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30 stacks of fury gfx effect = CRAP


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And I'm not exclusively referring to the bug that makes it stack with itself leading your character to look like a freaking sun accompanied by a huge FPS drop that made this class pretty hard to play for people with potato PCs like me :rolleyes:


It's aesthetically crap.


Look, I don't need hundreds of dark red effects on me to let me know I'm a big bad Sith, or to teach me how to play my class. I get it already: I have 30 stacks of fury and Sith = Red and Jedi = Blue! The characters don't need to look like super saiyans or xmas trees to make people aware of that. It's distracting, it's bad for the eyes, and very cliche, so can it be toned down a little? I'd appreciate it.


Here's hoping other people of the non easily impressionable variety share my sentiment and chime in on this.

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It makes your character difficult to control so one minute you're slicing and dicing and the next you're bumping into walls getting stuck in corners and the responsiveness disappears making combat harder than if you had no stacks of fury at all.
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Please don't, christmas tree sentinels+marauders are a perfect indication of when an instant smash can come in pvp. This might seem like a complaint but it's actually a buff for pvp marauders/sentinels! In pve it can indeed be toned down :D
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  • 2 weeks later...
I rolled a Mara the other day just because i hadn't played one. Got him to level16 and couldn't take it anymore. That effect is annoying as hell. Didn't lag me out at all, but as it's already been said, I dont' feel like running around looking like a fireball.
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And I'm not exclusively referring to the bug that makes it stack with itself leading your character to look like a freaking sun accompanied by a huge FPS drop that made this class pretty hard to play for people with potato PCs like me :rolleyes:


It's aesthetically crap.


Look, I don't need hundreds of dark red effects on me to let me know I'm a big bad Sith, or to teach me how to play my class. I get it already: I have 30 stacks of fury and Sith = Red and Jedi = Blue! The characters don't need to look like super saiyans or xmas trees to make people aware of that. It's distracting, it's bad for the eyes, and very cliche, so can it be toned down a little? I'd appreciate it.


Here's hoping other people of the non easily impressionable variety share my sentiment and chime in on this.


I agree with you 100%, also the dark pom-poms on the marauder are ridiculous! They need to tone it down, and just keep some dark lightning on the hands, scrap the dark pom-poms. Set the flame effect to a bit lower like the original poster says.

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This "complaint" is pointless. Bioware isnt going to change it. Just get a better PC or stop playing Marauder. its that simple. I have 0 issue with an "FPS drop" with full Fury.


It's not about a better PC it looks ridiculous. If you pay attention to the original post, he says its not about the bug.

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No problems here.


Besides, I like the great balls of fire. How else would people know when they are at full zen/fury? The buff icon is tiny, you practically squint to see how many stacks you have...


Did you play a sent or mara on release? or before the current effects? the effects before the change were already noticable. But now, i would imaging the effects are noticable...to everybody else...including the people on the other team....at the other side of the warzone. yah...


I posted my pics in another thread earlier today, as well as a few days ago in the suggestions forums. Here are my comparison pics of a Sentinel with over 30 stacks, a Marauder with over 30 stacks and also a comparison shot of the Mara just hitting 30 stacks. At least you guys dont have the Sentinels aura.


Cut and pasted from another thread:







And just for comparison i went and took some of my Marauder.






The above pics of my Marauder is the aura right as she hits 30 stacks. But if i dont spend it and i keep doing attacks that spend rage (which is what normally makes the fury counter rise) the counter still stays at 30, but the effect gets brighter. .





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Perhaps its just me but I feel like the Sentinel one is waaaay more annoying than the Marauder.




As you can see, I am still very clearly still visible through that effect but on my wife's Sent (don't have a screenie handy) she just looks like a blue glob with two plus sticks pointing out. I love the fire (though I don't use it as an indicator, I watch for Berserk to light up and I watch the buff bar).


To the person who mentioned how small it was, are you aware you can resize buff/debuffs now? If not: open interface editor, select your frame, in the editor window select Buff Scale and slide it around til you find a spot that works for you. I had that problem pre-2.0 because I play on my living room TV which I sit decently far from but now I just scale up the buffs and I'm fine.

Edited by kennethdale
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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree absolutely with this thread. I recently came back from a short break around the time the Expansion launched and I definitely have to say upon playing my Mara that this effect absolutely is annoying. I don't lag from it, I don't suffer any performance drop, but it's definitely a bit much on the effects. I never had any problem distinguishing when I had 30 stacks on my Sentinel prior to whenever this actually started (I'm assuming 2.0) and I really don't see the need for it being so obnoxious. A little effect is fine, it's just way overboard at this point and could use toned down a bit.


The best comparison I could give is how Retaliate makes your eyes glow red when it's able to be used and how that's a noticeable but not overboard GFX effect. If they really want to go the route of over-the-top GFX, they might as well make that turn your head into a ball of fire to make sure you notice it so that's on the level of this effect. Ideally, I'd be fine if they just made it the glowing balls on the hands to show the stacks being maxed out even though I don't particularly like that part of the effect either.

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