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How would YOU thank Subscribers?


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Dude, that's a running joke I got going with Andyah. It was said in jest.


Why so serious?


Get over yourself.



Next time you want to include someone in your running joke that involves someone else, you might want to clue them in. I take people at face value and seldom assume someone I don't know insulting me is just joking with me. Get to know me, joke with me, but don't just lead with the joke.

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I wouldn't have done anything to thank subcribers myself. the people whining for special stuff aren't gonna be happy and the vast bulk of subscribers are eaither happy or are going to unsub (anything I do will be temporary at best after all) so I'd not have wasted my time and money on it.


I'd certinly not have bothered to hand what amounts to a 5 dollar gift certificate to every subscriber

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I do like the 500 CC we get monthly. I also love the double XP weekends, some don't like it, I really don't understand why but to satisfy everyone make it a legacy purchase for everyone that wants it. have it activate on weekends only for those that want it or for a higher price make it perminatly activate all week long account wide. make it cartel coin only and BW still makes out.
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Next time you want to include someone in your running joke that involves someone else, you might want to clue them in. I take people at face value and seldom assume someone I don't know insulting me is just joking with me. Get to know me, joke with me, but don't just lead with the joke.


Dude, I've posted in many of the same threads as you for a long time. I would have thought you would have read a post or few of mine by now and know my style. Sorry you took it wrong.


We kool?



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-------> your monthly cartel coin grant covers this.


Separately, I'm fine with the non-recurring thank you's received to date from Bioware for subscribers. I've received a founders title, a couple different pets, a free month of sub, 2800 free cartel coins the day F2P went live, and now 500 more CCs. All just for playing a game I enjoy and would play anyway.


I'm grateful for the things they have given me since launch. They did not have to do any of it, and while I don't use the title or the pets.. the rest is appreciated as it is useful to me within the framework of playing the game.




Pretty much this!!!


I feel more appreciated here after 2 years of play than I did with WOW after 5 and a half.. I am happy with the perks I get for being a subscriber.. :)

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I don't mind the cash shop. I do mind everything being random and costing extreme amounts of CC.


I get it. They want the sub to buy more CC a long with the sub, but somethings should just be a given.


Appearance designer? Species change costing CC. Makes sense to me. Changing hair? No.


RNG Dye Packs? Yeah. Thanks for taking the sub fee, but forcing me to pay obscene amounts of money to get one color combination I might want. :p Want to make me pay more and still show appreciation? Save RNG Packs for F2Pers, and give me the sub the chance to just purchase whatever dye combo I want.

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Something along these lines would work. Of course this is just a template :)


3 Month Rewards

Self powered harvester kit*

Holonet Terminal

Translator Terminal

Control Array

Holonet Tracking Console

Protocol Droid Miniature Replica

R2 Droid Miniature Replica

6 Month Rewards

A Crate of Free Resources*

YT1300 Passenger Lounge

YT1300 Modular Seating

TIE Fighter Miniature Replica

X-wing Miniature Replica

Any 3 month reward

9 Month Rewards

Figurine Display Stand


Any 3 - 6 month reward

12 Month Rewards

Database Input Terminal

System Readout Terminal

Main Systems Databank

Holonet Databank

Jabba the Hutt Miniature Replica

Stormtrooper Miniature Replica

Any 3 - 9 month reward.

15 Month Rewards

Imperial Guard Hologram

Cu-pa Miniature Replica

Any 3-12 month reward

18 Month Rewards

Imperial House Rug

Rebel House Rug

Any 3 - 15 month reward

21 Month Rewards

Jedi Starfighter Hologram

Sand Crawler Hologram

Any 3 - 18 month reward

24 Month Rewards

Death Star Hologram

A Fireplace

Any 3 - 21 month reward

27 Month Rewards

Princess Leia Hologram

Dewback Miniature Replica

Any 3 - 24 month reward.

