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Ability failing yet still applying the GCD bug Bumping daily Devs acknowledge plz


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This is approaching game breaker status for me. I PvP primarily, and when it takes 3 global cooldowns to get off an instant cast, it gives my opponent 5 seconds to kill me before I am able to even start my rotation.


I've even had pass the huttball failure to fire, which usually costs us a point. Come on, time to fix this. Or do we have to wait for the "Cartel Market Bug Fix Pack"?

Edited by Vasagi
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did you chek the forums there are atleast 3 posts in bug section and all of them are ignored


Therefore... posting a 4th one on general discussion.. yeah.. that's the ticket. :rolleyes:


By the way.... no gold response =/= ignored. ;) I know special interests insist that is what it means.. but they have zero proof to support accusation. Does anyone seriously think that the devs are NOT aware of the issue and looking into it? Seriously?


Clearly the issue annoys some players more then others. Everything annoys some players more then others.


Clearly it has been an issue that has lingered off and on for a long time in the game. So it must be a nasty little bugger that has multiple interdependencies of manifestation (which is generally why bugs that were addressed earlier reappear sometimes.


Personally, I find it a mild annoyance at worst. Not game breaking by any means. It's not even that common for me personally unless the servers is having an episode (which is admittedly not uncommon these days).

Edited by Andryah
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I PvP primarily, and when it takes 3 global cooldowns to get off an instant cast, it gives my opponent 5 seconds to kill me before I am able to even start my rotation.


So..... how is it that you have multiple GCDs on an insta cast, yet your opponent can burn you down to dust before you can respond? Clearly it's not a universal problem by your very statement. Which of course means it's tougher to isolate and fix. Correct?

Edited by Andryah
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This post is here so that the devs can finaly give us a response atleast stating thats its being looked into, or say that its impossible to fix which is the most likely outcome since the bug has been here forever, i personaly hate this more than any other bug i have ever come across in any game, its like i wanna do ravage with my marauder while gore is up but the game says no ill just show you the animation and do nothing(which is worst case) or are you sure about that you should wait a bit then you can go again Edited by JymmyMorison
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Therefore... posting a 4th one on general discussion.. yeah.. that's the ticket. :rolleyes:


By the way.... no gold response =/= ignored. ;) I know special interests insist that is what it means.. but they have zero proof to support accusation. Does anyone seriously think that the devs are NOT aware of the issue and looking into it? Seriously?


Clearly the issue annoys some players more then others. Everything annoys some players more then others.


Clearly it has been an issue that has lingered off and on for a long time in the game. So it must be a nasty little bugger that has multiple interdependencies of manifestation (which is generally why bugs that were addressed earlier reappear sometimes.


Personally, I find it a mild annoyance at worst. Not game breaking by any means. It's not even that common for me personally unless the servers is having an episode (which is admittedly not uncommon these days).


You don't really play serious PvE nor PvP, you're merely a forum lurker, so the issue obviously doesn't affect you much, but that doesn't give you the right or any power to start telling people that it's a "mild annoyance".


So annoying hearing your usual worthless biodrone responses in lieu of actual Bioware ones concerning these issues. There has literally been a whole documentation of how these ability delays affect the gameplay, so please stop your usual worthless generalized explanations ("problems exist in any MMO!").

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You don't really play serious PvE nor PvP, you're merely a forum lurker, so the issue obviously doesn't affect you much, but that doesn't give you the right or any power to start telling people that it's a "mild annoyance".


So annoying hearing your usual worthless biodrone responses in lieu of actual Bioware ones concerning these issues. There has literally been a whole documentation of how these ability delays affect the gameplay, so please stop your usual worthless generalized explanations ("problems exist in any MMO!").


So?? Because you don't have anything intelligent to add, you are just going to insult and belittle..


Got it.. This conversation is obviously over your head..


Just saying here.. All you are doing is making a fool of yourself.. Nothing Andryah said was incorrect.. :rolleyes:

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did you chek the forums there are atleast 3 posts in bug section and all of them are ignored


So creating a 4th and violating forum rules is obviously the answer when it comes to getting a response??


As Andryah so correctly pointed out.. I am sure they are aware of this complaint.. But what do you expect them to say??


They are not going to confirm anything unless they actually do confirm it.. This thread and our posts don't confirm anything... So again?? What do you want them to say??


Do you really expect them to respond to every bug report they get?? Seriously?? Tell me you aren't that stupid?? So just because they didn't offer a response to this one doesn't mean it was ignored.. It just means they are not going to respond until they actually have something useful say..


