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Summer of SWTOR Update


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Hopefully somewhere in it all, guilds will have some proper love and not just a member xp bonus.

Waiting 18 months+ now for some basic guild features and the character cap issue they are aware of


While I agree in principle with you.. it was years before WoW added significant guild love to that MMO. Some MMOs never have even bothered.


I'm not comparing MMOs per se... I am simply pointing out that content and feature releases in MMOs do not happen over night. Some take years before they arrive.

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He was telling others what to do Andryah, I used it to demonstrate how silly it was since it really has no effect.


I am very aware of what you were doing. And you know very well that if I had taken your tack.. you would have lectured me about it and encouraged me to settle down and be less aggressive. :)


Two wrongs do not make things right, nor serve as an object lesson. It's not even a good venting tool IMO. I know you are upset about 2.4 right now.. but why take it out on other forum members. There too much sniping and attacking at anyone that does not carry the banner of rage right now. It's an aggressive attempt to censor anyone who has differing views or opinions.

Edited by Andryah
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Nobody is getting "flamed" for not agreeing with the "venom". Feel free to post how thrilled you are Andryah. We're expressing our disappointment in the 2.4 update, not our fellow gamers.


I've been flamed (as have others) numerous times in this thread for doing nothing other then expressing a wait and see approach on 2.4 and taking the time to look at what was communicated from a more neutral stance.


And I'm fine with people expressing their disappointments, and frustrations, and even venting about it. Just not on the backs of other players who have a different outlook on the limited information disclosed to us yesterday.


Hate the game, not other forum members. Vent on the game, not other forum members. [i'm not directing this comment specifically at you.. but at the venomous attacking going on by some in this thread].

Edited by Andryah
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but why take it out on other forum members. There too much sniping and attacking at anyone that does not carry the banner of rage right now. It's an aggressive attempt to censor anyone who has differing views or opinions.


oh my god the irony!

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the 05.24.2013 , 04:26 PM, BruceMaclean wrote :

Also, for those who are curious about the next updates to PvP, I will just say… apart from minor tweaks (like stunbreak abilities cooldown being reset on death in 2.2) you should look forward to Game Update 2.4. /rubshands


ahahahahaha finally another very good official joke.


/ kidding yourself

Edited by Thaladan
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I've been flamed (as have others) numerous times in this thread for doing nothing other then expressing a wait and see approach on 2.4 and taking the time to look at what was communicated from a more neutral stance.


And I'm fine with people expressing their disappointments, and frustrations, and even venting about it. Just not on the backs of other players who have a different outlook on the limited information disclosed to us yesterday.


Hate the game, not other forum members. Vent on the game, not other forum members. [i'm not directing this comment specifically at you.. but at the venomous attacking going on by some in this thread].


I can't speak for every reply - only my own.


The reason I comment on those replies is because the old "wait and see" tactic DOES NOT WORK with this game (PvP in particular). I'm 100% convinced that Bioware absolutely has no clue about what their PvPers would like. They've demonstrated it time and again with this game (remember the return to Ilum?).


Normally, I'd agree with that tactic...but PvP is one thing Bioware can't seem to grasp. Being VOCAL is a must! Silence is no longer an option...It's almost like when Bioware reaches that PvP fork in the road and they're presented with a choice of left or right, they'll choose to go backwards.

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They didn't tell anyone about Treek cuz he is non - canon blasphemy that makes no sense regardless of their stupid explanation. Just wanted to put an Ewok in the game for girls and children.


The primary focus of the PVP update is again PVE. The games done for me, Ill never see that update anywhoo.


Well during ( at the end of ) the hyperspace war the remaining Sith , did a series of random jumps and ended up in the middle of nowhere , losing sight and contact with their old planets. So in theory BioWare can place any planet or species from any SW era within this game. Endor existed way before Return of the Jedi. Hell they may have even visited it before the hyperspace war. The game and Lore are made very open ended this way.


I still would like an answer to my question , Will the new tier of elder gear have Mk-10 augmentation abilities ?





Edited by BadOrb
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He was expressing his opinion. Just like you are doing right now.


You have no right to tell him what to do either. See the irony there. Or perhaps.. you both were just expressing your opinions, and doing it badly.


Basically right now, anyone that in any way disagrees with the venom in this thread.. gets flamed for it. What wonderful role models.


Haha! Usually you don't start getting into the martyr bit this early. Understandable though, this is a hot topic and there are still plenty of other posts to try to pick up by the tail.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I can't speak for every reply - only my own.