30 Month Rewards

Yoda Hologram

Emperor's Chair

Any 3 - 27 month reward

33 Month Rewards

Jawa Hologram

Rancor Miniature Replica

Any 3 - 30 month reward

36 Month Rewards

Boba Fett Figurine

AT-AT Miniature Replica

Any 3 - 33 month reward

39 Month Rewards

Extra Inventory Deed*

Respec Voucher*

Any 3 - 36 month reward

42 Month Rewards

Luke Skywalker Hologram

Darth Vader Hologram

Any 3 - 39 month reward

45 Month Rewards

Miniature Salacious Crumb Replica

Miniature Tusken Raider Replica

Any 3 - 42 month reward

48 Month Rewards

Mynock Familiar*

Gackle Bat Familiar*

Mouse Droid Familiar*

Any 3 - 45 month reward

51 Month Rewards

Geonosian in Carbonite

Gungan in Carbonite

Ugnaught in Carbonite

Any 3 - 48 month reward

54 Month Rewards

Storyteller Token for Elite Creature

City Banner Kit

Podracer Statue

Any 3 - 51 month reward

57 Month Rewards

Storyteller Token for Elite Creature

Homing Beacon

Any 3 - 54 month reward

60 Month Rewards

Hover Chair*

Any 3 - 57 month reward

63 Month Rewards

Remembrance Day Yoda Fountain

Empire Day Emperor's Statue

Any 3 - 60 month reward

66 Month Rewards

Life - Jedi Temple Miniature*

Death - Destroyed Jedi Temple Miniature*

Any 3 - 63 month reward

69 Month Rewards

Gamorrean Greeter*

Any 3 - 66 month reward

72 Month Rewards

Darth Maul Statue

Mace Windu Statue

Any 3 - 69 month reward

75 Month Rewards

Exotic Plant

Any 3 - 72 month reward

78 Month Rewards

Flight of the Veteran

Any 3 - 75 month reward

81 Month Rewards

Neural Recon Network Terminal

Any 3 - 78 month reward

84 Month Rewards

A choice between 2 consoles

Star Destroyer Console Row

Star Destroyer System Console


The problem with this is it is FULL of lore breaking stuff... does no one care anymore that this game is set 3300 years BEFORE Star Wars (1977)?:rak_02:


Took the trouble to highlight a few in orange. dont know if i missed any

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The problem with this is it is FULL of lore breaking stuff... does no one care anymore that this game is set 3300 years BEFORE Star Wars (1977)?:rak_02:


Took the trouble to highlight a few in orange. dont know if i missed any


Isn't the idea of holotrainers lore breaking? Hell, just the idea of saying "Oh hey, I gained a level! Train me this new skill!" seems kinda lore breaking. At least compared to how Luke trained with Yoda versus how we train with trainers.


Also, know what else is lore breaking? Everyone running around in a slave bikini on a Republican Fleet.

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higher monthly cartel grant. permanent cartel market discount (20% sounds reasonable, I think, both on cartel items and legacy unlocks bought with coins). random uncommon item from one of the packs as once a month gift. for starters.


and before you say anything, I just took Secret World's subscription terms almost verbatim... a game that incidentally has a much less restrictive f2p model. and no, I'm not comparing games, they are very VERY different games. i'm merely comparing subscription models, based on the fact that both games started out as subscription only and ended up converting to "subscription optional" model.

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Isn't the idea of holotrainers lore breaking? Hell, just the idea of saying "Oh hey, I gained a level! Train me this new skill!" seems kinda lore breaking. At least compared to how Luke trained with Yoda versus how we train with trainers.


Also, know what else is lore breaking? Everyone running around in a slave bikini on a Republican Fleet.


Holotrainers kind of work like Do-It-Yourself videos and those Billy Blanks Tai-bo DVDs.


And if running around in skimpy under is bad lore, how do you think the future RPGs will look at us in 3,000 years?


"I equip my Booty Shorts of Twerking with a +75 bonus to [bLEEP] popping."


"I hate playing Earth 2013. All these skimpy outfits are just so lore breaking."

Edited by Darth_Moonshadow
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The problem with this is it is FULL of lore breaking stuff... does no one care anymore that this game is set 3300 years BEFORE Star Wars (1977)?:rak_02:


Took the trouble to highlight a few in orange. dont know if i missed any


Hmm, I think you forgot to read the first line of that post. I'll post it again for you. ;)


Something along these lines would work. Of course this is just a template.
Edited by Mowermanx
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The problem with this is it is FULL of lore breaking stuff... does no one care anymore that this game is set 3300 years BEFORE Star Wars (1977)?:rak_02:


Took the trouble to highlight a few in orange. dont know if i missed any


That list was the official SWG list for veteran rewards. I don't think the person that posted the list intended for those exact items to be offered here....rather it was posted only to serve as an example of how it can be done by showing how it was done in SWG.

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You could only choose 1 of those things every three months you don't get them all. How is that running the business dry?


It adds diversity to the subs rewards that is all. It was a proven system that worked! :)


This is how it is done right!


SWG failed as a game.. I don't think that is how you do anything right.. Bioware is trying to make money.. Not lose it.. Copying a failed game is not wise..


WOW has millions of players.. Millions more than SWG ever had.. In fact 10's of millions more than SWG ever had.. WOW didn't have that.. Maybe you are just wrong..


