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WTB Advanced Class respec.


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A healing sorc and a dps sorc use completely different abilities

NO. THEY DO NOT. They have nearly IDENTICAL abilities, with only 1 or 2 differences.


The PRIMARY difference between them is what each is MORE effective at. A DPS sorc can still heal. A healing sorc can still DPS. But each is better at it than the other.


and play completely different roles.


They CAN. But as I said before, both can perform BOTH roles. It's just a question of effectiveness.


Again, you just don't want it, which is fine. But you also have no real argument against it other than "I don't want it."


Actually, just because you refuse to actually ADDRESS my arguments doesn't mean I don't have them.


Tell you what...why don't you go play a healing sorc to 50, then come back and tell me it can't DPS. Once you get force storm, you're pretty much blowing through trash mobs like they're not even there.

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NO. THEY DO NOT. They have nearly IDENTICAL abilities, with only 1 or 2 differences.


The PRIMARY difference between them is what each is MORE effective at. A DPS sorc can still heal. A healing sorc can still DPS. But each is better at it than the other.


They CAN. But as I said before, both can perform BOTH roles. It's just a question of effectiveness.


Actually, just because you refuse to actually ADDRESS my arguments doesn't mean I don't have them.


Tell you what...why don't you go play a healing sorc to 50, then come back and tell me it can't DPS. Once you get force storm, you're pretty much blowing through trash mobs like they're not even there.


You don't have an argument. There is nothing to address.

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Yes thats going to help, theres some people who've played since vanilla wow & still awful.


Next defensive statement? Being bad due to it being a new game is an invalid excuse. I'd rather they add in AC respec & allow those people who are decent at tanking tank instead of leveling up 39 levels again.


Much like WoW this option changed the game, too much... actually making some people null and trying to improve themselves.


It would be a mistake to change a entire spec that way from the quest lines and choices made based on it.


It's almost refreshing to know that the choices you make have an affect and outcome.


NOW< - I should add, it helps with friends list and knowing people that can tank and keep aggro.


Being one in beta for the last year and doing it now... I can tell you they need more then a few weeks to get the hang of it at times and can see how it is not so easy to do for new people.


Honestly, thanks to WoW I was able to pick it up fast but for people that NEVER Tanked before I could see it as a issue.

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You don't have an argument. There is nothing to address.


If I didn't have an argument, you wouldn't need to ignore the bulk of my posts.


However, because you DO need to ignore pretty much everything I'm saying, I obviously DO have an argument...one which you simply can't come up with a reasonable response to.


So go on and keep repeating that. We both know my points are valid ones that you never considered because this is really all about you getting what you want to get.

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If I didn't have an argument, you wouldn't need to ignore the bulk of my posts.


However, because you DO need to ignore pretty much everything I'm saying, I obviously DO have an argument...one which you simply can't come up with a reasonable response to.


So go on and keep repeating that. We both know my points are valid ones that you never considered because this is really all about you getting what you want to get.


You keep arguing that it changes the play style, which you can already do within an advance class. So that isn't an argument at all. You need to come up with some arguments over why you think AC swapping is a bad idea or how it is bad for the game, which you haven't done. At all.


I personally don't want to swap my AC. Like at all. I am quite happy being able to DPS and heal with my class. I just don't see any reason to punish people that might want to swap. It harms nothing.

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You keep arguing that it changes the play style, which you can already do within an advance class. So that isn't an argument at all. You need to come up with some arguments over why you think AC swapping is a bad idea or how it is bad for the game, which you haven't done. At all.


I personally don't want to swap my AC. Like at all. I am quite happy being able to DPS and heal with my class. I just don't see any reason to punish people that might want to swap. It harms nothing.


You do realize that it completely changes playstyles for several classes right? I.E. Marauders cannot tank but Juggernauts can or Gunslingers cannot heal but Sawbones can. You do get that part right...the part where you can take on a class role you had zero ability to do previously...right? Please...

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You keep arguing that it changes the play style, which you can already do within an advance class.

