by and wait for you to admit you were wrong.


It is a buggy, poorly implemented feature implemented for PvE players and/or people to stupid to put on recruit. Had some good intentions, poor follow through.

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The developers stated reason for introducing Bolster was because players would either sell their Recruit gear or simply not wear it and wear PvE gear instead.


As such, the quantifiable data that you are asking for is the developers own stated reasons for implementing it.


Really? You should read all of what Rob Hinkle and Alex Modny said. For your reading pleasure, I will quote everything they put forth concerning this: (Spoiler tags added to short the post)



Quote: Originally Posted by Rob Hinkle

Hey gang,


One of the questions that comes up with some frequency about the new bolster system is, “Why do we bolster people at level 55 at all?” A fair question, I say, so I wanted to try to take a moment to explain the thinking. Before 2.0 we gave free sets of PvP gear, the Recruit (and Recruit Mk-2) sets, to players as they reached the max level of the game. This gear was intended to set the minimum power level of players inside Warzones, making sure that regardless of what gear you’ve managed to obtain as you were leveling, you were at “X” power level at the worst.


This is important because we feel that PvP performance is a combination of player skill and character power from gear, and we want to make sure that a player can always feel like he can contribute in a warzone regardless of how much gear he has managed to acquire. Unfortunately, giving away physical gear ran into a number of problems: we couldn’t actually make it as powerful as we wanted without invalidating the gear being dropped in flashpoints, some players simply sold the gear for an immediate cash gain, and a large number of people either didn’t ever acquire the Recruit gear or simply didn’t wear it while inside PvP. The result was a rather harsh introduction to PvP for fresh level 50 players into the established PvP end-game that resulted in a significant drop off in participation of PvP.


We wanted a system that could handle creating our desired power range more seamlessly, allowing players an easy transition between the leveling game and the PvP game. To that end, we reworked the Bolster system to not function off player level (as it did pre-2.0) and instead use the power level of the items a character currently has equipped. Effectively, this lets us define our “Recruit Item Set” systematically, where if players are below a certain power level we can bring that player up to a power range where they can participate and enjoy PvP. Now players who just hit level 55 no longer have to go looking for a special set of gear to wear in PvP just to try to compete, they can simply queue up and play as they have been their entire leveling experience.


It’s unfortunate that our Bolster 2.0 release hasn’t gone nearly as smoothly as we hoped and that can certainly lead to the suggestion of limiting its use, but without some kind of system in-place we would be in a situation where players will have been playing in a competitive PvP environment as they level up, and as soon as they hit level 55 their PvP enjoyment immediately tanks and they are forced to “suffer through it” to gain enough Warzone Commendations to buy gear to finally be competitive (or simply never play PvP again). We believe that would be very bad in the long run for SW:TOR PvP, and something we are working to avoid.


I hope this helps explain some of our thinking, and why we decided to go with the system we have, thanks for your time.




Quote: Originally Posted by Alex Modny

Naked Bolster


The main change being made to Bolster is how it treats item slots with no items in them aka the naked bolster. If there is a slot without an item in it, that slot will only be bolstered a portion of what placing an appropriate item in the slot would. This will remove the naked bolster situation. Being Naked in a PvP area will now be much worse the further you go up the PvP progression.

In addition to these changes we fixed many underlying bugs in the Bolster system and tweaked some numbers to make Bolster give a little less stats than it does currently. We also corrected an issue where relic slots were being treated in our system as expected to give out more Main Stats than they were. This caused relic slots to be overly valued in adding to your DPS stats when mostly they add Endurance and a Proc. All of these changes should pretty much squash out Naked Bolster as being undeniably better than any set of gear. There might be cases where Naked is ever so slightly worse but that is usually a case of the equipped gear being not so great for PvP. If you see players in PvP playing Naked from now on you should expect them to be underperforming stat wise and over performing cojones wise.