The reason I comment on those replies is because the old "wait and see" tactic DOES NOT WORK with this game (PvP in particular). I'm 100% convinced that Bioware absolutely has no clue about what their PvPers would like. They've demonstrated it time and again with this game (remember the return to Ilum?).


Normally, I'd agree with that tactic...but PvP is one thing Bioware can't seem to grasp. Being VOCAL is a must! Silence is no longer an option...It's almost like when Bioware reaches that PvP fork in the road and they're presented with a choice of left or right, they'll choose to go backwards.


^ This.


BW takes the fireman approach. Only natural for comm. members to do what fits with that, big red flames. Experientially the issue threads that keep it short and wait to see get little to no attention, so why do what doesn't work?

Edited by Joesixxpack
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They needed to get another operation in the game. It seems they are giving pve players two. The last endgame content they gave us will be 6 months old when this update comes out. Bioware is *********** up on delivering content and are mashing together patches to meet deadlines. It's sad to see the miracle pvp patch turn into a half way patch, but that's the nature of the game. Edited by mastirkal
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Don't tell us what to do - you're free to keep your mouth shut if you like. The update isn't until freaking October - between now and then, I URGE Bioware to hire an intern to reskin every one of the existing WZ's so that we have double the number come 2.4.


And your silly assumption that there's some magical bunny that's going to appear is foolish. There is NO MORE! These are the HIGHLIGHTS! Do you understand what a highlight is in this context? Everything else will be worthless fluff. I bet there's even a big ol CM update with 2.4 that wasn't mentioned.


If we don't let Bioware know full flipping well what we think of this pathetic patch now, we only have ourselves to blame when nothing changes.


So please...heed your own advice and sit quietly by.


You Mad Bro?


Seriously no need to overreact or be rude. This is still a discussion thread. Like you, I and everyone else here has an opinion.


You say this is it. Yet you have yet made a case against my points. Bioware has a history of not showing everything in these updates. The companion Treek and the role-nuetral flashpoints are few of them. I am not saying make your voice heard that you want more. But don't also assume this is it when clearly Both the OP Blog and Eric Musco have stated that this isn't it. You just look stupid

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Hey guys,


I am getting that some of you are frustrated that there are also Operations coming in 2.4 as a PvP player. This is in no way taking away from the content you are getting. It just means that on top of being an update with PvP content, it also has PvE content in it as well. It is just a bigger update for everyone!


To specifically address some of the concerns I am seeing in the thread. First, the 4v4 Warzone Arenas are not scaled down versions of the current 8v8 maps. They are a brand new Warzone type (deathmatch) on their own brand new maps! Note: Plural! You will see more than one map at launch.


As some have said, this is not the only thing coming in 2.4. We have stated before in this thread the purpose of this is to give you an overview, it does not have every detail. Some of your other concerns...such as queuing for Ranked, will be addressed along with 2.4. We are still working on details and 2.4 is still a ways off. We will continue to release information as we lock things in.


I want to add on a personal note that one of the things I have enjoyed most over the past month or two at work is our twice a week Warzone Arena playtests. I am someone who primarily PvPs when I play SWTOR and they are so, so much fun. I cannot wait for you guys to get your hands on them!




Please tell me that we will be able to do 2v2 and 3v3 too. If the only update for PVP will be a 4v4 and a new war zone without being able to do 2v2 or 3v3 that will be VERY disappointing for pvpers.

Edited by Macabrae
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Well, I for one am mainly a Pve'er, so this patch looks quite awesome. Have only been playing for 2 +- months, but the way PVE is handles is pretty slick. Like all the operations thus far, and can't wait for the next 2 Operations. PVP arena's seems pretty cool, hope for the sake of the PVP people they will work out something nice. Its always better to have both the groups satisfied. But I geuss, this being an MMO, it is hard to please everyone.
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I sincerely invite any and all devs to view my threads and posts for ways to improve PvP and the game overall. I'm not trying to say I'm some sort of guru or anything but many of the PvP community have commented and stated approval for what I have posted.


I really don't mind being told no as long as you provide the why. I just really would love to see more PvP progress.


Other notes of interest in this thread are chat bubbles I think they would have a positive impact but I don't really care either way. Mk 10 augmentation kits have to be a nogo. 1st there are 6 kits that span 50 levels and 3 that span 5 levels, how did this make sense to anyone?

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Damn, just when I was getting close to completing my 72 set, it becomes obsolete :(

So I guess the SM will be optimized for Akranian/UW, with drops of UW gear and HM for UW/Kell, dropping the new stuff?


