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SWTOR Lovers come here!


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Bioware got this right I love this game. I love it so much I called into work yesterday just to play it more....lvl 27 Juggernaught going strong. The thing I love the most is the fighting. I love giving the finishing blow to an enemy, just feels right. I love other things in this game but I'm on mobile and can't type too much.


If you love this game post what you like most about SWTOR. Let's unite and counteract these trolls!!

Edited by Sireene
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I Enjoy the game I am level 50, had early access and i took vecation from work just to be able to play as much as possible before i had to get back to work again.


In the beta i had a bugfree experience(only a few minor ones). But now in release i experience plenty which is anoying sometimes VERY anoying. Aswell as other issues, but im content that bioware will fix every precious little detail over time.

The Class stories are AWSOME, other MMO's without this in the future would be pretty much dull. Looking forward to more content over the years.





Hate doing the samething quadruple times on multiple character AC's because most of the race's i hoped to play weren't in the cut for launch.


Dull is this Aliens not allowed thingy cuz of language in dialog scenes.


*edit some spelling mistakes...

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Really digging it so far. I love that fact that I feel a connection to the story, and can't wait to get the jerk who stole my ship!


There are a some things that need attention, but I am willing to keep playing while those are addressed. Looking forward to the expansions and changes down the road.

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I am impressed with how well Bioware handled the launch. I can't say one negative thing about it. No hitches yet.


I was skeptical about this game at first, but now I can safely say that Bioware wasn't wasting their time. It's amazing the amount of work that has gone into it.


They really need to open the game to addon makers though or whatever. The UI is really bad, and they could just let the community fix that problem.


Awesome game. Will be playing it for a while. KOTOR 3-10 :)

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I really enjoy the game... and after reading some posts on here there's a lot I don't know about the game. Makes me eager to get home and explore.


Yeah, im currently back at work. I reached max on my main 2 days ago, Got sad when Ilum was a ghostworld :p (back then there was only 10-15 players from the empire who had reached the level cap) also seems like there is a lack of Rebulic players on my server, so there is a lot of huttball matches going on :) (to bad most are with groups of 4 people who que together)


The story is pure awsomeness! IT REALY puts the RPG in MMORPG.

Edited by Nalafeyn
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