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This game is way too hard, and it's not just me...


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This game is remarkably hard, and it's not just me.

From playing this game since the first day of early access, I have seen many things about this game. Some I liked, some I did not… But something increasingly becoming a problem is the difficulty of this game. I have a guild and we frequently discuss the difficulty, and we all agree on a couple things…



Some quests are just arbitrarily hard. The sith warrior quest when you're put on the tracking station is a joke… They storm in and all kill you. (4-5 exceptional units). Instantly kill my companion and kill me in 3 hits… and were supposed to be able to solo this? This is a joke… Why would you do this? Makes no sense why in the game you would have someone attack each unit individually and die, and respawn until their all dead… That's not fun at all, that's just annoying… If a quest is going to need a group, why not just say that ahead of time and save us the time of dying 6-7 times trying to kill something that obviously requires 2 people? Not everyone is geared up in full orange armor…


But in general, Bosses are hard, absurdly hard. Whether it’s a non-heroic but still elite boss for a class quest, or a boss in a heroic instance… They're unbelievably hard, and I honestly think it brings the game down if it's far too hard to manage. The last boss in Hammer Station so far is impossible. I haven't met a single person on my server able to complete it (at normal level). The last boss is ridiculous, and hits you for ridiculous amounts… I don't know about you, but it's not my idea of fun clearing an entire instance to fail on the last boss 12-15 times and find that it's simply not possible.



I'm not asking for you to easify the entire game and make fights a cakewalk.. but seriously? It'd be nice to give me a non heroic / non-group quest that's at-least doable....


Hey mate, I don't think it's too hard. I did the last boss in Hammer Station with a Jugernaught (lvl 20) Sorceror (lvl20) and myself as BH Mercenary the sorceror was our healer and the Jug our tank, I was the DPS (damage dealer) so I took out the robot adds as they spawned and saved my big AOE (death from above) for the 3 add spawn that happens in the middle. On top of that the tank needs to stay out of the cone of damage and aoes that the boss dishes out. We killed him with 3 ppl and you are allowed 4 players.


These boss mechanics will kill you if you all just jump in and try to damage him down. Traditionally in MMOs like this one, there are 3 primary roles. The Tank (he gets the bosses attention and takes all of the damage by making sure the boss only attacks him) the tank is the toon that can take more damage than anyone else as well as mitigate that damage with high armor, on Empire side the Juggernaut/Powertech/inquisitor are the tanking classes. If the boss is only dealing damage to the tank then the healer (sorc/merc/operative) only has to worry about keeping his health bar up while the DPS (everyone can dps) focus on damaging the boss till it dies.


That is the very basics and heart of MMO gameplay. If you follow this strategy and stay out of avoidable damage (ie a big target on the floor indicating the boss is doign damage in that area or maybe a cone of blaster fire) I'm sure you will find this game a lot easier, in fact nerfing any of it would probably reduce the fun you have with the game.

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This is my first MMO i'm playing and I don't think it's too hard.


We (my flatmate, me and two guys we didn't know) finished the boss in Hammer Station on the 3rd attempt (I'm playing jedi guardian tank and we were lvl 17-18 at that time).


If you're having problems with Hammer Station, prepare yourself for Mandalorian Raiders. Took us some time to figure it out (and i don't mean the endboss ;) ).

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This game is remarkably hard, and it's not just me.

It's just you...


My wife... a non-gamer, has no issue with any aspect of the game regards difficulty.

You need to look elsewhere for a reason for your lack of performance, and correct it.

Edited by DesleDarksyde
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This game is not hard at all. Sure, some of the fights are challenging (I'm an Operative), but most of the times I've died are because I didn't use all the tools available to me. Well, and a couple of times where I got caught by respawns, but that's a problem with just about every MMO ever made.
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I have to say, I really like the difficult boss encounters. They give good rewards (good gear and a satisfying point in your personal story). I'd actually rather die 3-4 times until I find the right strategy to beat the boss fight than to just stroll in steam roll it by mashing 3 buttons, and moving on mindlessly to the next thing.


I've seen a lot of people in other MMOs claim that they want single player encounters that are very similar in difficulty to some single player games, or to what raiders cope with, with similar caliber rewards. Well, these boss encounters are the closest thing I have see to that idea in an MMO and I have to admit I really like them a lot.


