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Anyone else think the default breasts are just a bit too large?


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Body type 4 is the only one I really take issue with. I have a screenshot of my agent doing this great combat roll, and something seemed "off" about the shot and her proportions in it. It took me a minute, but then I realized that each of her breasts were literally the same size as her head.


That's like....carrying 2 extra heads around on your torso. Now, I'm sure there are a few women out there IRL with this unfortunate condition, but that's certainly not the norm.


Hands are out of proportion in this game as well. They are also almost as big as the character heads.


I like how you could make chubby little hobbits in LOTRO. :D





Just saying.. theres a lot of women with ones as big or bigger than their heads..

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Hands are out of proportion in this game as well. They are also almost as big as the character heads.


In mini-fig circles, you'll probably see this referred to as "heroic scaling" - where the hands, feet (and, to be honest, stuff like swords and guns) are made significantly larger and out-of-proportion to what's expected of the model, in order to make it look more impressive (or easier to paint). I don't doubt that's what led to the large hands.


The breasts, on the other hand, are men being men. At least the female character models in this game wear something resembling sports bras, so that you can at least pretend your Body Type 4 extreme assault specialist won't knock herself out when doing some light jogging.

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Just saying.. theres a lot of women with ones as big or bigger than their heads..


QFT. I dated a girl that...well, yes they were at least as big as her head. She never complained about it and neither did I.


But I had a friend and coworker with that condition when I worked at the Pentagon....(this was, lord 20 years ago). She was knockout gorgeous, but she complained about her...um, attributes. Not because they hurt her back, but because she said "No one ever looks me right in the eyes."


I understood that. I'd known her for years and seen it happen. I had a policy of always looking at the top of her head to avoid any problems.

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Modern games have a slider for breast size. So you can get what you want. This game made by lazy people doesn't.


TOR isn't a modern game though, so why the comparison? It had a 5 year dev cycle which means it would've started production around 2006.


Doesn't mean games or MMOs didn't have such features back then. Making the game as cinematic as they did, ie lots of cutscenes with various camera angles, tight shots, etc, really limits what you can do with a character creator.


The devs had a bigger lack of foresight than they did laziness. Early on a large majority of the game was built around Human characters knowing that they would at least have humans in the game, but that created a problem which resulted in all other races having to be pretty near human as well because everything (cutscenes, animations, mounts, etc) were built around a Human body or more specifically the current body types in the game. They got to a point where they simply couldn't undo the mistake(s) they had made.


In other words they built all the technical stuff before figuring out what races they were going to include in the game. Lack of foresight, not laziness.

Edited by Darth-Obvious
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TOR isn't a modern game though, so why the comparison? It had a 5 year dev cycle which means it would've started production around 2006.


Doesn't mean games or MMOs didn't have such features back then. Making the game as cinematic as they did, ie lots of cutscenes with various camera angles, tight shots, etc, really limits what you can do with a character creator.


The devs had a bigger lack of foresight than they did laziness. Early on a large majority of the game was built around Human characters knowing that they would at least have humans in the game, but that created a problem which resulted in all other races having to be pretty near human as well because everything (cutscenes, animations, mounts, etc) were built around a Human body or more specifically the current body types in the game. They got to a point where they simply couldn't undo the mistake(s) they had made.


In other words they built all the technical stuff before figuring out what races they were going to include in the game. Lack of foresight, not laziness.


They could have more non human races its true( playable kilik, force ghosts perhaps, evil or good whos storys revolve around them trying to get back into a true body which only enriches their story because then you have to start over sort of as a young 'you' but with that force soul inside, wookie, ewok, cathar? and a whole bunch of others I foggily forget from star wars. my mind keeps wanting to say yu zon vong but they weren't here this early right?..)



..Unfortunately.. star wars never did have that much fully non human races. they all had alien traits to some degree or another except for humans, but they share a trait and that's being 'humanoid'.. theres.. not much else to say about that, unless what,you throw four, six arms on them? two heads? im genuinely curious because I cant conceive of what lucas would do in his limited little universe, which I have asked the question of, what is outside the far far far far outer rim. :)


So..its kind of not their fault..but Lucas's. jar jar killed his race being playable since they were not only so dumb and annoying and 'cutesy', one of them was moronically put into the role of civilization-destroyer(jar jar elected palpatine. no wonder their heads were hung at the end of episode III) because he didn't make more races outside of human. its be nice to play a kaminoen..



If it helps... wear sith armor and a mask and say your whatever race you want it to be, underneath. :)




@wilstone, you were so blessed man, just giving a thumbs up at having someone that beautiful with you.:D

I think if she could be in a different body, say one either through trauma or naturally for a day, by human definition ''ugly'' beyond words or just socially, one who gets ignored day in and day out or has been for a long time, I think shed change her mind( I worked with disabled kids for a long time.they will never get real social attention without feeling awkward or bad)

Edited by ekosdarid
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@wilstone, you were so blessed man, just giving a thumbs up at having someone that beautiful with you.:D

I think if she could be in a different body, say one either through trauma or naturally for a day, by human definition ''ugly'' beyond words or just socially, one who gets ignored day in and day out or has been for a long time, I think shed change her mind( I worked with disabled kids for a long time.they will never get real social attention without feeling awkward or bad)


Naw, she's a sweet person. I still keep in touch with her.