Total guess, but I'm guessing SMs of the new ops will drop 72s, and HMs will drop 75s. I'm hoping those 75s are not Kell Dragon so that Kell Dragon is a vanity set. Eventually nightmare of the new ops will drop 77. That means that casual raiders today can continue to upgrade in story mode and nightmare raiders today will have a leg up on the new HMs when released.

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You Mad Bro?


Seriously no need to overreact or be rude. This is still a discussion thread. Like you, I and everyone else here has an opinion.


You say this is it. Yet you have yet made a case against my points. Bioware has a history of not showing everything in these updates. The companion Treek and the role-nuetral flashpoints are few of them. I am not saying make your voice heard that you want more. But don't also assume this is it when clearly Both the OP Blog and Eric Musco have stated that this isn't it. You just look stupid


Is it the people who don't trust them that look stupid, or the people who trust them implicitly?


Really, after all this time and experience with BW and their PR, you think it's "stupid looking" to question them?


Do you really think they'd leave out more WZs and such as part of the "overview"? There's nothing else in there but little bug fixes etc, otherwise they'd be promoting the hell out of it.


Remember Collections? They promoted that so hard that they actually lied to us about Revan's Helm, and told us "more details to come!"


Yeah, the other details were that you really couldn't just simply duplicate anything you wanted like how they made it sound. THAT was the detail they were missing on that one.


So it's not the skeptics that "look stupid", it's the people with puppy-dog complex that do.

Edited by Primarch_PWnD
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You Mad Bro?


Seriously no need to overreact or be rude. This is still a discussion thread. Like you, I and everyone else here has an opinion.


You say this is it. Yet you have yet made a case against my points. Bioware has a history of not showing everything in these updates. The companion Treek and the role-nuetral flashpoints are few of them. I am not saying make your voice heard that you want more. But don't also assume this is it when clearly Both the OP Blog and Eric Musco have stated that this isn't it. You just look stupid


No I'm not bro.


And I'm terribly sorry if you feel I'm being "rude" - that's not my intent. Tone is hard to covey over the interweb, so however you're reading my replies, dismiss any hostility or anger - there's none intended. You can read frustration, shock and perseverance if you like, I'm determined to make my feelings of utter disgust with the lack of more for PvP known...but there is no "anger".


My "case" is that there has never been an update where there was "more" than they advertised. You claim they have a history of not showing "everything", but I believe you're mistaken. I don't recall any update that under hyped and over delivered. Since you think there are some, please present your case. When has there EVER been any update with regards to PvP (or even throw in a PvE example) where they gave you MORE than they promoted?


I'm not debating the Ops - I'm thrilled they're coming! I mix things up in-game as much as I can (PvP and PvE). I'd prefer to be a majority PvP player, but the nauseating thought of just running WZ's turns me off.


PvP has LESS content now than we did at launch. We had weekly WZ missions, daily WZ missions, daily Ilum missions and a weekly Ilum mission, not to even mention the battleground of Ilum that we had for OW PvP, which lagged, yes, but it beats what we have now which is nothing.


4v4 arenas, while a great addition for those times when PvP is slow, are not what I wanted. I want reasons to go kill players on other planets (daily kill 10 mission maybe?), reasons to join a larger group, planetary objectives that keep us traveling, I miss the open Ops of 24 players we had when Ilum first came out - when is the last time you joined an open Ops group? Hell, when was the last time (if ever) you were in a 24 person group? I enjoy cat and mouse PvP, not objective based PvP. I like fighting other players, not standing by a flipping node where the most important thing I can do is type "incoming". 4v4 is a step BACKWARDS! In beta, we had 12v12 CW's (maybe even 16v16). I want MORE people involved in PvP - arenas promote fewer.


So wait if you like. Sit by while you "hope" and "think" more is to come. I disagree with that stance, but I respect your ability to do nothing - you're in the majority tbh. I'm not. I'm not just ranting - I have offered up suggestions.

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To specifically address some of the concerns I am seeing in the thread. First, the 4v4 Warzone Arenas are not scaled down versions of the current 8v8 maps. They are a brand new Warzone type (deathmatch) on their own brand new maps! Note: Plural! You will see more than one map at launch.


As some have said, this is not the only thing coming in 2.4. We have stated before in this thread the purpose of this is to give you an overview, it does not have every detail. Some of your other concerns...such as queuing for Ranked, will be addressed along with 2.4. We are still working on details and 2.4 is still a ways off. We will continue to release information as we lock things in.