Elite War Hero


War Hero and Elite War Hero (referred to as WH and EWH from here on out) gear is now better! It is no longer worse than Naked Bolster. The reasons why WH/EWH had less stats and were worse than old Bolster is because it is ‘old’ gear and this ‘old’ gear used a different stat budget where it got its stats from. This ‘old’ stat budget (which isn’t used in 2.0) accounts for Expertise into the budget (Partisan and Conqueror do not) meaning they were lower in Main, Secondary and Tertiary stats to account for the Expertise the items had. This will be removed and the stat budget the Expertise was taking be refactored into the Main, Secondary and Tertiary stats. The net result is WH/EWH will have no Expertise and increased stats, but Partisan will still be better than it. The ranking you will see in effectiveness is WH < EWH < Partisan < Conqueror.

However, we have an issue with this conversion, the Expertise crystal in the WH/EWH weapons. Because this crystal is used in Partisan and Conquer and the system is unable to edit based on condition which item the crystal in the WH and EWH weapons still have Expertise. It is recommended that you replace this Expertise crystal with PvE crystals. We apologize that we weren’t able to fully take all the Expertise off the WH/EWH and that some players will lose customization, which is very important to us and to you.

Older PvP Gear (Battlemaster, Champion, Centurion, Recruit, and Recruit Mk2) did not receive this free upgrade conversion. At this point in the SW:TOR item progression, these items are simply out of date with the current power level and are not recommended for use.

There is a very important note in regards to how the bolster system handles mixing expertise and non-expertise mods on a single item: The short answer is, you shouldn’t do it. The longer answer is, players are much better off than when they decide to make an item a PvP-focused item, they replace all of the mods inside it with expertise mods. The bolster system handles “PvP” items slightly differently than “PvE” items, and putting even a single expertise mod inside an item tells the bolster that the item is a “PvP” item. The result of this situation can be less than ideal for a player in either content channel, and certainly isn’t working as well as we intended. We continue to discuss fixes to this particular issue, but players can work around the problem by making sure they are either pure PvE items or pure PvP items. Note: This is only with mods on a per item basis, mixing different items on a full character is fine.


Gear vs. Skill


Pre-2.0 PvP was all about your items. Being ‘the best’ meant you had EWH with augments and no one could touch you. This situation was unfortunate because it made the PvP game too harsh on the ‘have nots’ and made the grind to EWH much more bitter because of getting your face pushed in the mud day after day. The gear gap was too big and some players became non-contributors quickly because of the gear gap. It wasn’t fun for the majority of players. In 2.0 we don’t want to totally get rid of PvP gear progression, we still want a gear gap but we want to tone down how overpowered the top tier gear is versus the lower PvP gear so that the moment to moment gameplay is more enjoyable. We want everyone you group with to be contributors from a gear standpoint (them not responding to “inc grass 3” calls or not throwing you the Huttball when they are immobilized is something we can’t help :p). We have seen the argument of Skill vs. Gear throughout the existence of MMO PvP and we are of the opinion both are good for an RPG, falling on one side of the scale (gear has no purpose in PvP vs. gear is the only thing that matters in PvP) is not desirable. It is a balance act, sometimes it will slide too far on one side or the other and we will correct it but this methodology, the balance between skill vs. gear, will result in the most healthy PvP game and community possible for the long term.



You said, “would either sell their Recruit gear or simply not wear it and wear PvE gear instead,” as if that was all people did. Indicating that every new player to PvP was doing that and jumping in PvP without any PvP gear. First, that is a generalization and a complete falsehood. People who did that were few and far between. Rob stated there were a number of problems concerning the old system. Not just players selling their recruit gear. Hell, on 3 of my 50’s I didn’t want to go through the face rolling again wearing recruit gear again so I sold it and never entered PvP with them. I know a number of people in my guild that did that. Hell, 300k credits was a nice thing to have to help obtain better gear for PvE endgame content.