Actually, I keep arguing that the difference between being a better healer or dps'er, but still doing BOTH, is a MUCH LESS FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE that going from healer to tank.


You know why I'm arguing it? Because it's 100% true.


So that isn't an argument at all.


Just because you ignore the point doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Sorry.


You need to come up with some arguments over why you think AC swapping is a bad idea or how it is bad for the game, which you haven't done. At all.


And just because you ignore all the ways I HAVE done it, doesn't mean I haven't. Sorry.


I personally don't want to swap my AC.


I don't care.


Like at all. I am quite happy being able to DPS and heal with my class.


Which, according to you, isn't much different than tanking.


I just don't see any reason to punish people that might want to swap.


So, you're sense of entitlement states that when people don't pick the class they really want to play, they're being punished by Bioware.



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You do realize that it completely changes playstyles for several classes right? I.E. Marauders cannot tank but Juggernauts can or Gunslingers cannot heal but Sawbones can. You do get that part right...the part where you can take on a class role you had zero ability to do previously...right? Please...


No. He either legitimately doesn't understand that, or he does understand it, but doesn't want to admit it, since then it would mean things couldn't work the way he wants them to.

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You do realize that it completely changes playstyles for several classes right? I.E. Marauders cannot tank but Juggernauts can or Gunslingers cannot heal but Sawbones can. You do get that part right...the part where you can take on a class role you had zero ability to do previously...right? Please...


Yes, and being a healer instead of a dps completely changes your playstyle. What is your point? Should they not allow respecs at all?

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No. He either legitimately doesn't understand that, or he does understand it, but doesn't want to admit it, since then it would mean things couldn't work the way he wants them to.


I already told you that I don't care about swapping my AC. So whether they allow it or not has no effect on me. I am just not so selfish that I can't see allowing it for other people.

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Yes, and being a healer instead of a dps completely changes your playstyle. What is your point? Should they not allow respecs at all?


You make it sound like you are unable to read. When you are able to pick your AC you are given every opportunity to look over the trees and read their little spiel about what the class can do. You then make your selection. Now you are here, on the forums, basically telling everyone that your illiterate or "differently abled" as you were unable to tell that the AC you picked was not the one you actually wanted...


That is what's known as a "YOU" problem. Solution: Reroll.

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This is the part where you ignore that a healing sorc ALSO dps's, and a dps sorc ALSO heals.


Yes, every class has dps abilities and occasionally uses them. My BH has heal abilities but they are terrible without going into that spec. If I respecced it would totally change my play style. I guess I shouldn't be allowed to that.

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You make it sound like you are unable to read. When you are able to pick your AC you are given every opportunity to look over the trees and read their little spiel about what the class can do. You then make your selection. Now you are here, on the forums, basically telling everyone that your illiterate or "differently abled" as you were unable to tell that the AC you picked was not the one you actually wanted...


That is what's known as a "YOU" problem. Solution: Reroll.


I don't want to swap my AC. I don't see where it hurts to allow others to do so and no one has made a valid point as to why it shouldn't be allowed.

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Yes, every class has dps abilities and occasionally uses them.

Of course, a healing sorc and a dps sorc have nearly IDENTICAL dps and healing abilities, with the only difference being which is more effective, but that's not relevent at all, is it?


My BH has heal abilities but they are terrible without going into that spec.


Based on your argument, you can't heal. Because you're DPS specced.


If I respecced it would totally change my play style.


It would change the role you fill in groups. Are you saying that while questing you'd never fire a shot or launch a missile barrage? EVER?



Edited by MikeMonger
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Yes, every class has dps abilities and occasionally uses them. My BH has heal abilities but they are terrible without going into that spec. If I respecced it would totally change my play style. I guess I shouldn't be allowed to that.



Because choice = "casual". Casual = wow clone in fan boy eyes. Wow = devil.


Leveling the same base class twice, one as x advanced class the other as y advanced class = hard core. Hard core = not wow. Not wow = awesome.

