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Pay to Win


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Scroll down to item equipping and highlight over the free to play bubble. Isn't that hard to read.


"Cannot equip most purple items unless an authorization is purchased in CARTEL store."


So basically if you didn't under stand that. You gotta pay to be able to use the best armors in the game.



At higher levels, you need these purple items with expertise to be able to do some sort of help in PvP. If you don't you will be loosing.




But because this is a glorified demo, the real parts that make up a MMO - PvP, Raids, Operations, - are limited to a number so they won't really be needing them will they?


That would be pay to be on-par with the others that are paying.

By your definition, any game with a subscription or even any game that you have to purchase (which is most games in general) are pay-to-win because you have to pay to get access to the good stuff (or any stuff)

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That would be pay to be on-par with the others that are paying.

By your definition, any game with a subscription or even any game that you have to purchase (which is most games in general) are pay-to-win because you have to pay to get access to the good stuff (or any stuff)


No my logic, which I have posted about 4 times, is "Payments - in a free to play game - should only be used to broaden the gaming experience without affecting the core gameplay itself."


You know in free games like Dota, LoL, TF2, Tera, Rift, Aion. While the last three may have ways to level up faster, F2Pers can still play with the same experience as a payer.

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This mentality* comes from games where you can get the same gameplay experience from those who pay and those who choose not to.

So go play those games. Your choice.


And before you make the argument about driving players away, the flipside is also true. I was a Rift sub for many years and left when they announced FTP as in my opinion they did not offer enough extra to subs. And I wasn't alone.


What I didn't do was go on the forum and QQ.


It's always a balance. Find a game where the balance suits you. Simples.

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No my logic, which I have posted about 4 times, is "Payments - in a free to play game - should only be used to broaden the gaming experience without affecting the core gameplay itself."


This isnt a free to play game... its a freemium game.

You can play for free with restrictions.

You can pay to remove those restricions, either by one-time purchases for most of them, or by subscribing.


EDIT: and honestly, nobody cares what your definition of how a f2p game should work is.

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So go play those games. Your choice.


And before you make the argument about driving players away, the flipside is also true. I was a Rift sub for many years and left when they announced FTP as in my opinion they did not offer enough extra to subs. And I wasn't alone.


What I didn't do was go on the forum and QQ.


It's always a balance. Find a game where the balance suits you. Simples.


And I was with SWTOR, I paid for the game on release - after being a tester for almost a full year - and when they went free what did I get? A Premium member ship - which anyone can get by paying 5 dollars on the Cartel Market.


But at least I got a founders title! That can only be used if I pay for it.

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Yes it is, it is restrictive to those who buy - to keep those dirty F2Pers from criticizing BioEAware's system.


That is definitly not the reason, why they don't allow f2pers to write

the problem is that everyone could just open f2p accounts and troll the forum without having to give their email address or anything.

the forums would go downhill so fast you wouldn't even find many real topics.

when ones account would get banned, he could just open a new one


can you see why this would be bad?

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That is definitly not the reason, why they don't allow f2pers to write

the problem is that everyone could just open f2p accounts and troll the forum without having to give their email address or anything.

the forums would go downhill so fast you wouldn't even find many real topics.

when ones account would get banned, he could just open a new one


can you see why this would be bad?


Yeah kinda how all other F2P games forums are open to the public? I can go make an account without playing the game on other F2P games and post just like any normal play. But EA leaves this option to only those who pay.

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And I was with SWTOR, I paid for the game on release - after being a tester for almost a full year - and when they went free what did I get? A Premium member ship - which anyone can get by paying 5 dollars on the Cartel Market.


But at least I got a founders title! That can only be used if I pay for it.


Like he said, if the balance doesn't suit you, you are able to cancel your subscription and leave


Yeah kinda how all other F2P games forums are open to the public?


make me a list please (not just some, if you say all, I want to see all), with the links so I can see the forum qualities for myself

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And I was with SWTOR, I paid for the game on release - after being a tester for almost a full year - and when they went free what did I get? A Premium member ship - which anyone can get by paying 5 dollars on the Cartel Market.

So you are saying, that you are disappointed, cause you are not getting a benefit for having paid in the past? You feel like you deserve some kind of benefit, cause you paid longer for something?

You got it... you were paying for playing the game and you could play it... The service was delivered.


If someone had a subscription, no matter for how long, they are preferred. Someone spending 5$ in the shop also is preferred. Each of them got someting for their money. Some got a timed contract for a game, some just got some fancy stuff from the CM.

What they all share is: They currently do not pay for a subscription, so they currently do not get the benefits of being a subscriber.

You also do not get any benefits for owning KOTOR1+2, Mass Effect and Dragon Age, which are Bioware games... simply cause those past purchases got absolutely no influence on what you get now.


You got what you paid for and now you are demanding more.

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make me a list please (not just some, if you say all, I want to see all), with the links so I can see the forum qualities for myself


Can't say all because that would take far to long but here are some:


Planetside 2 - oh look at that forum, everyone is on topic

Tera - oh look at that forum, everyone is on topic

LoL - oh look at that forum, everyone is on topic

Dota - oh look at that forum, everyone is on topic

Any PWI MMO game - oh look at that forum, everyone is on topic

Any Aeria game forum - oh look at that forum, everyone is on topic


I'll keep going as they pop into mind.





