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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Kicking from group...?

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Grumbles. Grumbles everywhere.


Yet again today we were almost done and the tank (guardian) had been needing on multiple pieces of aim gear that our healer needed (and said so many times in party chat). After another boss was killed and another piece of aim gear was needed on, I initiated a kick.


Well, it failed. The other dps stopped the kick because he just wanted to get it done. BUT the tank (the ninja) initiated a kick (because ... revenge kick?) and it was somehow immediately accepted (the dps and healer weren't given an option to vote against it..?) and I was removed from the group near the very end. Being deployed, I have minimal time that I can play during the week and then having it all be wasted when I try to do the daily/weekly is highly frustrating.


This vote to kick system is beyond aggravating and I don't get why it is set up the way it is. *SO* frustrating. And just 'ignoring' people isn't a long-term fix. The system shouldn't enable people to be awful. A vote to kick should initiate a vote to kick and you need x votes for it to go through, not "hey you're being kicked now unless people know how to say no'.


you should pm healer and other dps first, never initiate a vote kick on a tank if you are not sure you can win it. why? cause next one can come in 20 minutes or later :rolleyes: while waiting for DPS takes less time then my loading screen on a ship.


if things were for healer, he should initiate a vote kick, and vote from healer would kick that tank.

also, I have a feeling you missed something out of that story :rolleyes:

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I actually didn't leave anything out. o_o The dps even felt bad and sent me some purple 55 gear as an apology for what happened cause he felt bad. =P


But ya, I guess acting on people having poor behavior shouldn't happen because a system allows for easy retribution. :rolleyes:

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I have to say i must be one of the lucky ones i was kicked out of a group a long time ago for being a complete noob and not only being a noob but thinking i knew best. apart from that i have never been kicked out of a group for the things you guys are taking about. i generally find it to be a good experience (touch wood).
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That's the biggest of all possible offences, it takes you away from the normal kill order the dps have to do: Boss -> Champion- > Elite -> Strong -> Normal -> Weak
I am going to assume you are joking, but the reason we have the ability to kick is for dps that practice that kill order.
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That's the biggest of all possible offences, it takes you away from the normal kill order the dps have to do: Boss -> Champion- > Elite -> Strong -> Normal -> Weak

(If you even have to bother with the last two, the healer is doing a bad job, because he should have killed them by the time you killed the stronger mobs)



Wow tanks must hate you.


In my experience, DPS should focus down Weak -> Normal -> Strong -> Elite -> Champion.




For every mob the DPS kill, it's one less that the tank has to hold onto. It's FAR easier for a tank to jump in and hold the biggest baddest of the group, while the DPS pick off the weaker mobs fast, then everyone focuses on the Elites/Champion.


That is like... DPS 101

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I kick a lot of people from groups. Here are my top 5 reasons:


1) DPS queues as tank, to queue pop faster, without sufficient points in tanking tree or appropriate gear.

2) DPS queues as healer, to queue pop faster, without sufficient points in the healing tree or appropriate gear.

3) Loot ninja needs on everything.

4) Coming into the FP and going AFK

5) Being a jerk to the other people in the FP


I never kick people for being bad, to hoard loot, because they haven't run it before, or not space baring.

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Wow tanks must hate you.


In my experience, DPS should focus down Weak -> Normal -> Strong -> Elite -> Champion.




For every mob the DPS kill, it's one less that the tank has to hold onto. It's FAR easier for a tank to jump in and hold the biggest baddest of the group, while the DPS pick off the weaker mobs fast, then everyone focuses on the Elites/Champion.


That is like... DPS 101


Agreed.... AOE down little mobs first or if no AOE single target them. They tend to be the ones going after the healer since if there is no DPS on them it is much harder for the tank to hold them causing the healer to get aggro from heals. This is especially important if you have a Guardian/Juggernaut tank with more limited group aggro abilities.


The kill order of course gets modified situationally. Non-CCed healer mobs go down first unless there is some very situational need to take something else down.


DPS that insist on ignoring the little guys to get the "big guy down" deserve a vote kick.

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Wow tanks must hate you.


In my experience, DPS should focus down Weak -> Normal -> Strong -> Elite -> Champion.




For every mob the DPS kill, it's one less that the tank has to hold onto. It's FAR easier for a tank to jump in and hold the biggest baddest of the group, while the DPS pick off the weaker mobs fast, then everyone focuses on the Elites/Champion.


