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No marauder gear on dark side vendor


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Where is the neutral vendor? Oh right, I was playing the story line, role play style and ended up neutral and all I got for it was 2 empty equipment slots.... How things like this are missed in beta and launch i will never know.


Neutral gear and vendors has been addressed, it will be getting patched in soon. It was brought up in beta,the devs intended the morality feature to be used one way or the other and to their credit they recognized that there was an outcry and need for neutral gear.


Be patient.

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Honestly curious, where was it mentioned, never saw it. They should really just slide it in, like nerfing the med packs, slid that riiiight in. Bye bye easy marauder medals. Im just surprised it didnt come up during beta, kill some people, save some people, in the interest of liking their char, hoping theyll help you down the road and not just blindly murdering everyone, I cant be the only one playing like that....
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It's because marauder wore heavy armor until the last minute in beta where they threw the nerf bad at our faces, its most likely the same reason we have nothing from the vendor.


This is correct, from my understanding. Having Marauders as Medium armor rather than heavy was a late change, thus they didn't have time to add in all of the new equipment before launch. So for the time being, we're going to have to make due until the rest is created and added. :(

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Bump. This exists not just on vendors, but in flashpoints as well.


I am really tired of seeingHeavy armor and IMP Agent armor drop. I've done all the flash points, and have only saw one chest Meant for Marauder .... the one that drops from Black Talon.


Please do something about this. It is really annoying that everywhere I turn to gear wise has nothing (or very little) for me.


Oh .. and another thing .... whoever designed the chest pieces with the huge flat shoulder plates that stick out a foot beyond my toons arms really needs to do some soul searching and rethink what looks good ... Cause that ain't it. Same thing for the hats that look like a sail boat decided to park on top of them.


We're not asking for a handout, just to be treated like everyone else, and given that the dark side vendor has NO ARMOR USABLE BY THE MARAUDER class, as well as the fact so many are posting here means there is an issue.

Edited by Deurg
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Honestly curious, where was it mentioned, never saw it. They should really just slide it in, like nerfing the med packs, slid that riiiight in. Bye bye easy marauder medals. Im just surprised it didnt come up during beta, kill some people, save some people, in the interest of liking their char, hoping theyll help you down the road and not just blindly murdering everyone, I cant be the only one playing like that....


Know exactly what you mean, decisions ive had to make that i didnt want to regarding who dies and who lives...sometimes i just want to be a bit forgiving and give them a chance :D:D

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I recently started up a marauder and he is turning into my main. Just hit light V at level 35. I never took the time to look at the dark vendor. That totally blows! (Kinda glad I went light with the guy either way since the light decisions of the story are really interesting)


I can see this not staying this way for too long.

Edited by Ihazcrayon
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I recently started up a marauder and he is turning into my main. Just hit light V at level 35. I never took the time to look at the dark vendor. That totally blows! (Kinda glad I went light with the guy either way since the light decisions of the story are really interesting)


I can see this not staying this way for too long.



no options for you on the light vendor either

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Oh .. and another thing .... whoever designed the chest pieces with the huge flat shoulder plates that stick out a foot beyond my toons arms really needs to do some soul searching and rethink what looks good ... Cause that ain't it. Same thing for the hats that look like a sail boat decided to park on top of them.



Soooo true. It's hideous and a slap in the face. No elegance to it at all. Just looks like pieces of cut square plastic pasted onto the armor. Every time I look at it I /facepalm and grow frustrated. I wont even let my character near that crap because it's so hideous. /rant


But back to the topic...


I, too, noticed the lack of medium armor for us at vendors and in flash points. The last flash point I remember seeing gear drop that I could use was in Hammer Station. I've been wearing re-modded light armor from Cademimu ever since.

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Please let us know something...anything ... that your atleast aware of hte issue and plan to do something (or not as the case may be) I WILL keep bumping these.


A link to where they are saying something about this would be acceptable.

