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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Voting to kick is Crap


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Not in my groups and not in any of the Ops groups I run with.

The Guardian would be vote kicked for Needing without asking first if the Sentinel really Needed those mods.




So would you also kick a Vanguard DPS for rolling on Commando DPS gear? Oh wait they are both heavy so there is really no way to tell the difference. Why should knight be treated any different?

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So would you also kick a Vanguard DPS for rolling on Commando DPS gear? Oh wait they are both heavy so there is really no way to tell the difference. Why should knight be treated any different?


Same for shadow/sage DPS gear.

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Would you be ok with a sentinel rolling need on DPS strength HEAVY armor that would be an upgrade for the DPS guardian?


Yes. If it is DPS gear it is DPS gear. All the other classes use the same DPS gear. There is no reason that you should treat one class different in that respect.

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If there is a Sentinel in the group that can put on that armor and use it immediately, it is rude for the DPS Guardian (who is in the Tank role usually) to roll Need on it without asking considering that he will have to rip out the mods and put them into something else, which usually means he won't be using it right away.



That's a completely different matter. If the jugg/guardian is tanking, then that gear would be "offspec" for them. Main role > offspec in every ocassion. But this is not what people are talking about. Jugg/Guardian dps uses the same stuff as mara/sent.

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I love the vote to kick tool. It means I'm able to get rid of clueless loot whores who ninja other classes gear for their comps or for just being rubbish players.


"Why did you Need that?"


"For my Comp"


Those three words put together is one of the worst combinations of anything ever.

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"Why did you Need that?"


"For my Comp"


Those three words put together is one of the worst combinations of anything ever.


Exactly. So what did your companion contribute to this fight? Why should your companion have a greater need than my companion? Hell I have pulled out my tank companion to tank when ours DCd because I have crazy high presence and I still asked if I could need for my companion who was doing the actual tanking.

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I think it was a bit of a mistake on BW's part for there to be only the one class that uses two armor types, as it creates this problem no other classes deal with, but what's done is done.


I tend to not roll just for mods, because I know people get in a snit about it, but I personally would never vote kick someone for winning a roll for mods they can use. It's still an upgrade for them, and most likely, I wouldn't have been keeping the shell either. I'd have been ripping the mods, same as them.

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People are splitting hairs with discussions of Sent v Jugg DPS mods in skins.

If you have a Bounty Hunter rolling for a lightsaber that your Jugg and Sorc need: not good.

Or a Sorc rolling need for that Athiss Informant's Jacket that the Sniper in the party

expressed a desire for at the start of the FP: not good. These are the types of issues that

get players worked up into a lather. I mention the Bounty Hunter rolling for a lightsaber

as an example because I've seen it happen. He hasn't even a comp that can use it.


There should have been a vote to kick mechanism in GW1. People that needed a mission

but didn't have proper gear or knowledge of the fights could join a group and stay silent while

the other players slogged through the content minus a man. And they would get full credit for

the mission. In SWTOR, players could hang to the rear while you do the fighting, then just holo

or clickie at the correct points. But we have vote to kick. Your healer went AFK before the last boss?

Vote to kick. Find a replacement or start over.

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It's funny, the OP is exactly the sort of crap that I would expect to flood the forums if F2P players were allowed to post. Nonsensical, highly uneducated writing, complaining about something that should not be complained about in the first place, all by a terrible player in the first place.


Give F2P players a break. Not all are asses and plenty of subbers are asses. Sheesh.

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was in a flashpoint and one the roll on a pair of purple pants well the group got pissed because of it and decided to kick me *** do they even have that option for thats retarded im so mad because i sit in thee dang que for almost and hour and a half and then this happens because people are cry babies when they lose a roll about retarded if u ask me. saying i dont need them because im level 55 well by that means i should go in and not roll on anything i guess do flashpoints for everyone so they can get rich and me just help outta the goodness of my heart bull freaking crap


Sounds like to me you need rolled on a 50 BOE that you did not need as a level 55 so you could sell it on the gtn for credits when people in the flash point could use the item. Vote Kick working as intended in this case. Since you were being greedy and grab it for credits. So you got what you deserved.

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was in a flashpoint and one the roll on a pair of purple pants well the group got pissed because of it and decided to kick me *** do they even have that option for thats retarded im so mad because i sit in thee dang que for almost and hour and a half and then this happens because people are cry babies when they lose a roll about retarded if u ask me. saying i dont need them because im level 55 well by that means i should go in and not roll on anything i guess do flashpoints for everyone so they can get rich and me just help outta the goodness of my heart bull freaking crap


I'm starting to think you would get kicked for typing like that in party chat. Your post ^ - Not really helping your case.

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