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The REAL Most Powerful Sith


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I don't know how Darth Zannah would compare to the other sith lords but she would definitely have a spot on my list tho i'm being kinda biased since she is 1 of my favorite sith lords
It's questionable whether she is more powerful than Bane (just thinking aloud here) I mean yes she did defeat him but only because of her innate talent for sorcery which was bolstered by the dark side energies emanating from the lake.


That said her mastery over Sith Sorcery is profound, being able to drive a Jedi Master insane is incredibly impressive. However we have to remember that sorcery is an innate talent and difficult to defend against.

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However we have to remember that sorcery is an innate talent and difficult to defend against.




This thread is about power, right? If Zannah has a power that has no defense against it, why would that be a disadvantage? If anything, it shows that she's more powerful because of the sheer fact that she has an ability that is so deadly.

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You realize the only way Nihilus could be defeated was by the tandem of The exile and Visas. Nihilus caould consume the force of any living being connected to the force but because the exile was a larger wound in the force that rendered his greatest strength useless. Even then he would have defeated the exile if not for Visas Marr undermining his connection to the force through their bond.


Not really, Nihilus could be beaten by anyone who could resist his Force Drain. That was his biggest advantage, you take that away and what do you have?

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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This thread is about power, right? If Zannah has a power that has no defense against it, why would that be a disadvantage? If anything, it shows that she's more powerful because of the sheer fact that she has an ability that is so deadly.

Because others don't have access to that power simply because. I'm not discrediting it entirely, we just have to be careful how we make comparison.
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If by suck you mean suck up planets, suck up people, suck up everything because he is a living black hole, then yes, he does suck. I'd also point out the reducing Nihilus to dust is not exactly possible, as he has no body to be reduced.


But moving on. Lets get this back on track shall we? #7 is the next item on the agenda and it would seem its between Darth Traya and Darth Krayt. Hey, maybe we'll even throw Bane in there.




What about Malgus? Compared to those, I would give him #7, and Krayt #8. Haven't tought much about #9 and #10, but the next two, in my mind goes to Malgus and Krayt.

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Not really, Nihilus could be beaten by anyone who could resist his Force Drain. That was his biggest advantage, you take that away and what do you have?


But only the exile's unique predicament allowed her to resist Nihilus, against any other being in the galaxy he'd consume them.

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Nihilus is out of question, so there's not much sense in debating about him. But since we are doing it, I'd like to bring to light something people are forgetting.


Nihilus wasn't limited only to his Force Drain. His TK was immensely powerful. He also, probably, knew essence transfer, since he was able to bind his essence to his mask. This ability was probably more refined than normal essence transfer, since even Darth Krayt wasn't able to understand what Nihilus exactly did. He was proficient in Dark rage, Farsight, Force lightning, Force resistance, Force scream, and Force whirlwind. Yes, one of the few guys able to perform Force whirlwind in the history of the galaxy.


So, apart from list business, very few people, if there's any, would have an easy time against Nihilus.

Edited by marcelo_sdk
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Nihilus is out of question, so there's not much sense in debating about him. But since we are doing it, I'd like to bring to light something people are forgetting.


Nihilus wasn't limited only to his Force Drain. His TK was immensely powerful. He also, probably, knew essence transfer, since he was able to bind his essence to his mask. This ability was probably more refined than normal essence transfer, since even Darth Krayt wasn't able to understand what Nihilus exactly did. He was proficient in Dark rage, Farsight, Force lightning, Force resistance, Force scream, and Force whirlwind. Yes, one of the few guys able to perform Force whirlwind in the history of the galaxy.


So, apart from list business, very few people, if there's any, would have an easy time against Nihilus.


Err...Nihilus hasn't displayed any of that, except for Farsight, Drain, Stun and TK. Besides Force Scream is an involuntary thing. Most of where he gets those powers, come from the RPG stats which are N-canon as per here:


Background information given in the RPG sourcebooks such as biographies, stories, blueprints, etc. is proper canon. Stats, on the contrary, are considered game mechanics. Stats include details such as weapon damage, speed, and character attributes




I also don't recall Nihilus ever using Force Lighting at all either, aside from cut content which isn't canon either.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Ok so on topic who do we have for number 7, since it seems this thread got really off topic. I see Darth Krayt and Traya, but I wonder about Malgus and Bane as well. Given the list of people here I am leaning either Malgus or Krayt with Bane and Traya following, Traya's abilities don't seem all that powerful to me, but I will admit I am likely greatly underestimating her abilities and she could be even stronger then Krayt. But from what I can tell of this list I would say



8. Bane

9. Malgus

10. Traya


Ultimately I am not sure which order these 4 would be in but at the same time I am also not sure if one of them Should be knocked out for Darth Tyranous, I may have to go into heavy research on Tuesday when I have time and make a more formal argument at that time.