I want to add on a personal note that one of the things I have enjoyed most over the past month or two at work is our twice a week Warzone Arena playtests. I am someone who primarily PvP



Yes finally arena's are coming! Now add 2 or more new wz's, start season 1 for rwz, address the bugs in wz's and maybe make Ilum viable for wvw again and the patch will be an awesome pvp patch! :D

Edited by Erishumlol
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Hey guys,


I am getting that some of you are frustrated that there are also Operations coming in 2.4 as a PvP player. This is in no way taking away from the content you are getting. It just means that on top of being an update with PvP content, it also has PvE content in it as well. It is just a bigger update for everyone!


To specifically address some of the concerns I am seeing in the thread. First, the 4v4 Warzone Arenas are not scaled down versions of the current 8v8 maps. They are a brand new Warzone type (deathmatch) on their own brand new maps! Note: Plural! You will see more than one map at launch.


As some have said, this is not the only thing coming in 2.4. We have stated before in this thread the purpose of this is to give you an overview, it does not have every detail. Some of your other concerns...such as queuing for Ranked, will be addressed along with 2.4. We are still working on details and 2.4 is still a ways off. We will continue to release information as we lock things in.


I want to add on a personal note that one of the things I have enjoyed most over the past month or two at work is our twice a week Warzone Arena playtests. I am someone who primarily PvPs when I play SWTOR and they are so, so much fun. I cannot wait for you guys to get your hands on them!




You getting our frustration? You really do?


(4/9) So you get that 2.0 bought a new OP and a broken bolster system and new gear grind which was made pointless by your broken bolsters which you never fixed. Which you have tried to fix and failed at each time.

(5/14) 2.1 Cartel Market

(6/12) 2.2 Nightmare Mode of OP and WZ that would never get the full 8 players. Getting 1 medal for joining a fail WZ group; 1 medal so worth my time to stay in fail WZ group. The only good thing you did here is the not backfilling into a lost WZ; which is funny since I still get put into a WZ and don’t have time to even get out of the gate before it’s over. But the bright side I got a medal. It’s so worth my time in queue.

~(8/13) 2.3 Amazing nothing relate to OP. Changes to 1 WZ

~(10/1) OMG I CAN’T WAIT PVP PATCHES THAT YOU GUYS WILL BE AMAZED WITH!!!! With 2 new OP because you PvPers are always getting something and we don’t want to people that do OP to feel left out.

So within 6 months after the release of 2.0 there 3 NEW OPs. For us PvPers 4v4 areas and more bugs then an ant farm.

You really do understand our frustration? Over a year to see something new in PvP other than a gear grind that is pointless. Over a 1.5 years to do ANYTHING with ranked WZ. I’m sorry but you don’t understand or even care about PvP in this game.

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Maybe they just neglected to mention the two best new features for PvP:


1) Tag team matches... tag your partner in and rest when you are low on health


2) "Start a brawl" feature to be added to all cantinas.


You know you want it. :t_cool:

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You getting our frustration? You really do?


(4/9) So you get that 2.0 bought a new OP and a broken bolster system and new gear grind which was made pointless by your broken bolsters which you never fixed. Which you have tried to fix and failed at each time.

(5/14) 2.1 Cartel Market

(6/12) 2.2 Nightmare Mode of OP and WZ that would never get the full 8 players. Getting 1 medal for joining a fail WZ group; 1 medal so worth my time to stay in fail WZ group. The only good thing you did here is the not backfilling into a lost WZ; which is funny since I still get put into a WZ and don’t have time to even get out of the gate before it’s over. But the bright side I got a medal. It’s so worth my time in queue.

~(8/13) 2.3 Amazing nothing relate to OP. Changes to 1 WZ

~(10/1) OMG I CAN’T WAIT PVP PATCHES THAT YOU GUYS WILL BE AMAZED WITH!!!! With 2 new OP because you PvPers are always getting something and we don’t want to people that do OP to feel left out.

So within 6 months after the release of 2.0 there 3 NEW OPs. For us PvPers 4v4 areas and more bugs then an ant farm.

You really do understand our frustration? Over a year to see something new in PvP other than a gear grind that is pointless. Over a 1.5 years to do ANYTHING with ranked WZ. I’m sorry but you don’t understand or even care about PvP in this game.




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You really do understand our frustration? Over a year to see something new in PvP other than a gear grind that is pointless. Over a 1.5 years to do ANYTHING with ranked WZ. I’m sorry but you don’t understand or even care about PvP in this game.


So... they're working to make things better and this is the thanks they get from you? :t_confused:


Look, he stated that there's more to it than what they've announced so far. Why don't you just chill out and see what they come up with? The who point of what they're doing is to make things better. Yes, they "hear" you. Whining about what happened before isn't very constructive at this point.

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