Please Bioware, more challenging solo/duo encounters with nice stories and rewards.


Also, the last boss in Hammer station is hard? Really? I was in a group that beat that the first time we saw it, with my companion tanking it, and we didn't even know what was going on until halfway through the fight (I think I only interrupted his channeled attack once before we killing him).


Honestly, you need to step your game up a little bit if that fight is hard. It's not like the DPS requirements for this content is super strict or anything, you just have to be mildly observant of what the NPCs are doing and occasionally react to some of it.

Edited by Wintermutes
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Did hammer station yesterday with a friend:


Sorc+Marauder both 21. I had my healbot out as companion to do some backup healing.


Takes some intelligent tanking(yeye marauder isn't a tank), you don't want a companion tanking that just doesn't work as he eats too much damage. My friend focused on dps, staying clear of mines and interrupt cone fire (8sec cd interrupt i believe).


With my sorc i focused on the adds using deathfield+overcharge(near boss ofc) combo while kiting, keeping absorb on marauder whenever possible. Only standing still to throw in heals when adds are dispatched.


Sure it wasn't an easy fight compared to the rest of the instance and i was out of force for the last 10% of the fight (kite heal kite) but we managed. Both companions did die because well they're just plain stupid ;)


ps we died 4 times before being successful trying different tactics including tanking with my companion "Khem Val". So no i'm not saying it's easy i'm just trying to point out the importance of tactics...

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I agree with the OP. The silver and gold mobs over lvl 30 are way overpowered and way too frequent.


I am trying to down a battle varactyl on belsavis, there is no way I can heal the damgage, and before the fan bois chime in you have interupts, the mob does not do special attacks.


This is just one example of overpowered POS mobs in this game. Most gold mobs will wipe me out and i am two levels ABOVE them in power.


There are several encounters where there are two silver, even with one CCed it still is a fight to get the other one down and healed up by the time whirlwind breaks.


Another thing, the mobs now heal while under whirlwind...thanks BW.


For those that have nothing constructive to state, please go elsewhere.


The regular mobs and weaks are just fine, it's the silver and golds that are too much to handle as a Sorcerer TWO levels or more above them.


For those that say get a group together... this is supposed to be SOLO content. one should not need a group for SOLO CLASS quests that were ment to be done SOLO.



Not that I could find a group as the zones since alderan have been virtually empty. there have been a grand total of 2 people on belsavis all day that is including me.



Edited by psimoon
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This game is remarkably hard, and it's not just me.

From playing this game since the first day of early access, I have seen many things about this game. Some I liked, some I did not… But something increasingly becoming a problem is the difficulty of this game. I have a guild and we frequently discuss the difficulty, and we all agree on a couple things…



Some quests are just arbitrarily hard. The sith warrior quest when you're put on the tracking station is a joke… They storm in and all kill you. (4-5 exceptional units). Instantly kill my companion and kill me in 3 hits… and were supposed to be able to solo this? This is a joke… Why would you do this? Makes no sense why in the game you would have someone attack each unit individually and die, and respawn until their all dead… That's not fun at all, that's just annoying… If a quest is going to need a group, why not just say that ahead of time and save us the time of dying 6-7 times trying to kill something that obviously requires 2 people? Not everyone is geared up in full orange armor…


But in general, Bosses are hard, absurdly hard. Whether it’s a non-heroic but still elite boss for a class quest, or a boss in a heroic instance… They're unbelievably hard, and I honestly think it brings the game down if it's far too hard to manage. The last boss in Hammer Station so far is impossible. I haven't met a single person on my server able to complete it (at normal level). The last boss is ridiculous, and hits you for ridiculous amounts… I don't know about you, but it's not my idea of fun clearing an entire instance to fail on the last boss 12-15 times and find that it's simply not possible.



I'm not asking for you to easify the entire game and make fights a cakewalk.. but seriously? It'd be nice to give me a non heroic / non-group quest that's at-least doable....


I killed the last boss with a group of level 16-. You just have to kill the adds and get out of the aoe.


Also orange gear doesnt mean good. And i have yet to see any solo quest that i could not solo.

