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So what are the problems with Marauders/Sentinels?


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That in turn would be a nerf for PvE (at least for a majority of the fights), where if anything Annihilation needs a buff compared to Carnage.


yeah, Annihilation gives us around 20% of our total DPS, so losing 3 seconds on the CD is a bad thing. But I wonder what are the effect of having Annihilation at 6 sec CD (4 stacks of annihilator).

Edited by znihilist
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But I wonder what are the effect of having Annihilation at 6 sec CD (4 stacks of annihilator).

For PvE my guess is it would not up Annihilation sustained DPS too much, since all it would do would be to cut the ramp up time short (Juyo still needs to be stacked). The only fights it would make a big difference would be those where Annihilation currently gets shafted big time.


PvP, however, I can not gauge the impact.

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For PvE my guess is it would not up Annihilation sustained DPS too much, since all it would do would be to cut the ramp up time short (Juyo still needs to be stacked). The only fights it would make a big difference would be those where Annihilation currently gets shafted big time.


PvP, however, I can not gauge the impact.


I disagree, I think we will see a slight rise in average dps for short fights. Now on average Annihilation is used around 40 times in a 5 min fights, if the CD is around 6 second right off the bat then you can use it 50 times in 5 minutes. That would be an average increase of 4.7% for total dps.


Edit: So a decrease of the direct damage of Annihilation should be accompanied with the CD reduction.

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I am a Carnage Marauder and always have been.

I only have two things that I don't like about marauders and since this is my opinion, it is biased.


1) I think that Rage is far too effective in the lower skill warzones.


I am a pve player in a pve guild, and I am only saying what I heard and think.

I have heard many complaints from my guildies about rage, I have seen the damage that it does, and I have heard that it is easy to play. Personally, I do not think that such a low skill spec should be able to do that much damage.

I'm not asking for a nerf because I know that in higher tier pvp it may be a different case, but at least a modification to the class to add some depth to it.


2) I think that Fury should still build while Bloodthirst, Berserk, or Predation is active.


This is actually from the sentinel forums talking about PvE Rage/Focus losing dps because of other marauders using Bloodthirst. I personally would like to see this change because it would help out when more than one marauder is in the group.

However, I do see that it would increase the dps of at least Carnage enough to cause concerns, but it could be balanced out.

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The biggest issue from Raids is the very low survivability of the Marauder pretty much every spec.


Nearly all bosses and more and more mobs are dropping AOE damage often at their feet (or centred on the mob) or raid wide damage or general untauntable very high damage attacks or my personal bugbear dot after dot. I'm not expecting to toe to toe against bosses or tank in a fight. But the design of a lot of the fights makes melee DPS much more difficult.


This has become more noticeable of late, perhaps a stealth nerf I don't know but despite 2.0 ment to offer more survivability for the Carnage tree since 2.2 I am finding fights I used to blitz through with a DPS companion I now need to take Quinn or else I am getting low on health. I know I haven't changed except to get more 72's and set bonuses, the Mobs haven't changed and yet myself and other marauder players have noticed a lot less survivability. Now I accept glass tank, I make good use of defensive cool downs but there comes a point that just through unavoidable aoe damage is putting the healers through their paces and leaving marauder players wondering what happen in those 2 seconds to have them on half health or lower.

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This is very true. I can usually tell how good the player I'm trying to burn is based on how long into gore-ravage I can get before they do something to try and stop me.


