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Shield Specialist PvP Tanking Guide


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I take no credit for the following guide other than translating it for Vanguard.

It is based off of Sef's PT guide:



Vanguard PvP Tanking Guide


I created this guide to answer the questions of some players in my server and also provide tips regarding VG tanking for both rated and non-rated games.


Just to let you know, English is not my primary language so please bear with me.




We know for a fact that VGs had been disfavored pvp tanks due to their lack of utility and CDs. That is no longer the case after patch 2.0. The changes in Shield Specialist tree and improvement in pvp shield mechanics has made VGs a heavy presence in warzones.


VGs play style will always be the most passive among all tanks as we have flat mitigation talents on our SS tree, therefore adding more defensive CDs would put VGs ahead of the two classes. Though I would agree that Soldier’s Grit or Riot Gas can be tweaked for the better, we are in a good standing at this moment.






Max Endurance > Max Mitigation


1. Elemental/Internal Damage: This type of damage is un-mitigated by our armor and mitigation stats, therefore stacking HP is the only way to decrease incoming damage from this type.


2. Auto-crit attacks: In the 2 roll system of SWTOR, crit pushes shield off the table on the 2nd roll. Therefore, the only way to decrease incoming damage from this is by defense (RNG) or by increasing HP (flat increase).


3. Time to kill is increased: Mitigation stats all rely on RNG, while increasing HP is a direct buff to lower the % of damage taken from any source based on overall HP.


4. Shoulder Cannon & Adrenaline Rush: They increase in effectiveness as overall HP increases.


5. PvP is dynamic: Team compositions will always vary, meaning the % of incoming Force/Tech, and Melee/Range damage will always change, which makes optimizing mitigation stats flawed in pvp.



Stat Prioritization: Endurance>Shield>Absorption>Defense


Set Bonus: 2pc Supercommando + 2pc Combat Tech Set

5% buff to damage while guarding is nice but dps-ing is not our main role as a tank. Besides, all damage that we do is fluff and is not beneficial for our team in a rated setting. The decreased CD on our CC-breaker and increased duration of Neural Surge is more favorable for objective plays and team utility.






9 Advanced Weighted Mod 28BX

7 Advanced Vigilant Enhancement 28X

14 Advanced Fortitude Augment 28

1 Conqueror Supercommando’s MK-1 Module

2 Conqueror Supercommando’s MK-1 Implant

Conqueror Relic of Shield Amplification

Conqueror Relic of Fortunate Redoubt


You may wonder why I did not get that much defense. Based on my testing, all incoming damage is smoother with SH>ABS>DEF compared to SH>DEF>ABS.


VG wants shield stat because of Energy Blast boosting Absorption to high levels. Absorption will only be effective with a reasonable amount of Shielding and vice versa. And since we’re gearing for max END, increasing the value of shield is better since it covers more damage types than defense. Lastly, dodging/parrying an attack will not give us the chance to shield it and activate procs in our tree such as Shield Cycler, Static Shield, Power Screen and Energy Blast.


Stacking defense might help you dodge some crits, but once it bypasses defense you will get more damage by not stacking abs.




My PvP Build: 36/7/3



I will not explain why I allocated a point on each and every skill in the Shield Specialist tree. Instead, I’ll just focus on talents I ignored that some VG tanks use. The rest of the talents are all important and follow this prioritization: Tankiness>Utility>Damage.



Dropped Talents:

Brutal Impact, Overcharged Cell Capacitor, Frontline Offense, Demolition, Heavy Stock and Blaster Augs. We are not here to dps, so these talents will not benefit our tanking abilities.

Pulse Engine – It activates with all damage attacks, however for a 15% chance to proc in an 18 second rate limit. These 2 points are better somewhere else.




PvP Tactics




This mechanic is only effective with good battle awareness offensively and defensively. We are responsible for everybody‘s deaths including dps, healers, even friendly tanks if necessary. We are built to withstand damage so use it accordingly. A healer in full health is not worth guarding than a dps at 80-90% health taking damage.


