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High Res is actually Low Res?


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I have the sneaky suspicion that when I use "high resolution textures" I'm actually getting low res textures.


Can anyone confirm?


Here's an example:




Check catalyst control center if you have some settings set to performance under 3d game or whatever the category is, I accidently set my settings to that before and most textures in the game went totally bland, set them back to quality and the game looked beautiful again.

EDIT: I think it was the mipmapping setting in particular that was the culprit

Edited by WereMops
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Well interestingly enough for the curio in me. I just put everything to low......And i saw no difference..... I don't understand LOL




Could you try medium and see if it changes?


I'm almost certain "High" and "Low" are the same, and it's a bug that Bioware needs to fix.


So many small things are broken. Sloppy release.

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I was reading on reddit that the "High" settings option doesn't change the texture settings, you actually need to select "Medium" first and apply that then you can change to high or leave at medium since all the sliders don't seem to change when you go from medium to high.
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Check catalyst control center if you have some settings set to performance under 3d game or whatever the category is, accidently set my settings to that before and most textures in the game went totally bland, set them back to quality and the game looked beautiful again.


Will do.

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Well interestingly enough for the curio in me. I just put everything to low......And i saw no difference..... I don't understand LOL




I've noticed the same thing. I think there are some significant bugs with the graphics control.

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There are some other threads about this. It looks as though Medium textures are applied even on High settings. I know it's happening in my case. There was one user who took several screenshots and compared them on different settings. What's interesting is that cut-scenes actually use high res textures, and the character select screen will also use high-res textures.


I personally believe that this is some really weird bug or an intentional workaround by Bioware to improve performance by reducing textures until they can optimize the game for better performance (since a lot of players have complained of framerate issues).

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There are some other threads about this. It looks as though Medium textures are applied even on High settings. I know it's happening in my case. There was one user who took several screenshots and compared them on different settings. What's interesting is that cut-scenes actually use high res textures, and the character select screen will also use high-res textures.


I personally believe that this is some really weird bug or an intentional workaround by Bioware to improve performance by reducing textures until they can optimize the game for better performance (since a lot of players have complained of framerate issues).


Isn't that why you should turn down settings? kind of pointless to have a game where medium is the only playable setting just so everyone can use it without some flame tard crying because he doesn't have little Johnys awesome PC and its not fair!

Edited by HomeSlixe
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What were the beta testers doing for the last god knows how long? Beta testing means just that "testing" and the textures still look junk, 2 million testers and they still aint sorted it out, after my 30 days are up I aint paying a penny until I get high res textures! No one can use the sad old "it's an MMO" excuse, this is 2011, Funcim can manage great graphics with age of conan and that only uses 2 cores and one gfx card, so sort your s++t out EA!
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There are some other threads about this. It looks as though Medium textures are applied even on High settings. I know it's happening in my case. There was one user who took several screenshots and compared them on different settings. What's interesting is that cut-scenes actually use high res textures, and the character select screen will also use high-res textures.


I personally believe that this is some really weird bug or an intentional workaround by Bioware to improve performance by reducing textures until they can optimize the game for better performance (since a lot of players have complained of framerate issues).


Yeah on high my characters armor looks awesome in conversations. As soon as they end they go back to being all messy and blurry.

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What were the beta testers doing for the last god knows how long? Beta testing means just that "testing" and the textures still look junk, 2 million testers and they still aint sorted it out, after my 30 days are up I aint paying a penny until I get high res textures! No one can use the sad old "it's an MMO" excuse, this is 2011, Funcim can manage great graphics with age of conan and that only uses 2 cores and one gfx card, so sort your s++t out EA!


This has absolutely nothing to do with the testers. Poor graphics were a constant complaint in beta, and the lack of changes or "fixes" (still no AA? really?) is 100% on Bioware's heads.

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Hmm, what video card are you using. That's even worse than most people's.


Example, this is my character (it doesn't look like this except in cut scenes where hi-res should be working, like your example)



Wow, this looks amazing, what graphics card are you using?

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High seems to be medium quality, and low is low.


Simply because when I change from medium to high, and the other way around, absolutely nothing happens. When I change from high to low and back, I get a black screen for a few seconds and then there is a noticeable difference.

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They removed the Dx11 settings before launch. I remember seeing that setting in beta greyed out.



I play with dual GTX 560 ti's on max settings while running other stuff in background and get 80+ fps at all times. The game just looks like garbage really, the settings are good enough to be able to even say the engine is causing fps issues.



FPS issues are because you have no setting to turn down spell detail, people with lower systems need that setting to turn down so they have less spell effects being generated because of other players. Things like lighting and fire and rocks all being thrown around causes massive lag, not graphics detail.



I hate to say it, but Bioware needs to spend a good amount of time just messing around with WOW's graphic settings and seeing how that effects their game, because honestly they have a lot of settings to turn off and turn down and they figured out what settings cause people to lag out. Bioware have not.

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Well interestingly enough for the curio in me. I just put everything to low......And i saw no difference..... I don't understand LOL




Texture Anisotropy also affects graphics significantly. I was wondering why everything is so ugly, until I turned it to High.

Texture quality is still poor, but lets hope BW improves it over time.

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