It is nice to know that SWG was liked by some people.. But don't kid yourself.. It wasn't a very good game and it wasn't very popular with anyone.. Not even a vast majority of Star Wars fans..




At it's best, it had a measly 300k subs.. For the last 5 years it was online, it had less than 150k..


So please.. Don't ask Bioware to copy something that clearly didn't work.. Thanks.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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drawing inspiration from Star Trek Online's Subscription Perks I could see the following laid out as possible perks based on the number of days that a person remains subscribed:


100 Days of Subscription Time

  • Unique Title, preferably a Legacy Title as it would apply to all characters on your account
  • Free Adaptable Armor (this would be unique to the Subscription Perk System, probably gloves or a hat or something at this juncture)
  • permanent 1% Experience Boost to all characters on your legacy. This would stack with all other Experience boosts (such as Double XP, Experience Boost Items, Guild Experience Boosts and Future Boosts from the Perks Program.


200 Days of Subscription Time

  • Unique Title
  • Some sort of unique accessory for your ship, either something for the interrior design of the ship, or a weapon or something only available to subscribers.
  • Another minor free adaptable armor piece
  • An additional permanent 2% Experience Boost, this adds itself to the one for the previous perk and is stackable with everything mentioned previously.


300 Days Subscription Time

  • Unique Title
  • Free Character Slot
  • Custom Subscriber Only Emote
  • An additional 3% Experience Boost, Stackable with everything mentioned.


400 Days Subscription

  • Unique Title
  • If implemented by the time this is, perhaps a free use of the ability to change advanced classes, usable only once.
  • Free Access to a Subscriber only Recreational Area.
  • Vanity Pet - Subscribers Only
  • An Additional 4% Experience Boost, Stackable with everything mentioned. Total Subscriber Legacy Boost to Experience = 10%.


500 Day Subscription

Most everything beyond this point was Star Trek Specific, but I think there is stuff that can be added to Star Wars the Old Republic past the 500 day point if people thought about it.


That said, most of the other lists I looked at were a bit difficult to implement on the massive level that I think they would need to be implemented to be of much if any realistic use. At least the way this is set up a character can be offered a few nice things without breaking the game too much.


That said, I would like to point out, the way that Subscriptions are currently tracked in this game does not directly lend itself to a system where we are tracked based on how long we have been subscribed, rather we are tracked based upon how long we have left in our current subscription. So for those of us who currently have been subscribed for a rather long time (some since the beta), I don't know if your subscriptions from that far back would be counted towards a perk system such as this.

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SWG was and is not the only game to have milestone reward systems. It is just one example. STO also has a similar system as far as I know.


It's not about copying a system from a "failed" game, it's about adding a system to a game that would encourage subscription.


I will go out on a limb here and state that, though opinion, I would bet dollars for donuts the Veteran reward system had NOTHING to do with SWGs demise.

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I would give them the emote "the Fonz" which could only be used by subscribers (becomes unusable if you become preferred).


If the Fonz emote is no good how about the emote "Eat chocolate bar" or the emote "Eat a cookie", or possible the emote "make fun of Darth Baras"

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Simple answer - veteran rewards - 3 months, 6 months, 1 year & so on... BOA/L titles, mounts, pets, reusable XP/REP buffs, armor sets, weapons and everything that can be put currently on CM (not P2W, not game braking).

I don't care if they sell recolored versions on CM, I am still using my DE STAP (have some more mounts in collection)... it may be even better because would serve on 2 purposes, give us something as thank you and generate revenue in CM as current recolored STAPs.

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I don't get it. I'm not going to piss & moan about the OP or the idea....but seriously. Why is 500 bonus CC not enough? I mean it's not like you are owed anything....the "Thank You" is the 525 monthly sub coins.


It is not about enough, it is about creativity and advertising.

CC as one time reward are pure laziness, nothing new here, subs got some included in price of sub.

Advertising it with secrecy created high expectations.

Combination of both is not really well taken.

Edited by morfius
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I don't get it. I'm not going to piss & moan about the OP or the idea....but seriously. Why is 500 bonus CC not enough? I mean it's not like you are owed anything....the "Thank You" is the 525 monthly sub coins.


What are you talking about? We are owed what we think our 15 bucks buys us. We are the freaking customers!


And when BW doesn't give their players what they think they are owed, they leave. The Thank you is not 525 monthly CC. That was to keep subs in the game. Imagine if you subbed and got 0 CC. Could you imagine? Honestly you are showing a lack of business and economic understanding. And don't be fooled, they gave you nothing. Just added numbers to a digital registry. It's not actually 5 dollars to BW. It's only 5 dollars to us.

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