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WTB Advanced Class respec.


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/facepalm you actually agreed with that statement.


Yes, as incredible as it sounds, people disagree. Some see them as different classes. Yes, they share some abilities, but they they have unique abilities that are AC specific, not unique to a skill tree. BW is forcing you to make a choice, and I don't see that as a bad thing.

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I did hear chatter during beta that the Devs were looking at putting in an AC reset but it wasn't going to be in for launch. So just hold out for a bit and I'm sure your wish will be answered.


I had seen conversations of an AC switch option for low levels, like the first 5 or 10 levels after you get it...but they had said that once you get outside of that range, you're locked to your AC.


I personally think that wouldn't be a bad idea. At least a "Are you sure" window when you pick your AC.


I haven't seen any PuG tanks that were bad enough to upset me. There were great tanks and passable tanks. Perhaps I'm just lucky.

Edited by Thorkir
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WTB Advanced Class respec, having to deal with pug tanks has shaked my will to live. Feels like "WOW" all over again. So yeh give me the ability to pay a large sum of credits to change, heck i'll even part with my 100k to stop these painful experiences.


Inb4 level to 38 again.


They said they want to add an AC respec and that it will be costly and not something they can do on a whim. But it won't be in for a while.

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Even if they add an AC change ability it won't help you much if at all after level 20. They said they may add it in as a buyers remorse option of for people who made a mistake, but not to let you hop over from a healer to a tank at high levels because your guild needs one...
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His statement is 100% correct. AC = Class, not Spec. while people should be able to change spec, it is unrealistic and a balance issue to let people change class whenever they want.


They should have just make it this way from level 1. Too many people misunderstand the concept of the AC and for some reason want a WoW/Rift style of changing classes on the fly. Roll your Marauder at level 1 and by the time you get to the point the OP did and realized he f'ed up, too late, live with, re-roll, find another game. So many choices. I completely understand the crap tank thing though. I can tank and I was good at at. Not tanking in this game or any other anymore. Tired of listening to simpletons cry when they screw up. I've yet to play a game where the tank class was able to fix stupid group mates.

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Yes, as incredible as it sounds, people disagree. Some see them as different classes. Yes, they share some abilities, but they they have unique abilities that are AC specific, not unique to a skill tree. BW is forcing you to make a choice, and I don't see that as a bad thing.

Making choices is a grand illusion, choices mattering stop soon as they removed the choice of slaughtering your companion :eek:


That's unfortunate.

Also OP thank you for including your characters in your sig so I know who to avoid in game.


You play on RP realm mate, i think it'll be me who avoids you more than anything.


They should have just make it this way from level 1. Too many people misunderstand the concept of the AC and for some reason want a WoW/Rift style of changing classes on the fly. Roll your Marauder at level 1 and by the time you get to the point the OP did and realized he f'ed up, too late, live with, re-roll, find another game. So many choices. I completely understand the crap tank thing though. I can tank and I was good at at. Not tanking in this game or any other anymore. Tired of listening to simpletons cry when they screw up. I've yet to play a game where the tank class was able to fix stupid group mates.


I was being overly optimistic when choosing a Marauder over Jugger its not until you hit high level flashpoint you notice the difference between a good, average & awful tanks.


It's only going to get worse :D


They said they want to add an AC respec and that it will be costly and not something they can do on a whim. But it won't be in for a while.


Don't mind splashing out some of my 300k to alleviate the pain for 3 people.


This is the same thing for me when it comes to people being rude to others on the internet because they can.


Welcome to the world of god-like gamers.


This is a new game, GTF over it and roll a new character if you want a tank, I'm leveling my sage a healer and she's staying that way, I'm going to level another character to be a DPS/Tank, just the way it's going to be. I wouldn't AC swap even if they offered it because I think it just waters down the game and makes it less interesting.

Then wipe ur tears as it doesnt effect you either way?

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His statement is 100% correct. AC = Class, not Spec. while people should be able to change spec, it is unrealistic and a balance issue to let people change class whenever they want.


This is what i dont get about people, who said anything about allowing you to change AC whenever you want, it'll be some stupidly insane progressing price that'll stop you from doing such that.

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Even if they add an AC change ability it won't help you much if at all after level 20. They said they may add it in as a buyers remorse option of for people who made a mistake, but not to let you hop over from a healer to a tank at high levels because your guild needs one...


Hopefully that's the case. More of a 1 time deal thing or something you can do before max level once would be cool.