However, instead you cherry picked a single statement to support your strawman argument to use as quantifiable evidence. That does not support your cause. The truth of the matter is the Recruit gear failed in delivering what they wanted for the new fresh 50 player as Rob stated; “This is important because we feel that PvP performance is a combination of player skill and character power from gear, and we want to make sure that a player can always feel like he can contribute in a warzone regardless of how much gear he has managed to acquire.” Because Recruit gear did not deliver that experience to the players as they intended. I know, Of the 6 50’s I had, 3 of them endured the face rolling and slaughter of wearing that neutered gear. One could not last long enough to make a difference or to help in any way. We, those wearing that gear, were the favorite targets of the Min/Max War Hero – Elite War Hero geared players who would blow us up in less than 3 GCDs. That isn’t fun, it is discouraging, and I know for a fact 4 of my friends swore off ever PvPing again and they were avid PvP players from other games and have since quit SW because of it.


Alex made this point, “Pre-2.0 PvP was all about your items. Being ‘the best’ meant you had EWH with augments and no one could touch you. This situation was unfortunate because it made the PvP game too harsh on the ‘have nots’ and made the grind to EWH much more bitter because of getting your face pushed in the mud day after day. The gear gap was too big and some players became non-contributors quickly because of the gear gap. It wasn’t fun for the majority of players.


Ultimately, the reason for Bolster is this:

We wanted a system that could handle creating our desired power range more seamlessly, allowing players an easy transition between the leveling game and the PvP game. To that end, we reworked the Bolster system to not function off player level (as it did pre-2.0) and instead use the power level of the items a character currently has equipped. Effectively, this lets us define our “Recruit Item Set” systematically, where if players are below a certain power level we can bring that player up to a power range where they can participate and enjoy PvP. Now players who just hit level 55 no longer have to go looking for a special set of gear to wear in PvP just to try to compete, they can simply queue up and play as they have been their entire leveling experience.


A system that allowed gear and skill to effectively work together seamlessly in a warzone in giving the players the experience they could enjoy, have fun, and be competitive. Pre 2.0 that was not possible. People quit long before they were able to obtain all their gear and Min/Max it so they were competitive. Post 2.0, warzones are far different now because competent players can now be competitive in a game and make a difference. More people are PvPing now than what it was before 2.0. The net results are a better experience, more fun, and increased competitiveness.


As for how Bolster turned out initially, even Rob stated there were problems, “It’s unfortunate that our Bolster 2.0 release hasn’t gone nearly as smoothly as we hoped…; however, he went on to say, “and that can certainly lead to the suggestion of limiting its use, but without some kind of system in-place we would be in a situation where players will have been playing in a competitive PvP environment as they level up, and as soon as they hit level 55 their PvP enjoyment immediately tanks and they are forced to “suffer through it” to gain enough Warzone Commendations to buy gear to finally be competitive (or simply never play PvP again). We believe that would be very bad in the long run for SW:TOR PvP, and something we are working to avoid.


They have worked hard to correct the issues on hand. They are slowly, but surely improving Bolster so that it “works as intended.” However, you and others scream to the highest levels for them to remove it completely and revert back to a system that was a failure simply to be in the position of “Being ‘the best’ meant you have full Conqueror gear with augments and no one could touch you.” How is that good for a flagging PvP community? If they go back to any remotely the same using Recruit, how will it affect PvP play for new players coming in? I’ll tell you, it will be exactly the same as it was prior to 2.0. You and those with your fully augmented Min/Max Conqueror gear will face roll them again and farm them for all the comms you can get to gear up your alts. No different from what it was like before 2.0. They do that, then you will see PvP truly die because players will not participate in PvP when they know some ‘l33t professional super skilled PvPer’ will destroy them before they can get off three attacks.


You assessment of the situation is blinded by your biasness and want for the way it was. You cannot stand to have people who aren’t PvP centric players come into “your” warzone and hand your head to you. There are PvE players who know their class as well as any PvP player and have the same level of situational awareness, know how to adapt, overcome, and react to an ever changing environment. It is not something that PvP players own all to their selves. The bottom line is you cannot stand having to face players who are not PvP centric and are just as competitive. You and the rest want to be the top dogs with your gear and rule the warzones. The developers disagree with you and made sure Bolster leveled the playing field. Accept it, adapt, or go somewhere else. Bolster is here to stay, period.