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What about Malgus? Compared to those, I would give him #7, and Krayt #8. Haven't tought much about #9 and #10, but the next two, in my mind goes to Malgus and Krayt.
Oh of course, Malgus slipped my mind. However I think Krayt is more powerful than Malgus. He had already displayed similar ability post-death but when he was resurrected his powers significantly increased.
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Ok so on topic who do we have for number 7, since it seems this thread got really off topic. I see Darth Krayt and Traya, but I wonder about Malgus and Bane as well. Given the list of people here I am leaning either Malgus or Krayt with Bane and Traya following, Traya's abilities don't seem all that powerful to me, but I will admit I am likely greatly underestimating her abilities and she could be even stronger then Krayt. But from what I can tell of this list I would say



8. Bane

9. Malgus

10. Traya


Ultimately I am not sure which order these 4 would be in but at the same time I am also not sure if one of them Should be knocked out for Darth Tyranous, I may have to go into heavy research on Tuesday when I have time and make a more formal argument at that time.

I'd definitively rank Malgus above Bane, Malgus has simply shown a greater mastery over the Force, and I feel Traya has as well. I would also not place Darth Tyranus on the list either. Now Traya hasn't done much, but was she has done is quite remarkable:



  • Mastered the art of healing, was able to revive both Colonel Tobin and Hanharr from the brink of death. And later eliminated dozens Sith assassins without raising a finger.
  • Showed mastery over Force drain when she destroyed all three remaining members of the Jedi Council.
  • Had an exceptional ability to see shatterpoints in people, events and the fabric of the universe itself.
  • Incredibly skilled in foreseeing the future, was able to forsee the future of all the planets Surik visited as well as the future of her companions, and even the death of Jango Fett at the hands of Windu 4,000 years later.
  • Was highly skilled in the use of telepathy, was able to communicate with others over vast distances and easily probe the minds of others, uncovering their deepest secrets and bending them to her will.
  • Was able to telekinetically manipulate three lightsabers to attack Surik despite being severed from the Force.


Her abilities largely encompass the spheres of Control and Sense, and her skills in Alter are ambiguous as we have to take into account the difficulty of defending against powers such as Force drain. But the power is evidently there.


EDIT: This is interesting though, concerning the deadly field of energy (a variant of Force drain) that Bane used on Prakith Wookieepedia states the following:


"However, this ability was extremely exhausting, to the point where it was highly impractical for Bane to use it unaided."


Which in turn implies that Force drain requires a considerable amount of Force power on the user's part.

Edited by Beniboybling
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[*]Incredibly skilled in foreseeing the future, was able to forsee the future of all the planets Surik visited as well as the future of her companions, and even the death of Jango Fett at the hands of Windu 4,000 years later.



When and what did she say?

Heard it mentioned before, incredible, but never knew where.

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When and what did she say?

Heard it mentioned before, incredible, but never knew where.

She makes reference to it twice in the game, one when she speaks with Mandalore on Dxun:


Indeed? The future is always in motion, it is a difficult thing to see. Perhaps there will be no new age, Mandalore, no great Mandalorian crusade. Perhaps your people fought their last battle at Malachor V, and you have been dying ever since, a quiet death that will last centuries. And perhaps all that remains will be what I see before me: a man, wounded by a Jedi, encased in a Mandalorian shell, haunted by the thought of being the last of the Mandalorians.


...and then again after you defeat her on Malachor and ask the fate of the Mandalorians.


They will die a death that will last millennia, until all that remains is their code, their history, and in the end, the shell of their armour upon the shell of a man, too easily slain by Jedi.


Now technically Jango Fett was not the last of the Mandalorians, but he was the last to be raised as one. And lets face it after Jango the Mandalorians were pretty much done, long before that really.