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They are concentrating on more serious stuff like big bugs in flashpoints and other things. The next (major) patch MAY, if it's still on schedule, have graphical improvements and other polishing. Maybe new gear for us will come along with it. Edited by SillyTurtle
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I have been checking every vendor that I come across in game and so far there is absolutely no gear at all specifically for Sith Warrior: Marauder. Having to make do with medium armor that is not restricted to class and upgrade with mods that I make with cybertech. This is a real issue since I have also noticed a lack of upgradeable "orange" gear bracers or belts. So far I am a lvl 36 and I just found a orange belt for the first time and I have been looking at other chars gear and vendors for them. Unfortunately it seems that orange belts are extremely rare and the one that I got on a drop today was a huge surprise. The belt was specific for Sith Warrior as well. The downside though is that as usual, heavy armor. So completely useless and a complete waste. I have been taking my time with leveling but if by the time I hit 50, and there are still no marauder specific gear or they havent changed it to where marauders can use heavy gear, then I will simply cancel my subscription. If they allow this blatant of a screw up on this, a major issue with gameplay, then why wait till the next major issue is found. If the game was not ready for release, then why release it? Simple as that.
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  • 2 weeks later...
What I don't get is why BH can have heavy armors as well as dual wielding weapons, while marauders can't. I don't understand what would be so bad about marauders having heavy armor, too much damage mitigation for a dps class? Is that the fundamental problem with marauders having heavy armor that BW wont allow them to use it?
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I used to be against us getting heavy armor, because we were supposidly big damage outputters and I didnt think it would be balanced. But now that I see how WEAK in terms of damage we are compared to other classes, heavy armor is the ONLY way to make up for it. Unless they boost our base damage from abilities, I don't see another option.


I'm starting to get extremely frustrated. We are just so screwed at the moment between lack of gear we CAN even use, and being weak to boot. :-/

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bioware will not answer this because it have been so many posts and threads on the lack of Mara armor now. Nothing is answered yet. Either they forgot it or they don't care.


We also miss PVP Armor at level 40. I found only one armor with antennas on its back, so thats not for Mara. Also commendations have very little for Mara and drops are rear. We need a big boost in Mara armor on the next update.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I have posted on this before back in Jan, and I come back now in March and still nothing has been done or said about this issue. I have my marauder at 47 atm (could have hit 50 by now if I really wanted) and I have been playing since release in Dec. I have played mostly Empire side so can only make the following comments for that side only.


1) There are still no Marauder specific gear in game. They did however add sith warrior to some of the craftable orange gear from synthweaving. I have a maxed synth with over 96 orange patterns to back this up. It is medium gear and is shared between sith warrior and imperial agent. So I guess thats a start.


2) The Orange gear Bracers and Belt are some of the hardest upgradable items to find in game. The agent gets the most hits from what I see. Inquisitor is second, and Bounty Hunter third. What I mean by hits is how many times I have seen a belt or bracer that is orange upgradable on the galactic market that is specific to these class'. Since release in Dec., I have seen NO orange bracers or belts that are for the marauder. I have seen 2 belts for the sith warrior, but of course they are HEAVY GEAR, therefore not usable by the sith warrior marauder since they only use medium gear.


Either BW is ignoring this fact, lack of marauder specific gear, all together or they thought they could sell it off as being "fixed" by adding warriors to some of the craftable gear for the agents.


As an extra note since I can compare this as well. My agent is now lvl 50, but when it was matched evenly with my marauder in lvl and gear, the lack of the orange upgradable belt and bracer set my agents main stats (end/cunn) ahead of my warriors (str/end) by at the minimum of 200 points. No over exaggeration here. I specifically outfitted both chars with the same lvl mods, gear, earpiece, and implants as well as trinkets just to see if there would be. And yes the marauder is, again at the MINIMUM, deprived of at least 200 points toward the main stats of strength/endurance compared to other class' main stat (cunning, willpower, aim) of equal gear and lvl.


Server Krayiss Obelisk

Empire Chars:

Imperial Agent: Operative- Sye'lince 50

Sith Warrior: Marauder- Bain 47

Edited by Banesrage
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