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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

In light of all the "Vote Kick" and PuG threads recently....

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Lol on the Merc Taunt story :D


indeed. funny. :D


on a side note, I actually did have a dps jugg who was taunting and aoe taunting off my tank in mandalorian raiders hm... he said, it was to save healer trouble of healing me :confused:

Edited by Atramar
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indeed. funny. :D


on a side note, I actually did have a dps jugg who was taunting and aoe taunting off my tank in mandalorian raiders hm... he said, it was to save healer trouble of healing me :confused:


I once had a jugg offtank in Karaggas Palace who used intercede on me, to keep presure of the healer.

A nice gesture if the boss wouldn't have turned to the dps and healer crowd and hit them really hard :D


I can remember a tank in Foundry HM in the fight against Revan once (pre 1.2) when he said "why aren't you interrupting this ability?" as the healer there I answered "I'm healing you, I don't have the time to watch his castbar as well" back came "no, not you, the dps", I said on that "they're both mercs they don't have an interrupt" :D good old times

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I can remember a tank in Foundry HM in the fight against Revan once (pre 1.2) when he said "why aren't you interrupting this ability?" as the healer there I answered "I'm healing you, I don't have the time to watch his castbar as well" back came "no, not you, the dps", I said on that "they're both mercs they don't have an interrupt" :D good old times
Use to run PUGs after work every day with a friend and guild mate, one week we got on a roll The False Emperor like 10 times on running 2 PUGs a day on two different toons. (me dps/heals, friend Tank/heals/dps). We were all fresh 50s at the time and I will still learning how to play a MMO. However, being someone really worried about causing a wipe I studied the instances and the fights. Everytime, my friend would ask does everyone know the fight and always everyone would say yes. When he was on his shadow tank, we never had a problem, but when he was on his commando either as heals or dps, we noticed no one, but one of us, would ever interrupt Unlimited Power, so we got to playing a game with each other waiting until the last possible moment to use our interrupt and scaring each other to death. 10 times in a row and people that said they knew the fight never interrupted what was back then a sure wipe. Really good learning experience for me as a healer as it taught me to use focus target and to watch what others were doing in a instance and what was going on in a fight. Before I only focused on myself getting out of AoEs and others peoples health bars. Still laugh when I get talked into healing HMFE for someone and I still wait until the last second to interrupt Unlimited Power though now it just isn't the same since it will not wipe the group. Edited by mikebevo
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Haha you were a noob :D

*Scratches head* oh wait I was a giant noob as well :eek::D


hehe..... People still learn things everyday.


I told a friend the other day, that he could convert warzone coms to planet coms, when he was complaining there was nothing to do pre-level 40 with warzone coms.


My friend: "Yeah, I know... but I don't feel like clicking a million times to convert them."


Me: "You know, you can shift-click and buy them in stacks right?"


My friend: ".................. oh I am such a noob"


Me: "You're Welcome."

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I had a level 50 already and was working on leveling my second one, before I even knew that Focus Target existed.... hehe

Well don't look at me, I didn't figure it out until then and I already had two level 50s.


I still get a chuckle when people don't have target of target turned on (especially tanks), but then remember I did not either on my first toon until we were about to pull Bonethrasher the first time I was in KP. :rolleyes:

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Well don't look at me, I didn't figure it out until then and I already had two level 50s.


I still get a chuckle when people don't have target of target turned on (especially tanks), but then remember I did not either on my first toon until we were about to pull Bonethrasher the first time I was in KP. :rolleyes:


I can't imagine not having target of target on. Helps me on my dps to know when I've pulled aggro, it's vitally important to my tank for obvious reasons... Not so much on my healer tho. I've often wondered how interesting it would be, to have an option to see "Target of Target's Target" or maybe even "Focus Target's Target"... i.e. I am on my healer, and I have the tank targeted. I see that the target of the tank, is the boss. What if i could see when a dps pulled aggro, by seeing that the boss (the tank's target) switched to another player. It would let me anticipate sooner that the dps was about to take a hit.


Maybe it'd more confusing than it is worth, but who knows.

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"Cool story's bro"


I had to sorry :D


Anyway this behaviour is so typical in pugs... i loved the "stop taunting" you see that so much on clueless tanks.. it really becomes annoying.


Sometimes there really are people who taunt off of you (most of them I encountered were Vanguard/Powertech dps' , who stood at range and seemingly just pushed every button that wasn't grayed out, and nearly all of them were in Hammer Station), but you're right, blaming a class which doesn't even have a taunt is clueless

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Does that mean you are the second person this week I enlightened in this regard? (or did you find out in-game..)


Congrats, you just enlightened a third. Of course, I pvp so rarely that I just save mine for level 55 (yay decent relics)... but still.


Also, great stories, OP. I'll be keeping up with that blog. :)

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Congrats, you just enlightened a third. Of course, I pvp so rarely that I just save mine for level 55 (yay decent relics)... but still.


Also, great stories, OP. I'll be keeping up with that blog. :)




and it's also helpful when you are buying crafting materials from the vendor in the Crews Skills area....

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Does that mean you are the second person this week I enlightened in this regard? (or did you find out in-game..)


I used Shift-click with my stacks of crafting materials frequently, but it never occurred me that I could use it for Commendations, too.


However, when I tried it yesterday, I indeed got stacks - but there was something I did wrong, because I didn't seem to get the stack I had chosen.


Is there any additional mouse click or movement required ?


Usually, when I choose stacks of crafting materials from my inventory, I shift + right-click them, and then I'm presented a small dialog box which lets me choose a number ... and with a click on the button of that tiny dialog box, and then a right-click into my inventory, I get 2 stacks from 1.


This didn't seem to work when I tried to get stacks of planetary Commendations, though.

I tried this procedure, but somehow the stack wasn't transferred into my inventory ?

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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You shift click the items from the vendor and it opens a pop-up box to select the quantity. It then attaches that number to your mouse cursor... you open your inventory and left-click in an open inventory space. That will produce another pop-up that will tell you how much it's going to cost. When you accept that box, it adds the items to your inventory, whether are actual inventory items, or added to your currency tab.
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