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Battlestation Sexywagon


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I just wanted to say that you folks rock and it is always a joy for my friends and I when we are in a WZ with one of your groups! You guys/gals get it done. Edited by Kriegan
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I am as well, but its actually been quite good for the pvp on the server. Bads are still bads, but games don't feel so one sided anymore.


lol yeah. but have you had a single game where there wasn't at least ONE absolute derp? I've only been back since Thursday or Friday, but I haven't had a single game where there wasn't at least one 55 failing in the most obvious ways. every single game feels like a pre- 2.0 lowbie match. and matches are still dominated by guild teams. the skill ceiling has just dropped. it is, however, more 'balanced' faction-wise. both sides plagued by incompetence. 4 'average' players pre-transfer are now all-stars. It's beyond rage though. it's actually pretty funny. :D


(of course, it also means I can never leave a node again :( )

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4 'average' players pre-transfer are now all-stars. It's beyond rage though. it's actually pretty funny. :D


(of course, it also means I can never leave a node again :( )


I'm giving it 1-2 months before whoever rises to the top claims they are the best pvp guild this server has ever seen and could beat any former team ez peezy.


To the op, my sniper (Jodey) was actually in bsw for a few months before the guild went on hiatus last summer. I've seen some of them coming back, which is nice. They're good people.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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I'm giving it 1-2 months before whoever rises to the top claims they are the best pvp guild this server has ever seen and could beat any former team ez peezy.


To the op, my sniper (Jodey) was actually in bsw for a few months before the guild went on hiatus last summer. I've seen some of them coming back, which is nice. They're good people.


As funny as that would be, I have to disagree.

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lol yeah. but have you had a single game where there wasn't at least ONE absolute derp? I've only been back since Thursday or Friday, but I haven't had a single game where there wasn't at least one 55 failing in the most obvious ways. every single game feels like a pre- 2.0 lowbie match. and matches are still dominated by guild teams. the skill ceiling has just dropped. it is, however, more 'balanced' faction-wise. both sides plagued by incompetence. 4 'average' players pre-transfer are now all-stars. It's beyond rage though. it's actually pretty funny. :D


(of course, it also means I can never leave a node again :( )


They definitely stand out more lately and I've been seeing a lot of 22k/23k players in 55's the last few days. I mean geez, you literally have to TRY to get that low of stats with bolster.

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They definitely stand out more lately and I've been seeing a lot of 22k/23k players in 55's the last few days. I mean geez, you literally have to TRY to get that low of stats with bolster.


This is on every server. For the most part its almost always someone wearing pre 1.2 pvp mods (BM, Centurion Or Champion) They don't realize how much that is gimping them. I see it all the time on The Bastion, and no matter how many times I try and explain to them not to do this....they just don't listen. The rest of the time its someone putting 1 pvp mod in a piece of gear and then having that piece of gear not get bolstered.


The Bastion

Rellik - Jenna'syyde - Crackroxx

Edited by rlamela
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the skill ceiling has just dropped. it is, however, more 'balanced' faction-wise. both sides plagued by incompetence. 4 'average' players pre-transfer are now all-stars. It's beyond rage though. it's actually pretty funny. :D


This this this


I've played about 4 games here on my Merc since I transferred, and every single time I got top dps. there is no way a Merc should be topping the damage charts back to back to back to back. Kinda frustrating, but it makes me glad I left.

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Lol... Hey I like being an all star now.


It's definitely a lot harder to carry now. DPS is a lot lower across the board judging by the way my fresh 55 op can tank all the way to the goal with out rolling in huttball. People not even node guarding but getting only 40k damage in NC, etc...


Pot5 has better players but I'm confused by the play style sometimes. They just seem to zerg zerg zerg, never mind defending nodes. So easy to take off nodes there. I could see if they were smoking us in kills, then they could say "oh it's just for fun" but that's not happening either. Looked like imps were throwing matches, last night.

Edited by ace_boogie
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This this this


I've played about 4 games here on my Merc since I transferred, and every single time I got top dps. there is no way a Merc should be topping the damage charts back to back to back to back. Kinda frustrating, but it makes me glad I left.


I shed tears most games, simply no dps.

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Awwwwwwe! I didn't realize that some old Shii-Cho players remembered us! This made me smile a lot, and I'm glad that we make your warzones fun =]. I try my hardest not to get killed =p, cause I gots to keep the group alive! Thanks for the sweet words, it really made my day today ;). We run premades usually every night, and if you guys want to check us out go to our website :p
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Oh oh, I remember BSW back in the shii-cho *****es... oh yeah... Barbie Girl and Vois for the win.


Barbiegirl was the GL of Malice, she wasn't ever in BSW. However, we did run premades with Malice a lot back in the day on Shii-Cho. Most of their members are in uncensored now though =[. Vois server transferred to Pot5(I believe that is where Uncensored went), so you'll see him there with Uncensored =p.

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Glad your still around. I just recently came back myself. I remember trying dps you down with no success (there was a post to go along with it on the old forums). Hopefully you queue more often since there is a firepit with your name on it :p.
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Glad your still around. I just recently came back myself. I remember trying dps you down with no success (there was a post to go along with it on the old forums). Hopefully you queue more often since there is a firepit with your name on it :p.


But I don't wanna die in fire! :eek:

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