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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Pot5 pubs


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Also, reading a few of Frankenseuss' posts I see what y'all mean. You have to be careful. Anyone who has to constantly proclaim to those around them that they're a girl, means they most likely aren't. In most cases, it IS a G.I.R.L. (Guy in real life).
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I love you guys to death, but seriously, stop playing so selfishly. Play the objective not the scoreboard numbers. Guard your healers, don't ignore them. Last night in a voidstar I defended a door by myself against 3 imperials, called for help three times, nobody came. Not only did they end up killing me, but before they planted on the door I was solo guarding, but before they even did that they managed to plant on the door where the other 7 pubs were. That's just sad.


"You mad?" Last night, absolutely yes I was.

"Cry some moar." No crying involved, I went and hopped on Warframe and kicked some butt with Saryn, with a big smile on my face.

"L2P". At what point do you draw the line? Defending by yourself, the odds are stacked against you by a long shot, and I can only do so much before I die.

"Do carebear PvE if you can't handle losing." No, I can handle losing, but just like winning every time gets boring really fast, losing every time gets boring even faster and just makes you want to pull your eye lashes out one by one, backflip off of the rafters and land on a single stick of vermicelli while singing the lyrics to Tastes Like Kevin Bacon by Iwrestledabearonce... Backwards.


There's my rant. Do with it what you will, but I don't see myself coming back until 2.4 is released, maybe by then the pubs will have gotten their act together, and PvP will be enjoyable. Bonsoir, mes amis.


Just move all of your pub characters to the Bastion.

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Needless to say, this person kind of has it coming. It isn't generally harsh for the sake of being harsh here.


yes it is. the vast majority of ppl in this section take pleasure in mocking others and twisting anything anyone else says that they might not like to make them look stupid while promoting their own sense of superiority.


that said, it was a stupid thing to post in this forum.

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I think it's fundamentally impossible for MOST people to accept that they're the problem. Much easier just to blame "them".


"Hey there, above average PvPer! Ever wonder why you always get stuck on the losing team?"

Edited by Morde_
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yes it is. the vast majority of ppl in this section take pleasure in mocking others and twisting anything anyone else says that they might not like to make them look stupid while promoting their own sense of superiority.


Yes, and it is appearingly a common thing within ALL PvP forums all over this world ...


And that's why most people here lost my respect. I just don't care anymore. The internet never forgets.

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Yes, and it is appearingly a common thing within ALL PvP forums all over this world ...


And that's why most people here lost my respect. I just don't care anymore. The internet never forgets.


Awww someone I do not know and that is hidden behind a screenname I will never care about does not respect me. I will probably lose sleep over this tonight. :(

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It's the same on the other side Sweetie. I just re-subbed to check out what's happening and I'm seriously considering usubbing again since the quality of pugs on the imp side has gone down dramatically. I don't know if it's the server transfers or all the f2pers still learning the warzones but it's pretty catastrophic and far, far from the quality this server used to have.


Maybe by the time 2.4 is out, the new transfers and the f2pers will learn how to pvp better, one can only hope. If you're unhappy, take a break for a couple of months, not like anything will change for pvp until autumn. :(


If it was before the last server merge(not paid transfer sevice). Cause then that's when the quality of WZ`s for Pot5 went downhill.

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Try being on the Bastion. I am on loss #15 in a row now. A combination of Imp and Pub. No matter which side I turn to, it's a loss. It's terrible. Pre-mades are ruining the only thing I like about this game.


I see what you did there... every thread must be a premades are bad thread now I guess.

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Try being on the Bastion. I am on loss #15 in a row now. A combination of Imp and Pub. No matter which side I turn to, it's a loss. It's terrible. Pre-mades are ruining the only thing I like about this game.


Have you tried joining said premades?

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Try being on the Bastion. I am on loss #15 in a row now. A combination of Imp and Pub. No matter which side I turn to, it's a loss. It's terrible. Pre-mades are ruining the only thing I like about this game.


Premades don't ruin PvP. In other games I've seen PUGs wipe the floor with premades. All a premade is is a group of people queuing together because they know and trust each other to take care of business, usually also with voice communication. But any PUG group that communicates and plays together and for the team can beat a premade. Premade =/= auto win

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