That is like... DPS 101


so many high level alts, so little understanding of a joke. see he made ';):D' - that's your first clue.

Edited by Atramar
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so many high level alts, so little understanding of a joke. see he made ';):D' - that's your first clue.

Too true, some people just can't get sarcasm - there is almost always someone who takes it seriously and responses in indignation, even when the text is completely tongue in cheek.

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The only time I vote kick is if a player is not specced for their role, or just doesn't play their role (once had a healer, in heal spec who just dps'd never healer). The only time I have ever been kicked is when a healer who was the same class as me didn't want to fight me for loot. He said "Either we kick her or I leave and you wasit for another healer" and the people in the group argeed! :(
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The only time I vote kick is if a player is not specced for their role, or just doesn't play their role (once had a healer, in heal spec who just dps'd never healer). The only time I have ever been kicked is when a healer who was the same class as me didn't want to fight me for loot. He said "Either we kick her or I leave and you wasit for another healer" and the people in the group argeed! :(


That's the time when I say "You can leave and I will swap gear and specc so we won't have to wait that long :cool:"


PS: To kick someone because he got loot (ninjalooting is excluded here) is a very douchy move

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That's the time when I say "You can leave and I will swap gear and specc so we won't have to wait that long :cool:"


PS: To kick someone because he got loot (ninjalooting is excluded here) is a very douchy move


I would have re-speced, but I don't have field spec, and I don't like healing on my Op. The healer did PM me after saying it was nothing personal, but as he was healer he was the group leader and if I had offered to pass on all cunning gear, he would have let me stay. I just replied with a "How kind of you" and then /ignore

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I would have re-speced, but I don't have field spec, and I don't like healing on my Op. The healer did PM me after saying it was nothing personal, but as he was healer he was the group leader and if I had offered to pass on all cunning gear, he would have let me stay. I just replied with a "How kind of you" and then /ignore


oh dear. what a douche... glad I'm on different server not to meet him ever. on that note, I mostly do FPs with my healers or tanks , so woulnd't happen any way.

Edited by Atramar
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I hate kicking people, but lately I have been doing three man runs of the lower flashpoints with friends. We pug for the weekly, and so people actually have a chance to join a group.

Someone who only uses one attack sitting at range from everything, while pulling before my tank buddy? Kicked

Any form of ninja, kicked. I always ask why someone rolled need, no response gone. Roll need on something that someone actually needed, kicked with no explanation.

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Roll need on something that someone actually needed, kicked with no explanation.


That's something I would never do, when I kick someone I always try to speak to the person, when there is no response or some douchy one I initialize the kick.

(One can misclick once and if he hands the item over there is no problem)

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I'm not doing FPs anymore, because I fear that I mighht get kicked for a reason I just don't understand.



I got kicked out of a Hammer Station 55 once on my Mercenary, for taunting off the tank.


Just read that and think about it for a minute.

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I'm not doing FPs anymore, because I fear that I mighht get kicked for a reason I just don't understand.



Then you should ask them for the reason and improve based on the answer

Not doing fp's will never solve the problem of getting kicked.

Try to turn your fear into something useful to yourself it will not be easy but you can succed if you listen to other people and ask if you don't understand something.

(You can PM me in German or English as well if you don't want to have it put out in the forum for everybody to be read)


/sarcasm fail.... *sigh*


Now I feel like Sheldon Cooper.


We all fail at detecting sarcasm once in a while, so you just explained what my post said to the people who always have problems with sarcasm :D

Edited by Never_Hesitate
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I got kicked out of a Hammer Station 55 once on my Mercenary, for taunting off the tank.


Just read that and think about it for a minute.


Always funny when this happens (not the kicked part, but the blame on taunting). Occasionally it is true, I've had shadow dps taunt off me because they thought they were helping.



I've yet to be kicked from a group, but if I kick someone it tends to be for ignoring the group, refusing to change bad behavior they are called out on (ninja looting, purposely pulling mobs without reason), or an overall bad attitude. I've kicked both healers and tanks (I play a healer or a tank depending on who I'm on) and finished the run with a companion because they did something the group was not willing to tolerate.

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Tell that to my Dark V Jedi Sage......


He's not allowed to do that, that's why in beta the Jedi Knights who were Dark sided (or choose the dark side option at the end of chapter 3, I don't know which one it is) did not recieve the title "Master" they got "General" instead :p

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