If and when they confirm the bug and add it to the known issues thread, I am sure they will say something and let us know.. Until then, hounding them for a response is somewhat juvenile and lame.. Try to look at the issue from their perspective.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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So?? Because you don't have anything intelligent to add, you are just going to insult and belittle..


Got it.. This conversation is obviously over your head..


Just saying here.. All you are doing is making a fool of yourself.. Nothing Andryah said was incorrect.. :rolleyes:


As a matter of fact, she is indeed incorrect. This conversation is not by any means over my head; if it's over anyone's head, it is people like you and Andryah who are mere forum lurkers and Bioware defenders without actually playing the game thoroughly. If you play nightmare ops and pvp a lot, this issue is not a mild inconvenience, it is quite gamebreaking. Both nightmare ops and pvp, especially ranked, require split second reactions and your character executing abilities flawlessly. Ability delays make this a virtual impossibility very frequently, so it's quite common-sensical to regard this issue as one of the glaring and inherent gamebreaking problems of SWTOR since its inception.


So, please, you and Andryah and other biodrones who defend the game as if your well-being is at stake stop making a fool out of yourselves and actually play the game before defending it to the death and dismiss ability delays as a "mild invonvenience".


Oh, and they haven't responded to this issue for over a year. How that is acceptable so Bioware defenders is beyond me. But I guess it's perfectly natural to not be concerned by this or care for people that are plagued with this issue on a regular basis since you don't even play the game that seriously.


But it would be nice or at least relevant not to dictate to others what is or is not "mild inconvenience" or something gamebreaking, especially to people who have provided clear evidence (even videos) and are affected by this on a daily basis.

Edited by Krewel
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So creating a 4th and violating forum rules is obviously the answer when it comes to getting a response??


As Andryah so correctly pointed out.. I am sure they are aware of this complaint.. But what do you expect them to say??


They are not going to confirm anything unless they actually do confirm it.. This thread and our posts don't confirm anything... So again?? What do you want them to say??


Do you really expect them to respond to every bug report they get?? Seriously?? Tell me you aren't that stupid?? So just because they didn't offer a response to this one doesn't mean it was ignored.. It just means they are not going to respond until they actually have something useful say..


If and when they confirm the bug and add it to the known issues thread, I am sure they will say something and let us know.. Until then, hounding them for a response is somewhat juvenile and lame.. Try to look at the issue from their perspective.. :)


lol the issue is here since beta and your talking about confirmation when they want it (and thx for the bump alternative) this is a prioraty since it can make every single skill u use unusable at any moment and its documented with video evidence and they still havent aded it to known issues s ****

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DISCLAIMER: This is just an opinion, since im not a BW Dev, theres no way i can be sure about this.


To me, SWTOR has a serious problem with his network code, i think this is all in the Engine core (hi Hero engine) so its pretty difficult to fix, ability delay, ability fail, and such seems all related to it, another example could be the following:


Theres a gunslinger trick (mainly useful with the Saboteur spec) and the Hightail It ability, where pressing jump right after the roll you can roll in place, dropping all five scatter bombs in your possition, well, from player prespective you roll in place and damage affects there, but if someone is looking at you, in his screen he sees you roll ahead, drop the bombs in a trail and then magically teleport back to starting possition.

I think all this is related to the way the Hero Engine manages network communication with the server, so i guess we will just have to live with it.

Edited by recsa
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Bioware EA employees,

Just admit one of the following.

a) The team(s) working on bug fixes are professionally incompetent, or

b) Your engine hates to be touched because it is a steaming pile of Frankenstein's you know what, or

c) The QA department is full of professionally incompetent individuals or

d) all of the above.


Its pretty obvious to everyone who isn't mentally challenged, at this point in the SWTOR project's life, we've already witnessed everything that would support (b) with our own eyes and ears going way back starting from the very beginning of development. Every interview, every question asked, every word spoken, every experience playing over all this time to present says so. However, I'd say there is a mixture of all of the above, simply because it fits the facts. Every patch brings in a bug fine. But you have some of thee worst most persistent unfix-able bugs I have ever seen on any MMORPG engine. Even when you fix a bug you create two new ones! And then the one you fixed comes back again... Sometimes. Your performance is embarrassing to look at. I can't watch.


For those that don't understand why Frankenstein, because that's the type of engine they are using now.

Edited by xorcist
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Andryah, how can you say it's a minor annoyance? Do you even play this game? You probably have never played this game outside of leveling 4 toons and your highest is 40s. You may have knowledge of the industry but your actual knowledge of issues in this game is lacking. I bet you just reverse troll all major MMO to get your jollys off. Seriously I agree with sometimes but I swear you are doing more harm then good to this game.


So for me can please just stop derailing all ability delay threads and become part of the solution.


If they acknowledge this issue I will never post on these forums again, you have my word.