I mean, its true. In regs sometimes I'll Leap+Ravage someone just to see if they'll stop me, so I can base their skill level off how they react. However, this is why bad or mediocre Carnage players think Carnage is bad. You don't blow Ravage in your Gore window unless you know their CCs are down. Things like that are probably the reason why Thecourier believes Carnage is bad, from what he said about running RWZs on PoT5 against good teams, etc. Because yeah, absolutely if you're Gore+Ravaging and your opponents aren't brain dead you're going to have a bad day. I wanna clarify that I'm not calling anyone out or intentionally insulting people by saying this, but anyone who has played Carnage and thinks Carnage is bad is simply a bad Carnage player. Doesn't mean you're bad at the class. Doesn't mean you can't improve at the spec. But there are really good players on really good teams on really good PvP servers who play Carnage/Combat in ranked and succeed (Smurf'n'turfin and Tarawar on Bastion and Cheesecakes on TOFN are 3 examples I know specifically. There's a mara who plays for Casual on PoT5 who runs Carnage pretty frequently too but I'm drawing a blank on the name.) If you're complaining that your Gore+Ravage combo is too easy to shut down or that Carnage has Rage problems, you're doing it wrong. And those are the two main reasons I've seen in the forums why people complain about the spec.


Attacking round in Voidstar is really the only map where you shouldn't run Carnage over Rage. Every other map its really down to preference and how you or your team want to play. And yeah, Rage will put up higher numbers. A pretty common gap would be something like the Rage player doing 1.4 mil dmg in a WZ, the Carnage player doing 1.1 mil. But its like that with practically every AoE spec in the game. Compare Lethality to Marksman as a sniper and you'll get an even bigger gap. But it doesn't mean Marksman sucks. Carnage still has the insane advantage in utility over Rage, and it's the only spec a marauder has that is capable of soloing operative healers.


As for Annihilation...yeah. BW really needs to do some QoL changes for that spec. I run it in regs because its my favorite spec and I like to have fun, but ugh. Needs help. Annihilate should cost less Rage. We should have a 'Lingering Toxins' type talent to ensure we aren't screwed when people cleanse our dots. And we should build Juyo stacks faster. Annihilation's defenses suck compared to Carnage or Rage, too. That spec needs our self-healing nerf reverted or some actual defensive talents. I know PoliteAssassin here in the forums runs it and is a very good Anni player. He advocates running the spec with about 22% crit. I've tried it and I get better results with practically full power (I think I have like 18.94% crit or something.) But either way, I'd say its our only spec that isn't rated viable or viable against good reg premades.


PS: To TheCourier - you said Watchmen are only running 1 mara in rateds. Are they using Xinika as their other melee or...what? Just curious.

Edited by Aetrus
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The only spec that needs any adjustment so far is Annihilation, at least pertaining to PvP. Carnage is easily disrupted and disgruntled. Annihilation has an awful ramp up time that just doesn't work well in this game's style of warzones and co-ordinated stun fests. But even aside the ramp up time, classes like: Snipers, Powertechs, Mercenaries, Operatives and Sorcerer Healers all received a giant mobility buff with 2.0 which hurt Annihilation Marauder. And lastly: Rage Spec. Rage is simplistic, effective and fine where it's at.


TL;DR: I believe that Annihilation just needs to scrap the idea of Annihilator stacks altogether and give Annihilate a static CD of 9 seconds. That's roughly the CD of a properly set-up Smash in Rage spec as well as a Force Scream in Carnage.


I do well with most dps spec in warzone and top dmg much of the time but with carnage and annihilation my numbers are terrible. A lot of other people get the similiar results and I am wondering why you think carnage does not need a buff? I know it is used in hutball because of its speed boost but other than that I don't think there is any reason to pick carnage/annihilation over rage in warzone.


I think in warzone annihilation and carnage are inferior to ranged dps and rage, why do you disagree?

Edited by MarkXXIV
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I do well with most dps spec in warzone and top dmg much of the time but with carnage and annihilation my numbers are terrible. A lot of other people get the similiar results and I am wondering why you think carnage does not need a buff? I know it is used in hutball because of its speed boost but other than that I don't think there is any reason to pick carnage/annihilation over rage in warzone.


I think in warzone annihilation and carnage are inferior to ranged dps and rage, why do you disagree?


Here is one of the issues that make balance tough. Watch RWZs they have Maras that do very well as Carnage. As such if they balance Carnage for the mid level of skill in regs it's now OP for the best players. When think of balance this plays a part in it.