Like I said, I understand her dilemma. No joke, we were working and this officer ( a captain) comes up to ask us about a project he needs done. She was going to be the one doing it, but as her immediate supervisor I was there too.


...and he was literally staring at her....well, breasts, the entire time. She kept saying "I'm up here, sir..." he'd look her in the face and continue and within seconds his eyes drifted back down. It was pretty funny to watch. After she walked off to carry out her tasks the captain tells me how sorry he is and how he didn't mean to leer at her.


I just chuckled and told him "Sir, I've known her for years...do what I do. Always focus on the top of her head."

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Naw, she's a sweet person. I still keep in touch with her.


Like I said, I understand her dilemma. No joke, we were working and this officer ( a captain) comes up to ask us about a project he needs done. She was going to be the one doing it, but as her immediate supervisor I was there too.


...and he was literally staring at her....well, breasts, the entire time. She kept saying "I'm up here, sir..." he'd look her in the face and continue and within seconds his eyes drifted back down. It was pretty funny to watch. After she walked off to carry out her tasks the captain tells me how sorry he is and how he didn't mean to leer at her.


I just chuckled and told him "Sir, I've known her for years...do what I do. Always focus on the top of her head."



I smell shinanigins : )


Seriously, good re-tell.

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I smell shinanigins : )


Seriously, good re-tell.


No shenanigans, man. Heck I might have to give her a call tomorrow. We usually just catch up on FB, but she's always been a good friend.


I could tell you a few more big ol' you know whats army stories but then this thread WOULD be deleted! ;)

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OK I only got a couple things to say:

1. Holy crap this thread is old! It spans back to 2011.:eek:


2. I haven't made any female toons yet so I don't know about the breasts sizes....although I might have a look later on when I do make new toons. >.>

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The default breasts are not too large, but I'd definitely like more control over them so if I have multiple Body Type 2s then can each have different breasts.


What I'm *really* waiting for is the game update that brings a little jiggle-physics to mammary glands (unless she's wearing a hard-shell chest armour) and flowing physics to hair.

Edited by PetFish
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City of Heroes had a slider for such things. But then again, I've never seen a game with a character creation mechanic even half as developed as COH. It was pretty hilarious to see some of the absurd combinations people would make concerning body size / breast size in that game.
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No shenanigans, man. Heck I might have to give her a call tomorrow. We usually just catch up on FB, but she's always been a good friend.


I could tell you a few more big ol' you know whats army stories but then this thread WOULD be deleted! ;)



I encourage you to call her..



Feel free to private message me the stories if you feel generous enough. :)

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What are you a fruit nut? All the breasts in this game are tiny....WAY too tiny....ALL OF THEM!




Im saying this from a serious perspective, theres not just big ones either. they come in different shapes, some more longer or more firm than others etc. personally, I think further 'size' increases should be accessible by registered older people only. just offering possibilities.

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City of Heroes had a slider for such things. But then again, I've never seen a game with a character creation mechanic even half as developed as COH. It was pretty hilarious to see some of the absurd combinations people would make concerning body size / breast size in that game.


You should take a quick look in APB-Reloaded... the creations there are out of this world sometimes.

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I think they should let TeamNINJA handle the breast size and physics from now on.


Jiggle Physics + Skimpy Bikini Armor + Guardian Leap = :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:


Maybe something for 3.0. They can introduce a new aoe mezz to go with it, or single target stun.

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It seems like genetics are either very good in this galaxy or everyone has implants. It'd be nice if we could choose....


Great idea. This would be a nice end game addition for Bio. Breast implants.


Scale them from small at level 10, to extended sizes at 55. The bigger they are, the better boost to any sort of reputation gain. Right? The bigger, the faster people like you.

Edited by Blackardin
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I find in the BT2, the size looks weirdly large at some angles, in BT3 it is a bit better. I mostly play BT3 so I just get annoyed in some BT2 cutscenes/initial screen. BT1 is the one that annoys me the most though, because if I want to play slim, I want to play a boyish body type, not a short voluptuous. If I wanted a pear-shape, I would create a BT4.


Yes, I am all for sliders. Why could they have them in NWN2, and not here?


Also, it has nothing to do with Breasts, but has to do with height and the companion BTs. I know I spent inordinate amount of time at some point peering at the cutscenes with the male RI to make sure male BT2 is not shorter than the female BT3 (F!BT3 is actually a touch shorter). I am still annoyed that not a single RI male has M!BT3.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I am sure it will cause clipping issues. ;)


But, actually, an ability to wear a male version of the top on a female toon to 'bind' her breast on a specific adaptable set of armor would be nice.

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