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Let loose the art bunnies...


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Playing games always inspires me to do fan art , so I guess it was only a matter of time before I'd start to work on some SWTOR art, too - and boy, this was fun! :)




The first character art is for my Imperial Agent, prowling the roofs of Kaas City with her faithful companion Vector. The background with the Citadel is an actual game screenshot, everything else was created using Carrara 3D and Photoshop. I really love the design of Dromund Kaas, both the city and the jungle areas are very pretty.

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Wow! This looks incredible. =>


Dromund Kaas is one of my favorite areas too, especially the city part. Love how you captured the overall feel of the area. I also enjoy how your characters look, too. I have yet to get Vector with my Imperial Agent character (but then again, I have yet to get off of Hutta entirely!), but he looks fantastic.


Lovely work! Hope to see more from you again at some point.

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Wow! This looks incredible. =>


Dromund Kaas is one of my favorite areas too, especially the city part. Love how you captured the overall feel of the area. I also enjoy how your characters look, too. I have yet to get Vector with my Imperial Agent character (but then again, I have yet to get off of Hutta entirely!), but he looks fantastic.


Lovely work! Hope to see more from you again at some point.


Thanks - I'm really glad you like it, and that you think I did the city justice! I have a lot of fun playing my other toons (a Marauder and a Scoundrel), so I bet there'll be more fan art at some point.


And I hope you'll keep having fun with your agent - you still have a lot of great characters to meet and a really cool story to explore, so enjoy! :)

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Oh...my .... god. That is beyond gorgeous. That is literally one of the best fanarts I've ever seen. Wonderful job! Can't wait to see more! (This might have to be my new wallpaper if it fits my screen resolution...)


Thanks, blindxsecrets - that's one hell of a compliment, and I'm so glad you like it! :o

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ArtBunny you are one of the best SWTOR artists on earth!


I love Vector's Staff, it looks almost like a Gree VibroStaff or something.


And your Agent's chestpiece is to die for! Is there one like that in-game, sort of like a corset? I know there are white Agent chestpieces in-game but I'm more interested in the shape and texture of her chestpiece.

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Thanks a lot everyone for your kind comments - your feedback is very encouraging, and I'm happy to hear that it even fired up your own imagination! :)


@AshlaBoga: I took a bit a bit of a creative license with my Agent's outfit - I found some nice, fitting bodysuits for her to wear, even in white, but the more corsetlike look of the middle piece is purely artistic. But I haven't checked all available outfits for the IA, so who knows? There might be a nice Legacy or Social Item set that comes close to this... I have to investigate! ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I pooped(not really) a little when I saw this. I didn't but I couldn't think of anything else that would appropriate show how much I am in shock of this. Amazing. /cry. To the point I actually went to the URL in the image.



I would kill to see you do the:



Scene where the Jedi Knight meets and later fights) Scourge and the Emperor at the end of act 2.


Edited by Magnusheart
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I think I pooped(not really) a little when I saw this. I didn't but I couldn't think of anything else that would appropriate show how much I am in shock of this. Amazing. /cry. To the point I actually went to the URL in the image.



I would kill to see you do the:



Scene where the Jedi Knight meets and later fights) Scourge and the Emperor at the end of act 2.


:D Thanks!


And regarding your idea of drawing

a battle featuring the JK and Lord Scourge

... that would be a real challenge. I'll think about it!


That is so many levels of awesome, how do you even art?


I mean, the floating neon light sign!


Thanks Tatile, glad you like it! As for the neon sign, Photoshop is your friend here. I used a free Aurek-Besh font for the letters and then used different layer styles to get this effect. Glad to hear it works! :)

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Another fan art, this time featuring my Sith Warrior force-choking a random Imperial on Korriban:




She just finished her class story, and I had a blast playing her. Once again, all the characters were posed and rendered in 3D and then postworked in Photoshop. The background is a slightly altered in-game screenshot of Korriban.

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Oh my gosh, these are both amazing. I can't wait to see more!!!


Do you take requests? I've been dying to see my Sith Warrior and Quinn together. Or Vette/Corso.


This, so much this. I'm writing a Fan Fiction (can't post on the forums, too adult) about the Female Maurader and would LOVE some professional art to attach to it. :D

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This time, I did a fan art of the Chiss Mercenary of a guildie of mine, carrying the title "Vengeance will be mine!". The background is once again an in-game screenshot of Dromund Kaas. Everything else is Carrara 8 Pro and Photoshop. :D

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Another SWTOR-inspired art, this time a bit darker than the others:




This was based on a RP session on the Progenitor, and let me say that life as a Republic prisoner in an Imperial organization is not easy when a Sith Lord takes an interest in your mind, and then tries to manipulate it. :D

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