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Post the cost you paid for rank 1 speeder training.


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wasn't it 25k in a previous beta? perhaps that is where you are seeing this 25k from?


It was 25k in beta. Now it's 40k. so, to train piloting and buy the speeder, you need 48k.


Add in your combat training and add another roughly 4k for a total of 52k. Unless you have the CE, in which case, you can subtract the 8k for a total of 44k.


Which is flippin ridiculous, imo.

Edited by Soobe
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It was 25k in beta. Now it's 40k. so, to train piloting and buy the speeder, you need 48k.


Add in your combat training and add another roughly 4k for a total of 52k. Unless you have the CE, in which case, you can subtract the 8k for a total of 44k.


Which is flippin ridiculous, imo.



I'm lvl 29, and I have over 100k credits, this is after buying my speeder.


Yea, slicing. But it will get better once you can sell crafting mats for a decent amount on the GTN

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its just under 50k at lvl 25 to buy both the training and a speeder.


Its just under 200k at lvl 40.


These numbers are rather easy to attain by the time you get there as l ong as you start saving a few levels early. (as in stop doing crafting)


Or you can just do slicing and have a 200k by the time your lvl 25, and probally close to a million by the time your 50.

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Ya they changed it due to all the people saying they had this much $ (most due to either the earlier over powered splicing/ grinding in one way or another / ?etc...) -> which is wrong and funny :(


But best 3 ways to look at it:

RP reason: Your faction needs the money desperately so they put a heavy tax on it like real life governments have done is pass.

Gameplay wise: To make you feel like you accomplished something and to try and give the feeling you may get or got when you just saved enough money for a brand new car for first time in real life.

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