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Arbitrary difficulty spikes in bosses can be nightmarish since you have a limited toolset to deal with your problems ("I use the attacks I always use and now they don't work.") I stopped playing my Jedi Knight after dying 20 times to one "impossible" boss--who I have to defeat to progress my character. It's not possible to team up for this one (I don't think?) Still, there's a certain strategy of interrupting casting attacks that's apparently applicable to major bosses that the game wants me to learn (supposedly), which is kind of like beating a Zelda boss. I didn't learn it after 20 tries, though.


Despite this, with my new Sith Inquisitor my overwhelming impression is "maybe this game is too easy."


Flashpoint bosses (with absurd amounts of health)--you might need a healer here. When I ran hammer station with my Sith Inquisitor, the boss was like a joke because I was throwing heals on everyone constantly. It was borderline "wait, this is too easy."


You need healers on heroics and flashpoints, and that's just the way it is. That Hammer station guy is impossible on the recommended level without healers.

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I think your problem is the class your playing. Ths Sith warriors or jedi knight class are way under power compared to the other classes. Just today I tried a sith warrior and it's very hard class to play. I don't mean hard in the sense that it's hard to play, but that leveling a sith warrior is a lot more of pain in comparison to other classes.


First, the sith warrior for some reason takes so much more damage and does very little damage. I'm really starting to reconsider playing a sith warrior at all. It's not my main, but an alt. My main is an imperial agent.


The problem I see with sith warrior and jedi knights is the class can potentially become op if buff too much. For example, almost each time after a battle you need to to use your self heal and if bw adds a self heal mechanism the class can potentially become op in pvp. As it stand I need to heal after each battle where as my bh, agent, or caster jedi only needs to heal every other fight or more.


The way I see fixing this problem is to add a self heal to the sith warrior and jedi knight after a killing blow like the warrior class in wow. That way the class does not become op in pvp, but allows smooth game play for sith warriors and jedi knights in pve while leveling. The other problem might just be that sith warrios and jedi knights don't scale as well like other classes. I'm jagg sith warrior and according to what I seen a slightly damage increase of maurander isn't going to make a significant difference. At any rate, the sith warrior and jedi knight dps trees need to be put on par with damage and mitigation of the other three classes and their respective dps trees.

Edited by Knockerz
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As far as I've experienced (level 40), this game is very easy.


The most difficult thin I did was solo an heroic 4+ quest on my own. I was being stubborn and couldn't find a group. I died a lot, made use of multiple medpacs (I'm an operative medic too) and made liberal use of my cloaking screen when things weren't going well. Probably took 2 hours. =D

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I saw a guy dying over and over to a quest boss (soloable), he just couldn't figure out that he was standing in AOE and needed to interrupt. I came along and kill it easily and I was a level lower, he still couldn't figure it out from watching me.


Some people are just to clueless to work out the simplest strategy, they need to go back to wow instead of trying to drag the entire game down with them by claiming that the game is to hard :/

Edited by NasherUK
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I didn't read threw all the pages on this but I think you need to realize this is a game and if its not challenging to us then the people who have nothing but skills for gaming are going to blow this out of the water and the game will be terribly boring as for hammer station you just need to practice more lol
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I'm starting to think the game is occasionally imbalanced for Sith Warriors and Jedi Knights, especially on certain boss encounters.


As I said I died 20 times to one boss (while being 2 LEVELS HIGHER than the recommended level), and I attempted to use the correct tactics nearly every time (i.e., interrupting his casting.) Even interrupts themselves are much easier for a ranged class, since the Jedi Knight has to be in melee range, and this boss is a sith constantly force-pushing me across the room.


I've not died 20 times to a boss in any recent RPG. I'm already overlevelled for the content (2 levels is a lot at that stage of the game.)


"Too easy" people should quiet down until they reach a moment like this. I'm sure Bioware didn't intend to make certain boss encounters (that you are supposed to solo) the most difficult thing in recent gaming memory.

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Hahaha, I think what we're seeing here may be the difference between "old hands" who are used to playing MMOs and the newer players who have been attracted by the story element of SWTOR, who probably would have avoided MMOs in the past.


What's relatively easy for one crowd is going to seem a bit challenging to the other. It's going to be hard for BW to please everybody.


Mind you, not that hitting the sweet spot re. difficulty level is a new problem, every MMO faces it to some extent, but I think it's going to be magnified in the case of SWTOR simply because SWTOR will unavoidably attract quite a lot of players who are new to MMORPGs.

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