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WTB Advanced Class respec, having to deal with pug tanks has shaked my will to live. Feels like "WOW" all over again. So yeh give me the ability to pay a large sum of credits to change, heck i'll even part with my 100k to stop these painful experiences.


Inb4 level to 38 again.


i support respec advanced. i don't want to play inquisitor story again to be a sorc...

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Yes thats going to help, theres some people who've played since vanilla wow & still awful.


Next defensive statement? Being bad due to it being a new game is an invalid excuse. I'd rather they add in AC respec & allow those people who are decent at tanking tank instead of leveling up 39 levels again.


If you have a problem with other people tanking, roll a tank yourself. Otherwise, be quiet please.

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i dont get it, just because bioware provided you with an ability to play 2 classes for 10 levels and then decide on a class in contrast to the usual "decide on lvl 0", suddenly everyone demands a class respec.


this is annoying, might as well make a single class that can do everything and be as generic as possible.

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i dont get it, just because bioware provided you with an ability to play 2 classes for 10 levels and then decide on a class in contrast to the usual "decide on lvl 0", suddenly everyone demands a class respec.


this is annoying, might as well make a single class that can do everything and be as generic as possible.

Not all of us expect the majority of tanks in EVERY mmo to be, its called being overly optimistic.

Edited by Sireene
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Ive sat there, for an hour in white nova boarding party EXPLAINING how to beat the bridge trio in the most simplistic english ever created to three seperate tanks.


It's nothing about being "new" to the game, its how your brain works.


Yeah .. everyone is stupid but you.


There's a lot of that going around in these forums.

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Yeah .. everyone is stupid but you.


There's a lot of that going around in these forums.

I wouldnt say everyone, i'd minus my guildies & a few other randoms ive met out of that equation but nearly spot on.


If respecs are allowed it should be outrageously expensive or a 1 time thing.




I'd happily pay most of my 300k+ credit to cure this pain ;D

Edited by Kodokai
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I find it amusing that the first page of this thread is actually not about the same thing the OP was suggesting. Just thought I'd share that.


Personally, I like the idea of being able to change your advanced class and I believe it may be something that BW intend to introduce later on (My thought being, why have "Advanced Class Trainers" that essentially do one line of dialogue and then never get mentioned again)


However, that would essentially reduce the class count to four per faction, rather than the eight we currently have.


To me, having four classes, each with two advanced classes seems like a clever way to reduce the amount of time and money required to produce the game, since they only have to make four storylines rather than eight.


You could consider each advanced class a completely separate class, and changing between classes is not a common feature in most MMO's. Probably because it means people don't spend as much time leveling alts and thus less time paying for the game.


It also means there's limitations to peoples ability to play the 'flavour of the month' since they first have to level a completely new character.





I seem to have drifted, sorry about that. Just throwing some ideas out there.

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I dont see no reason why they cant bring in a 1 time only swap in case you "want a change" or you picked the wrong one. But having it like dual spec in wow is just stupid, The people will be wanting epics from the sky and wont have enough time to get gear for all them trees. Not to mention its like changing from mage > warlock which looking at isnt that far away on wow lol. Not only will people not be able to understand 1 class they will be playing a second.


Just a call for epic fail.

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I find it amusing that the first page of this thread is actually not about the same thing the OP was suggesting. Just thought I'd share that.


Personally, I like the idea of being able to change your advanced class and I believe it may be something that BW intend to introduce later on (My thought being, why have "Advanced Class Trainers" that essentially do one line of dialogue and then never get mentioned again)


However, that would essentially reduce the class count to four per faction, rather than the eight we currently have.


To me, having four classes, each with two advanced classes seems like a clever way to reduce the amount of time and money required to produce the game, since they only have to make four storylines rather than eight.


You could consider each advanced class a completely separate class, and changing between classes is not a common feature in most MMO's. Probably because it means people don't spend as much time leveling alts and thus less time paying for the game.


It also means there's limitations to peoples ability to play the 'flavour of the month' since they first have to level a completely new character.





I seem to have drifted, sorry about that. Just throwing some ideas out there.


Finally a player who has some sense, I totally agree with the whole avoidance of the flavour of the month but theres so many ways to counter than being an issue but we dont currently dont have areas which is where most of the "flavour of the month" comes from, apart from that it'll benefit far more people having decent tanks.

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Reroll to 38 again.

No srsly.

AC respecs are not planned at all, after the 2500 post discussion we had about it on the old forums.

It mighht change at some point in the future. But not short term.


You can do my 40 levels if you want :p

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