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BIOWARE: Feedback Regarding Legacy Levels


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To Whom It May Concern:


In the past few weeks, there's been a great deal of discussion regarding Legacy Levels and their importance. Several of your community members have been up in arms regarding recent decisions involving Legacy Requirements and certain Unlocks via the Cartel Market. So, I would like to take this opportunity to invite them into this thread and give some ideas of FUTURE LEGACY ITEMS they would like to see added which would require Legacy Level 40 (or higher) to obtain. Items that no other player can access without being Legacy Level 40+.


Not being anywhere near Legacy 40+ myself, I would love to see them get something physical which could be "displayed" while on runs or at Fleet with other users. My first thought, a TaunTaun Ram Mount. We could use one in the game, and it would give players something to strive for. The TaunTaun vendor could be on Hoth, and ONLY sells you a White, Grey, or light Brown ram if you are Legacy 40+ for 250K creds or 160CC. I think animal mounts are LONG over due and it is only fair that our Legacy Members be recognized and rewarded for all their time spent in the game.


Another item I would love to see for Legacy 40+ would be fully modded gear for their alts. A set of gear, which comes pre-modded for level 50 alts, allowing them some ease of leveling from 50 to 55 as the gear would be tuned for 54(ish) and usable at 50. Or possibly a unique Light Saber / Blaster that can be passed over to alts and remodded. Something tangible that shows appreciation for the Legacy 40+.


If you have any reasonable requests for something you would like to see for Legacy 40+ ONLY, please feel free to add it below. It is my hope that Eric, or another member of his team will view this post with serious scrutiny and reward the members of our community who have made their Legacy 40+ and continue to be credits to the game. So, thank you for your time Bioware and please, make Legacy 40+ unique for those who have strived to meet or beat this level of gaming. I'd say they've earned something for the time they've dedicated.


*Please Note: TL;DR - I am Legacy 5 and I am endorsing players Legacy 40+ to receive some type of unique item showing their status as a high ranking legacy. I am not in this for myself.


2nd TL;DR - There are some good ideas in this thread, and there are also some general "off topic" conversations from the standard derailers. I would encourage people with good ideas to make a thread and have your voice heard.

Edited by Superman_AZ
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Suggestions section.


If you have any reasonable requests for something you would like to see for Legacy 40+ ONLY,


yeah..the Ewok.


And then you will go on to say "but it's already a legacy 40 unlock" and then I will say "Cartel Coiners get to bypass that system" and then we have a big argument as to whether the Ewok should be legacy 40 for everyone or not.

Edited by Ayelinna
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I appreciate the option to move the suggestion, however, the Suggestion threads get viewed about as much as reruns of the new Knight Rider. :D


Now do you see why people post multiple threads? Because their opinions and ideas and suggestions are more likely to be ignored in a 30 page thread. lol

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Im not picky but i cant understand why we havent already had items that were tied to legacy levels. Im sure others would agree that the legacy system has so much potential and there should be rewards for reaching legacy levels, heck id even be fine with them removing credit costs to all the legacy perks.
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yeah..the Ewok.


And then you will go on to say "but it's already a legacy 40 unlock" and then I will say "Cartel Coiners get to bypass that system" and then we have a big argument as to whether the Ewok should be legacy 40 for everyone or not.

Please don't disrail this discussion with that topic. There are plenty of Ewok threads going around to satisfy people's need for discussion. Bioware will not be reversing course with Treek, so it becomes a moot pint. I am looking for unique and inciteful ideas which could be developed and implemented by 2.4. I'm not here for an argument, I am here for a discussion. I'm certain the Legacy players would like to have this taken seriously, and so would I.

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I'm sure there are some great ideas out there for what people might want. Maybe, Legacy LvL 40+ would allow you to unlock one Companion already available from another story. Maybe your Jedi would want Bodar, or your Trooper wants Mako. It would not be a storyline companion, just an extra companion like your ship droid or HK51. I could see cross companion unlocks doing well, especially with Role Players or people who prefer certain companions.
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How bout Legacy only with credits only. It is not hard to get credits in this game, even with all the money sinks.

I just made the thread, the details should be up to you people as the Legacy users. If you think the reward should be creds only, then make the item suggestion and say "CREDS ONLY NO CC". I'm all for it. Like you said, it is not tough to make creds at 55, and it would limit the use of CC on a Legacy Item. It means you would have to work for the Legacy and work for the creds. If that makes it more meaningful then so be it.