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You assessment of the situation is blinded by your biasness and want for the way it was. You cannot stand to have people who aren’t PvP centric players come into “your” warzone and hand your head to you. There are PvE players who know their class as well as any PvP player and have the same level of situational awareness, know how to adapt, overcome, and react to an ever changing environment. It is not something that PvP players own all to their selves. The bottom line is you cannot stand having to face players who are not PvP centric and are just as competitive. You and the rest want to be the top dogs with your gear and rule the warzones. The developers disagree with you and made sure Bolster leveled the playing field. Accept it, adapt, or go somewhere else. Bolster is here to stay, period.


Pot, meet Kettle. :D


If you're not comprehending that, look at the bolded parts. Your bias is showing just as much (if not more) than the person you're posting against.


:D either way, peace!

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So you're ************ about the bolster because the crafted purple ear piece is.... 1% better than the conq ear piece? K. Eventually they'll fix that but it's not gamebreaking. Fixing the lolroll insta-gib engineer snipers is much more important than that.




I will do my best to always do that then :)

The fact that top end gear is irrelevant is gamebreaking. It was implemented to be even more ez mode for a specific type of player.

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Pot, meet Kettle. :D


If you're not comprehending that, look at the bolded parts. Your bias is showing just as much (if not more) than the person you're posting against.


:D either way, peace!


Bias? Me? Because I argue that bolster is a good thing? Well frak me running. Then I am bias because I want PvP to be competitive for everyone. I guess in your mind's eye, that is a bad thing. I guess that puts you into the category of "Master of PvP."


I guess you missed my post on how to really make PvP competitive and fair for everyone. I'll give it you to short version:


Remove expertise, make Partisan and Conqueror gear stats match PvE equivalent. Then it comes down to skill. Bolster can be used for lower level PvP to bring everyone up to equal stats and level.


I guess this means I'm truly bias towards seeing complete balance, fair play, and competitiveness. Yep, I can live with that.

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Bias? Me? Because I argue that bolster is a good thing? Well frak me running. Then I am bias because I want PvP to be competitive for everyone. I guess in your mind's eye, that is a bad thing. I guess that puts you into the category of "Master of PvP."


I guess you missed my post on how to really make PvP competitive and fair for everyone. I'll give it you to short version:


Remove expertise, make Partisan and Conqueror gear stats match PvE equivalent. Then it comes down to skill. Bolster can be used for lower level PvP to bring everyone up to equal stats and level.


I guess this means I'm truly bias towards seeing complete balance, fair play, and competitiveness. Yep, I can live with that.


No... it's not what you're biased toward, it's what your biased against. That any one (or even that specific poster) supporting a traditional, progress-based experience like the rest of the MMO (and MMO's before it) is "Just mad that PvE players can be on equal footing and need their gear advantage to win" (paraphrased, yes) Is really just as bad as that poster making negative PvE'er comments.



I'm sure others will point out why PvP-progression needs to be split from PvE, I'm not going to. For the record I think PvP gear/stat is one of the worst things to happen to the MMO, and the union of PvE and PvP is a traditional concept I'd love to return to.

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So you're ************ about the bolster because the crafted purple ear piece is.... 1% better than the conq ear piece? K. Eventually they'll fix that but it's not gamebreaking. Fixing the lolroll insta-gib engineer snipers is much more important than that.




I will do my best to always do that then :)

The fact that top end gear is irrelevant is gamebreaking. It was implemented to be even more ez mode for a specific type of player.

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1 - Most of these bugs have been fixed.


2- You still want to min/max your partisan and your conqueror gear. Eventually that 1% gear advantage will be fixed.


3 - Of course it was more simple for newcomers before 2.0. They only had one thing to understand: death. Now that newcomers have a better chance at surviving, they have to learn how to play their classes properly. Not easy at all.... not easy.


1: Bolster bugs are still popping up all the time and some of the ones reported during the PTS are still present.


2: That 1% still doesn't vanish from certain items like the implants, ear pieces, and the crafted purple MH/OH weapons are still on par with the Conqueror ones even after min/maxing gear.


3: Players should not be learning to play their classes in the 55 WZs, they should be learning them in the lower tiered ones. As for a better chance of surviving, that isn't really accurate. BW will tell them that they are competitive because of Bolster but, unfortunately, the same problems that fresh 55s had before 2.0 are still present now.