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Bioware EA employees,

Just admit one of the following.

a) The team(s) working on bug fixes are professionally incompetent, or

b) Your engine hates to be touched because it is a steaming pile of Frankenstein's you know what, or

c) The QA department is full of professionally incompetent individuals or

d) all of the above.



For those that don't understand why Frankenstein, because that's the type of engine they are using now.


a year ago i would have sad just b now i will say d

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Well, why not. I'll add to it, I experience the problem. Some days are worse than others. You know it's bad when people joke on TS that, "man I love that GCD ability! It is the best ability I have!" Because if we didn't say something to laugh it off, we would likely cry.


I can honestly say, I did not EVER experience this issue in WoW. So, as much as I hate that game and refuse to go back to it... at least their combat was smooth and flawless.... so many other things wrong... but that, that they got right.


I get this is a "new" game still (1.5 years in... and we are still calling this a "new" game? whatever.) and I am more than patient to let them work through their issues... but this one has been ignored for far too long (over a year) and would be nice if they would stop ignoring it.

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Some love to pontificate that every MMO has its share of problems, and that this "universal explanation" will simply put our minds to rest and that the problem will somehow wither away because "all MMOs have issues". However, to be specific, not all MMOs have ability delay issues. In fact, I'm quite sure SWTOR is the only triple A MMO that embarrassingly displays this odd glitch since beta.
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Some love to pontificate that every MMO has its share of problems, and that this "universal explanation" will simply put our minds to rest and that the problem will somehow wither away because "all MMOs have issues". However, to be specific, not all MMOs have ability delay issues. In fact, I'm quite sure SWTOR is the only triple A MMO that embarrassingly displays this odd glitch since beta.



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Andryah, how can you say it's a minor annoyance? Do you even play this game? You probably have never played this game outside of leveling 4 toons and your highest is 40s. You may have knowledge of the industry but your actual knowledge of issues in this game is lacking. I bet you just reverse troll all major MMO to get your jollys off. Seriously I agree with sometimes but I swear you are doing more harm then good to this game.


So for me can please just stop derailing all ability delay threads and become part of the solution.


If they acknowledge this issue I will never post on these forums again, you have my word.


BINGO! It's much more than a minor issue. And I agree 100% with the last sentence of your 1st paragraph.

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Andryah, how can you say it's a minor annoyance? Do you even play this game? You probably have never played this game outside of leveling 4 toons and your highest is 40s. You may have knowledge of the industry but your actual knowledge of issues in this game is lacking. I bet you just reverse troll all major MMO to get your jollys off. Seriously I agree with sometimes but I swear you are doing more harm then good to this game.


So for me can please just stop derailing all ability delay threads and become part of the solution.


If they acknowledge this issue I will never post on these forums again, you have my word.


well said.

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Has never happens to me before. untill this last patch came out. Now it happiness I would say 25% of the mobs I engauge. However trying to pop a med pack during the heat of the moment when I need it most has never work untill about the 8th time I click it. And that's been going on for a year now...
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Andryah, how can you say it's a minor annoyance? Do you even play this game? You probably have never played this game outside of leveling 4 toons and your highest is 40s.


Dude.. stop with the ad hominem personal attack speak. If you want to disagree, fine, but please do it without attempts to assassinate character.


Does it happen? Yep. Is it noticeable? Yep. Does it ruin my game play on any of my characters in any encounter? No. Do I cope well with it? Yes. Missing an ability here and there does not ruin a game for me. Therefore FOR ME, the annoyance is minor in the larger context of the game.


You know what's a major annoyance? People like you in the forum who cannot discuss a topic without resorting to childish personal attacks. ;)


Stop trying to censor other peoples opinions with personal attacks. It won't work, and it makes you look petty and small minded.

Edited by Andryah
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Dude.. stop with the ad hominem personal attack speak. If you want to disagree, fine, but please do it without attempts to assassinate character.


Does it happen? Yep. Is it noticeable? Yep. Does it ruin my game play on any of my characters in any encounter? No. Do I cope well with it? Yes. Missing an ability here and there does not ruin a game for me. Therefore FOR ME, the annoyance is minor in the larger context of the game.


You know what's a major annoyance? People like you in the forum who cannot discuss a topic without resorting to childish personal attacks. ;)


Stop trying to censor other peoples opinions with personal attacks. It won't work, and it makes you look petty and small minded.


ROFL, and you arent playng nim or hm ops, plus you shouldnt have to cope with a bug that shouldnt be in a triple A game, its a combat bug that has the potential of making you lose a fight or wipe in ops at any moment this is the most important part of the game and its broken

Edited by JymmyMorison
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