The real indicator is what classes are taken for RWZs and how do they preform there. This is how balance choices should be made.

Edited by Avicii
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Here is one of the issues that make balance tough. Watch RWZs they have Maras that do very well as Carnage. As such if they balance Carnage for the mid level of skill in regs it's now OP for the best players. When think of balance this plays a part in it.


The real indicator is what classes are taken for RWZs and how do they preform there. This is how balance choices should be made.


Good to know carnage is doing fine in rwz. If that's the case then I will just practice with it.

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Player issues in Powertech forums:

>No viable DPS specs

>Not a viable tank

>No burst

>No survivability

>melee but no gap closers

>so few people even play the class anymore that there were no class reps for PT/VG


Player issues in Marauder forums:

>2 viable PVE specs

>2 viable PVP specs

>good survivability cooldowns



...and yet BioWare is focusing their attention on Marauders, Juggs, Mercs and Snipers.


feels really bad man

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...and yet BioWare is focusing their attention on Marauders, Juggs, Mercs and Snipers.


feels really bad man

As a former PT main who only got a max level mara after 2.0, I approve this message. lol

Edited by Aetrus
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Player issues in Powertech forums:

>No viable DPS specs

>Not a viable tank

>No burst

>No survivability

>melee but no gap closers

>so few people even play the class anymore that there were no class reps for PT/VG


feels really bad man


Given what I've seen from my PT tank in NiM S&V/TFB


-False, I don't even...


-False, It's fine and no serious noticeable issues.

-False, even if people were given 6 charges, 3 Movement breaks, and 5 pulls they would still have no 'closers'.

-Could be but, likely false, since I doubt you see many people running numbers and counting heads for every PT at every hour on every server this is pure speculation.


PT/Vanguards are great tanks people just be bad. Don't tailor your answers to them. :rolleyes:

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Player issues in Powertech forums:

>No viable DPS specs

>Not a viable tank

>No burst

>No survivability

>melee but no gap closers

>so few people even play the class anymore that there were no class reps for PT/VG


Player issues in Marauder forums:

>2 viable PVE specs

>2 viable PVP specs

>good survivability cooldowns



...and yet BioWare is focusing their attention on Marauders, Juggs, Mercs and Snipers.


feels really bad man


Just because pt got gutted doesn't mean marauder shouldn't be worked on. This is a marauder forum, if you have complaints place them in the pt forum, marauder trees need a lot of work for each one to be balanced for both pve/pvp.


I was going to play pt before 2.0 destroyed the class and most pt quit but that does not mean marauder shouldn't get the attention it deserves. If carnage/annihilation do not become more effective in pvp and rage gets nerfed, marauder might become the next powertech in 2.4.(Im already prepared for the scenario, got all the classes :p)

Edited by MarkXXIV
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  • 2 weeks later...
The biggest issue from Raids is the very low survivability of the Marauder pretty much every spec.


Nearly all bosses and more and more mobs are dropping AOE damage often at their feet (or centred on the mob) or raid wide damage or general untauntable very high damage attacks or my personal bugbear dot after dot. I'm not expecting to toe to toe against bosses or tank in a fight. But the design of a lot of the fights makes melee DPS much more difficult.


This has become more noticeable of late, perhaps a stealth nerf I don't know but despite 2.0 ment to offer more survivability for the Carnage tree since 2.2 I am finding fights I used to blitz through with a DPS companion I now need to take Quinn or else I am getting low on health. I know I haven't changed except to get more 72's and set bonuses, the Mobs haven't changed and yet myself and other marauder players have noticed a lot less survivability. Now I accept glass tank, I make good use of defensive cool downs but there comes a point that just through unavoidable aoe damage is putting the healers through their paces and leaving marauder players wondering what happen in those 2 seconds to have them on half health or lower.


Melee survivability is not a Marauder issue. That is a class balance and content design issue. Warriors are actually one of the stronger melee classes in terms of survivability because they have so many defensive cooldowns.

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