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How much crit are you guys running with?


I look at some of these parses and see 30 - 36% crit totals, even some as high as 38%! And that's not just on the "big time" parses either, many of you rarely have a crit total below 30%.


I got 3097 with 36/3/7 and my crit chance was insane for me, at 32%. Most of the time I'm at 29% or below.

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i have 2 keen mods on my sniper right now. i normally run with 1 keen mod but have been using 2 keen mods recently. sometimes i add crit crystals when i feel like it >_<...


So with just two keen mods, you're running 114 crit rating?


Just to double check: Keen Mod 31's, or Keen Mod 31A's?


How much accuracy? 99.51? Or did you opt for one less cunning aug and replace it with an accuracy aug?

Edited by ScytheEleven
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Evrydayimsmggln - Gunslinger - Hybrid 5/18/23 - 3238



~1/3 75 gear (offhand, belt, bracer, 2 set pieces). Lucky flyby, other crit %s average/low.


99.6% accuracy, 260 crit, 0 alacrity, 2pc/2pc.


I imagine lucky full 75 parses are going to be in the 3350-3400 range, at least for hybrid. Possibly higher, I don't have a good idea exactly how much relics/MH are going to increase the damage.

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Evrydayimsmggln - Gunslinger - Hybrid 5/18/23 - 3238



~1/3 75 gear (offhand, belt, bracer, 2 set pieces). Lucky flyby, other crit %s average/low.


99.6% accuracy, 260 crit, 0 alacrity, 2pc/2pc.


I imagine lucky full 75 parses are going to be in the 3350-3400 range, at least for hybrid. Possibly higher, I don't have a good idea exactly how much relics/MH are going to increase the damage.




Jeez nice man! So when it comes to 75 gear it's worth it to take crit pieces as they will still be better then 72s?

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Jeez nice man! So when it comes to 75 gear it's worth it to take crit pieces as they will still be better then 72s?


Only if you want crit, I think. Going from an optimized 72 mod with power to an optimized 75 crit is a jump of 6 main stat and 63 crit vs 57 power. If you're already happy with your crit rating that's not a tradeoff I would recommend. I've never been particularly picky about my crit though. I've raided with 0-300+ crit and as long as you're paying attention to your energy in the low-crit situations I see pretty similar results across all of it (much smaller variation from gear than from slightly improved positioning, uptime, etc).

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My name is B'oarder in game lol. He can not post in the forums because of an alt name he made in game a year ago (iirc).


lol ya see I knew you were B'oarder...and then I thought you name changed to Roovin. Then when I saw your video you posted yesterday as B'oarder, I thought Roovin was your alt.


And now I just feel dumb.

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Any clue what gear he's pulled out of the nightmare modes so far?


That's about as close to my parse as two can be... .1% difference.


Wears FULL Kell Dragon gear save for 2 Underworld Implants.

Edited by paowee
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Yeah i got your PM. I don't think I have the energy to break down parses anymore.


Take one high parse that you like (there's an abundance of that from different people), check how many hits abilities you made and compare it to that guy. Make sure duration is the same. That's bout it :). DPS #s are mostly irrelevant if you both do the same # hits.

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Yeah i got your PM. I don't think I have the energy to break down parses anymore >_<.


Take one high parse that you like (abundance of that now from different people), check how many hits of certain abilities you made and compare it to that guys. Make sure duration is the same. That's bout it :) DPS #s are mostly irrelevant, if you bo


Yeah I know how to do that lol. Wasn't lookin for analysis actually just opinion

-alright with normal rng

-alright with bad rng

-you suck

I know it's not awesome lol. Just wanted to see what u think.


I actually use the method for helping my guildies already. If only they would actually listen to me :(

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Yeah I know how to do that lol. Wasn't lookin for analysis actually just opinion

-alright with normal rng

-alright with bad rng

-you suck

I know it's not awesome lol. Just wanted to see what u think.


I actually use the method for helping my guildies already. If only they would actually listen to me :(


Oh ok sorry if i mistook your PM. Your crit chance is within normal range. I think. The MM parses i see floating around with high numbers have like 36-40% crit chance (on some/most abilities).


Here is a 16m parse for you to look at 16m 48s, Full UW - 3014 DPS, month old parse

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Lethality appears to be better single target DPS than the hybrid. However, since a lot of encounters have two or more mobs, the hybrid spec would likely appear to come out ahead of a full Lethality build quite often.


So erm... Any idea where lethality beats hybrid?

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