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I'm sure there are some great ideas out there for what people might want. Maybe, Legacy LvL 40+ would allow you to unlock one Companion already available from another story. Maybe your Jedi would want Bodar, or your Trooper wants Mako. It would not be a storyline companion, just an extra companion like your ship droid or HK51. I could see cross companion unlocks doing well, especially with Role Players or people who prefer certain companions.


That would just **** up the story line anyway

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That would just **** up the story line anyway

Well, if you seem to know it all... throw something out there. By all means. Unless of course the reason you don't is because others will treat your posts the way you've treated mine in two threads now.


I'm serious. Now is your chance to tell them what you want. Just type it in the box.

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Well, if you seem to know it all... throw something out there. By all means. Unless of course the reason you don't is because others will treat your posts the way you've treated mine in two threads now.


I'm serious. Now is your chance to tell them what you want. Just type it in the box.


I already did on page 1. :rak_01:

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To Whom It May Concern:


*Please Note: TL;DR - I am Legacy 5 and I am endorsing players Legacy 40+ to receive some type of unique item showing their status as a high ranking legacy. I am not in this for myself.


LOL... legacy level 5... and you think you're a big shot in this forum... wait $200? ookkay. What comes out in your mouth is utter lies. SIgh.

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I already did on page 1. :rak_01:

Hating the use of CC and insisting the item be Creds only, is a start. What I am asking is... what type of reward would you want? A speeder? A Pet? A title? Some glowing Aura around your player? Name something physical you would like to see as a Legacy 40+ reward. :)

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I'm just trying to pick a fight and have been doing so for the last two threads with the OP

I would welcome any suggestions you have for a Legacy 40+ reward. There must be some physical reward you would want for players who have spent a great deal of time playing. Please feel free to share it with us.

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Hating the use of CC and insisting the item be Creds only, is a start. What I am asking is... what type of reward would you want? A speeder? A Pet? A title? Some glowing Aura around your player? Name something physical you would like to see as a Legacy 40+ reward. :)


All of it. We already get a title though - 'Living Legend'

A glowing aura would be ******! Wish CE's got something like that, maybe a gold aura? :D But yeah, The Legacy sets need to be switched and rewarded to high legacy players. Make it where when you get to 50 you get a full legacy set that scales with you that you can give to your alt. Mount would also be nice but only if it is unique, tired of damn reskins.

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i don't see why you would post this, unless it's just because you like the attention. didn't eric actually answer one of your questions? maybe your close relationship with the staff has gone to your head.


it's been stated in a few threads here, which you're already active in, that a lot of people would like the ewok to only be available to people with legacy of 40. you've clearly stated that you want to bypass in-game mechanics to buy it.


legacy 40 gets a title. do you want to buy that too?

Edited by curtkram
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i don't see why you would post this, unless it's just because you like the attention. didn't eric actually answer one of your questions? maybe your close relationship with the staff has gone to your head.


it's been stated in a few threads here, which you're already active in, that a lot of people would like the ewok to only be available to people with legacy of 40. you've clearly stated that you want to bypass in-game mechanics to buy it.


legacy 40 gets a title. do you want to buy that too?


Wish I could bypass WoWs mechanics and get Sulfuras that Ive been farming for 7 months, but that wouldn't be fun :D

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All of it. We already get a title though - 'Living Legend'

A glowing aura would be ******! Wish CE's got something like that, maybe a gold aura? :D But yeah, The Legacy sets need to be switched and rewarded to high legacy players. Make it where when you get to 50 you get a full legacy set that scales with you that you can give to your alt. Mount would also be nice but only if it is unique, tired of damn reskins.

I liked the glowing aura thing too. Like glow for 2 mins with a 5 min cooldown. I think it would be really cool. I agree with the mounts, which is why I recommended the Tauntaun instead of another speeder to reskin.

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i don't see why you would post this, unless it's just because you like the attention. didn't eric actually answer one of your questions? maybe your close relationship with the staff has gone to your head.


it's been stated in a few threads here, which you're already active in, that a lot of people would like the ewok to only be available to people with legacy of 40. you've clearly stated that you want to bypass in-game mechanics to buy it.


legacy 40 gets a title. do you want to buy that too?

I made this thread for IDNEWTON. In my other thread, he was grossly overupset by my casual status and insisted that Legacy 40+ demanded acknowledgement. But, since he was more concerned with arguing with me, rather than doing something about it, I made this thread on his behalf.


Hopefully, we will see some great responses and possibly garner the attention of Bioware to implement something tangible and unique for players with a Legacy 40+. I have no interest in gaining this legacy level as an unlock, or otherwise. I am a casual player who agrees that devoted players with this Legacy Level deserve something for all their effort and dedication.

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