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And how would another resist the drain? tell me


Its some sort of technique that hasn't been explained. Anakin learned it from Ulic Qel-Droma in stopping the Dark Reaper(a force draining super weapon, it even drained Windu), Dooku learned it from Sidious supposedly as he went to go find the Dark Reaper to restore it. Sidious more then likely knew how to counter it, being he knew Force Drain and had vast knowledge, etc so on and so forth.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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The problem there is like squishing an ant. Or more appropriately an planet full of ants. Anyone could take advantage of unsuspecting innocents. In a Sith battle for supremecy, nihilus would be the "ant" under Bane's boot.

Nihilus was a freak, His will would fail against Bane's.


Exactly. Nihilus/Sion are vastly overrate imo. Yes they have an absolutely fantastic party trick. If you were a one trick pony they are definitely the way to go. Yet if they were so powerful why did Revan and Malak rule their Sith Empire and not Nihilus and Sion? Hell even after Revan was presumed dead they still did not challenge Malak. They were Sith weren't they and with the Sith the strong lead. Its simple because they weren't really that powerful.


I think Kreia probably told us why when she spoke about her fall. There are just some techniques against where there is no defense. With the right application of strength and knowledge Nihilus could be beat. That's why he prowled the hyperspace lanes like a ghost, only striking when the Jedi were unaware with guerrilla like tactics because he was afraid of the Jedi, that's why he wouldn't challenge Kreia without Sion, that's why he wouldn't challenge Malak. Nihlus knew he could be beat.

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Nihilus didn't think like a Sith, nor care for the Sith way, he stopped thinking like a normal Sith and he clearly stopped caring about that Order, so trying to use the same rules and laws to define him is at best... nihilism.


Also Sion never cared about being galactic ruler or Dark Lord, he only ever cared about one thing and that was the destruction of the entire Jedi Order down to the last youngling.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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So, #7 is between Malgus and Krayt. I think Malgus possessed more raw power, and he was able to channel it perfectly. By the other hand, Krayt had a wider repertory, and some of his feats are unpreccedent. I really don't know who get's the edge. But I'm pretty sure they'll get #7 and #8, but I don't dare say who will occupy each position.
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I'd definitively rank Malgus above Bane, Malgus has simply shown a greater mastery over the Force, and I feel Traya has as well. I would also not place Darth Tyranus on the list either. Now Traya hasn't done much, but was she has done is quite remarkable:



  • Mastered the art of healing, was able to revive both Colonel Tobin and Hanharr from the brink of death. And later eliminated dozens Sith assassins without raising a finger.
  • Showed mastery over Force drain when she destroyed all three remaining members of the Jedi Council.
  • Had an exceptional ability to see shatterpoints in people, events and the fabric of the universe itself.
  • Incredibly skilled in foreseeing the future, was able to forsee the future of all the planets Surik visited as well as the future of her companions, and even the death of Jango Fett at the hands of Windu 4,000 years later.
  • Was highly skilled in the use of telepathy, was able to communicate with others over vast distances and easily probe the minds of others, uncovering their deepest secrets and bending them to her will.
  • Was able to telekinetically manipulate three lightsabers to attack Surik despite being severed from the Force.


Her abilities largely encompass the spheres of Control and Sense, and her skills in Alter are ambiguous as we have to take into account the difficulty of defending against powers such as Force drain. But the power is evidently there.


EDIT: This is interesting though, concerning the deadly field of energy (a variant of Force drain) that Bane used on Prakith Wookieepedia states the following:


"However, this ability was extremely exhausting, to the point where it was highly impractical for Bane to use it unaided."


Which in turn implies that Force drain requires a considerable amount of Force power on the user's part.





Another fact overlooked and ridiculously forgotten, is the fact that Bane was basically indestructable. A fight between Bane and Malgus would be great to watch, but it would equate to this...


...Bane would charge against Malgus and steamroll him like a speeding peterbuilt hitting a deer.

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Nihilus didn't think like a Sith, nor care for the Sith way, he stopped thinking like a normal Sith and he clearly stopped caring about that Order, so trying to use the same rules and laws to define him is at best... nihilism.


Also Sion never cared about being galactic ruler or Dark Lord, he only ever cared about one thing and that was the destruction of the entire Jedi Order down to the last youngling.


Traya never cared for their order either, but I guess it's different because at one point in time she was a sith, when Nihilus never really was...

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