I would advise to zoom out your camera so you will have better view of most teammates and opposing team’s movements. Modifying the operation bar would also help you see clearly who’s low on health in areas with LOS mechanics and for easy clicking. Don’t hesitate to use Hold the Line to stay at range of your guarded target. Lastly, un-guard the guarded when he/she is above 40% and you’re dropping <20% health to keep yourself up when all CDs are not ready yet.




i. Harpoon - Should be always put on CD in any map except for Huttball. It pulls away enemies from healers and range dps, and you can also make an enemy to overextend that will give your team an advantage.

ii. Explosive Surge - Use this to slow enemies focusing your guarded teammate and apply a debuff on their damage.

iii. Neural Surge & Cryo Grenade – Use to give teammates breathing room when focused.

iv. Neural Overload through Hammer Shot – This is the only thing you can do 30m away when Storm and Harpoon is on CD.




Always keep your single-target taunt on CD. Watch out for those targets on cover, they bring good damage and most of the time isolated so using this on them is a good idea. Save your AoE taunts for multiple enemies in one area.


Offensive AoE Opener:


I just included this one because it is a good team play and provides an advantage to your team, but requires coordination to set off.


The main idea of this is for a VG tank to open and pull all melee firepower towards him, just like pulling aggro in PvE while the rest of the team throw their AoEs and focus fire on the trapped enemies. I know it sounds ridiculous in pvp setting, but I’ve pulled this off plenty of times with great success. Though it will not always be ideal, it will put the opposing team at a disadvantage when done correctly.


Rotation: Storm > Explosive Surge > Harpoon a target (preferably one that has overextended to your group) > Riot Gas > Explosive Surge > Pulse Cannon > Neural Surge >Mortar Valley > Explosive Surge


This can be applied at the beginning of every encounter at mid in Novare Coast, Civil War, Ancient Hypergates, and Voidstar.


Node Guarding:


VGs are 2nd to Sins in node guarding. The addition of Shoulder Cannon made us a good option for this role. For cap breaking, always use Shoulder Cannon missiles first as we have 4 on our disposal every CD. Do not use them quickly, wait for >70% cap channel before launching one. Use only 1 missile per cap. Shoulder Cannon is only as effective as our positioning, so make sure you're inside the 10m range when guarding. Only use CC-breaker after all missiles are depleted.


Hot key Explosive Round as it also provides good aoe and is instant, perfectly viable when opposing team is multi-spam capping, and you’re rooted 30m, with Mortar Valley, Storm, Hold the Line on CD.



Defensive CDs


Reactive Shield: Use it at or before dropping to 50% health.


Shoulder Cannon: Only use it when your health dropped to 20-30% range. Always use all 4 to gain 20% heal with shield cannon talented. Spacing each missile out will only put you at a disadvantage when only 1-2 is left and you need a big boost of TTK. Keep an eye on the Shoulder Cannon buff, use all your missiles before it goes on CD.


*You can also combine this skill with Adrenaline Rush when medpacks are on CD. Adrenaline Rush > Shoulder Cannon x4 when below 30% HP. But I prefer to combine Adrenaline Rush with Medpacks to have 2 good emergency CDs.


Adrenaline Rush: This skill is most effective combined with a medpack as you gain a total of 16% HP in 8 seconds duration when above 30% with Soldier’s Grit talented.


Riot Gas: The only time you should use Riot Gas as a CD is when there’s no healer around and you’re guarding a node. Of course you need to base this on the incoming damage, like if it’s a concealment op, which is mostly tech damage then don’t use it. But if it’s a marauder or sniper, you would definitely want to take advantage of the 30% accuracy debuff giving you an overall 41% defense chance.


Buy Stun Grenades: You can add it as a panic/get off me button.