Neverwinter Online


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Can't say all because that would take far to long but here are some:


Planetside 2 - oh look at that forum, everyone is on topic

Tera - oh look at that forum, everyone is on topic

LoL - oh look at that forum, everyone is on topic

Dota - oh look at that forum, everyone is on topic

Any PWI MMO game - oh look at that forum, everyone is on topic

Any Aeria game forum - oh look at that forum, everyone is on topic


links please

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links please


Go to their main website and click forum. Isn't that hard.


Even easier, there is this new device called "Google" you can search the name and right below the website they will link you right to the forum pages!

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Not MY way a f2p game should work, just the way all succeeding F2P MMO's think they should go.

SWTOR is a 'succeeding' F2P game, so there goes your argument right off the bat.


And Rift has been F2P for far too short a time to tell whether it will be successful or not.


Nothing is stopping you from playing one of these superior F2P games BTW.

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SWTOR is a 'succeeding' F2P game, so there goes your argument right off the bat.


And Rift has been F2P for far too short a time to tell whether it will be successful or not.


Nothing is stopping you from playing one of these superior F2P games BTW.


Riiiiight, kinda how they are having to cut down the swtor dev team size and merge servers to give the illusion of more players? Also how they had to merge the Asian servers with the NA servers due to low player size?

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Riiiiight, kinda how they are having to cut down the swtor dev team size and merge servers to give the illusion of more players? Also how they had to merge the Asian servers with the NA servers due to low player size?


You don''t like this game. In fact every other MMO does it better. And yet you are here, subbed to SWTOR, constantly complaining about the fact you have to pay to play the full game....


If you don't like this game enough to pay for it and at the same time think all those other games do it better, then please answer what the hell you are still doing here.


I'm not even interested in the whole pay to win phallacy you try to defend here, but you simply debase your entire point by still being here.

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Riiiiight, kinda how they are having to cut down the swtor dev team size and merge servers to give the illusion of more players? Also how they had to merge the Asian servers with the NA servers due to low player size?

So if you believe, that SWTOR did already fail (not is in danger of, but already did), then why do you keep your subscription active and why do you still post here?


The game is dead (for you), so move on. (all "dead" games I ever left, are still around, with the exception of SWG and CoH/CoV)

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You don''t like this game. In fact every other MMO does it better. And yet you are here, subbed to SWTOR, constantly complaining about the fact you have to pay to play the full game....


If you don't like this game enough to pay for it and at the same time think all those other games do it better, then please answer what the hell you are still doing here.


I'm not even interested in the whole pay to win phallacy you try to defend here, but you simply debase your entire point by still being here.


Oh lord not you again, but at least this time your post is actually readable..No, I like the game - it is one of the best MMOs to come out in years. But it 100% did not live up to the hype. Their practices on greed is what shouldn't be praised.


You are obviously interested in this forum seeing how the last 10 posts you've made has been essays.

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Oh lord not you again, but at least this time your post is actually readable..No, I like the game - it is one of the best MMOs to come out in years. But it 100% did not live up to the hype. Their practices on greed is what shouldn't be praised.


You are obviously interested in this forum seeing how the last 10 posts you've made has been essays.


Actually if you check you will see that at least my last 3 posts are not essays. So there you go with your assumptions and misrepresentations again. Sorry if reading more than 5 lines is tough for you brain.


So it's one of the best MMOs (and let's be honest, nothing lives up to the hype, whether it's games, movies, whatever) and yet you feel it must be 100% f2p even though BW is obviously still making a lot of money from subs at this stage.


It's simple as long as subs are viable, f2p cannot get you full game access or you make subs pointless. If you are upset with companies wanting to make money as much as they can, well, this world is not for you.

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Actually if you check you will see that at least my last 3 posts are not essays. So there you go with your assumptions and misrepresentations again. Sorry if reading more than 5 lines is tough for you brain.


So it's one of the best MMOs (and let's be honest, nothing lives up to the hype, whether it's games, movies, whatever) and yet you feel it must be 100% f2p even though BW is obviously still making a lot of money from subs at this stage.


It's simple as long as subs are viable, f2p cannot get you full game access or you make subs pointless. If you are upset with companies wanting to make money as much as they can, well, this world is not for you.


They could have EASILY supported the game on the Cartel Market alone, but EA decided they wanted to squeeze more money out of their players by forcing them to play a half-assed version of the game.

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Riiiiight, kinda how they are having to cut down the swtor dev team size and merge servers to give the illusion of more players? Also how they had to merge the Asian servers with the NA servers due to low player size?


You know that all server merges were pre f2p, so there goes that argument


They could have EASILY supported the game on the Cartel Market alone, but EA decided they wanted to squeeze more money out of their players by forcing them to play a half-assed version of the game.


How many times do we have to tell you: Nobody is forcing you to play


And where do you get the idea from, that because they could have done something they should give up on a lot of money.

There is nobody doubting here that EA and BW want to get as much profit from all their games as possible, it just doesn't have to do anything with p2w

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You know that all server merges were pre f2p, so there goes that argument




How many times do we have to tell you: Nobody is forcing you to play


Oh you're back! How did that free-game search forum go? Don't leave me hanging.


You know I already checked tho - I just want to know how you feel.

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How many times do we have to tell you: Nobody is forcing you to play



Read the full post. F2Pers are FORCED to play like that. They have no choice to remove the restrictions unless they play. I am not referring to myself.

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