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What did YOU do to promote RP today?


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Organized an impromptu supply giveaway today. Gave away blue and purple crafted items to new players on Ord Mantell, claiming they were excess from Fort Garnik's stores. Not too complicated and not necessarily too heavy on extended RP but the whole thing was done in character.


I wonder if we could organize an IC swap-meet somewhere?


In any case, those four players that weren't RP people responded and asked why I'd posted it like that instead of LFG. They said they understood but it took them a second and during that second they were confused, they thought it was just some random ramblings, or a conversation in the wrong chat. By them asking about it I was able to have a conversation about why I RP and one of the guys said he was going to roll up a new character to try roleplaying from the start. He said it would feel weird just suddenly starting to roleplay on a character that he hadn't been roleplaying with.


This, I feel, is the most important thing we can do. Thanks!


I make stuff with Cybertech free of charge, if someone asks ICly for it.


A few days ago, a lowbie was looking for help repairing his ship and I crafted him all the level 2 blue ship upgrades I had for the heck of it.


I like crafting RP. :D


You'll need to craft me a writing certificate some time!


Well i started on a Wiki today to try and bring our server's community a bit closer on Lord Calypho


Intending it to be a Wiki where people can share their Biographies, Guild biographies and promote Player run RP events.


unfortunately it hasn't seemed to catch on all that much yet and i'm still having some trouble getting a decent lay-out in that has a starwars feel to it as i have absolutely no knowledge of CSS what so ever :p


feel free to go check it out though, however empty it may still be




I have seen a lot of wikis going around for the various servers. It might be too early to tell which will catch on. The situation would benefit from server forums of course, but we will just need to keep promoting the wikis.

Edited by Darth_Slaine
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Well promoting my wiki is what i've been trying to do as much as possible however it proves quite difficult to do by myself also managing the site even in this infant stage is proving quite litterally a hassle as if no one is willing to post any pages about their characters or guilds then there's nothing for me to moderate


and no users means no comments no comments mean no improvements

i'd love to get a few more people in on this to be an admin preferably people with some understanding of web design to make the wiki look more appealing.


so in this instance to any of you from lord Calypho who are here reading this thread contact me if you want to contribute go to the website register start writing make it something to be valued.

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I always write an RP story about my character in the RP channel and some ppl join me.

Lord Calypho here too.


Well then Steloukos please by all means write up a character background of your character or if you'd like to post some stories on there i'll see to it i can add a Chronicles page


thanks for the idea btw ^^

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Well I love roleplay its just I get None even on pvp rp server I mean i so love bubble and need to be in it to make rp better so we can see because i get mixed up from the chat i have some dream for some rp and want to do them it's just cant as hardly no one roleplays
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Well I love roleplay its just I get None even on pvp rp server I mean i so love bubble and need to be in it to make rp better so we can see because i get mixed up from the chat i have some dream for some rp and want to do them it's just cant as hardly no one roleplays

And for an fack the only reason why [people not roleplaying is because they want to get higher i hear few saying only reason they on an rp server because no kids


We can never control the actions of other people so it is necessary to create roleplay and roleplay opportunities ourselves.

Try roleplaying openly, even if you are alone. Join a roleplay guild or sign up for a roleplay contact list -- you will see a lot of them on this forum.


Don't worry about the rest of the server... make something happen for yourself first.


I don't promote RP.

Thank God! How many more Morgan Fairchild-centric guilds can we have on Ebon Hawk?

Edited by Darth_Slaine
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Well, today and yesterday I've been trying to stir the pot on support for chat bubbles, and dev response (zero luck, devs dont give two ***** about community and rp). My reasoning being, if we had better mechanics in game to RP with, then RP would begin to flourish, and thus that is what I did to promote RP today.
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Well, today and yesterday I've been trying to stir the pot on support for chat bubbles, and dev response (zero luck, devs dont give two ***** about community and rp). My reasoning being, if we had better mechanics in game to RP with, then RP would begin to flourish, and thus that is what I did to promote RP today.


While I agree chat bubbles would be nice, there can be, and have been, successful RP communities without them. But this isn't a debate about whether it would be nice to have more developer support --obviously it would be great.


Instead, let us keep our eyes on what we can do to improve things within the RP community with the tools we have.

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Uuuuum. Got my wiki together, got the guild wiki together and did some promoting.


I think the big one though is pretty simple. I whispered someone OOCLY hanging out in the cantina on the Imperial Fleet to let them know not to be afraid to join our group RP. I was really surprised by how appreciative they were and that it made them feel less timid and it turned into some fun RP. Think I'm going to be doing that more often if I spot someone nearby but looking like they're not sure how to join in.

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Uuuuum. Got my wiki together, got the guild wiki together and did some promoting.


I think the big one though is pretty simple. I whispered someone OOCLY hanging out in the cantina on the Imperial Fleet to let them know not to be afraid to join our group RP. I was really surprised by how appreciative they were and that it made them feel less timid and it turned into some fun RP. Think I'm going to be doing that more often if I spot someone nearby but looking like they're not sure how to join in.


From what I have read here and in /OOC, many people seem reluctant to "barge in" on someone else's RP. Inviting spectators to join in is a great idea to break the ice.

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we need to klnow all th server you are in so then we can just go in them server and roleplay because this pvp-rp server hopeless really is


While I understand your frustration, the idea of this thread is for you to create RP around you. Even if no one else around you RPs, RP cannot be said to be dead unless you give up and stop RPing.


I am on Ebon Hawk -- but you don't want to rely on other people for your RP. If there isn't enough RP on your server -- make more.

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I, at 2 AM this morning, educated a Bounty Hunter who claimed to be the Champion of the Great Hunt, on the specifics of the Great Hunt and the fact that he was probably scammed into thinking so, and encouraged him to check with his "gamemaster" to find out the truth. All In Character of course. :D
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I have been kept from the game for a good few weeks now, and so the best I can do is work tirelessly on our guild website in order to ensure that the necessary infrastructure and tools that help foster a good community are in place for my return. With a little more elbow grease, the Celestium will be well on its way to making strong contributions to the community of Trask Ulgo.


On a side note, would anyone be so kind as to share with me the signature code that changes the colour of a hyperlink from blue to whatever you choose?

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I have been kept from the game for a good few weeks now, and so the best I can do is work tirelessly on our guild website in order to ensure that the necessary infrastructure and tools that help foster a good community are in place for my return. With a little more elbow grease, the Celestium will be well on its way to making strong contributions to the community of Trask Ulgo.


On a side note, would anyone be so kind as to share with me the signature code that changes the colour of a hyperlink from blue to whatever you choose?


if the forums accept HTML code you could perhaps try something like .<font color="silver"> "your signature" </font>


Not sure if it will help though

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I, at 2 AM this morning, educated a Bounty Hunter who claimed to be the Champion of the Great Hunt, on the specifics of the Great Hunt and the fact that he was probably scammed into thinking so, and encouraged him to check with his "gamemaster" to find out the truth. All In Character of course. :D


I'd be careful. Sooner or later you might run into the real Champion of the Great Hunt... and I have a feeling questioning his/her credentials won't go well.


But I try to avoid arguing with heavily armored people toting very large blasters.

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