Team Utility - Riot Gas


Riot Gas with the addition of its slow effect has given VG some good pvp control both offensively and defensively. Its main utility is to slow opposing team as having the advantage in positioning is always crucial in winning a game. Use it to delay enemies from reaching objectives/teammates working on objectives (scoring a ball/capping anode). It also synergizes with Transcendence really well and can be further improved by spamming Explosive Surge.


These are some areas in warzones where Riot Gas’s slow effect is maximized due to the narrow pathways/passageways.


• Pit/Bridges in Huttball

• Underpass, and Middle & Side Node intersection in Civil War

• Opposing team’s side at mid in Ancient Hypergates

• Corridors in Voidstar


RG can also be used in an open area as long as a lot of enemies are in the vicinity. If enemies prefer to walk around or run away from it don’t be discouraged, you still helped your team by delaying the opposing team’s actions.


Sef - Coldedge

POWERTECH Shield Specialist - OPERATIVE Medicine

POT5 - Sef's Shield Specialist PvP Tanking Guide

Edited by mlambros
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I'm curious why you skipped over all dps talents including pulse engine, in PvP there are many situation where additional dps on the tanks part is important, and pulse engine is the equivent to to shooting a HiB at everyone in front of you, not to mention its import given that regular pulse cannon is nearly impossible to effectively use.


Also why did you take tactical tools in my experience I never use harpoon on cd even on it full non-talented cd, reducing it further seems redundant, except maybe for HB


Also why the Charge! talent, I understand the reasoning for the speed boost but having proc after leap is terrible imo, and isn't worth it outside of huttball, we are tank we aren't going to be running circles around enemies, their are much better talent to take

Edited by Zoom_VI
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I'm curious why you skipped over all dps talents including pulse engine, in PvP there are many situation where additional dps on the tanks part is important, and pulse engine is the equivent to to shooting a HiB at everyone in front of you, not to mention its import given that regular pulse cannon is nearly impossible to effectively use.


Also why did you take tactical tools in my experience I never use harpoon on cd even on it full non-talented cd, reducing it further seems redundant, except maybe for HB


Also why the Charge! talent, I understand the reasoning for the speed boost but having proc after leap is terrible imo, and isn't worth it outside of huttball, we are tank we aren't going to be running circles around enemies, their are much better talent to take


As I mentioned In the beginning of post, I did not write this guide. I just translated it for Vanguard class. For questions visit Sef's PT PvP guide (link is also at the top of the post).

I also wonder why he does not mention any DPS abilities. I think he is just focusing on the Tank's primary objective which is protection.

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I'm curious why you skipped over all dps talents including pulse engine, in PvP there are many situation where additional dps on the tanks part is important, and pulse engine is the equivent to to shooting a HiB at everyone in front of you, not to mention its import given that regular pulse cannon is nearly impossible to effectively use.


Also why did you take tactical tools in my experience I never use harpoon on cd even on it full non-talented cd, reducing it further seems redundant, except maybe for HB


Also why the Charge! talent, I understand the reasoning for the speed boost but having proc after leap is terrible imo, and isn't worth it outside of huttball, we are tank we aren't going to be running circles around enemies, their are much better talent to take


I skipped all most dps talents to put points on talents that improves tankiness and utility. FT as a talent is okay in pvp, though it's not ideal in fast-paced coordination plays like rateds it's still useful in some situations in regs. However, as a main tank for rated games we are not expected to put high numbers and kill targets. In addition, flame engine's 18 sec lockout is not appealing, or even worth taking in pvp as in fights you will be constantly moving and switching guards around trying to be an annoyance to the opposing team.


Grapple is a really important PT dynamic that Jugg tanks do not have. Having its lower CD is a must for peels and pulling enemies to overextend and be an easy prey to your teammates. Our pull has a 3 sec root which makes using it a nice team utility outside HB.


Lastly, mobility is important for tanks. In rated games, aoes are everywhere and a controlled tank is no good for a team. Having the extra speed will keep you close to your guardee and easily transition to another focused teammate. Improving mobility to its maximum potential is the only thing PT tanks can do to match or get close to Juggs intercede.

Edited by dijskykiller
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