Bolster is an overly complex system that was implemented poorly, not accurately explained (still see people wearing old PvP gear because they mistakenly think it'll be bolstered), and it causes just as many issues, if not more, than it actually fixed.

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1: Bolster bugs are still popping up all the time and some of the ones reported during the PTS are still present.


2: That 1% still doesn't vanish from certain items like the implants, ear pieces, and the crafted purple MH/OH weapons are still on par with the Conqueror ones even after min/maxing gear.


3: Players should not be learning to play their classes in the 55 WZs, they should be learning them in the lower tiered ones. As for a better chance of surviving, that isn't really accurate. BW will tell them that they are competitive because of Bolster but, unfortunately, the same problems that fresh 55s had before 2.0 are still present now.


Bolster is an overly complex system that was implemented poorly, not accurately explained (still see people wearing old PvP gear because they mistakenly think it'll be bolstered), and it causes just as many issues, if not more, than it actually fixed.



I had to tell a guy to take the crystal out of his OH yesterday... His exp went from 1685 to 1856. I promptly mailed him a power crystal for at least being willing to listen...


Why am I trying to compensate and losing credits for BW blunders?

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1: Bolster bugs are still popping up all the time and some of the ones reported during the PTS are still present.


2: That 1% still doesn't vanish from certain items like the implants, ear pieces, and the crafted purple MH/OH weapons are still on par with the Conqueror ones even after min/maxing gear.


3: Players should not be learning to play their classes in the 55 WZs, they should be learning them in the lower tiered ones. As for a better chance of surviving, that isn't really accurate. BW will tell them that they are competitive because of Bolster but, unfortunately, the same problems that fresh 55s had before 2.0 are still present now.


Bolster is an overly complex system that was implemented poorly, not accurately explained (still see people wearing old PvP gear because they mistakenly think it'll be bolstered), and it causes just as many issues, if not more, than it actually fixed.


1- I didn't say that the bolster system had 0 bug.


2- Read Pistols thread about his meeting with Eric Musco and the others. They are aware that the bolster still have some bugs and they will fix them eventually. Min/max your pvp gear, please.


3 - Players will learn to play their class in PVP whenever they want. They do have a better chance at surviving than before 2.0, I know it since the gear gap is much smaller than before. If a premade derps in a WZ, they can lose. That wasn't the case before.


Although the bolster was not implemented properly, they are fixing it. Oh and btw it's here to stay. Feel free to read Pistols thread about his meeting if you don't believe me.


So yea.... http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f46/westeyes/putin-deal.gif


@Doomsday yea yea it's not 80%. The gap was still huge though. Oh yea and let dem PVErs ALONE!! :p


edit: edited my post a little :)

Edited by Darkshadz
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1- I didn't say that the bolster system had 0 bug.


2- Read Pistols thread about his meeting with Eric Musco and the others. They are aware that the bolster still have some bugs and they will fix them eventually. Min/max your pvp gear, please.


3 - Players will learn to play their class in PVP whenever they want. They do have a better chance at surviving than before 2.0, I know it since the gear gap is much smaller than before. If a premade derps in a WZ, they can lose. That wasn't the case before.


Although the bolster was not implemented properly, they are fixing it. Oh and btw it's here to stay. Feel free to read Pistols thread about his meeting if you don't believe me.


So yea.... http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f46/westeyes/putin-deal.gif


@Doomsday yea yea it's not 80%. The gap was still huge though. The bolster wasn't implemented because of PVErs, that's pure assumption.


1 and 2: The issue I have with the bugs is that they were reported during the PTS and the system still went live. If they had fixed them then, a number of complaints about Bolster would not exist now.


3: While a player can learn their class in 55 WZs, they should be learning it before hand. But it is not only their class, but also the WZs themselves and how to accomplish the objectives of the WZ.


It's fine that BW want's people to be competitive but, unfortunately, they failed in explaining Bolster properly to the masses and what it actually does and does not do.


I've seen too many fresh 55s coming into WZs expecting to be competitive because of Bolster only to get stomped because they don't really understand the system.

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