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I don't want to swap my AC. I don't see where it hurts to allow others to do so and no one has made a valid point as to why it shouldn't be allowed.


I'm sorry, but the "it doesn't affect others, so its OK" BS train has really got to stop. There are many times many things you could theoretically do in game that wouldn't directly affect others, that doesn't make them "good ideas" either.


It shouldn't be allowed because BW says it shouldn't be allowed. Now I've heard they may offer something where you can change it once or very rarely, to appease those unable to read, but you will not be able to willy nilly completely change your toon to better suit the situation. Again, if you want to heal or you want to tank, pick the right class. Failure to do so is 100% YOUR fault.

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LOL @ the idea that the game is new so people have some excuse to be terribad. 90% of the people playing this game are not new to MMO's at all, and the tanking in this game is exactly the same threat based system it is in other games. It also bears many of the same rules such as dont stand in fire, and be sure to interrupt. Turn the mob away so it doesn't breathe fire on the group. Pop cooldowns when you are about to die.


This is all toddler simple stuff for anyone who has played any mmo past level ten.


And yet half the people you see in flashpoints are mouthbreathing doritobeards. Why is that?

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WTB Advanced Class respec, having to deal with pug tanks has shaked my will to live. Feels like "WOW" all over again. So yeh give me the ability to pay a large sum of credits to change, heck i'll even part with my 100k to stop these painful experiences.


Inb4 level to 38 again.

Apparently the problem is not the tank or the other classes, but your very own. He who blames other is often the one at fault.


Learn to play your DPS class, learn how to step away form a bosses aoe attack so the healer can focus on the tank. learn to use your cc skills. learn to focus on adds and when to just ignore them. Learn not to be a gun-ho dps class that die and wonder why know one can play there class the way you want then to play it.

Edited by eyeseller
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Because choice = "casual". Casual = wow clone in fan boy eyes. Wow = devil.


Leveling the same base class twice, one as x advanced class the other as y advanced class = hard core. Hard core = not wow. Not wow = awesome.


Just so you know, not everything is about WoW. Sorry.


Heck, I LIKED WoW. And if you ask me straight out, I'll tell you that as of this moment, WoW is the far superior game. Heck, I might even resub to WoW one of these days.


And if someone came up to me and told me that I could repec from a paladin to a mage in WoW, I'd be saying the exact same things.

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I'm sorry, but the "it doesn't affect others, so its OK" BS train has really got to stop. There are many times many things you could theoretically do in game that wouldn't directly affect others, that doesn't make them "good ideas" either.


It shouldn't be allowed because BW says it shouldn't be allowed. Now I've heard they may offer something where you can change it once or very rarely, to appease those unable to read, but you will not be able to willy nilly completely change your toon to better suit the situation. Again, if you want to heal or you want to tank, pick the right class. Failure to do so is 100% YOUR fault.


I never said I wanted the ability to change it willy nilly. I believe I said, earlier in the thread, that they should be limited. You probably missed that because this thread is full of a lot of useless posts (including a lot of mine). I think it should be very expensive and probably be on a 30 day cooldown or something.


Your choices should matter to an extent. I feel like the advance class system is kind of stupid and there should be some flexibility in it for people that want to change it occasionally.

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Your choices should matter to an extent. I feel like the advance class system is kind of stupid and there should be some flexibility in it for people that want to change it occasionally.


Each base class has two advanced classes which allow the player to take on different primary roles. Each of those advanced classes allows you to choose from two roles and be functional in both, but more effective in one or the other.


That's about as flexible as any class based system you're going to find. Skill based systems are far more flexible, but they're not being adopted by most newer MMO's, for some reason.

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Hurrah, they fixed the forums where I can look back at my previous posts!


Still say this is a bad idea. Don't care if you think i'm a 'fanboy' or w/e. 8 character slots, 8 advanced classes. 1 slot per class. I don't see ANY need to be able to respec ACs.


Still a dumb idea. Not changing my opinion.

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