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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Quitting & Requeuing


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So just a moment ago I was frustrated and left a game of Hutt Ball very early, and then reapplied for queue. About 30 seconds later I got the ding, and lo and behold I entered the same game, on the other team. By then the score was 3 to 0 so it was a short match, probably had more fun on that team. I just wanted to share that.
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So just a moment ago I was frustrated and left a game of Hutt Ball very early, and then reapplied for queue. About 30 seconds later I got the ding, and lo and behold I entered the same game, on the other team. By then the score was 3 to 0 so it was a short match, probably had more fun on that team. I just wanted to share that.

this is happening alot, probably down to the fact that the Q-system is borked. I still get the same maps over and over and its a yawn fest right now. Back filling simply wont work, especially on maps like civil bore and Huttball.

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I really feel there should be a penalty for leaving a warzone early. In fact its really strange that there isn't one already.


It's not fair to the other players on your team having to wait for another player to hop into the warzone.


Also it's not fair for people who are queue'd for warzones. Who wants to get thrown into a Huttball match that's halfway over and your team is down by 3? Not very fun at all.


A 30 minute to an hour penalty would be lovely for warzone deserters and would significantly cut down the amount of deserters.

Edited by Highweigh
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Agree with OP.


Happened to me today. I left a Warzone (rare for me) because 4 sages on my team from the same guild were in a Huttball match ally-pulling us all into the fire "because they turned to the darkside". I quit, requeued, and got the same match.



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I really feel there should be a penalty for leaving a warzone early. In fact its really strange that there isn't one already.


It's not fair to the other players on your team having to wait for another player to hop into the warzone.


Also it's not fair for people who are queue'd for warzones. Who wants to get thrown into a Huttball match that's halfway over and your team is down by 3? Not very fun at all.


A 30 minute to an hour penalty would be lovely for warzone deserters and would significantly cut down the amount of deserters.


Think that one through.


Put a debuff on "deserters" and all they'll do is stand around doing nothing... or worse, they'll help the other team win to get the match over with.


Trust me, it's better to just let them go.

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Funny how some of the names here are the ones complaining when THEY are the very reason why people quit. LEARN TO PLAY its THAT simple.

You can repeat this argument endlessly if you want but it's a bit disingenuous. First of all, the most common reason people leave is that the team starts losing. Yes, sometimes that's someone's fault (i.e. no call) but often it's that the opposition is just better. You can prove that by looking at some of the matches against double premades - sometimes you have 20+ players on one team as people quit in rapid succession.


Secondly, even where someone does noob up, there are five or six other players on the team. So, if we're Voidstar defenders and at the start we get heavy incoming on the left. You and I jump down left, two players goes right. We're under pressure left but we're holding and then I notice the defenders on right health is dropping alarmingly (but with no call). I run right, but I'm too late and the bomb has been planted. You rage quit. This is a scenario that is depressingly common in pugs. But how exactly can I "learn to play" to avoid that scenario?


Once again though, this is off-topic since my idea is not about the rights or wrongs of quitting. I just don't think people should be forced back into the game they don't want to play in.

Edited by DharmaPolice
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