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[Cybertech] Payed 20-25k to craft the worst speeder ever!


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I'm really annoyed by the Custom-Built Hoverbike. Shelled out 25k in mats for the worst looking speeder ever. In what MMO are the crafted mounts MORE expensive AND look WAY worse?


Crafted bikes, especially bikes that come from a rare drop should look better. No discussion.


And for those about to say 25k isn't that much, no, it isn't. I'll make it back in an hour... However I won't get back the hour I spent trying to find someone to with the last couple of mats I needed, cause the GTN was empty.


All that effort, no reward.

Edited by Mozart
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Agree with poster, I was lucky enough to have all mats aside from underworld trading bars (which an awesome player put up on GTN 22 bars for 6k) to make an hoverbike which has the exact same model as one from the mount vendor.
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It does have a unique look to it even though that look is an engine in a cardboard box with the sides cut open to look like wings.

I'm always afraid I'm going to bend one of the sides when I hit something or that it's going to fall apart when it gets wet.

I do like the giant horn on the bottom and the tiny jet of fire that seems to be propelling the thing.

None of the level 25 speeders really look that good though.

Hopefully the next one we can craft will look better.

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Has screenshots of what it looks like....man I'm really disappointed. I spent 8k just in UT missions to get the bars to make it. I would have rather spent the 8k at a vendor


Wow, that looks like something a hobo made from parts found in a scrapyard.


Doubly insulting that it's just a reskin of a vendor-bought mount.

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I'm sure there are going to be better bikes in later levels......also its one of those things they can keep adding more of in the next few patches. I try to take everything about this game that's pissing me off with a grain of salt. These are massive games with a lot of content and it's just going to get more polished.........until it's too polished.........like WoW :eek:
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I have to agree with the op, but I'm going to take this post to add a couple more cents to the topic.


For one, why are the Custom-Built Hover and Speederbike (lvl 40 one) bind on pickup? It'd be nice to be able to craft and sell these to other players, BUT... it's not even worth it. TBH the speeder pilot training price should be reduced and the price of the speederbikes themselves increased to support the player economy if these are able to be sold in the future.


As it stands right now you're spending thousands of credits for the materials (through the missions) to craft these vehicles, for what players or even yourself could buy instantly for 8-25k. With the # of materials required for the Speederbike, for instance, I feel like I've spent more or close to 25k on the missions to gather them.


Selling vehicles should be made part of the player economy but also needs to be adjusted, because as much as I want to be able to sell these bikes to other players (if/when it becomes available), it's not worth the credits on gathering missions to sell them when players can buy them so cheaply after the piloting skill.

Edited by MrKaizer
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I get the feeling these were last minute additions to Cybertech prior to launch in an effort to broaden the profession. I never tried Cybertech in beta so I'm not sure of that, but I know from experience that the riding mower was an early and unpopular speeder in beta. Hopefully they will be revisiting this in the near feature to make them BoE and actually make the "custom" speeder more customizable. A selection of colors, at the very least, would help. I could even tolerate the appearance if it had a benefit over vendor speeders. Perhaps more durability to mob attacks.
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